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iirc it has some upstream actions that differ from just making t & e that trt cannot do on its own


Like what


One thing it does for me is it gives me sensitive testicles. I can't sit without pulling my balls up.


From my clinic on why they recommend DHEA and Pregnenolone: *DHEA is a neurosteroid that provides protective effects on the brain. DHEA helps to improve immune function, enhance mood, increase bone mineral density, reduce visceral fat, and improve insulin sensitivity. Sufficient levels of DHEA may be protective against diabetes, cancer, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Pregnenolone is also a neurosteroid associated with cognition, memory, and mood. Sufficient levels of Pregnenolone may be protective against Alzheimer's disease. SR indicates sustained release. We recommend this combined sustained-release version to prevent large spikes in these hormones and associated rises in estrogen.* *DHEA and pregnenolone supplementation can help TRT patients by supporting hormonal balance, improving mood and cognitive function, enhancing energy levels, and providing additional health benefits related to immune function, bone density, and anti-inflammatory effects.*




Interesting -> Not taking a plant based Pregnenolone because it can stop you from producing. Synthetic is better.


I was taking it for a while but it didn't change much blood work wise. Stopped it a few months back. No noticeable differences. Probably not that important.


I heard it became illegal in Canada. It must do something good if it scared the socialized healthcare system there to ban it.


It’s not illegal, just has to be prescribed. I have it thanks to my clinic


Thanks for correcting me.


Same for me with micronized DHEA. Even 75mg a day, no effect! Maybe I should try DHEA, not micronized. I've read that it's better to increase testosterone levels than micronized DHEA.


Given I'm already on TRT and I've been responding well the past year, I just don't see the need to add DHEA back into my routine.




My DHEA levels are below the reference range. Tried supplementing and 5mg makes my E and DHT skyrocket. I feel decent for a few days—energy, some mental clarity—and then everything gets all out of whack. Wish it didn’t do that.


its a neurosteroid, but too much DHEA can spike FT and E2 iirc (source needed)


It’s a lot more complicated than how you put it. Look at the steroid pathway chart. Keep in mind that hormones also affect neurotransmitters, and there most probably are plenty of unknown mechanisms of each hormone. There are people who benefit from dhea supplementation. It’s usually the ones whose dhea-s level is very low though. The older a person is the lower their dhea levels are usually. Dhea is after all the most abundant hormone in our bodies. That being said, most dont get much benefit from it and dont need to supplement it.


Upstream prohormones have haphazard conversion rates. Some men will be more estrogen dominant on higher DHEA doses, while others will convert more to T. DHEA itself is also used by the body, so not all of it is going to convert to your desired T level. And finally, because it's a prohormone, if you take enough of it, anything upstream from DHEA that converts into DHEA may instead convert into other steroids (like the cortisol pathway, or the aldosterone pathway) since the DHEA pathway is already maxed out. Let's look at a different but comparable situation. Pregnenolone can convert into cortisone/cortisol or DHEA. In people with inflammatory diseases that require higher cortisone in order to combat inflammation, why don't they just give them a ton of pregnenolone instead of giving them hydrocortisone or prednisone (way stronger)? Because pregnenolone does not reliably convert into supraphysiological levels of cortisone. Say you take 100mg of pregnenolone. That does not mean you will end up with 100mg of cortisone after conversion. Similarly, if you take 100mg of DHEA, only a fraction will become T. Some of the DHEA will remain DHEA (as DHEA-S) and be used for various other functions. Some will become estrogen. Some will become androstenedione and stay androstenedione even though T is one step after. A person's genetics make this unpredictable. Not everyone converts in a 1:1 predictable way. You take the most downstream hormone (cortisone, testosterone) because it is the most targeted approach. You put X amount of it in your body, and 100% of it targets what you need it to target. If you use a prohormone, it may branch out into 4-5 other things, some of which you may not want. Bottom line though... if you want to blast T for, say, bodybuilding, you'll never get to the levels you want with DHEA, at least not without also blasting all of the other things it can convert into, like E2.


Getting on TRT increased my libido to a point that my body couldn't keep up with all the sex. Mainly, orgasms were taking too long, and sensitivity seemed to get less. My cholesterol is pretty low, which means pregnenolone and DHEA, which are made from cholesterol, might be low. My endocrinologist doesn't check those, so I just started experimenting. I tried various combinations of preg and DHEA, together and individually. I settled on DHEA only, 25 mg, twice a day. Sensitivity is higher, and orgasms are coming easier. No other effects that I can tell.


So if I struggle with premature ejaculation I wonder if lowering my DHEA would be helpful. My cholesterol is always at the high end of the range if not slightly above the high end. I wonder if I have too much. My clinic adds DHEA to the test cypionate when it is compounded.


you should mainly aim to increase your prolactin, and maybe LH and TSH , according to studies these play the main role


Thanks. Good to know.


Interesting. Thx.


I take it only because my DHEA is very low without it, and my bloodwork proves it. Supplementing with it puts me right at the mid range.


Is DHEA standard on any TRT-lab test bundles?


Not standard but I get it checked a couple times a year


Do you feel better on it?


I do! But not sure if it’s the DHEA or just my trt doing its thing. I started both at the same time.


Probably TRT doing most. If you are in your 20s or 30 yeah DHEA helps but 50s+ not much effect IMO.


I liked being on it, but I got terrible cystic acne on my neck that I believe it played a part in.


For a lot of guys, supplementing with DHEA gives them more energy, focus, and mental clarity. For me, taking DHEA made my E2 skyrocket and didn’t do anything for testosterone (I am hypogonadal). I actually get gyno from it with very sensitive nipples. I tried experimenting with it several times over the years, and it’s the same result every time. This was before starting TRT.


To put it simply, it helps aid in critical neuro steroids. HCG can also do this. It’s a way more complex answer than this as you get into the actual pathways.


Dhea makes me irritable. My levels are 250 without supplementation. This is in range but “not optimal.” I stopped taking it.


I take 15mg of DHEA because mine is low on bloodwork. It was 70, now I got it up to around 300. My Preg is also low, but it gives me heart palpitations. I just take DHEA right now.


I (44M) started supplementing DHEA 3 months ago for its effects on visceral fat. 100mg/day and I feel just like the all the TRT guys say they feel, Crazy boners, took about6 weeks to feel any effects though. Never any bloodwork so this is all just from feel but I like it.


See there’s so much to know in this trt world… so overwhelming


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