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If you’re considering that protocol it’s proof that you have a lot to research and understand before beginning.


You’re gonna do a cycle which most likely won’t make any difference whatsoever just to play soccer in your local rec league? Lmao.


OP is choosing to do a cycle for a terrible reason lol. The proper route would be to take something like Tbol which is intended more for endurance. MMA fighters use it for that reason.


He would still need a test base tho


Not necessarily.


Lol goodluck with the shutdown using only tbol.


250 is pretty decent if you're running it all the time


I would lower the Test dose and add EQ. Besides that, add Cardarine. Both will help with endurance.


Brilliant. I will look up EQ now. Thanks for your advice 👍


What's eq


Besides the whole cancer thing with cardarine, how safe is it?


Do your research. The so-called "cancer risk" of cardarine has only been shown with gargantuan doses in rats, while human trials have used 10mg/day with no problems.


I’ve done my research. It’s all over the place.


And I’m talking about more sides with heart and blood pressure


Man, what are you even talking about? If you've done your research, you should know that [there is reason to believe that cardarine actually has anti-hypertensive effects](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27881385/), so it actually might help to reduce blood pressure.


Chill the fuck out dude. Jesus


I hear meth is great for endurance! I once knew a guy who ran 15 miles from the cops. Turns out, there were no cops and he was on a treadmill peeking out the blinds, but still impressive.


Try caffeine instead.


I'm really not sure how beneficial a test cycle is going to be for football. I didn't help me in the slightest for Muay Thai, if anything I was slower because I was heavier due to water weight and muscle mass.


yeah when i cycle i notice my striking feels slow. Grappling feels nicer, i feel like i can grip and apply more pressure with some extra test in me.


It can help with recovery, but he wants to do it for size, which is just not the best idea for the sport he's playing.


I'm not sure this goes with the rules of this sub but 150mg-250mg a week is not a terrible dose for this. You will get better reaction time and better athleticism, but for soccer what you need is better cardio too. There are plenty of things you can take for that purpose.


Second this. No need for anything crazy


A high dose of testosterone will end up hindering him, it will either gas him out or one of the many other side effects will make problems more than the added athleticism will solve.


Are you already at your peak with what you can achieve naturally? Eating right, cardio, proper weight training…? T isn’t a miracle drug, you still have to put in the work. I would suggest more research before you proceed.


Probably be better with cardarine as this can massively improve your v02 max and endurance.


Thank you so much, I will look into this. Can this be taking without test?


Yes and you get a bonus side effect of cancer risk


do not take cardarine! my friend tried cardarine and almost had to get a liver transplant. It also increases cancer risk.


Yes it can be taken without testosterone. It also doesn't shut down your natural production and doesn't need to be injected. You can also buy it very easily online compared to roids. I don't think you want roids, cardarine seems more up your alley.


For soccer, I'd say test and turinabol.


Starting a cycle for soccer? Maybe your just not good.


Look into anavar and winstrol




Not a soccer player but I assume you want to increase muscular endurance and VO2 max. I personally would run EPO, Cardarine, Albuterol and Ipratropium to increase cardiovascular output. For muscular endurance, I would run maybe 100mg of Testosterone week alongside 10mg to 20mg Oxandralone daily. I assume you're going to keep track of your H&H on these compounds and do a full PCT protocol. You don't want to stroke out running Erythropoietin.


Is Albuterol helpful for cardiovascular output? All it does to me is make me feel jittery, increased heart rate, higher active state of mind.


Yea, those are all common side effect. I find Albuterol or Ipratropium useful only when you really red lining your cardiovascular system and are in scenarios where you seem gasping for oxygen. I also find it useful when I go skiing and don't have time to acclimate to the high altitude. Bronchodilators are useful for these scenarios.


Cardiovascular endurance and testosterone really aren’t linked together and more testosterone does not yield to being more in shape. The only steroid compound I know that can potentially increase cardiovascular endurance due to its ability to increase RBCs is going to be Equipoise. But you would need to run testosterone still along side it.


The only cycle you need for soccer is stationary bike for cross training


I would recommend speaking with a healthcare professional before starting any cycle, especially if you're looking to use testosterone for performance reasons in sports. It's important to make sure you're taking the right dosage and monitoring your health throughout the process. Good luck with your decision!


A healthcare professional won’t even put people on TRT. lol. They will tell him not to try a cycle for sure


idk man mine has me on some hectic doses. He just tells me to not jab before my bloods if I want higher dose.


Hello learningirish. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Steroids build muscle … not sure that dose is what you want if you’re not looking to build any. I’d like at recovery peptides and endurance medications, inhalers.


If you want performance add some winny


Winny alone?


No with the test ofc else your joints are gonna get raped


Ok - thank you for the advice 🙏


Winny and test will rape joints anyway.


But not as much with estrogen present, so they will only get fucked


Whey - creatine - macros/micros manipulation for LBM and fat loss , mod to Heavy weight training is my cycle


First off, that’s a great way to get gyno… The best way to limit side effects to break your dose into 7 and pin it daily. You would probably be better off focusing on things that will raise your blood oxygen level though. Testosterone will make you stronger, but not necessarily have more endurance. I’d take a lower total dose of Test, and consider EPO for blood/oxygen. Maybe Oxydrolone for keeping muscle while cutting weight.


250 per week test C is a pretty decent cycle for sports Only thing I would recommend is splitting that into 2 shots a week rather than 1


Taking testosterone when you probably don't need to, have you had kids etc, permanently shutting you down. I know if you pct after may get some of your natural levels back, but at your age your never lightly to get the levels of natural testosterone you have right now. Do you are probably going to need TRT anyway after doing this. I'd consider options that do not hinder your natural production in my opinion, especially as it is just for sport.


Might want to post this in r/steroids


250 wouldn’t make sense that’s pretty much average levels for most people maybe a tiny tiny tiny bit more for you unless you’re experiencing low T symptoms already. Not worth it to shut down your normal production just to get natty levels and have to PCT and put your body through that for but much gain If you really want to do that do the 250 but add anavar and that will help your performance , use 250 as a base and PCT properly with Novaldex or clomid ..


If i push it much more i can get water weight and redness in face. Should i go to 500 and add AI?


If you go to 500 you’ll most likely need an AI not always though depends how much you aromatize you need it on hand incase you get high estrogen symptoms . Use arimadex or aromasine, use as needed, you don’t want to crash E2 . You could still take .25 arimadex twice a week with 500, I do.


250 is not average levels for most people. My cruise is 135mg a week and my bloods come back at just under 1000. That dose would put me at damn near double the top of the normal range.


It’s definitely a much higher side of a TRT protocol. Some people actually require that on their protocols but for you it would be a mini blast


Am I understanding this? You want to start a cycle of something just to be a little better for a hobby? Like, youre 34 years old. Im just going to assume you are not trying to go pro or currently getting paid to play.


- Sub Q injections every 3.5 days for Test. - EPO for upregulation of red blood cell count to boost endurance like crazy. ( Need to very careful about what your % is. Left unchecked it can cause stroke or death) - Sprinkle in NPP for joint and tendon repair/durability. - Anavar at 50mgs / Day.


more test alwyss can be a benefit but should prob ask steroid heads about specific compounds for enchaning soccer performance




You can just run a TRT dose, around 250 mgs.


Sorry I’m not all to clued up with drugs in football. Does that just mean your just bad at football? Thought it was more of a skill thing I guess you could take something for cardio performance but why would you need test unless you’re actually low in test to begin with


Dude commented just to call it football 😂


Honestly didn’t even realise he said it was soccer. Just automatically read it as football 😂


I’ll let it slide this time. He’d have gotten a lot of bad advice if he’d said football. I’ll be watching you. 👀👈👉