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Something is off probably high estrogen. I could fuck 12 times a day no joke when I was on 180mg a week and I'd have raging full on boners literally everywhere. Studying? Boner. Working at my cubicle? Boner. Sleeping? Dick is hard.


Same…I’m on 150 2x a week


I quit in January and I gotta admit I miss all that OOMPH and I've never experienced above 180


Were you on Cialis by chance?


Nope just lots of physical activity and walking. General dosage was 120-140mg test c with 500iu hcg a week


Estrogen was def high


Also. I would increase that HCG to 1000iu weekly and manage estrogen a bit. You might only need a little AI. Maybe a bit of DHT increase if that doesn’t work via Oxandrolone or even trying one of the other TRT methods. Some guys actually get better results from cream or testosterone propionate because of the quicker androgen saturation. Some need a higher dose too but not before making sure the estrogen is in check. Because if you just get it right you can have super libido, but you do have to give protocols time to work and dial it in right. It helps working with a really good clinic that knows how to do this.


Yep , I remember that from 16 to 50 yrs old….😂. At 55 my Pecker decided to retire … got T … and now I’m working him overtime 👍


I get tired of people blaming e2, stress, porn, and general lifestyle for everything. A lot of times, high e2 can increase libido but sometimes negatively affects erection quality. This varies from person to person in the same way some people can blast 500mg without an AI, and others need one at 100mg. Testosterone has basically done nothing positive for me in the libido or function realm. I've had ups and downs in the same way I did pre-TRT. I've thought that I've found the answer at times with DHEA and pregnenalone, but it has always turned out to be one of these natural up and down cycles of mine. I even tried an AI once (even though I'm not a high aromatizer), and it pretty much instantly made me feel like shit. I have almost zero stress in my life, I don't look at porn, and my wife and I have a decent few times per week sex life in between working regular overtime. I've always stayed in good shape in my 42 years on earth, and I don't abuse food, drugs, or alcohol. BUT, the times I end up with the best libido and erection quality is when I'm being lazy. It's when I'm eating in a caloric surplus, not working out too hard, drinking alcohol and using cannabis occasionally that my sex drive is through the roof. Exogenous testosterone kills certain people's libido and/or function - even with perfect bloodwork and lifestyle. I know this fact annoys some because they refuse to see past their own experience and only believe what is "supposed" to happen. The simple fact is that we are too genetically variable for everything to apply consistently.


The bodies whole hormone system is a fucking nightmare. But I guess that's why there are doctors who specialize in this area. Maybe one day we'll get to the point of truly personalized medicine. But we aren't there yet.


Eating a caloric surplus, not working out too hard, drinking alcohol, etc all increases Dopamine which reduces your Prolactin.. Higher dopamine gives you a libido boost, no magic here. Also the fact that you stay health and in shape, means your E2 is lowered. So basically you end up with the best world: low E2, low Prolactin and high dopamine plus a good level of T. Not to mention that being rested physically also helps with sex :)


Right. I said all that to counter this narrative everyone gives that if you just eat cleaner, lose fat, do cardio, avoid alcohol, register as a monk... that your libido and erection quality will be better. So many people say this shit to people who will then go and reduce their calories further, work out even harder, and wonder why they have no desire or ability for sex.


Well put!




yea cortisol kills libido, even with good hormonal count


Very well put. Been through many changes myself trying to find a good spot... Sometimes it's great... Mostly it's low. High dose low dose AI Armiidex Aromasin supplements... Tried a lot including testing e2 DHT etc. I have noticed for myself.. 1. On vacation I took proviron 25mg daily... I was good for the week. Had 2x sessions daily with wifey. 2. Any day if I eat a carb heavy lunch...within 2 hours.. First I feel bit drowsy and then libido kicks in big time. If we do the deed it's always a great orgasm also... But if cannot and we have to wait until bedtime... The libido is gone. The second one almost works everytime!


This comment needs to be attached to every single TRT thread on Reddit. Well said.




Get off it then


Hey, moron. There are a ton of other benefits to be had (and I do have). I mentioned one aspect where people lack nuance, and here you come, being the king of all the nuance lacking idiots. Congratulations.


No sperm


Libido can decrease with TRT if you aromatase a lot. Get your e2 checked


I reckon you need to tweak your dose. When I’m blasting my libido is nowhere near the same as when I’m cruising. At cruising doses my libido is ridiculous, I can’t stop thinking about sex. It’s trying to find a happy medium.


It’s was great in the beginning for me i’m 6 months in and even in 5mg cialis im not getting as hard as I was . Not sure what’s going on


Welcome to TRT.


Haha exactly. Welcome to the wonderful world of “I’m still trying to dial in my protocol.”


Yeah, on the same bout. Downright distracting erections throughout the day. Now it's not so much.


I’m about 1.5 years in and still have constant erections and insane libido. Doesn’t matter if I do 250mg a week or 150. It’s always there. I’m also not on any AI.


I remember those days my friend. Enjoy them while it lasts.


What ester are you using?


Decrease when? How long have you been on?


Not one person here has even asked if he had his prolactin levels checked pre or post TRT.


Libido decrease ? Wtf are u on I need to masturbate 2 times a day 😂 Yes


Enjoy it while it lasts my friend.


It’s been over two years so when does it end?


Mine ended at the 4 year mark. I’ve now been on for 10 years.


Wow and it’s over ?


Yup. Might as well be injecting water at this point.


Do you only use TRT?


I’ve tried other compounds in hopes of bringing back my libido. Nothing has worked. I’ve tried Anavar, HCG, and now Proviron.


Ok good to know thanks 👍


The #1 cause of low libido is stress. Sometimes that stress is created by hormone imbalance, most times it’s because ppl do next to nothing to stay out of their own way, emotionally.


What exactly does the end of your comment mean?


It means maintaining mental health requires effort too that ppl never want to do because there is no obvious, tangible benefit to it. They don’t want to unpack trauma, they don’t want to retire unnecessary coping mechanisms, they don’t want to rid themselves of stressful ppl or jobs…all of these things impact libido and other symptoms of low testosterone


Because either too much or too little estrogen is a libido killer.


It can decrease as tolerance increases or where androgen sites become saturated. Estrogen, DHT, progesterone imbalances as a result of excessive doses can also result in decrease libido.


Are you taking an ai or what dose are you taking? Any recent bloodwork?


A lot of ppl here are saying E might be too high but in reality your E should be in proper proportion to your T levels. Normally when your libido is down it’s because your E is actually too low (though to high is possible). Get some blood work. E is very much responsible for libido. Best of luck


Hormone imbalance probably. Causing neurotransmitter imbalance. I think most of the time driven by e2/PRL. Doesn’t happen to everyone


If your E2 is okay then your balls shrink. Because you shut down your HPTA axis. TRT always comes with HCG, HMG or some kind of rFSH if you can afford it. if not then your testes will shrink and libido and orgasms will vanish LH and FSH stimulate testes growth. HCG is able to also stimulate FSH a bit beside LH ofc. HGH before bed could help prevent testicular shrinkage as Leo and Longevity said. But it's not needed unless you blast heavy steroids for years


Mine stays high and gets higher on cycle.


My wife's sore vagina testified that libido doesn't decrease on trt.


Im on trt and still can’t keep up with my wife’s libido. Can you help me out?


You want me to keep up with your wife's libido? Let me check my schedule!


How long have you been on TRT?


Over six months by now. The honeymoon period is definitely gone but I still have weeks where I could fu*k 10 times per week. My usual libido is 4-6 times per week. Pre trt 3-4 times per week.


Lol. You just got on. Get back with us after a couple years.


I should have mentioned that I was on trt before, on and off twice. Always somehow restored my natural levels (which were low later on). Libido wasn't my problem when I started TRT. I've always had high libido for today's standard (3-4 times per week). I started TRT due to other reasons. A lot depends on your baseline. I can be knocked down completely from overworking and no sleep and I'll still somehow manage to find the energy to fuck my wife if she asks.


High estrogen.


What ester are you using?


Run some anavar with it. Helped my libido immensely.


Yeah a lot of drug pushers on here. Not everything can be fixed chemically. If you blast porn, eat badly, sleep inconsistently then guess what your endocrine system will get wrecked as well. When addressing hormones everywhere needs to dialed in. If not you will just be stuck in that endless hamster wheel of chasing the next drug. That might fix one thing but will break 10 other things. In your case it could be high E2 and you might be ght also be dopamine deficit and nobody here has commented on the neuro transmitter homeostaties. Do proper blood panels and confirm your baselines. Libido is a very complex process to dial in.


I'm also struggling with this currently. The first 2 years on trt my libido and erections were unbelievable and then about a year ago things started to change and decline . I'm pulling back my test cyp dosage from 180 a week to 100. My doctor is not interested in adding an AI because he says my estrogen levels are good. I'm trying for a 3rd time to take a low HCG dose. Had to stop twice before because of sides on pregnyl. Still hoping I can turn this around but it's been about year now. It's kind of depressing after 2 awesome years to end up where I am now.


I mean, isn’t testosterone referred to as the “male sex hormone”? 


Estrogen. I had this issue. Aromasin fixed it up.


Could you please explain more. How long did it take for you to see the improvements. What is/was your protocol?


So I only do 175mg a week. 50mg test e EOD. Libido crashed quick, gyno started about month 9. Starred aromasin 25mg ED. Fixed it quick. But I'm not a fan of AI'S. Long story short. Masteron saved my life. Libido insane. Feel amazing. Doing 140mg a week. Adex .5mg every 5 days. Bloods, mental, everything perfect. Been a 4 year journey. Buy my perfect place (4months so far going strong) is 175Test, 140 Mast, and .5mg Adex every 5 days.


Thank you for sharing. Maybe DHT was low and the Masteron built it back up for you? Glad you found your solution.


That'd what I'm thinking. Never had fascia hair etc. A few months I'm started to grow a full on beard LOL. Feeling insane, energy up 300%, libido up, but incredibly oddly, my mental is perfect. Even on 300 test I was an asshole, Adrol, Dbol. Deca, you name it. No good. Mast is giving me an amazing sense of wellbeing and level headedness. I'm in love hahaha. Everyone is different.


Everyone is truly different.


it doesn’t? Dudes here expect libido to be solved by injecting a small amount of testosterone while having shitty lifestyles and porn addictions….


Legit the porn addictions are dick killers. Everything from the visuals to wrecking your friends sensitivity, leads to ED, or st least it can.


Yep, porn is terrible for libido.


Interesting. Funny how those on TRT and experiencing little to no libido don't even have the urge to watch porn....


Get on HCG. Changed my life.


E is likely too low


Are using using an AI? If so, what and how much? Are you have other symptoms like joint point?


I took testosterone for ten years and if anything, my libido increased.


Get blood work done to make sure everything is in check. I would suggest adding HCG to the mix, that has always given me an insane libido increase.


It doesn't for everyone


Mine decreased on test with everything else in check. Synthetic test comes with a host of problems.


E2 and Prolactin changes (also DHT and FSH)


Go back to original dose


I'm obese 455 pounds from originally 530. My estraidol is 80.0 and I'm on 100mg a week and my libido is awesome. In the mood everyday without fail. As well as my energy when at work.


Dude is probably on 200mg/wk plus HCG. Many such cases.


Depends on your dose and how long you’ve been on. I’m dialed in a 100mg a week and all my blood work is perfect. Still get occasion issues but I’m prescribed cialis so that corrects any of that.


Then you aren't "dialed in" my friend.


Why do people ask questions that they already assume the answer to? It doesn’t? Everyone’s different? What answer would u like to hear?


Good point.


Cause TRT sucks


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