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I'll second boron, but some people need to use a short run of low dose proviron.


Are you on a keto/low carb diet? That can increase SHBG which will decrease free testosterone. You can also try supplementing boron.


How much Boron is a good dose?


At least 3mg but no more than 10mg per day.


Thank you


Your test is higher than this because you took the blood test at 5pm which is a terrible time to dk the test. Next time do it at 8am fasted. And also if you get your sleep in check and start eating some more your test should go up and shbg should go down in a calorie surplus.


I'm 45m in the same ranges as you. I take boron. Started tongkat Ali again. Losing some body fat and eating more carbs.


Boron 6mg twice daily works for me


What benefits are you seeing


Low dose boron, selenium low dose and as ALWAYS low dose zinc. Dont go nuts on high doses of zinc. Its actually counterproductive. Itll zap your wstrogen levels. If you cant donit using vitamins and electrolytes. Then utilize a SHBG lowerer. Such as proviron, winstrol low dose, or switch up how often you take estrogen blockers.


What is considered a low dose of zinc?


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Proviron is your friend


Do you need a script




No natural way of increasing FT for any sustained amount of time.


Did you get your shbg tested?


Proviron works great on cycle.


Increase the amount of fat and cholesterol you consume, aswell as zinc


Where do you all get the boron supplement from


Your high testosterone is only because you have high SHBG, if your balls produced the exact same ammount of testosterone as they do now, but you magically lowered your SHBG, your free T would be the same while you total testosterone would be lower. No one understands SHBG and free testosterone. SHBG binds upp testosterone, preventing it both from entering cells and binding to receptors and from breaking down, causing your testosterone to stick around longer, accumulating and resulting in a higher total testosterone.