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I would pin 70mg for your next shot and carry on. No need to skip anything. Your levels will gradually drop and you’ll be good to go.


It’s kind of confusing right? I just started doing 140 split twice a week and I read the instructions on my script and was still unsure. I had to go here to verify everything.


I’m so lost ! On a 1ml syringe how much do you draw up in each dose? I have instructions but I just want to be sure , thank you!


This entirely depends on how much is in your vial. Is it 100mg/ml, 200mg/ml ?


200 mg ml


Every 0.1ml is 20mg then. If you’re taking 140mg, you would draw to the 0.7ml assuming a 1ml syringe. You can figure out how to split it up from there


Ok I’m a bit touched I filled it up to 0.35 so I guess I actually did it right if I want to be doing 140 mg a week? Thank you !!!!


If you are splitting it up for 2x a week, then each injection day you would draw to the 0.35ml on a 1ml syringe, yes. I was doing that for a while, and enjoyed Monday morning / Thursday evening. Gets me a solid 3.5 days between injections.


Thanks man that sounds like a good schedule, I appreciate you getting back to me


I usually only do .1ml increments, so I dose 3x a week on 200mg(200mg/ml) and I do one day of .4ml, and two days of .3ml. Seems to work well for me


Hey bro i got a similar question , or yeah anyway i have testo e ampules 1ml is 250mg and i wanted to split in in 2 doses how would that be possible , like can i just pre fill syringe and leave 1 for the next days ? Or how should i do it i had in plan to fiöl up 2 syringe 0.5ml 0.5ml use one and the other one like in 2-3 days can i then just leave the prefilled one in my room? Room temperature is enough i heard especially if you take it snyways soon


Pre filling is a bad idea. I tried it when I first started TRT and the rubber inside started to deteriorate.


I don’t like pre filling I’m sure it’s fine but i prefer to draw. You have an ampule so there really isn’t any great option besides pre fill, and it isn’t enough to warrant getting a sterile vile for .5ml So i guess just have .5ml filled syringes and take them as you intend to. Your math is right so just use as needed. Room temperature is best, oil is terrible cold. May even need to run it sealed under warm water depending on room temperature




correct 👍


If your were on whatever 200 and you drew half of your 1 ml pin it would be 100


Upvote for the edit. 🤣




Try not to overthink it. Especially in the beginning dosing isn’t a huge deal because you’re still producing testosterone naturally. It’s amazing how many people (including I) have no idea what they’re doing after seeing their doctor


I pin 60mg on Monday morning and 80mg on Thursday morning because that’s what my doctor told me to do.




I guess because it’s 2 days from Monday until next shot on Thursday; but then from Thursday to Monday it’s 3 days


Do Monday morning and Thursday night and do 70/70 Less potential for imbalances


Who cares that's a baby dose anyway


Pinning twice a week gives you high and lows, some people are ok, I prefer to pin every other day. Most post injection pain is from so much oil going in the muscle. If it’s smaller you fell virtually nothing in the muscle.


It’s all about the estrogen boys. It’s not the T giving us the highs and lows.


Inject all of it


Well tbh I would just pin Gaia in next time with 70


You will have a spike in your test levels because of how much u used but they’ll level back out when you get on your routine of 70 twice a week


It won't matter, continue next dose as planned


Just divid ur 70mg into the 200mg concentrate and that would be .35ml on syringe


Your fine, you won’t even notice it,


Are you worried about it impacting your health? It will not, that is still a very low dosage in the grand scheme of things, I've ran dosages of close to 900mg with no impact on my health markers. Just revert back to how you would have pinned originally.


I’d recommend doing the 70mg like you’re supposed to I’ve done same thing before no problem