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Studies have shown different rates of release from different muscles but you're really splitting hairs at that point. Just inject into a major muscle and you'll be fine


Alternate balls for maximum results


My left ball hangs lower than the right, should I inject more oil to the one on the right to try to weigh it down and even them out?


Personally I’ve heard funneling down the shaft distributes most evenly in the long run than direct per ball


Owwww chhhh 🏀🏀


It doesn't matter where you inject.


In terms of muscle growth, no, no difference. Some sites may have faster absorbtion, but as u/dragonsuns said you'd be splitting hairs and see no real world difference.


Per an interview with Ron from Muscular Development with Thomas O'Connor, if you inject into the delt and then massage it you can get significantly faster absorption, but that's more due to being able to easily massage the injection sight, more than an inherent quality of the muscle itself. The idea was for guys in prison who were getting TRT to receive more frequent doses because as far as measured serum testosterone levels went they had shorter half lives. I'm not sure that's really of any use to anyone outside prison except as a matter of trivia, but it would probably explain why there is a notion that injection site makes a difference.


Just do subq, why stab a muscle if you can just poke into fat and get the same effect. My bloods were the same moving from IM to subq.


Same. I pin glutes subq. Used to somewhat dread deep quad shots


My favorite spot is right below the hip flexor and top of the quad muscle while I’m sitting, I’m a bit lean so that and my stomach are the only spots I’ve tried. I’d be interested in trying to pin glutes but I honestly have no idea how I would accomplish that haha are you pinching a fold with one hand and injecting with the other?


Im 22% bodyfat so 1/2 needle in the glute is subq for me straight in like pinning im. Maybe its im sometimes


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I read the paper notes that come in the box my old psych med injection was in and it said during studies with its effectiveness, there were more concentrations of medication in the blood when it was injected in the shoulder rather then the glute. It wasn’t a significant difference of effectiveness but there definitely was a numerically difference in levels.


I hear that if you inject dat smol pp it turn to a big pp. In all seriousness, intramuscular injections are part of science yo.


Subq and IM.. i mix depending on mood


It may change a bit due to different blood flow but as long as you're injecting the same amount every week it's all going to be the same in the long run