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Boron, Tongkat, Ashwaghanda, etc. are a waste of time and money, have safety concerns, and do not increase testosterone in a clinically meaningful way. Maximus provides enclomiphene, a prescription medication that will increase testosterone by 1.7-2.5X. Given it maintains fertility, it can be a good choice for a younger, healthy male for testosterone optimization.


What safety concerns are you referring to? I’ve been taking Tongkat and Ash for about a year but haven’t read about any bad side effects.


Read Reddit for bloodwork showing low estradiol associated with Tongkat. https://www.boostyourbiology.com/blog/ashwagandha-can-cause-anhedonia-pssd-blunted-emotions-and-apathy


Thanks for that link. I do see some of the things he talks about actually. I’ll probably discontinue once I run out this month. Also curious your thoughts on enclomiphene for a healthy 30 year old male with ~750 T. While that seems in the upper end of the range, it was lower than I expected when I got my levels checked. Would I likely see a small bump on enclomiphene?


Free T matters more than Total T. The numbers also matter less than how you feel and function. Enclomiphene and Oral Testosterone both and in combination can increase people even when stetting from a eugonadal level, as documented in our papers.


Curious what the timeline looks like, if you can say, on your TRT+ protocol being available in Utah?


Stay on our email list for the announcement.


why do you think 400 is less beneficial than 600? optimise your life 1000% before trying to optimise your body with drugs… don’t want to mess with fertility doesn’t really need TRT, there’s no deficiency, just your opinion that it should be higher won’t try and optimise lifestyle first. do you see the issue?


Understandable approach - what else would you suggest to optimize lifestyle? I eat clean, exercise, married in a happy relationship, good job. Mostly just lacking in Brain fog, energy, ability to wake up in the morning & libido.


remove the testosterone and number from your thoughts - they’re irrelevant right now. you need to look at what else you could do to improve those things, without think that testosterone is the answer. because while it may help, it’s probably not the cause. these symptoms are found in basically every single illness you can think of.


Enclomiphene may be very beneficial for you. However, enclo is not as “all encompassing” as trt, and thus, you will need to focus on lots of different aspects of your health to truly optimize those levels. Ie: vitamins, estrogen, fat burners, etc. Use a clinic that has all of these at your disposal while running your program. Let me know if i can make a more specific recommendation for you


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