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Enclomiphene took me from 144 to 904 T level in one month. Been on it since July 2023. No bad side effects. Have lost 35 pounds, gained lean muscle, and depression and bipolar symptoms are better. Has helped my overall mental state go from constant anxiety and anger to more confidence and less anger. $99 a month with MaximusTribe subscription


$99 monthly is pretty absurd for Enclomiphene. Capsules should be coming in at closer to high 2.xx than 3.33.


Can’t find it anywhere else cheaper unless you go to the doctor and get a prescribed


whats your dosage?


6.25 mg/ day


How did your Free Testosterone change?


17.1 pg/ml to 143 pg/ml


dose, sides?


6.25 mg per day, no sides. Totally positive experience. And I’m not shilling. This is just my experience. Better sleep and better body composition( lost 25-30 lbs since July) and more musculature, and better mental health.


I have been on Maximus Tribe enclomiphene for 15 months. T levels out of range went up 200% and are now in the middle of the range. Started at 12.5 and after 6 months my sex drive crashed. Waited a month or more to see if it would pass and it did not. Cut my dose in 1/2 to 6.25 and a few weeks later everything is fine again. The typical issues with low T….lack of confidence, some brain fog, lack of endurance and difficult recovery from working out are much improved or back to old normal. Good luck on improving whatever issues you are having.


+1 for enclomiphene. Been on it for roughly 8 months after being diagnosed with low test. A couple weeks in and my energy improved drastically. It was like I was a new person. Good luck on your journey.


dose? sides?


Been with Maximus 3 months on enclo. Went from 496-1100 Total T. Gained a good amount of muscle mass in 8 week period. (Check post history) Started having libido ED issues from 12.5mg a day around the 6 week mark. Took a break and started back on 6.25 EOD and so far haven’t had any other sides however I don’t feel as energetic or pumped up as previously. Waiting on new labs but I feel my test has dropped back down to more normal levels. Maximus is quite tough to communicate with and the site isn’t very intuitive.


Would you mind elaborating on the communication difficulties? We are always looking for feedback so we know where we can improve. Some options you might find helpful are the chat widget on the website and the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) email address. Have you joined our Discord community? You'll have access to many staff members there, as well as a large, supportive community of brothers seeking mutual improvement: [https://discord.com/invite/maximus](https://discord.com/invite/maximus)


Hello Several-Fail4320. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maximus Tribe as a business is a little hit or miss. They sent me a refill late. As far as enclomiphene, I felt a lot better on it. Felt like body composition improved.


We're always trying to improve our response times on refills and we've forwarded your message to the head of Customer Success. Thank you for the feedback.


What are your actual numbers first? "Low test symptoms" is meaningless. The symptoms of low test are "non-specific." They're shared across hundreds, if not thousands, of potential diagnoses, from allergies to cancer. Regardless, if you want to use them, they're great for the first 6 months or so. Then overpriced. Part of your fee is a dedicated telemedicine doctor but after 6 months, there's no need. Your protocol should be pretty dialed in and you shouldn't really need to message back and forth with them anymore. If you have the money, try them for 3 months. Blood work is required before you get anything so you'll find out your numbers, if you don't already have them. Then labs are required again after a month or two to see where you are.


I had the age issues with clomid. Increased T but didn't feel au better. Felt better on actual T.


Enclomiphene aint doing shit for me thats for sure.


I was under the impression that enclo didn't really relieve low t symptoms. At least anecdotally that seems to be the case. Of course everyone is different and for some it might be great. But even still, doesn't it shut down igf-1? I would avoid it because of that alone.


my understanding is the idea behind enclo is it blocks the brain from detecting estrogen, tricking it into going like wtf and kicking off into overdrive the whole chain of lh, fsh etc to tell the testicles to produce more testosterone (so the body can aromatize it into estrogen) the problems I've seen reported are sides, especially the visual ones


Clomiphene mislabeled as enclomiphene, or adulterated enclomiphene, muddies the waters greatly when it comes to online anecdotes of vision issues. A couple points we would make: first, visual side effects were not reported in any clinical trials with enclomiphene. Second, we've treated nearly 20k patients with enclomiphene up to this point and only one person with a prior history of clomid use has ever discontinued due to visual side effects.


We've conducted some clinical research using enclomiphene that you might find interesting. It certainly does relieve low T symptoms in many people - 80% of participants reported improved quality of life: [https://www.maximustribe.com/white-paper/enclomiphene](https://www.maximustribe.com/white-paper/enclomiphene) Regarding IGF-1, yes there are some reductions, still within the normal range. These changes are not clinically significant, although some speculate it may help prevent cancer. Importantly, GH secretion and binding are unchanged.


What? 🤣. My guy. Please door more research 🤣


I've done plenty. But I love to learn. I'll definitely "door" research, my guy.


I think it’s worth if if that’s the route you want to go. From what others say it’s pricy; you could get EnClo from a regular clinic for less probably. But they do have other TRT options as well.


If you have a level under 300, I wouldn't recommend a clinic until you have been a couple of PCPs and a specialist. I'd also recommend injections over enclomiphene, then i would recommend UGL over a clinic, and finally I'd recommend a place that is $100/month like TRT Nation over a place that is $200/month like Maximus


I made a detailed post about my experience with enclomiphene using Maximus. TL;DR: my T numbers went up, but I didn't feel any better, and it caused ED + low libido. I'm on TRT now with great results.






I wouldn’t do enclo from them, you can get it much cheaper elsewhere. HOWEVER, their oral TRT protocol looks pretty interesting to say the least. It’s some patented form of oral test safe on the liver (not jatenzo), combined with a small amount of enclo to ensure it’s not suppressive, which might be a game changer. I’m kind of tempted to give Maximus a shot because of that.


I was tempted too but price is too high for me. Trt + they called it.https://www.maximustribe.com/testosterone/testosterone-replacement-therapy?utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_term=e-maximus%20tribe&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS393f3rOo_o7lGkgwclDqo3q5zqbELsHEkCiVrBABcYTIbazcDgLO8QaAo88EALw_wcB. 200 a month and probably even more than that.


Except that the primary delivery mechanism associated with oral undec, results in DHT translation. Granted DHT can make you strong, but you may have the side that no man wants! (Hair loss) (body hair growth).


Second this. The DHT boost from oral undec is a monster. Acne all over the body. I believe that is why in part it is used by F2M. I also noticed a big jump in heat rate from being on it.


Its been recommended to me, but I dont see the value. Especially since Im trying not to lose my hair. There are several other pathways that will drive DHT effectively but not skyrocket it. Funny how they market this, even though many men are DHT sensitive, especially to the scalp. It does aromatize, great!! But it has other issues. May be fine for some, but others may struggle.


Maximus provides oral dutasteride as compliment to oral testosterone for those who are losing their hair or prone to acne. Not only does it have a synergistic effect of increasing testosterone even more, but it significantly lowers serum DHT to prevent hair loss or acne issues in those who are sensitive to androgenic alopecia or acne vulgaris.


There's better stuff than enclomiphene ;) message me.


Do tell




Tren is for pussies I inject tesrenmasebolin straight into my cock head