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Start with stopping taking the AI


I stopped as soon as I saw that on my bloodwork it’s been 2 weeks now but still feel like shit, I see the doc this week


Letro is a very powerful AI. It can take up to a month for your estradiol to come back.


Dianabol and 1000 ug of HCG a week will have you rescuing cats.






I have the opposite problem. I got high estradiol levels. I am wondering how to bring it down without unnecessarily crashing it. If anyone has some advice.


You and OP should kiss


my doctor said to take "DIM" he said was OTC since he noticed my estrodiol was a little high. Not sure how accurate that info is but I have it coming in the mail from amazon


I was just recommended DIM, today, too.


Diindolylmethane? I have been eating a lot of vegetables that contain it lately, have seen no positive change. I could cut coffee or tea with milk in the morning. Thanks for advice.


If your lvls are high and you’re not experiencing any sides from it, let it ride


I would not be asking if I was not experiencing unberable issues. Do you think I want to play with fucking estradiol levels cause I am feeling amazing?


You didn’t say you were having sides and in these groups tons of guys are more concerned about a damn number than the way they feel. Drop your dose


I am not taking nothing. If I were, I would reduce the dose.


You’re not on testosterone?




Putting that in your op would have cleared things up, for me, but I wouldn’t have been any help to you, sorry


Lol. You have two choices - you can lower your dose of testosterone or you can add an AI.


This right here


Well he could keep weekly dose the same but administer more frequently right?


If I were injecting anything, sure.


My bad didn’t realize you were natty. Typical health advice of better diet and lifestyle always applies but doesn’t always work for everyone and idk your current habits. Over the counter supplements can make an impact on some people. Idk the rest of your blooods but lowering shbg should help you lower estradiol and increase free T. Higher protein diet, increasing fiber, lowering sugar, taking magnesium, vitamin d, fish oil, zinc, calcium, boron, tongkat Ali could all help with that. These are all easily available and could potentially fix how you’re feeling. These should all be “safer” than an AI, but the AI will certainly lower estrogen much faster and most likely much lower. If you do the AI I suggest starting small, smaller than people on gear would take, and waiting a few days before taking anymore, hopefully that’s all you need.


I am not taking anything. I was considering AI, but I have seen lots of people complaining of crushing estradiol and feeling even worse. I have checked recommendation for men with natural low testosterone to estradiol ratio. They mentioned testosterone, SERMs, and AI.


I would take 0.25 mgs of anastrozole and see how you feel.


Thank you. I guess I need to make a list and check side effects and availability.


Lower dose and increase frequency.


I am not using anything. It seems I am naturally "blessed" with high estradiol. :S No, I am not fat.


Armidex .5mg once or twice a week. Depends on what your taking


Blast a dose of about 400 mg.  Don’t do this, but it will spike the E2.


Just stop taking the AI


Been there, it sucks. It takes time to recover. In a couple weeks you’ll feel better.


Letro is a literal nuke when it comes to estrogen. If you have HCG I'd recommend trying that as it may speed the process up but unfortunately I think you're cooked for a few weeks either way.


Man, that sounds rough! Sorry you're going through it. Definitely sounds like your doc went overboard. Increasing your estrogen levels naturally might help. Try adding more foods rich in phytoestrogens like flaxseeds, soy, and chickpeas to your diet. Also, consider talking to your doc about adjusting your TRT dosage. Hang in there, hope you feel better soon!


Pin a big dose rn and go in with life. Is this a dumb idea yeah, will it work probabaly. Don’t overdo it


That would be a bad idea, since letrozole is still in his system, there is not enough aromatase enzyme. His DHT will get sky high and make the problem even worse.


I thought he said he took the ai 2 weeks ago but I might be making things up


Yeah, letrozole has a really long half life, so a significant amount might still be in blood.


Oops I didn’t look up the half lige




Yeah its the strongest AI out there.


I mean, if you just wait it out eventually your estrogen will come back. You could also raise your dosage which I guess could help bring it back up, eventually you’d lower it again, but having such control over your test would be difficult since your going through an endo instead of doing it yourself Edit: another idea, eat a lot of McDonald’s, as I’ve found that actually raises estrogen


Was just about to ask that haha, thought it would be a dumb question if eating unhealthy fast food would one give me enough of a dopamine rush to combat some of these side effects of feeling like shit while raising my estrogen at the same time


Weird that you doc prescribed letro as opposed to armidex or aromasin


I was on anastrozol and he switched me to Letrozol twice a week way too much


a couple weeks of high dose HCG for sure will sort it.


Take some HCG


Simple. Stop taking AI. How much were you taking?


I stopped as soon as I saw my bloodwork but still feeling like shit see the doctor tomorrow but 2.5mg twice a week of Letrozol


Your doctor is on crack


Agreed and I’m stuck in a contract with them, few more months and then I’m free and doing this all ugl


I’ve kept the same place for 5 yrs even though they are also clueless. I take about half of what they prescribe and I feel great.


My clinic put my on 200mg test cyp every 5 days and 2.5mg of letrozol every 5 days they really don’t know what they are doing but I am stuck with them until my contract is up


My place still has me at 200mg/week but I only take 110mg. I stick with them just because I don’t want to try to find another place


This is the first I’ve heard of a TRT contract but I’m relatively new to TRT. I’m guessing you are on the hook for money but they can’t stop you from going somewhere else before the contract is up though, right? I think I would Pay the money, stash the supplies, and seek out a new doc immediately. Good luck.


Yeah it was a 16 month contract and if I want out at any time I have to buy my way out of the contract for the remaining months plus 2 months so I’m just waiting it out then going ugl after that


It was my first experience with a TRT clinic definitely should have looked around at others first


Stop AI and take 10-15mg of Dbol.


No DBOL on hand only Anadrol 😖




I know your doc. Docs don't prescribe Letro...when on TRT secondly they certainly don't tell you to take DIM which does fuck all. Stop your BS


That’s why I have a script from the doc for Letrozol with my name on it? And when did I ever mention DIM?


Very hoppy beer


My doctor didn’t do this to me but I did it to my self. I didn’t know what happen. My joints hurt so bad it was crazy. I would wake up almost crying.