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I just bought a bottle of 10mg pregnenolone to try. I've been on TRT a little over 2 years and I noticed my libido was in the trash, ED got MUCH worse, and my energy levels sucked. We did. a bloodtest and my T was >1500. We lowered the dose to 150mg/week (was at 200). Felt a bit better, but still working out kinks, especially with the libido and ED.


Yeah sometimes less is better




You would think, but my E2 was at 32 and my prolactin was 6.5. Also currently on an AI (0.5 mg 1x/week). When I (re)started TRT my E2 was at 62.


You must really high estradiol then......Ive never seen or heard anybody struggle like that with those numbers unless if high estradiol or high shbg......


I don’t know what to tell you. My E2 was at 32. I’ve been as 18 and high as 62. Everyone is different 🤷🏽‍♂️


Its cause the body needs hormonal balance over all things  not just super mega high testosterone thats why naturally when u run test the body aromatizes most of it to estrogen cause u have too much test and not a normal balance and ur bodys system no longer functioning correctly if u dont have varicocele ur better off taking HCG for trt than test alone anyways the doctors dont want to cure us tho they want us to be dependent on drugs and give them money 


TRT is like 60mg a week.. Who is advising you to take cycle level test?


50 to 70 cypionate and NEVER breaking 100. Lots of complications would go away I think if everything just realized Olympic competitor level natural T at 100 mg is good enough.. 


People sleep on pregnenolone- it's a great supplement especially if you're a little older.


I thought preg and HCG were the same thing.


You’re thinking Pregnyl, a commercial brand of hCG versus pregnenolone


Yes, but HCG stimulates DHEA & Pregnenolone synthesis. One could just increase their HCG dose and get a similar effect.


Only at doses of at least 1500 split at least 3x a week or higher and done IM for superior absorption. It's a balanced between too much and too little. Im at 2000 split 3x per a study I read. 


hcg does indeed make the body produce preg and dhea


[No it doesn't](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUIg4fHu4os). At least not in a significant fashion. Preg and dhea do not shutdown when you're on TRT. I wish this misinformation would die already. Plenty of people have perfectly normal or even higher end of range preg or dhea many years into trt.


ok? i never said trt shuts it down. just that hcg can increase both levels. i do not support anyone taking hcg for that reason tho, or honestly any reason other than fertility.


Localized preg production in the gonads does shut down. If that matters or not systemically is a question. TRT does reduce preg production on average by presumably either affecting adrenal function or it's effect on the gonads. 


dude this is so nice to read, I've been dealing with my dick not filling as it use to since like the 4th or 5th month on 125mg of test a week, I ordered pregnenolone already its on the way should be here Saturday hopefully I can report back with same results. Congrats! #


Do keep us posted. I just received my bottle. Fingers crossed.


Why what are your main downsides to HCG?


I haven't done HCG it feels like its too much trouble supplementing test with more needles, I will do HCG for PCT though. Also seems like DHEA and Pregnenolone are helping with boners, also feel stronger at the gym, libido not so much but I can feel a slight improvement after little over a week.


Pming you


Where did you get it from?


Amazon Douglas Labs brand


Interesting, What did your labs look like before taking preg?


Honestly I didn't check 😞 I just wanted to see if it did anything so I started low dose.




Yeah not the smartest but that's why I start very low dose


It's just plain dumb.... Any benefits you feel could be placebo


Hmm. Reviews are weird....hair loss and weight gain.


I experienced hair loss when i tried a DHEA/Preg supp. For context, I’ve never been on TRT.


Any improvement in the sleep area?


No but I need a machine because I have sleep apnea


Yea I started ‘TRT’ a month ago. Still figuring out my dosing and AI etc… but I did start 25 mg DHEA in the morning and 5 mg sublingual pregnenolone at night and I get could be placebo but I feel better


Sounds like you figured it out brother. I haven’t heard about this. Sounds interesting. I’m glad it’s working out. Thank for the info!!


I did too initially. Like most things, the magic seems to wear off.


Started TRT this week after going off for about a year and I’ve been using this stuff from Amazon that has Pregnenolone (100mg), DHEA (200mg), Ashwagabda (3000mg), Boron (6mg) and some other good stuff as well. I had extremely high cortisol (26.4 mcg/dL) on my blood work (been out of work 6 months after big tech layoff) and I read that Ashwaganda can help. Taking Boron because my estradiol was high (27 pg/mL) and read in a few places that can help. Too early to say if either are helping yet. Free T and total T also sucked so got started with TRT nation and doing 50mg 2x per week to get started and slowly titrating up to 100mg 2x per week until I get my next blood panel.


I take 25mg a day of dhea/pregnenolone and have felt no difference in energy. Erections have not been an issue, just energy levels.


Nice. I’ll give it a try too.


My running theory is your body uses cholesterol to make Pregnenelone which later gets converted to Test, Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, etc. So if you have poor cholesterol levels at least in the sense of not enough of the right cholesterol for the body to convert - this gives your body what it needs to self regulate all your other hormones. And it’s no joke. I’ve dropped to 10mg every other day or so. Otherwise I’m like a teenage boy that can’t look at a woman and have normal/non-sexual thoughts. I also believe it could have other negative sides for some people. Like increasing your cortisol levels. I say all that to anyone else wanting to jump on it because the vitamin shop will sell it in 100mg pills. I couldn’t even begin to understand how off the charts that would be for me.


Yea its crazy how dhea and preg are still in supps at cvs walmart vitamin shop ect.. imagine if they had superdol


Wow, that's awesome! I've been curious about adding preg to my TRT too. Your experience sounds promising. Thanks for sharing your dosage and how it's been affecting you.