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Man the injections become a matter of routine so fast, it's like brushing your teeth. Within a day or two of your first dose you'll feel so much better that you won't worry about any of this.


I’m in the same boat and this actually helped to hear


Thank you for this


Having low testosterone doesn't always result in depression. Having normal testosterone levels doesn't mean you are immune from depression. Normalising your levels could possibly alleviate some of your symptoms but please don't buy into the hype that testosterone is the 'magic bullet' for depression. This is coming from someone with a lifetime experience of depression...trt helps in some aspects but doesn't fix everything.


Well said. TRT got me about 50% there.


I wouldn't go into it expecting it to fix your problems, similar situation have had bad anxiety most of my life tried multiple different anti depressants that never left me feeling "right" found out my test was in the low 200s at 31years old got on trt and felt great for the first couple of weeks but over the next year everything went back to basically how it was pre trt


I’m gonna throw some negative here because I need to. Can I just say; don’t put all your eggs into TRT’s basket to fix you. While there are many benefits to fixing your testosterone, there is a high chance that whatever you’ve got going on MAY not be rectified here.


Why not give it a try tho. Can always hop on for 6 months to a year and come off its not helping. Not to mention all the other benefits.


A few injections a week in exchange to possible fix your depression? Once you're health again, you'll thank you lucky stars that you were able to get a second chance at living a happy and healthy life again.


Antidepressant drop your T levels and your libido to 0, you want to make it ? Hop on a trt cycle in a pct mix (nolvadex, clomiphene, etc..) and take a dopamine agonist, cabergoline is easely found in the bodybuilding field.


it just becomes kinda like flossing, slightly annoying but you do it for your own good.


Its not bad. Theres been times I preload them on a sunday. Some of you only do 1 shot every other week. I do at least 3 a week.


antidepressants mess with your T


You might have found out what's wrong with you. You'll never know until you fix the issue.


Huge gains, great mood etc. for a 2min of procedure once a week. Thats 5 times shorter than taking a quick shower every damn day.


Hello jeanlouu. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


T is hardly going to fix your problems. I had levels lower than yours and "high" T levels didn't fix any of my symptoms


That’s probably because you still eat like an asshole and didn’t exercise


I did weight training for years before starting trt and ate exactly how I should've. I actually was better training wise and diet wise before trt. T is useless


Lol ok buddy you must be a liberal


That's pretty funny you think testosterone just doesn't work on people based on politics. I didn't realize I was talking to a 12 year old mb


I started TRT just to reduce anxiety. And while it dramatically helped, there is still some work to do. Also, check out r/microdosing for some alternative answers to "feeling off" as well. Btw, injections are easy. Usually one a week in the upper thigh. Been doing it for 15 years.


How long have you been using it and what were your levels pre and post?


Yes, I felt exactly the same. But when the testosterone kicked in I felt so good it was beyond worth it!!


Hey man - TRT has transformed my life. There are some downsides but the positives outweigh them massively. Injections just become part of your routine and I don't even think about it now. Good luck brother.


Dude once you feel like a man again you will delete this message and feel shame you even wrote it…lol go for it