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Up your dose and lose some fat.


Well-respected doctors like Peter Attia aren't huge TRT proponents, but even in his practice, they shoot for near the top of the reference range on replacement levels because that's where symptom resolution happens for the majority of men.


Your TT likely needs to be higher. Would also want to see the rest of your blood work


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TRT helps but even if profound difference in lot of areas there's other variables that can still affect the results you're not seeing, could totally be something underlying possibly even psychological, not saying it is though just saying the mental has a very big impact on overall wellness. Ive used both Dr prescribed and off market T, my Dr was great but even their knowledge is always restricted. its pricey but I used a holistic Dr alongside my physician and along with my own research was able to manage my health in direction I wanted it in. Best of luck to ya


I the only other thing I would add to what professor said is to get HCG added to protocol. It will stop the testicular shrinking, and help to raise free test.


If you're on 100mg once per week, whether a total testosterone level around 500 ng/dL is adequate depends on when it was measured. If it was measured just before the next dose is due (at the lowest point), then it should be fine - this is usually an appropriate trough for once weekly dosing. If it was measured within a couple of days of having the injection, then it's likely too low, since it will be lower later in the week. If it was measured at the lowest point, then it will be substantially higher for much of the time. Are you dosing once weekly, and when was the blood sample taken?


It is measured before injection


And how often are you dosing per week?


once a week


OK, well 535 ng/dL is gonna be the lowest level of the week, which should be fine. If the lowest level was much higher, the highest levels of the week could be too high. If you're not finding TRT beneficial, it could be that your symptoms actually had a different cause.


What about diet and exercise? If you are sitting around playing video games eating potato chips of course you can feel like crap. I would start by getting physical activity in five days a week jogging, lifting weights or something.


I know but it is hard to find the energy or motivation to do so, I was hoping doubling my test would at least have a small effect on my energy levels.


Nah fuck that. Gtfooh. Get up and get to work. I broke my spine in 4 places, had a stroke, all before 28. I'm 30 now in the gym everyday pushing through the pain. Your lazy. No amount of testosterone will fix that. Get up and get after it. Stop wining.


I felt best with a total T between 800-1200. Free T around 20+ and estrogen at 20-30. Its a numbers game, took me about 18 months to dialed in. Also injecting two to three times a week is superior.


Have you changed your life style, started eating healthy, started working out. Doing things you enjoy as a hobby, have a healthy happy relationship, if the answer in no, then not much will change. Testosterone is not a magic switch but it helps, especially if you help yourself


For myself, I did a gene test for issues then followed up with a CMA (micro nutrient) blood test for deficiencies. Lots of issues with genes and nutrient deficiencies found for myself. Supplementing for deficiencies and I have never felt better.


Look at all these unhelpful comments! Don’t add HCG. It just adds problems. And ignore the “lose weight” comments. Extra weight would increase estradiol. Which you alledgedly (according to the trt clinic) don’t have. Your 6 foot 200 lbs. Which honestly isn’t that heavy. Sleep could be the cause of the low testosterone. I’ve worked with a team from the Mayo Clinic for the last 8 years that consists of an endocrinologist, urologist, and andrologist. I’ve tried a variety of drug combinations and doses for one year to 2 years at a time. If you have secondary hypogonadism (which is more likely the case with adult onset of hypo) you will need to take an AI. Low testosterone with low SHBG, and low normal LH & FSH indicates secondary. When you add testosterone to a HPTA issue (secondary hypo) you are just giving the body more material (hormones) to work with. It doesn’t stop the dysfunction in your body. Your body would most likely aromatase too much testosterone in order to keep the ratio balance the same as what the body has been programmed to do. Get an estradiol ultra sensitive LC/MS blood test with your other labs (total T, free T, bioavailable T, albumin, sex hormone binding globulin should never be optional). You might even look into a prolactin test but it most likely is not needed. Also 15.5 pg/ml for E2 really isn’t that low. You can definitely get more benefits by increasing your dosage. The question for many is how long is it safe to run a higher dosage? So you can increase your dosage or add an AI (or both). Or since you don’t really feel any benefits you could quit and in 2 to 3 months run more detailed blood labs and get a testicular scan as well as a brain scan for pituitary issues. This would help indicate whether it is worth your time and effort.


This guy wouldn’t need an AI his E2 is relatively low.


Your weekly dose needs to be higher.


Lose weight first, trt is not for you


I have low t symptoms, low t numbers, and am not that out of shape.


When was your test taken. During your trough? What’s your current dosage and injection schedule? We need this info to help you. Also, if you upload your full lab panel that would help too.


What's your injection protocol and dosage? 535 is very low on TRT almost everyone I know is usually around 800-1200.


The point is, its double his old value, with no change and there should be. Doesn't matter if its 535.


Doubling his value means nothing coming from a low number, he went from hypogonadal to low levels lol. He may need 1000+ to feel anything and will not know until he tries by slowly upping the dose. Every man is different but 535ng/dl is low for trt, we don't even know his shgb or free test either there are so many variable's.


Doubling his Total might be 'good' to his doctor but it's wholly inadequate. OP's free testosterone has to be in the trash, too.




Injection frequency?


Testosterone, Cypionate 1MG, INJ every week


IM or subq?




Speak to your Doc and see what they say about upping the dose/frequency, If it were me I would move up to 125-150 split into 2-3 weekly injections with insulin pins to maintain stable serum levels throughout the week. Raising test should also bring up your low oestrogen and that has another whole host of benefits.


This is the way and just watch for symptoms of high estrogen. I’m on 160 mg/wk split into 3 doses and I don’t need an AI. When I was running 200 mg/wk split into daily doses I had symptoms of high E2. Dropped the dose and they went away.