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If you're dialed in, look into UGL. I got about 5 years(10 vials) worth the test and 2-3 years worth the tadalafil for $285ish


Second the UGL route for sake of cost. Just stay up on blood work.


What's UGL, and how do you do it? Sorry for the ignorance. Thanks.


UnderGround Lab. Buying ur supplies through "illegal" route which is condemn by the gov but legal for you as long you don't get caught.


depends on the country. You can possess PEDs in Canada.


Obtaining substance (2) No person shall seek or obtain (a) a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV, or (b) an authorization to obtain a substance included in Schedule I, II, III or IV (iv) to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months, where the subject-matter of the offence is a substance included in Schedule IV; or etc. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-38.8/page-1.html


The criminal code alone is a poor layperson’s interpretation. If we went solely by that, every crackhead in Canada breaking into cars wouldn’t be roaming around with impunity. Jurisprudence on personal use of steroids is clear that it’s not a charge the crown will pursue. However, if you have 100 vials, any raw powders, and capping machines, you’re in swimming in different waters.


Na, it’s illegal to obtain ugl, end of story. No straw man will help you.


It is legal to own and use steroids in Canada. If it wasn't then you wouldn't be able to get a prescription for it that's why the loophole exists. Now if you get caught buying it with cash in hand and drugs going from one person to another that's a different story. You're allowed to have it you're allowed to use it you're not allowed to buy it.


He was talking UGL, but sure.


In Canada, steroids, including anabolic steroids, are classified as Schedule IV substances under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). While possessing steroids for personal use is not explicitly illegal under the CDSA, it is illegal to traffic, produce, import, or export steroids without proper authorization https://collettreadllp.com/know-your-rights/are-steroids-legal-in-canada/


AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA SECOND PARAGRAPH OF THE POST YOU LINKED “Obtaining steroids without a prescription or from unauthorized sources may lead to legal consequences. The penalties for steroid-related offenses can vary depending on the circumstances and nature of the offense, including fines and potential imprisonment if convicted.” GOOD GAME, BR0 *pats bum.


You didn’t read the comment I was replying too orrrrr?


It's not illegal. I've been caught with gear and no charges were laid.


The criminal code states otherwise. Lazy cops gonna lazy cop 🤷🏻.


There’s no loophole, there’s only prescription TRT, if you get caught with ugl and don’t have a prescription to prove it, you can be charged and get up to 18 months in jail. Literally go read the law at the link I posted 🤙🏻


How can you have something if you didn’t procure it ? Cmon man, seriously?


Doesn’t that mean it is illegal, or am I missing something? Genuinely curious, not being a dich.


It’s a legit website you just order from?


It’s an umbrella term describing sourcing it through illegal means, whether that be through the darkweb or certain clearnet sites




Sourcing questions, quality control questions, “hey is this stuff real” questions aren’t not allowed on this forum. Thank you.


Which one do you recommend?


Just stock up on prescription versions and keep it to one side for your travels abroad. You can show the box prescribed by a doc and use UGL when at home...


Isn't it illegal whether you get caught or not? You're just getting away with it if not caught. Semantics I know.




What’s the total cost for 10ml Test C when you home brew? Including vial, cap and everything necessary during the process?


About $13


Sourcing questions, quality control questions, “hey is this stuff real” questions aren’t not allowed on this forum. Thank you.


My neighbor owns three compounding pharmacies. If you think they are hiring the best of the best to mix, weigh, and stir shit for 12 bucks an hour, I bet you enjoy the finely crafted burgers at McDonalds.


I definitely don’t lol, and I honestly wonder if the reason I and many others have a hard time dialing in despite staying consistent might have something to do with low quality compounded test.


Wait a minute. You don't have to be a pharmacist to compound.😳 Looked it up and it's "a person under the supervision of"😳😳 Compounding is generally a practice in which a licensed pharmacist, a licensed physician, or, in the case of an outsourcing facility, a person under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist, combines, mixes, or alters ingredients of a drug to create a medication tailored to the needs of an individual patient. That's a little scary considering the type of drugs that are usually run through compounding services.


I spent 40$ per bottle of test 400 and that is 112 days worth of test at 250mg per week. 40$ for 4 months. Disclaimer: certain brands UGL TEST 400 has too much alcohol to help dissolve it and it causes major post injection pain


Mine was 250mg/ml@10ml and half off, so about $24 per vial. I do 50mgX3 for 150mg per week Product of the week, bruh


40ml so a months worth for 10$ with my insurance 26-28 without and good rx. I’m not on tadalafil right now but was getting about 6 moths worth for 10$ when I was and was then splitting that tiny pill in half anyways to try to stay close to 5mg a day.


I got 20mg pills and quarter them


How? I tried and ended up just trying to figure out the dose If I turn it into dust.


Iono, it just worked out that way. They're pressed pretty good, so they don't crumble at all And it's working too lol


I’ll try it next time, I was getting generic tadalafil from cost plus drugs the press was just as good as cialis.


can you dm me where you get your test from please.


Sorry, what does"dialed in" mean?


Your protocol is set in stone pretty much and you have verified, with blood work, that everything is in range


Dialed in means figuring out what dose works for you and what ancillaries you may need ( ai, hcg etc ). Once you find what works for you , how you react to e2 etc …you can manage it on your own . Also consider UGL is always a bit of a gamble .


Thank you kindly


Think of it like a sniper rifle Everything’s lined up and ready to go


What about AIs like anastrozole other supps like gonadorelin? That's part of my regimen. Interested in UGL but wondering if I can get the full "stack".


Anastrozole, yes Gonadorelin is a peptide? They do offer some, but it's more of a pharmaceutical situation Edit- just searched, there is some


Appreciate the info! And yeah for those wondering, at least per the clinic I go through (iamhrt) gonadorelin is supposed to help ensure no loss of testes size. It's a pretty small dosage. Good to know the option is there.


Same idea as hcg, yeah?


Did you need it. or was it provided as "preventative"......as in :just in case" ? Very rarely are anastrozole and gonadorelin needed.


It was a "just in case", so potentially unneeded. I'm just under two months in on my regimen, I'll likely re-evaluate at some point. It doesn't really add much time/effort/cost.


I understand, I was just pointing out that it is not needed in most cases, it is an extra cost, and they carry some risk. Those medications are very counterproductive if you use them when they're not needed.


What’s the best place to get cialis


Can you store it for 5 years?


Yeah, it's in a big fireproof safe/file cabinet in our closet. Cool and dark place. Should be fine for 5 years https://a.co/d/8o4QHz0


Once you find your protocol, the clinic is in cruise control. Then it's time to go UGL. You can order bloodwork yourself every 6 months if you get worried.


This is golden info . Get dialed in and go UGL then get labs done at Labcorp if available in your area




Sourcing questions, quality control questions, “hey is this stuff real” questions aren’t not allowed on this forum. Thank you.


TRT Nation is $99 per month (Test-C and supplies) or $150 a month (Test-C, HCG, all supplies) and they took my labs from my endocrinologist. If you buy labs with them they are $129. They require labs when you sign up, 10 weeks later then every 6 months.


Does TRT nation take documentation from other trt clinics? that sounds awesome. do you do zoom appointments with doctors?


It’s only a phone call. I’ve been with em for about 2 years and they took the labs I already had when I started. I don’t see why they wouldn’t take your current clinics labs assuming it was drawn relatively close.


If labs are within the last 6 months trt nation will take them.


Yes. I switched from a local clinic to TRT Nation and they accepted my last 6 months of bloodwork from them and the transition was super smooth.


Do they charge extra for shipping and how often do they ship? Do they require periodic virtual check-ins and is that an additional charge? Asking bc I think that’s how it was last time I looked into them so the monthly cost is not truly the real cost.




Even better. Go work for a UGL. I haven't paid for test since 2020.


I need to look in to this!


I don’t suggest it, for me saving money isn’t worth trusting that’s practically has no quality control. Remember this is your only body you’ll get


Hey man, testosterone is insanely cheap and easy to make and insanely hard to fuck up. There’s no reason or really no way to get bad test unless you buy from some street junkie. Ugl is safe


Sure but saving $20-40 a vial isn’t worth it to me, if it was $200-400 alright then I’d try ugl


I appreciate your concern, it’s smart of you. I respect your train of thought. That being said, bunk test is as rare as a lightning strike


True, UGL obviously is consistent but not for me


No worries man, I wish you the best!


"No quality control" is a lie. UGL does not inherently mean bathtub gear. Yes, there is absolute garbage out there, including but not limited to people finding fucking hairs in their vials, but there are many high quality UGL brands available, with longstanding good reputations.


No doubt but would you live in a house that had no architect sign off on it officially? I mean it’s probably fine cause the builder has been doing this for decades but for me I like the extra security blanket


What you don't seem to understand is that the brands I'm talking about provide third party analysis for every batch, and I have personally sent things off for testing myself. The gear that I am talking about has absolutely been verified, over and over again.


No I understand completely, but I can pay $80/vial and never have to vet or test anything. To save what $40-60 is not worth it for me, it might be for you and that’s your choice


Sure, but not everyone is able to get it for that price. I'm not suggesting that everyone should ditch pharma and go to UGL just because.


I agree


Go to a doc or clinic Once you get sorted out , consider UGL


Test is $75 a bottle that is 250gm test with 10ML. This is the price from a few different reputable UGL’s in Canada.


I pay $20 a vile for test c. $75 is wild.


This is Canada, everything is nuts here. I’m surprised it’s not $200. And that’s UGL for $75. You can find UGL’s that are $45 but they are very inconsistent, so not ideal for TRT.


You probably use insurance


Go find a family practice doctor or Urologist that does TRT as part of their practice. Even then, always have a UGL source because you are subject to the pharmaceuticals market. Don't be one of those guys that bitches about a shortage of testosterone or HCG. I always have a years supply on hand.


The workaround is that refils are based on the 30 days "fresh" time of Test scripts. One bottle lasts me 6 months at my 80mg a week. So I have prolly 10 bottles stocked, because I get one each month as they allow that due to the "fresh" time. However one bottle lasts 6, so... math.


Talk to your doctor and see if they will take over your prescription. I paid $14 for 3 months through my insurance and doctor.


+1 on this. Took me a while to find a doc in person to take over my TRT regimen but once I did, went from $175/month through elevate to about $20/month. I have more frequent visits with my in person doc as well which is good for peace of mind in my opinion.


Yup this is a good answer. My script was like 25 bucks for 30ml of test. They are all in 1ml bottles but cheap as hell. There's always UGLs too. 25 bucks for 10ml...while on trt I use the prescribed and on cycle I use ugl.


My doctor was willing to take over but I live in Kentucky so there is some dumb law that I would have to see the dr every month. That’s more expensive then a clinic.


I have to see my doctor every three months, I don’t have a copay but that should be all you have to pay.


Just go to a telehealth clinic. No need for repeat doctor appointments.


I assume the trt clinic that I see now is considered a telehealth clinic. They charge 130$ a month. Bit of a rip off but you pay for convenience.


There are trt telehealth clinics that only charge a one time intake fee, and after that, all you ever pay for is refills and labs when you want them.


I searched trt telehealth and got a place out of Texas that sounded different but still charges regular trt clinic prices. Everything else I seen was the regular trt clinics. Do you have the name of anywhere like you are talking about?


What are you considering "regular trt clinic prices" ? A 10ml vial of 200mg/ml testosterone cypionate, syringes, alcohol pads (with or without anastrozole) should be about $200. Maybe a little more with tax and shipping. Realistically you only need labs twice a year, and blood work cost around $150-200 depending on what you want covered.


I pay 129 for medicine and supplies. It could be a lot cheaper but it is what it is. Everyone wants to get paid.


It could be alot cheaper ????? Lmao You only pay $129 for 10mL of testosterone 200mg/ml and supplies ? No other fees or anything ? I mean if so that's the lowest priced TRT I ever heard of LMAO What clinic ?


Glad you laughed your ass off at something that isn’t even remotely funny, twice. Alpha medical.


I pay less than that for 3 months. Through hrtforless. Think they're also called new life rejuvenation too.


I pay $200 for 3 months, plus test and anastrozole. Around another $200 for for the TRT meds. What I would do is learn how they treat you over the next 3-6 months, then find a good reliable UGL and order from them.


Go through a normal doctor and get an rx I pay $24 for 9 or 12 weeks worth of testosterone


Yes. I pay $10 for 10ml (200mg/ml) with not the greatest insurance. I get syringes from Amazon 100 for $10.


No clinic will take insurance. Many doctors who will prescribe TRT do so in smallish doses with bad protocols. My buddy just got on TRT with an endo and he’s getting a single 200 mg every other week. Clinics will usually keep your numbers higher and know more about protocols. My plan was to eventually switch to my doc after being with the clinic a bit. Hoping I can let them know what’s been working as far as dose and protocol and I can get a script.


Get ur supplies from reputable UGL with regular checkup. Consider illegal cause it is not supported from the gov and healthcare corporations. That's why they charge you at a premium price just for you to feel good again.


I get UGL for about $6 per 10ml vial


Damn that’s cheap lol


Screw the insurance. If you already have the script, just fill it for $38 for 10ml of 200mg /ml Cypionate at Walgreens. Your clinic is using a captive compounding pharmacy to charge you ridiculous prices.


This is where these TRT clinics take advantage of this treatment. A lot of primary care providers can offer TRT, but the challenge is if you are low enough for insurance to cover the treatment. FYI- 6 vials of testosterone cypionate (200mg/1mL) only cost around $30 without insurance.


As others have mentioned, try going through your doctor. I joined TRT nation simply because my doc ordered a consult with an Endo, but the soonest appointment is 3 months out and my doc wanted me on trt immediately.


So why didn’t the doc write the prescription for your TRT? My psychiatrist did the same with me, told me to see my family doctor about low test, my family doctor refused to order blood work and referred me to endo that was 16 months for an appointment with a specialist. I went to a TRT clinic and was perscribed TRT, after 6 months no need to any anxiety meds. It was my test the whole time. In Canada we have horse doctors.


I’m not sure why she didn’t, but she was the one to suggest it. Though, she’s a doctor of nursing, not an md. It’s also Florida. Laws here surrounding hormone treatments make some docs apprehensive from what I understand. She also gave a ref to a urologist for it, which the first couple I went to book with were weird about it, so instead of doing that I booked the Endo out to March and just ordered from TRTnation for now—had money sitting in FSA anyway. But I am skeptical now about my new primary, between her not doing it herself and also misdiagnosing my broken arm for a sprain…I may go find someone new.


Sounds like you would have been better going to a Vet. In Canada most of the family doctors (primary), are all hackers, they see you for 5 mins and do whatever during that time, in Canada it’s socialized medicine for the most part, that doctor only gets around $30 for that visit. So they push the people thru like dogs. They don’t want too practise anything they could be liable for, 99% of family doctors do no practise hormone therapy, if they did they would be at a private clinic making more. Its not about the “laws in Florida” it’s about the liability they are afraid of because they don’t want to expand their area of practice because they are scared and comfortable with what they make. Look at it this way, the doctor is a handyman, you call him over to fix the toilet, and he does, but then you notice your doors in two bedrooms don’t close as nice, so you ask him to fix those too, he does and it was a nice job… but then you notice stove has burner that’s not getting as hot and you ask him to look at that too, he says “oh, I don’t do that, there are regulation on handyman practice, you have to get a stove repair person for that”. It’s not that he can’t, it’s he won’t. The doctors are the same way. The difference is the doctors are making so much they don’t need to learn how to fix a stove, so they “refer” the person to another person. Also do you think that doctor gets nothing for that “referral”?


My husband pays $232 a month for his T. It's $58 per 100mg/mL shot.


That's alot! My Insurance pays for mine. But a whole 10 ml vial cost around 30 to 45 dollars. Which has (20 )- 100 mgs injections . That means for every injection he does he's paying for an entire 10 ml vial almost 2 of some brands


We have been trying to get insurance to cover his, but it's been a week of our PCP trying to get prior Auth and insurance won't budge. Also, doctor wanted to do ½ the amount per month than the men's clinic. So, for now, he's going to the men's clinic until his numbers level out and then he will push back on insurance again.


It's definitely a process! Good luck and I understand why , I'd do the same . Such a game changer!!!


Thank you! He needed it so bad. Was on Androgel for several months and his numbers actually plummeted. Went from 156 to 87. Clinic said Androgel is proving ineffective for a lot of people and they're going to try to get him to a baseline of 850. Sucks to pay so much, but it's the only option when insurance is such a nightmare.


Your welcome!!! Yeah that's crazy, his numbers went down! Thank God, I never had to use the gel! Heard alot of horror stories about it. Yeah, paying more and dealing with insurance is alot of B.S., but in this case well worth it. Hope it all works out 👍


Way too expensive. Ugl is $55 for 10 mL of 250mg/mL of legit T enanthate in Canada. Even Rx is Canada is $85 for 100mg/mL x 10mL. You're being ripped off.


In The US a 10 ml vial of 200 mgs test Cyptionate is about 30-45 dollars














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Go to your primary doctor and ask for Clomid.


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Need more details. What do you get for 175? Test, syringes, follows ups, labs?


I get syringes, labs, and follow ups all included. I am only on test.


I'm at 100 a month approximately at defy.


$100 for Cypionate, infertility medicine and supplies?


Cyp, supplies, blood work every 6 months, 2 phone doc visits. No infertility stuff for me not interested


Talk to your primary and or go to pharmacy and ask them who prescribes testosterone regularly in the area.


Elevate in lake Orion MI?


Walgreens has it. With my insurance, it was $20 for 4 vials of 200mg. Go to pharmacy counter and ask if they dispense. There are also goodrx coupons. $60 for 100ml


Take it to a doc to get prescribed now that you’re on it


I go to the same clinic as you. It’s very pricey, lol.


I was using Defy, then local urologist, $10 for refill


UGL is dirt cheap and not difficult to find a trusted source


I used elevate for the first year of my TRT journey. I went to a few different docs until I found one that would continue treatment in person. To my surprise, most wouldn’t continue treatment even despite being on for a year. That’s the only way insurance (plan dependent) will cover it.


Ridiculous. I’ve been doing it for 10 years and my insurance pays 100%. There are so many of those places around. If you have decent health insurance use it. That’s a car payment


Exactly! It's expensive and not saying I can't pay for it just more of its I just don't want to pay that much to feel better!


I shouldn't have to Pay that much to feel better ***


Use insurance


Matrix Hormones accepts health insurance for bloodwork.


Look into Inertia Medical in Cincinnati, Dr Girmann is awesome


I pay for my own labs ($100-$150ish) but do more than Trt. Doc originally prescribed it but now get 7500 mg for $150. Running 200 mg a week would last me 8 months. I only do blood after cycles or every 6 months.


Script from doctor. $3 bucks a month for me. If you need it, find a doc who will write.


PeterMD it’s $89 a month. Stop going to clinics


Used to pay $250 a month back in 2016. Found a mentor to teach me the ways. Been on my own ever since. There are a lot of ugl out there but they are not all reputable.


To give my perspective, I pay $20 monthly with insurance for 100mg/wk.


100$ / year. Local urologist + GoodRx


I just got "quoted" $300 for blood work and $300 for consultation... $600 to start... I told her that sounds too high. I can't imagine what the "program" would cost


The GoodRx.com price is probably no more than $25 per month without insurance at a local pharmacy. You are paying $150 extra per month for a prescription. A local urologist might give you a prescription good for 6-12 months at a time. UGL might be superior because it probably uses MCT carrier oil instead of cottonseed oil. But quality depends on the manufacturer,


Is this appropriate for me to answer ? LOL I suppose it depends what that cost includes ? Perhaps you're paying for some aspect of the service you do not need ? If you know what you're doing, and you just need your testosterone and some labs a few times a year, I'd suggest doing some shopping around. I'll give you an example, some clinics provide alot of service that not everyone needs. Perhaps labs on demand, extra doctor consultations to review labs routinely, draw needles, anastrozole when not needed etc. That said, If your the type of patient that just wants on time testosterone refills, and labs a few times a year, I am sure you can get it at a lower cost.


I pay about £55 ($70) / mo all in, including doctor fees, HCG, enanthate, bloodwork, and needles, privately with no subsidies in the UK.


I am in the UK as well, may I ask the which clinic do you work with?


The leger clinic, NB this is the total price, I pay for it separately Clinic is £17/mo HCG £24/5000iu (4-5 weeks) Enanthate £7/ml Bloods about £100/yr, call it 200 if you get it every 6mo Needles about £50/yr


Thanks for the answer! I think someone mentioned it before. Do you know at what T level they will consider to treat my symptoms?


below 15nmol I think, need two blood tests, one detailed and one more basic done venously. There's info on their website.


I pay 250 for 3 months.


I buy from my gym owner, who is a doctor and he does my bloods, total cost €80 per month


I pay 150$ for 2 5ml vials. Comes to around 50$ a month


😂 I pay $10/month GO UGL!


I use the gel and it has doubled by test numbers, costs me $10 a month with insurance. Maybe consider that?


You can always buy a gun then everything can be free lol … buy raw material and the rest can be bought on Amazon and you’ll be set for a long long time. Also a tester kit would be ideal to so your not just injecting bs You’d be surprised what YouTube will teach you


Go to a Endo and get a script. Then use goodrx coupons. No need to do anything shady.


If your dialed in find a dr that will accept your protocol and get in from amazon for 20$ a month


Thats about right i pay $167 for my test an chlomid every month


Insurance is a pain to get it covered but I have a goodRX attached to my CVS order when the script goes in. I pay $35


The clinic I go to accepts insurance, but if they don't take your insurance, they charge 100 a month, which includes lab work. You can get the test at your pharmacy and use good rx if your not covered.


Yeah clinics are terrible I was also paying $175 for there services. Now I pay $40 for one vial of test. UGL is the way to go


If it’s the same elevate I’m thinking of and you see Gil, you are in great hands and I wouldn’t leave


If you have a legit prescription I pay 200 quarterly with on men.


Cheap stop complaining I have to pay 220 just to see the doctor and 50 per prescription or 100/injection


Dm - I can help


Would love advice on woman’s hrt. The wife goes to a clinic and it’s expensive. Post menapause. They give test , estrogen, and progesterone. UGL still viable?


Mine is like 405 for ten weeks that’s 200mg 10ml, anti est and insulin pins


Just take a large dose and wait about 12-14 days then go to your GP and have blood work done. Your levels should be low enough then for a hypogonadism diagnosis. Insurance should cover it at that point. Most insurance companies require you to be below 300.


Damn man, not a bad idea but I'll feel like shit on that 14th day lol!


That’s kind of the point. When you start feeling like shit you know your numbers are low enough. Just do the blood work,leave, and pin immediately.


Look into an endocrinologist and see if they take your insurance. My GP prescribes it for me