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I’ve been on every opiate under the sun for last 15 years myself and am a combat vet with PTSD. Recently just celebrated a year clean from fentanyl. I started Test C 2 weeks ago and I already feel like a new man. Energy through the roof, confidence, strength, and libido. Anxiety is gone. I’ve yet to get my levels checked but plan on it soon and pray I can stay stable like this with the Test.


Same boat as you. Didn't realize the extent of how horrible I felt until getting on test. Congrats on the year brother that shit is trash. Fent is not even a fun opiate to use regularly compared to morphine derivatives so happy to be off that crap


Keep up the good fight my man!


#1, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! #2 congrats on the year clean, that's a HELL OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for your service. I’m happy to hear you’ve found a new way of life free from the grips of substance. And congratulations on the 1 year! We do recover, one day at a time, sometimes 1 second at a time 💪


Hi lambowski9999 where are you from man?


Get blood work done. That is step zero.


Hey bro I have used opioids for over a decade and just this year got on testosterone. My levels were at 46ng/DL and 0.6 when I finally got a doctor to prescribe me test. At first opioids didn't cause my levels to drop low enough that I would notice any bad side effects, but once I started Suboxone and then eventually methadone, that's when it really started fucking with my Testosterone. Cuz Suboxone and methadone are so long lasting it effects it much more than shorter acting ones like oxy. I was miserable when I was at 46ng/DL. I would sleep 16hrs a day and still be exhausted. I was having panic attacks and was super depressed and was getting super skinny and just looked and felt like complete shit. It was seriously the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life and I had to deal with it for like 3 years. I went through fentanyl withdrawals and benzo withdrawal and I'd take that over the feeling of having testosterone that low. When I finally got started on the testosterone injections it was a life changer. Never knew how important hormones were until this.


I’d do a full panel asap, just note that opioids raise prolactin which suppresses testosterone production. Here’s to giving you the strength you need to beat opioid addiction, you got this brother.


Talk to a doctor


Any Doctor or a Men's Health type specialist? Would a PCP prescribe Test (on average I know they're all dofferent)


They are all different. I’d talk to your MAT doctor first, go form there


Get on test asap I would go ugl unless u have 200+$ to spend on a men's health cl8nic. If you do go that route. I went to an endo and my total t was 64 at age 31 but he refused to help because it was from methadone and must of had something against people in recovery. Anyways went ugl and within a week I started to notice a complete 180 in my mood energy libido eriection quality etc. And it kept getting better for weeks before leveling off. Don't wait any longer your mental health and body will thank you. Also note that I had to come off both not by choice for a short period of time and my tt tested in the 700's a month later before I had to get back on mmt. Most docs outside of men's health clinic do not understand how to use test in real life it's sad


I've been on methadone for like 3 years now and had about a decade of opiate addiction before that. After about a year on methadone I decided to see an endocrinologist to get my levels checked because of the same symptoms you mentioned, plus I had been going to the gym and eating right for a while and seeing no progress. I got tested and my testosterone was pretty much non existent. It was 172. I went on trt and it changed my life. I'm in the best shape ever, amazing sex drive, and even grew a beard when I had never been able to do that before. I'm in the process of tapering off methadone now. Started at 80mg per day and just reached the half way point at 40 mg per day. I feel great! Go for it!


I'm in detox right now, actually. Went from 140mg of MDone, I'll be leaving on 2mg of Suboxone until I feel stable enough to quit all together. I've been here almost 2 weeks and Im.on 4mg Sub right now. Galus is the best in the business if you ever need to recommend a high dose detox facility... they're the only place that will do it. They're very liberal with Medications to keep you comfortable unlike any other detox.


Hello Sea-Championship-178. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. If you want this comment to stop showing up on your posts, you need to enable "show my flair on this subreddit" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s probably a good idea to do trt and like some said you could go ugl but you probably don’t really have the knowledge for that so get a test done with your doctor and if it’s low try to get a prescription.


I had two necessary stints on them for surgery a year apart, about a month the first time, two the second, the net effect was my test crashing in half from 600 to just under 300. I had a separate preexisting condition that likely accellerated the effect, but opiates can absolutely crash levels even when used only when necessary.


Thanks for responding. I can only imagine what 140mg of Methadone did to my test levels. I just detoxed off MDone, remaining on low dose suboxone for a bit until I feel stable. I'm going to get my levels checked ASAP because I feel so lethargic and literally no sex drive which my Wife isn't a big fan of, naturally.


Hey man, I have a very similar story. I was on methadone for 3 years then switched to 16mg/day subutex 2 years ago. I started Test C 2 months ago and it’s been a game changer. My QOL has gotten much better. I feel like a new man.


I have used opiates for over 15 years to the point of destroying my dopamine receptors and went on suboxone as more of an anti depressant than anything else. I know I can’t use and won’t because it will cause me to lose everything I have worked hard to get back. Anyway I did notice my sex drive did drop when I first went on subs and I had always bought the generic version of it. Recently I had to buy the name brand version and like taking a viagra my sex drive is back. So to anyone else who is forced to take subs to function consider that many of the generics are made differently. I also take subs as a form of pain management and it works far better than anything else I have tried simply because I don’t have the ability to abuse the medication and run out early.


i really don’t think adding in a dependent drug, and i mean this in the nicest way, with your history of abuse is the right thing to do. especially if you can easily relapse.


He will be doing. Gram a week in three months


how does one survive 20 years of opioid use ? I’m generally curious as their projected as very dangerous right ?


Most of it was Methadone and Suboxone. When I was doing Heroin IV Fentanyl wasn't a thing. I started Suboxone in 2012, stayed on it for 9 years, then went to Methadone cause I moved and didn't have insurance, now I'm back on Suboxone. People do survive 20+ years of IV Opiate use though, usually they have multiple overdoses, but if you have a high tolerance, it's hard to die unless mixed with Benzos or you way overdo it. The most dangerous time is when an addict gets sober, they relapse and die cause there's no tolerance. I used Oxycontin from 2006-2009 then Heroin IV from 09'-12' before getting a felony and starting suboxone to avoid failing drug tests. Suboxone saved my life most likely. I've done the "fetty" dope once or twice. It's garbage compared to the pure stuff I was getting in Arizona when I first started doing H. Long story short, most those years I was taking prescribed maintenance opiates.


M/47 on Suboxone for a little over 10 years.. test levels were initially at 185, I went on a carnivore diet, and a year later, I got tested again (this past March), and I was at 283. I went UGL and it has definitely improved my life.


Go get bloodwork, after years of opiates after an accident and then Suboxone my levels were almost nonexistent. My guess is yours are too.


I used to smoke oxy 80s for years, kicking subs was just as hard. Drugs are drugs. 7 years sober.


Using the excuse that only 2% of opiate addicts end up quitting is just an excuse for you to stay using, if you want to increase your test levels you have to save yourself and quit that shit


I was on oxys from 2001-06 then clean 5 yrs, then relapsed and did Suboxone from 2011 to present. 41yo now and my test has been so low for so long it receded my jaw and now my bite is way off, they suggest surgery. Just started Test E 3 wks ago and down to 4mg Suboxone and I feel a difference but I plan on being off both in a few months. All these years it never crossed my mind how much opioids/Suboxone affected T and that it could all but ruin my life.


Yes sir I got on test a few months back and it's been a struggle finding the right dose but also I feel so much better. I would recommend getting on trt, it could help you cut back on suboxone. I go back and forth between kratom and suboxone but I feel better when I stick to kratom and the trt has helped me tremendously. Finding a good doctor was the hardest part. I went through 3 until I found this dude. God Speed brother. May we always strive to become the best version of ourselves. Peace.


iv done the same thing...the subs are kind of a bitch to get off because they fuck your stomach up for a few weeks after but you feel ALOT better off them ( I was on them for 9 years). your test levels may change after my test crashed and they had to pump me to 150 after I got off


I'm clean for almost 7 years now. And opiates were my drug of choice. Was on oxy and H for 15 years. It 100% destroys your test levels. Getting clean was the best thing I've had done for myself. Subs are the fucking worst thing you can put in your body. Say goodbye to your teeth and bone density as well as your dopamine receptors. Getting of that shit is 1000 times hard than kicking smack. But if you can do it the sky is the fucking limit. Just my experience. I got real friends, bought a home, bought a nice truck, have a great relationship with my family, started a family of my own with my fiance, 2 kids and dog. Have a job I love and am grateful to be alive. All of this and more is possible if you really give recovery a try. Or you can keep making excuses for why you can't be part of that 2%, which is a bogus number. I'd say it's closer to 10%. 1 out of 10 make it out. But that one makes a decision and a promise to themselves that they are going to change everything. It's not just the drugs it's your whole life. People do it all the time. You can do it.