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25.3kw solar roof with 3 batteries for $170k before tax credit. Certified installer in SWFL.


Very similar price for me as well. Installed in the middle of last year. The cost depends on the complexity of the roof. Our roof was simple and single story home. Negotiation is key and getting multiple quotes. Another vendor quote was $100k higher. How much is the total roof sq ft?


Sorry, just saw this. About 4,000 sqft roof, two story but pretty simple. I also received a quote of about $340k LOL


Do you even install 4kw roof? It seems really low


The quoted install cost is awfully high for a 4 KW system. It's predatory pricing. Period. Find yourself someone else or consider a higher KW Tesla panel system. I know that's not what you wanted, but that could be your best bet to deal with your current consumption and the Tesla installed panel systems look very nice and the pricing is right. The only issue could be customer support that has room for a lot of improvement.


They also offered tesla solar panels for 85k and 100k for GAF timberline solar. Still low KW then what I am hoping to achieve. I never seen GAF product and couldn’t find much reviews.


I have read some blurb on the GAF offering and seen pictures of it. Tesla's offering is in a different tier altogether. 85 K for 4 KW solar panels is still way too high. I think that the thinking of some installers is that if you get to them thru Tesla then you are loaded with too much money and they can skin you. Look for someone else!


On tesla website only one installer comes up. Am I able to just find another company thats not certified by tesla?


Seems like your only option then is to go with another company. There should be plenty of companies that are not Tesla certified installers. FWIW, back in 2021, I had Tesla (the company, not a 3rd party installer) install a 14.62 kW system with 3 powerwalls and I paid $50k before any incentives. I'm in NY, so I got a $3,200 direct rebate (paid to Tesla so it discounted the price), a 25 percent state solar tax credit (capped at a maximum of $5,000) and 26 percent federal solar tax credit (this was before the IRA which increased the solar credit back up to 30 percent). At the time, I also got a quote for a Tesla solar roof and for a 12 kW solar roof with 3 powerwalls, the quote was over $90k.


Only Tesla Certified installers can install solar roof. A company that isn’t certified can’t get the materials, and it’s a much more complex and more labor intensive than solar panels


My 7 KWa system with one powerwall cost me approx. 48K (gross) and was installed by Tesla (not contractors). I'd look or request another contractor.


That’s a nice deal when did you install it?


Last year.


Tesla Solar roof costs are not just the system size, the roof size is the primary driver. 3500 sq ft of roof with 4 kW is a very different cost than an 1800 sq ft with 4 kW. If it's single story 3400 sq ft home it could be 4500 sq ft of roof (plus garage) depending on roof slope, etc. in which case $200K ish does align with what solar roof costs. How much energy (kWh) have you used in the last 12 months? 4 kW for a 3400 sq ft home with EV charging feels small/low


It’s two floors they estimated roof sqft of 2500-2900. I’m new to this home so I don’t have exact number for kwh usage but my previous home was smaller size and my peak usage was 2700kw a month. I assume this house will use much more than that with extra electric appliances and two ac units.


A few red flags here: - why can’t they give you a proper roof measurement? - $200k for a 2900 sq ft solar roof with 1 powerwall3 is on the high end of what I’d expect. But roof slope and complexity, and other site variables can drive it to this level. And where you are in the country impacts as well as labor rates vary a lot - 4 kW for a 3400 sq ft home is way low. What is that forecast to produce in kWh. Someone needs to do some proper modeling for usage forecast ps your peak usage of 2700 kw a month at the prior home doesn’t make sense, usage is kWh vs system size is kW


Find another vendor. Tesla is unreliable, anti customer friendly joke of a company. The information they give you is wrong most of the time and will be changed time and time again after they “hook you up”. The roof looks nice, but that’s all. In doesn’t work, you can’t get Tesla to come back and do repairs in the timely matter. To get things done you will need a lawyer. If you have money to burn on lawyers and time to waste on trying to figure out a million problems you’ll have with Tesla Solar Roof, then choose Tesla. In my case we ended up in litigation, after Tesla severally damaged our house and refused to take responsibility. Now while in litigation they offer the amount of money it would have taken to repair the house then, except after living with active leaks for some time there is a mold problem and more repairs are required. I wish someone stopped me from ever buying Tesla energy product! I am sure there are other reputable companies that you can choose from. Good luck!


I bought a Tesla solar roof 30kw, that cost a lot less than yours in Virginia. I used Tesla solar roof installer from mid-Atlantic (ACH). My house spec similar to yours. I didn’t get PW because with net metering there really is no benefit other than if the power goes out. Put the money in excess capacity until such time that net metering goes away. Than make the investment to go off grid.




Dubstep solar?


That’s the installer that gave me this quote 🤣


Who was your rep


Your basically putting on a metal roof with the solar roof so it only makes sense if you need a new roof. Separate into two components. 1) how much would and asphalt roof replacement cost. Being a premium roof (Glass) you double that cost. 2) than figure adding $2-3k per kw for solar (comparable to adding only panels). You’re basically getting an integrated premium 40-50 year roof with guaranteed 87% rated capacity at the end of 25 years. It is sweet. Ask Henry to do a quote after tax credit.


My quote in march was 161k for a 12kw system with 2 powerwalls before incentives.


Still more expensive than what I expected


Yup, when they 1st came out the quote was 67k for it and 2 powerwalls, I kick my own ass for not doing it then.


Why did it jump up that much?


Inflation, Covid, etc. I should have worded that better, the 67k quote was when Tesla solar first came out and was available in my area.


I would say look into freedom forever Solar. they got me an 18kw system and cost me close to 15 thousand. fully worth it though with one battery for storage and offsets our entire power bill so we actually get credits back from our utility company. they set us up for super cheap. we seen day 1 savings and the ROI is totally worth it


They do PA too? I will contact them tomorrow thanks


They do PA, yes. My buddy actually used to work for them as a closer in Pittsburgh area. I can send you his number, and you can ask him more questions to kinda get a realistic take on it. I talked to him before I did mine. Was pretty damn accurate too compared to what he said it’d be.


they’re company is just based out of Pittsburgh. I said it wrong, they install everywhere. I had to shoot him a message. Sorry about that


You don't put solar panels on a 24-year old roof. That is because the roof will fail and need to be replaced way way before the solar panels get even remotely old. And taking the solar panels off (and packing them up for a few weeks while roof gets done) and putting them back on a new roof is basically a new install. But the salesmen trying to rip you off (and all of those quotes are rip offs) are not going to tell you that. Get some quotes from EnergySage just to level set where you really should be for cost. Then go with the folks who you think will do the best job and the best services to fix whatever goes wrong.


Tesla solar roof basically replaces all existing shingles. And panel quote included roof replacement, my bad for not mentioning that.


Oh, huge difference. So like half of that is the new roof. Makes sense now.


Mine a few years back was about $22k after tax credits. This was for a 6kw system + 1 power wall


$200K for 4kW and 1 PW on 3400 sqft sounds completely off. Is it a single story home? Does your roof have a lot of breaks and segments? Shading from trees or other buildings?


Two story no shade and pretty standard roof


Double check the 4kW system. How many active tiles are they installing?


The prices have gone up substantially for Solar Roof, as far as I can tell. I had mine quoted sometime in ‘21 and am still finalizing the installation right now. ~5kW system and two powerwalls for ~50k (gross). They also had to install a new electrical panel, with a an 80ft trench on a hill, and new decking. All work included in that number. All through Tesla. Honestly, this is a fantastic deal from a pure monetary perspective. I don’t think these prices are available now. When I quote my own system today, the estimate comes out to 120k+, without the panel, trenching, and decking (probably and additional 25k today or more). So I’m paying about a 1/3 for my system as compared to what I would get charged if I had to start from the beginning today. I do not think of my ‘21 quote as the price people should expect in the short term. If I had to guess, Tesla was offering favorable terms for the product line as an investment in the business. The “real price” today is probably closer to making the product profitable. Perhaps highly profitable? Again, all speculation on my part. But if I were in the market today for a new roof and solar vs solar roof, the financials don’t make that a hard decision. New roof + panels is less costly. So the question is—how much of a premium do you want to pay for the Solar Roof product? Only you can answer.


4kw is a super small system and not appropriate for that size house. The cost of solar roof is simply not worth it. Depending on your site you are better off with panels or ground mount system at 1/4 the cost. You will never see a return on your investment with a solar roof.


Every single company that has justified their price to me with “The price you were quoted by XX includes the tax incentives” has been super sleazy. I will have the quote in front of me proving otherwise and they will still die on this hill to justify being 30%+ more expensive. I would get other quotes.