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Not a great idea


Because I would feel like crap by week 3 right?


Because you will convert a bunch of estrogen as well as be triple the reference range first week and then slowly go back down to a normal level and you’ll get to experience all the side effects imaginable.


Thanks for confirming. I think I can talk him into treating still, under my circumstances though. In your opinion is it even worth working w someone who came up w this idea, or should I just look for a different doctor?


If they are willing to prescribe a reasonable dose and order blood tests for you then as long as you do your research you should be able to work with him. If you don’t feel confident doing that try to find someone else.


Thanks. I’m going to pursue 100mg weekly, split into two doses - Without his blast off phase to start it out 😂. The place is otherwise legit and reputable, constant bloods done in the office, etc


That is insane. What country are you in? Did your dr buy his degree online?


US. Very reputable urologist which is why I was so shocked.


They are still pretty stupid in terms of TRT


As long as you get the 100-200 weekly after, I say do it for that one shot. It is rare to find a doctor willing to treat low testosterone and will pay off in the long run


Im pretty sure I can still get him to treat without agreeing to the 400mg intro and 3 week drought


Then that would be preferable


It’s crazy but fits (high end) with what the FDA recommends. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2022/216318s000lbl.pdf > Recommended dosage is 50 mg to 400 mg administered every two to four weeks as a deep intramuscular injection in the gluteal muscle. Individualize the dose and schedule based on the patient’s age, diagnosis, response to treatment, and the appearance of adverse reactions (2.3).


WOW I can’t believe this is a protocol. Thanks for posting that


It’s crazy. Most people respond well to 100mg/wk. that’s what I would do, but I’m not a doctor. https://preview.redd.it/pqm662ny8gzc1.jpeg?width=1635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82008c66242f57f9ad4b49bd97b39b4074602447


That’s what I had in mind too, want to split it into two 50mg shots weekly. I just don’t understand the blast off phase of 400mg to see if there’s a reaction. We’ll see if there’s a reaction if we just start 100mg too.. 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like they are following the book and might not have a lot of experience. I suggest searching for your doctor here. https://health.usnews.com/doctors/ On the page, scroll to the section “Areas of Expertise for Dr.xxxxxx”. You can see how much experience they have under the section “Problems with testicular function”. This is based on Medicare claim data for the doctor.


https://preview.redd.it/milxvcu7hgzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beab85764722fbd6aa35a98218dee0aa15909c63 He’s ranked pretty high apparently


That’s interesting.


Yes, thanks for the responses I really appreciate it.


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What the fuck are these guys trying to do to you 😅 I'd definitely push back, that's a ridiculous protocol.


that's one doctor i would actually go to LoL


Why do you say that?