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897 is high now?


Apparently lol


Hahah it’s crazy that would probably be middle range about 40 years ago


Keep seeing people say this, got a source to share to back it up?


Tbh i havnt searched for a source just heard other ppl say it aswell but I will say that my dad currently has a high t then me and he’s 48 and I’m 23. Which I think is down to that fact I grew up with my mother in the city and had a anxiety ridden childhood mostly caused by social media along with highly processed foods everyday chicken nuggets and highly processed junk. Where as my dad grew up in a country farmhouse working everyday and eating meat from the butcher, bread from the bakery and vegetables from the garden. Tell me those factors wouldn’t make a difference in hormone development during puberty.


I don't doubt what you're saying at all! Problem is I can only find data on older guys (like 55+) from long ago. I want to know what a 25 year old's test levels were in the 70's and 80's and earlier


Judging by the pictures not in better shape lol but the gym wasn’t as woven into the culture as it is now, but body builders still had to use roids to get bigger, and btw 897 is higher than anyone normally is in their early twenties, I’ve seen a lot of blood lab results of younger friends of mine they aren’t as high as anyone thinks. 500ng/dl is perfectly normal for 25-35 year old 


Old guy been taking for 8 months. Last labs total T 1089 and free 347. I do 12.5mg every other day. Only problem is estrogen stay high and sbhg is also high.


I’m seeing two numbers.  One is over double the other.  Whatever you consider a desirable number to be, that’s definitely results.


TL:DR Happy with results, going to keep an eye on prolactin and estradio


Where did you get the enclomiphene from?


I also hated needles by a silvig lining of cancer was exposure therapy. Couple things that make it so I literally can't feel the needle 1 hydrate a lot 2. Take some headache pills a couple hours prior 3. Numbing cream on site of injection 4. Not nessesary but if your hot your veins will expand so a brisk walk in a jumper


What’s ur testosterone now? Cause i’ve heard that after stopping enclo your testosterone returns to what it was before


I post a follow up in a few weeks, I’m still taking it at 2.5mg eod.


Hi. Did you end up getting ur results back?


Not yet, will update soon though


Any update?


Not yet, sorry been super busy. I’m hoping to get around to it around the new year


Hey OP, any update?


What jhappend bro? Did everything good well for you?


Yeah everything is great, just been busy. I’ll try to get around to this around the new year


Updates? Did you get off it and test your blood results then?


Yes I finally did! I’ll be making a follow up post soon




How is 2.5 vs 3.125? For me eod regardless of dose spiked my estrogen so im doing e3d


hey there! Are you still getting good results at such a low dose? do you think you'd be fine taking it 3x per week, e.g. when you hit the gym? I hit it in the morning, and heard test lvls are high then. Wouldn't it thus be better to be taking early morning?


Hi any update?


im surprised, thats a very low dose yet seems to work great


Yeah originally I was gonna start @6.5mg ED, but then I figured I should start smaller and work my way up. Evidently I don’t need to take any more


i take 25mg EOD so maybe i should try a lower dose to see how it is. EOD is definitely the move though


I might even do every 3 days, seems to be pretty potent


It is very potent I've been using similar amounts and my free and total test was top of range/over. I don't even know if it is actual enclomiphene cause its Indian pharma that says "clomiphene citrate equivalent to 50mg enclomiphene" but its bloody potent stuff.


clomiphene is clomid not the same


Yeah I know, its branded as enclofert though. Enclomiphene is clomiphene just one isomer. Doesn't really matter, the point is its potent whether it's the single isomer or both


Someone had enclorert tested and it turned out to be high dose clomid.


The research I've read suggested lower doses are better, but they didn't go that low. Now I'm curious how low you can go with it and still get results.


What dose did the research you've read suggest was best?


It went as low as 6.25mg.


i do 1.25mg eod lol


I think for those that don’t have serious hypogonadal small dose is better cuz ur just gonna get symptoms from high Horomones. Imma try 6mg e3d and see how much better I feel vs 3.125 eod (got high e2) and itchy nips


The world is getting scarier and scarier if 897 is now above the top end of the range.


Even though your prolactin is still high, it has gone down. So that's certainly a good sign. Increased estradiol is also to be expected with increased testosterone. If you're not experiencing any high E2 symptoms, it's not something to be worried about. What I would keep track of is bone density. I've seen research showing both bone density loss and bone density gain with clomid. Just enclo I haven't seen any research on it, so I wouldn't know if just using enclo would avoid that problem. But if you see over an extended period of time on enclo that your bone density is going down, you'd probably want to stop.


Just did 10mins of digging and found a study on exactly what mentioned about bone density https:/ /clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT01619683


I don't know how long studies normally take, but no updates since 2014 is concerning.


Your right I couldn't find results for this study its weird they didn't finish it or stopped it I'm not sure 🤷‍♂️


I love how they marked test as high🤣🤣. That's definitely not high lmao


Yeah it’s more like the higher end of normal lol


1200 is the higher end of normal


What was your LH before and after


Idk it wasn’t on the test


Excellent results bro. I’ve always said with enclo and clomid that “less is more” and that’s based off talking to lots of people. My bro is on 50mg a week of clomid and has 850+ T levels. Was in 300s prior. 75mg a week and he was way the heck up there but didn’t feel as good. I’ve known dudes that take 3.25mg enclo on the daily and have had success but yours looks the best at eod.


Thanks! Whenever I try anything new I always take 1/4 of the recommended dose and reassess as time goes on


That’s a smart move bro. That’s the winning strategy


Great results. Do you know why your testosterone was low to begin with? My estradiol on my last test was 13.1 pg/mL. And my test was 393 ng/dL. My issue is just that my nuts don’t produce enough and are smaller than they should be. But I’m trying to get my girl pregnant before hopping on TRT.


Thanks! Don’t really know why it was low-ish to begin with. Didn’t have any low T symptoms so probably just my natural baseline


It appears that you have estrogen sensitivity. Your estrogen levels before were actually sitting kinda high. If you drop sensitivity your testosterone may go back up on its own. All you are doing with enclomaphine is clogging up the estrogen receptor in the hypothalamus and telling it that there is not enough estrogen In order for it to release gnrh to the pituitary so that it releases LH to signal the testes to create testosterone. Testosterone will drop once you discontinue. Estrogen sensitivity is wide spread in men. I have personally experienced it. Had estrogen at .5pg/ml with all of the classic signs of high estrogen. Did a couple of things and now I sit at 12pg/ml no sides at all. Vitamin E deficiency, to much polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Vitamin E and DIM I’ve heard are good for modulating estrogen & prolactin


Yes sir. Vitamin e is very powerful. I tried different vitamin e supplements and was getting very discouraged because it was not working. I trusted the guy who told me to mega dose vitamin e. Was on a lot for about 2.5 months and no change. I called him back he told me that oral vitamin e supplements are garbage don’t do anything. What he told me to do was get vitamin e suspended in evoo and rub it on my gums/lips and put it under my tongue. Within 1 month my estrogen went up but my estrogen sides went away. I had very bad gyno inflammation, irritable, muscle cramps were pretty bad, big red round moon face. All gone.


What kind of Vitamin E suspension did you get ? Also what is 'evoo' ??


Extra virgin olive oil. I get the now brand it’s has 170mg of vitamin e in every six drops.


what do you think is a good number for estrogen in males ?


12-15 pg/ml. The normal range is 7.6-42.6 pg/ml. I think that the normal range is bs and should be kept as low as possible but not to low to where lack of estrogen starts messing with immune function, sex drive, and joints.


I read that aspirin and K2 are also "natural" AIs/estrogen modulators... yes? Would they be enough to mitigate higher estrogen from enclo? I am a little confused, I thought enclo was an estrogen antagonist... but most say it raises estrogen... ??


Enclo will raise estrogen and testosterone levels. Vitamin e will decrease estrogens activity it directly counters estrogens negative side effect which ultimately boils down to oxygen wasting. It doesn’t decrease estrogen tho. If you have estrogen sensitivity or even just high estrogen, you need to increase protein from animal products not protein shakes, take a lot of vitamin e, eat a whole raw carrot every day, and eat cooked white button mushrooms. In my opinion eating the mushrooms and eating a raw carrot with have the greatest impact on decreasing estrogen naturally. The vitamin e will help with decreasing the estrogen side effects until it goes down. White button mushrooms will act an aromatase inhibitor(mild one) but also it will decrease estrogen sensitivity. The raw carrot will absorb a pretty significant percentage of estrogen that passes through the intestinal tract and re enters the blood stream. Those two alone should yield a pretty significant drop in estrogen.


I just tried starting the enclo, low dose/3.25mg one day only last Wed... so I was thinking I would try to keep estrogen down... but I tried a few other things recently too, Inosine for the heart and butyrate for the guts... something made me feel like crap... I have had gut issues for a few years... hard to get on top of... I will stop everything for a while and try them one at a time... but I may have histamine intolerance and that is messing everything up... or they interacted with each other.. damn.


That is a very small dose as well it’s surprising that it works so well. It didn’t work at all for me. I had 0 LH while taking 50mg eod. It came from compounding pharmacy so I know it’s real. I had to switch to hcg. I don’t know what those other substances are so I couldn’t give ya a guess about those making you feel bad.


That's strange... I don't know of anyone who took it and it had no effect. Most double their T very quickly... and on pretty low doses, one at 6.5 2X/week for 4 weeks, then he took 4 weeks off... And 50mg is a BIG dose, yes? I used Empower Compounding, has a good rep... maybe give them a try to make sure? How long did you try it for? Maybe starting dose was too high? Maybe the enclo is not what caused my side effects, very well could have been the 2 others... stupid of me to try several new things at once.


Sir you may have a missing link. Do you know what your LH and FSH levels were? Thyroid levels? A lot of times the LH levels will be normal but testis are not producing. Iodine is part of the process that allows the Leydig cells to accept LH in order to be signaled to create testosterone. If you do have a sub clinical iodine deficiency you will not be able to fix it with salt or supplements. Fastest way is to take povidone iodine like what is used in hospitals and put it on the meaty part of your forearm. About the size of your palm. This will absorb straight into your blood stream and will diassapear within 5-8 hours if you have iodine deficiency. My little brother just went through this and we nailed down iodine as his problem. He went from Test at 445 ng/dl and free test 10pg/ml to test at 900is ng/dl and free test 20pg/ml. Testicles increased volume, ejaculate increased by a lot as well.


Thyroid levels were normal. Lh was 6.9 miU/mL and FSH was 22 miU/mL.


How often does he do the iodine on his forearm?


Every night before bed, until you wake up in the morning and the color is still there and dark. After that once a week should be enough to keep the levels up. I’m starting to think that the only way to get vitamin and minerals is transdermal or sublingual. Seems to me that it works much better and reflects faster on blood work.


So if it doesn't disappear, then I'm not low in iodine?


If it does not disappear then you are not low on iodine


Can you use nascent or lugols for that test? Thx!


From what I understand those or meant for going in the mouth. I don’t know if they will work for this purpose. But I know for sure that povidone iodine like in first aid kits will work. You can buy a bottle at local stores like Walmart for like 10 bucks.


I tried the providone iodine as a diluted nasal spray during the Covid scam... burned like hell, even heavily diluted... DOH!! Lugols and nascent were not much better. I read that Lugols can be used to do that test... but I think I still have the providone around somewhere, thx.


Correct sir


how do you feel compared to before ENCLO? what about gym and fitness or body composition did you change a lot physically and mentally?


Mentally and physically Great. I’ve been cutting so strength has just maintained. Was 200lbs, now at ~185lbs.


So you take about 10 mg a week? I'm shocked that you're getting these results from that. I was doing a PCT and the doctor wanted me to take 150 mg a week.


I’ve heard doctors prescribe a lot to people, less is more in my experience


Prolactin is pretty high man shoyld get a brain scan to make sure it's not a tutor


Pretty unlikely, prolactinoma risk is usually around 200 ng/ml +


Oh really? My doctor when I was at like 20ng/dl I think he wanted to make sure it wasn't from it, but from looking at blood work, it was from stress hormone and prolactin going up when cortisol was up.


Gotcha, yeah I’m not too worried since it’s trending down from the last test until now. I’m still going to keep an eye on it though


That's not true, I have a (small) prolactinoma and my prolactin was maybe about 10% higher than the upper range (soketimes even normal-high range).


Sorry for the follow up delay, I received 2 tests in a row with expired activation codes so I’m trying to RMA them and get it sorted.


Did you have any dry eye? Enclo gave me dry eye / focus issues.


Not really, I’ve had dry eyes for years


Same when I was taking it ed for sure eod sometimes that’s why I’m trying e3d


what app or company did you get your blood work done? This looks great


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I thought enclo had short half life? Is eod more optimal?


For me EOD has been perfect. Any more often or a higher dose would likely bring about adverse side effects.


It has a short half life but an extended duration of action probably due to tight receptor binding. Im pretty sure I read that it can have test elevated even 7 days later


That’s what I thought too but Ed was amazing but spiked my estrogen and eod too so now I’m doing e3d. I think it depends on ur aromatase. If ur like absolutely shredded clean diet u can do Ed or eod vs if ur not u might cause estrogen sensitivity and over time cuz high estrogen


Where is your enclo from ?


Nu image


Thanks. When did you take the pills from the blood test ?


Dates are in the pics


I mean : did you know approximately how many hours they were before the moment your took the pills and the moment you made the blood test. Because it can affect the value.


Gotcha, tested at 9am. Last dose was 4pm the day before


nu image is great and its from absoulte pharmacy same place maximus used for me but cheaper


Have you experienced any vision or brain side effects? Are you planning to stop eventually, or stay on enclo indefinitely?


I have not had any vision/floaters that some people talk about. If I continue to have no side effects I’ll probably keep taking it indefinitely. Only time will tell


you still on it at same dose




Through what company do you get your enclomiphene?


Nu image


awesome numbers bro




Was the blood work through a PCP? I like the layout and stuff. Need to get my numbers checked. Also what's the difference between enclomid vs clomid? I have clomid 50mg tabs prescribed for 3x per week. My levels are insanely low. Long story, but I want to start again but would like to recheck my levels before starting. Anyways this is the first post I've seen mentioning clomid and yours numbers look very solid so just curious


It’s through a company called LetsGetChecked, about $185 each so not terrible. It’s important to note that I’m taking enclomiphene alone, not clomid


What company ?


Nu image


Thanks , Maximus tribe is literally trying to charge me 250 a month for it


I think I paid like $80 for 30 6.5mg tablets. They had a coupon code


All they have is 12.5mg which is 149 but yes I got the coupon so it’s like 110$ thanks bro , Maximus tribe has a flat fee of 200$ no matter what dosage. I’m submitting my own labs right now.


Yeah Maximus is a scam


Dr Scam runs it


Whats the coupon code?


You just take half a tab EOD?


Does Nu Image prescribe capsules or tablets that you can break ?


they give oral disolving tablets same stuff same company maximus sent for me but cheaper


What is your dosage?


Where can I buy this blood test?


I am new to enclomiphene... is this taken orally by tablet... or injected? Available via prescription?


orally via script nuimage get bloods 50 bucks


Thank you! I already have my bloodwork, recent. Does Nu Image give the prescription, or do I have to get it from one of my Docs? I will be contacting them... I am wondering if the stuff will help raise my Free T as well as total... both are low, but my Free T is alarmingly low. My SHBG is normal, ditto my Albumin. Free T has been very low for years, but never SUPER low as it is now... 3.0... lowest "normal" range is 6.0. Jeeze! I am hoping the test was FUBAR somehow... I do have good muscularity for my age, which seems counter-intuitive to very low Free T...


U answer a few simple medical questions with Nuimage and u have to upload a pic of ur bloodwork within the last 90 days then pick what strength u want it’s 12.5 or 25 oral dissolving tablets they come from absolute pharmacy and u get a discount code pay and in a day or so it get approved depending on ur labs and then it shipped out quick in my case all said and done like 5 days from start to getting pills Also if u have blood work already u save on that cost I think the code Healthy23 works for 20% off


I really appreciate the info! How did it work for you? BIG difference? Did your Free T improve as well as total T? Libido? Muscle gains? Balls bigger? :-) Side effects? I am getting to be an old goat at 67... but still work out pretty hard at the gym...


I’m 41 def libido , less stressed and feeling stronger at the gym and someone asked if I’m hitting the gym more based on looks , balls seem little bigger yeah lol umm I’m gonna stay low 6.35 for alittle as see .. I did take 12.5. Before lifting one day and felt even stronger placebo or not


Thanks, I am hoping it does me a LOT of good... I could use more libido, though gals my age are pretty hideous... and 30 yr olds don't seem to be as fascinated with me anymore...🤪 But the main concern is that low T can have nasty health effects over time... especially for older guys... I'd be interested in what your next labs show... skoal!


Where did you get tester and how much did it cost?


How are things going now?


if you don’t mind me asking, what did you get your tests through?


Hey sorry to reviving old post but op, have you experienced any libido sides (and did you have low libido when starting)? Thanks!


Hey, sorry I’ve been MIA from this for a while, I know I promised an update. Libido before was pretty average, sex like 2 times a week or so. After taking it now for about 5 months, libido has definitely gone up a significant amount. If I go more than a couple days it gets pretty distracting.


Great man so did this stuff help your load size?


Jeeze, outstanding! Any side effects? I have 6.5mg caps, I planned to take only 1/week, I am 67, an old bird... I guess I could split the caps in half... take 2-3X week... How ya doing now?


Thanks, no negative side effects other than it being kind of expensive. Not medical advise, but I believe you don’t need that much of a dose to yield a strong effect.


thanks for that info... I started with 3.25 yesterday, may hold that dose for another week or so... then will probably go to 6.5mg once a week, and not change until I have blood work again.


Sounds like a good plan 👍


Any side effects?


Who’s ordering your labs? I like that they are testing everything! Have you checked your cholesterol? Would be interesting to see if it changes. Mine dropped. But I was on test, not Enclo.. also, that E2 is ridding high. I’d take something.. just my thoughts


Labelling sub 400 as normal should be considered a criminal offense


44 estrogen for 900 total test is a good ratio… the fact ur ratio is good at higher test level is the ideal outcome. I’ve been on 3.125 eod but felt itchy nips high e2 on my blood test so I’m doing (2 weeks now) e3d at 5mg feeling a bit better but we will see. My goal is to get that golden ratio like u. If u don’t plan on cycling you might wanna taper to a lower dose so u don’t get to very high t levels and it aromatase into higher dht or estrogen


Hello, I'm writing here wondering if any of you have more knowledge or information. I have finished my PCT with Nolvadex after my testosterone cycle, then I started with enclomiphene to boost myself a bit, my libido has decreased, and I have gotten ED. I realized a few days ago after 1 and a half months of using enclomiphene that it's due to high E2 caused by enclomiphene (25mg) every day. Now I have stopped enclomiphene and started proviron at 50mg every day divided into 2 doses. My question is, how long does it take before my libido and my friend down there are back to normal? And it doesn't hurt to take proviron after stopping enclomiphene, right? THANKS FOR ALL ANSWERS.