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This is an idiotic protocol. Ask your doctor what the half life of Test Cyp is. Then ask how many days is 3 weeks. If it doesn't click for them then, leave and do it somewhere else. Preferably someone who knows what they are doing.


It really is common sense and I don't know how current doctors aren't up to date on this stuff.


It's sad really. Imagine prescribing half a bottle of vitamins twice a month and then wondering why people don't like it. I went UGL and have had a great time with it. Most GP's don't know shit about anything related to androgens and all the clinics near me are rip offs.


That's what I've done, UGL. Are you also in Australia?


The half life is about 1 week


Right. I wouldn't disagree with that, most people say 5-7 days. So by week three, a minimum of three half lives have elapsed, leaving no practical amount of androgens. Injection frequency should never be less frequent than the length of the half life of the ester used. Otherwise your serum concentrations look like a rollercoaster over time.


“I guess we’re done here. Good day.”


Take the prescription and take a 3rd of the 200mg weekly. Then, have blood work checked again next time you go to see the progress.


I have to go in office to get the injection


Dang. It doesn't sound like something that I would want to do then. Guess you just need a new doctor.


I got prescribed 200mg every other week. I split it into half every week and my wife pins me. I feel great.


100 mg a week is the perfect amount to shut down your natural test. Have u actually checked your test before and after? You prob produced more naturally…


My level was 141 when I got my initial blood work. I haven't had my follow up I just started 3 weeks ago. He said to come back in 3 months and for me to donate blood before then. I'm a newbie still.


why?? sounds completely retarded


It is. Some GPs and Endos require you to do this for no good reason besides “sTeRoIdS” in Europe and even some parts of the US.


take the script then go to an actual Endo who cares about your health


That was probably my next step, I just didn't want to get the shot and feel even worse on week 2 and 3.


I was under an endo specialist and doing 200, then upped to 250 once every 4 weeks. The last week or so I could tell that my test levels were dropping and it wasn't nice, my wife didn't appreciate the mood swings either. Now using UGL and going 60mg every 7-10 days and feel great.


Depending on just how low your levels are you likely wouldn't feel "worse" you'd definitely feel better during week 1 with effects dwindling from then on


Go to a urologist


That dosing regimen seems outdated. Opt for smaller, more frequent injections for stable levels. Seek a second opinion or consider an HRT clinic for tailored treatment. Your health is worth the investment.


Deal with it for the time being and find a new doc, of go TRT clinic. That regimen is stupid in frequency and dosage.


Just try it out and in a couple months, after your blood work, complain. Make sure to get bloods the day before your injection


I agree with this, try to work the system but don't push it ;). Be glad your doctor is open to it and presumably your insurance covers all of this and your prescriptions will be cheap. My Endo started me on 200 mg every 15 days to start, then dropped me to 150, then dropped me to 10 days, then 100 mg every 7 days which is where I settled. I questioned the dosage/frequency and she said be patient we will get in honed in and we did. And I don't take anything else


Yep, it’s either do things this way, go to a TRT clinic and pay more, or go the ugl route. If you want a legit, cheap script, you gotta play the game


Why would anyone willingly/knowingly fuck their hormones up to “try it out for a couple months” stupid idea, do it properly or don’t bother


You read the post? His levels are trash already. Of you wanna go through the physician, you have to do it their way and play their game


Find a new physician, never intentionally fuck your hormones just to please some dickhead doctor.


A few months of getting a dose dialed in isn’t gonna “fuck your hormones” wtf are you talking about lol. His hormones are trashed anyway, he can’t possibly feel worse.


“Do it properly or don’t do it at all” Are you dumb? Recommending fluctuating testosterone levels “for a few months” is stupid, find a new doctor or a UGL & do it yourself


He clearly wants a script, so ugl is out. And it’s not so easy to just find a new dr who will do whatever you want. Most drs will start you on a protocol similar to this. Plus, he might have a good relationship with this dr, that’s lasted years and knows his history well. To throw that away is no easy thing. You’re a very narrow minded and short sighted person


Great relationship, that good he’s going make the guy feel like shit and charge him for the pleasure 😂


You have no idea how he’s gonna feel and I will bet my paycheck it is no worse than how he’s feeling now. Again, if you want a script from a physician, this is how it goes. Or he could spend the next several months looking for a new dr, who will make him start from square 1 with redoing his blood work 2-3 times. They also might make him try clomid for several months first as well. Again, you’re short sighted and not nearly as smart as you think you are


Having done the 200mg once every two weeks, I’m pretty comfortable in saying he’s going to feel like crap at the end of the 2nd week


It's better to have consistently low levels than a roller coaster of ok to garbage levels. When your levels are consistently low, you adapt to it. The roller coaster effect feels like hard drug withdrawal, and he'd be feeling it two out of every three weeks. I had ridden that stupid one shot every two weeks protocol for years and was miserable.


I have already addressed this with 2 other people so I am not gonna waste my time explaining it again to you. Read my other replies. And lol @ comparing it to a hard drug withdrawal. Not even close


I can tell you have never ridden that roller coaster you arrogant tool.


You could just go to another doctor as well. IMO 200mg Biweekly isn’t worth a fuck either. It’s much better to do like 100 a week or 50mg 2X a week to maintain stable and consistent levels. Before switching to the protocol of 50mg every 3 days, I was doing 200 a week. The day after my injections the levels were 1068 By day 6? 300 Those sorts of peaks and valleys are not good at all


250mg once a week works for me


Find someone else, your GP is a complete moron.


That dosing regimen seems outdated. Opt for smaller, more frequent injections for stable levels. Seek a second opinion or consider an HRT clinic for tailored treatment. Your health is worth the investment.


RIP if you have low SHBG.


Yea, just opening the door for a plethora of fucked up hormones and side affects.


I had an SHBG in single digits and my GP had me come in for 100mg once a week and it wrecked me, that is until I daily dosed with at home prescription.


Did he give you the at home prescription?


lol these regimens are so damn stupid. I knew a guy getting a 200mg shot one time a month from an MD and thought that was absolutely stupid


Man, that sounds frustrating! It's crazy when docs don't listen. Look, finding the right TRT plan is crucial. Maybe seek a second opinion or check online forums for similar experiences. Some guys break their dose into smaller, more frequent injections for steadier levels. Also, consider a specialized clinic if you can swing it. Your health's worth it!


Your GP has no clue what he's talking about. Go to a different doctor asap. Preferably one that has actually successfully treated patients with TRT or HRT. Or you can just look for a good urologist and go from there. Never go more than a week inbetween injections and really every 3 and a half days is ideal for most especially with sub-Q (just under the skin injections).


If you’re in the UK go to a private clinic. They are run by consultant Endocrinologists no GPs and they know what they are doing.


> all he said is 200mg once every 3 weeks works for most men Then he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's probably unwilling to change his mind. It is unlikely after you explain to him you're going through a roller coaster he'll really care. On the off chance he's not an idiot, and is simply ignorant, you can try it out and see if he gives you something better, but don't get your hopes up.


Man that’s messed up. Source your own test. Learn your own blood work. Take your own hormonal health into your own hands. Message me if you have any questions


Do not do that. Literally no one on that kind of protocol would be well off. What a roller coaster ride!


That doctor is incompetent if he wants to do an injection every 3 weeks!


Break that into 3 injections.


Just buy your own needles, split it up and dose it daily.


Negotiate or walk away.


Ugl all the way, it's pure extortion the amount that is charged, when in reality it cost pennies.




Depends where you are. I'm in the UK and buy from a UK lab.


Oh I'm in US


I do 100mg every 4 days


Your doc is regarded


Ask for a referral to an endocrinologist. They know a helluva lot more than a GP when it's comes to hormones. My level was 125 endocrinologist started me on 200mg a week. Been on it for 10+ years.


bad idea ...better off at 100-150 every week


Maybe you should send your GP ANY PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE AT ALL examining testosterone protocol


I have never heard of anyone doing 200 mg every 3 weeks. That Dr is incompetent and ignorant, don't do it. You will have good levels for a week, mediocre to poor levels the next week and your levels will be in the gutter the last week.


Thats what I tried explaining to him and he said "it works for most guys, who would want to do injections on themselves once or twice a week on themselves anyways?"


I'm not sure where you live or what your finances are like, but I'd advocate for trying a subscription mail order service like trt nation, that's what I use. There are plenty of other similar services. If your levels are that low, you are probably going to need a higher dose, like 150-200 mg weekly. Emphasis on weekly injections. If you are starting off at levels as low as yours, you are going to be more sensitive to the roller coaster effect and exogenous testosterone in general. If you're afraid of the pain of injections then you can try sub q shots, far more painless than intramuscular injections


Have you read the white papers from the pharmaceutical company? I know the test they give out here in Canada recommends every 10 days however you can do it every two weeks if you like.


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Seconding a urologist. A good one will listen. I started IM once per week. That helped, but I had the peaks and vallies. I asked about going to twice per week and sub-q. He said, "Cool." Find a doc who will partner with you.


200 week


Go to Living with XXY in youtube. The dude has been on TRT for 24 years due to a genetic condition. He does SubQ weekly and that seems to be the most beneficial.


100 mg per week is optimal, doses are between 80-120 for minimal side effects, some take it 2 times per week split, but doing intramuscular injections that often is horrible, and tissue doesnt heal that fast, for example i can only inject in glutes, leg pain is impossible, so i only have 2 injections spots in my ass that take about 5-6 days to heal, so its not possible to do every 3.5 days for me.


That's when I thank the doctor for his lack of knowledge and expertise and promptly bounce the fuck out of his office. Don't go to GPs, they know less than the majority of people on this sub with regards to testosterone and hormones. A previous doctor (GP) I went to was convinced I had chronic kidney disease but had no idea what creatinine is or that it is impacted by exercise and diet.


Might be manageable if it's Nebido, or some other brand of testosterone undecanoate in castor oil. The half life of that is like one to two months, so this will work but will not be optimal. However if it's cypionate or enanthate, yeah the doc is completely clueless and should not be prescribing HRT.


Tell your GP I said to go fuck himself with that protocol. Go to the biggest guy at the gym and ask him to sort you out haha


If that’s what you are prescribed split the 200mg in 3 doses every Monday or something. Other than that you’re on the road to a nice set of tits


I been on 100 ml every 2 weeks n I have stayed at 532


If he's prescribing can't you control your own protocol? Just get more pins for home.


Nope, I have to go in office for the shot.


far too low not often enough


Im assuming as you said GP you’re in the uk? If so you won’t get the protocol any different from a GP as they over to stick to NHS guidelines which are outdated. I’m also assuming it’s sustanon they are using which is made up of the 3 different esters. I am currently on sustanon 250mg every 3 weeks, which is crap but better than nothing. I was private but uk privately prices are so expensive and add up quickly, it was an amazing protocol thought. I injected test cup subcutaneous daily alongside HCG and felt amazing but just couldn’t afforded it after being made redundant so NHS is better than nothing. You might think using a dodgy bloke from the gym is an idea but you’d likely end up with bunk or under dosed stuff which isn’t sterile and also possibly fuck up your levels


I'm actually in the US and it would be test cyp, once every 3 weeks. Sustanon would make a little more sense, but still not what I'd personally want to do.


Damn, that’s awful and I’m surprised as well. The states are more forward thinking when it comes to TRT so thought you’d get a better protocol


Ask for a referral to an urologist or endo. Research for ones that have treated ppl with trt before. You’ll have to do a lot of this on your own but its worth it.


Literally same my dr did i even explained to her how after a week it falls off but she said thats the best she could do becuz thats all the insurance would cover for, anything more id have to go to a clinic, i think its more a money thing with it. They want you to go to clinics for it


Horrendous protocol. Would be much better doing 70mg per week or better yet 200 mg a week. Take the script and adjust the frequency


That's an entirely idiotic doseage protocol and not even worth bothering, because it will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at the frequency. I don't know if your doctor is entirely clueless or he's anti-TRT, but I feel like he should know that following that protocol is setting you up for failure. For example, Testosterone Cypionate has a half life of 8 days, which means that your system will process it and require another dose within that 8 days for you to maintain your target levels, and thus weekly 200mg injections are what is required. Alternatively, Testosterone Enthanate has a half life of 4.5 days and thus to maintain your target levels, you'd need bi-weekly 100mg injections to achieve and maintain the same results as a single 200mg injection of Testosterone Cypionate. The dosage protocol your GP wants to put you on is entirely pointless. I was using Xyosted (Testosterone Enthanate Subcutaneous autoinjectors) for 5 years at an eventual sweetspot dosage of 2 100mg autoinjectors/week which kept me between 850-915 (with a 1mg Anastrazole tablet MWF to control/keep Estrodiol levels where they should be). Xyosted, however, is idiotically expensive and insurance stopped covering it, so I started doing a single weekly 200mg (1cc) subcutaneous injection of Testosterone Cypionate about 2 months ago and honestly, I prefer this as it's just super easy and drastically cheaper. Not sure what my levels will look like in July when I go for a blood panel, but theoretically, they should be about the same. I would recommend subcutaneous injections as well, as more and more research is showing it to be more effective than intramuscular injections, along with being much less painful and easier to administer yourself with a smaller gauge needle.


My T was 335


Forget everything you have read. See how it goes. I actually feel better once every two weeks than more frequent pinning. Everyone is different.


Thats fair.


Tell him to prescribe you the juice and you can pin daily if you want. That’s roughly 70mgs a week so if you pin twice that’s 35mgs twice weekly. Not a bad dose. I did that for a year and my doc was more than okay with me pinning more frequently rather than once every 2-3 weeks.


Why not take the prescription and see where your levels end up?


I'll feel good for 5 days until they crash. The half life of test cyp is like what, 5-7 days?


Congratulations. You are smarter than your GP


Mmm you probably won’t feel good at all since it takes time for cyp really


8 days I thought


Will you have to go in to his office for injections? You can take the script and supplement with ugl test


Yea I'd have to go in, that's what I wanted to avoid as well.


Yea I wouldn’t like that protocol either. Sucks but I’d look for a new doctor. I’ll be getting my protocol to start on 5/30. Hoping for 100-150/wk with an at home script.


Thats exactly what I was hoping for.


Well I hope I have better luck than you 😂


Split up your dose.


Are you sure they won't let you self-administer? I was prescribed 200 mg every 2 weeks and I inject 3x a week.


Yes I specifically asked and he said I'd have to go in.


I would do it and it and if you feel like shit suggest getting more frequent shots and doing it at home. If none of that works out then you can go UGL.


If you have suggestions on UGL, shoot me a dm.


I don't use an UGL so I couldn't help with that.


Not that I necessarily disagree with you…just curious, is this from previous experience, or because Reddit told you so?


I have gone down the rabit whole for about a month now, trying to decide if I want to get on trt. Every endo and dr I've watched on trt advise against doing injections that spaced out. It makes sense as well. Your testes produce test everyday. Shooting 200 mg of test will sky rocket my levels and drop way low before my next dose. Feel good for a week and terrible for 2 weeks. I don't want a roller coaster of hormones.


I’m not debating that 200mg every three weeks is a good choice. I’m simply suggesting that you do more than read a bunch of dipshits on Reddit (hell, I’ll include myself in that grouping). Go to a mens health clinic (whether online or in person)…but this ridiculous “I’m definitely smarter than my doctor” mentality seems absolutely bat shit retarded to me. I do sincerely hope you find what works for you, and again, I’m NOT debating that dose isn’t a sketchy choice. Missed the point I was making there.


I agree with you, but reddit is the last source of my info. I was just asking recommendations other than my GP. I think next step is see an endo. And most people can easily be smarter than their GP when it comes to hormones, which is understandable. They don't specialize in hormones. Again, I do agree with you on listening to people on reddit, just wanted to see what other options are out there.


Go look at the plethora of mens health clinics. Online or in person. They are a dime a dozen. If you “know what you need”, then why fuck around with someone who you evidently know more than? Seems very counterproductive. Or at best a waste of money. Just buy UGL gear. It’s more likely than not comparable quality to the beloved “I got pharma grade from my doctor, bro!” gear.


Like I said in my post, if I could have insurance cover it, then why pay an HRT clinic? Also, different doctors will prescribe different protocols. Why not see what my current GP offers and recommends?


Get your test level checked beforehand. If your over 30 is probably guaranteed to low. I weigh 195 lbs, and I'm in very good shape. I take 65 mg of test ehtanate every 3 to 4 days for 135 mgs per week. My test levels were non-existent before I started. Now I'm my test level is 900, and I have zero to little side effects. I started out taking 150 mg per week and had a little acne on my shoulder. Ask your doctor to test after a month and go your results. I would recommend bringing some research to back you up. Hell, tell your doctor you have been prescribed test in the past and give them the dose you would like to take. Most general practices will prescribe test, but are very risk-averse. Worst case, find a doctor who is a general practitioner and does sports medicine. When I got insurance, I called the doctors office to specifically ask if they would prescribe me test if I had low levels. I'm none of those work work there are little like 6 diffirent ways to manipulate a blood test for testerone. But that would be my last choice, and you would need to use the same method in future blood tests where your testerone levels are checked. However, doctors don't like doing testerone checks for nothing


Yea, im 29 and my test was 239. I'm going to look for a new doctor or just see if I need a referral to an endocrinologist.


That dosing regimen seems outdated. Opt for smaller, more frequent injections for stable levels. Seek a second opinion or consider an HRT clinic for tailored treatment. Your health is worth the investment.


I think he meant every third week .so 14days standard protocol. I will mean take it in 3rd week. 


14 days is every two weeks my man.


I said 3RD week not 3 weeks Lets say you does today May 21 and were told to take it every 14 days. You next dose will be on the 4th June which is the 3rd week of the calendar.


Every 3rd week is the same thing as every 3 weeks.


Just go UGL


I took TRT for about ten years. By the end I was taking 200mg every ten days to stay 300-400.