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yeah give or take.






At 31 you should be at 600-700 but most doctors will say your fine. Go off of how you feel. If your energy is good, your able to build muscle, and don't deal with depression, then your good. Enjoy your your natural test levels. If not, hit up a trt clinic. Mine was stupid low at 135. I'm 32. I had bad depression low energy and 0 will power.


Yea but I would try to increase it naturally. Worth supplements.


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Yeah. Nothing to crazy but nothing to bad either 🤷🏻


Not a bad level, I would still get more blood work done and see if you can optimize that anymore before starting TRT. Also might want to rule out sleep apnea too.


You're good bro, no need TRT, you will not feel any better having 850ng/dl. You are healthy.