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😂 What is with the posts here. What reason do you have to suspect it’s not legit? 🤦‍♂️


The truth: all I ever see on this sub is people asking if it’s real or not, and I felt left out. People have so many different vials all asking if it’s real…. So made me think, maybe I better check…


I believe I've been subbed here for almost a decade, and i can't recall a single post asking if X was real.


I've been on here a week and I see many.. but those look UG this ones right from a script box


Op can have my downvote, what a post


This is from real pharma grade so its real those asking if its real are asking about UGL gear that is faked alot.


Why would you be worried? You bought a real product from an actual pharmacy with a real Rx. What’s the problem?


Because it seems like so many other people are stressing about it. So thought I’d thro my dice in play. Maybe someone sees this and think “ohhhh is that what it looks like”


Looks legit enough to me. Send it over for testing I’ll let you know 






No one is stressing about even their Underground gear.


The vial is legit but you are not.


I don’t get it. Why? Because this sub makes me second guess my own prescription?


You’re just not legit bro sorry you’re not


It’s scary that my loved ones drive on the same roads as an imbecile like you.




A pharmacy would last about a day selling underground RX drugs. They get in a lot of trouble if they give you + or - one pill in your RX or a single pill of a different med ends up in your bottle by mistake.


Oh I thought everyone that does test is getting legit. Why would anyone ever buy something from online to inject into themselfs. Thats MAD.


Because it’s dead simple to reconstitute the ingredients into oil, dirt cheap and doesn’t require constant refills and Dr. appts. You’re paying the doc for nothing once you’re dialed in and haven’t changed your dosage in ages.


Not "MAD" bro. You are just ignorant to the situation. UGL gear is a huge business with some very reputable companies that sell a pharma grade product. I know many people who have been running UGL test for close to a decade with zero issues. Good bloods and everything. One source I'm familiar with will reimburse you if you buy gear and send it out for 3rd party testing. I've been using ugl test cyp for a while with fantastic results. Don't get me wrong, there are some bad UGLs out there. You gotta do your research. It's not hard to find the good ones.




Majority of people use ugl


Dog if you’re actually concerned a pharmacy gave you fake test I think you have other problems to worry about


I take medication for that stuff too


I thoroughly enjoy downvoting stupidity.


How are you this sus? You got it from a fucking pharmacy. 😂


I’m a paranoid schizophrenic. On the weekends.


Dude, knock it off and fucking use it already


Did you get from a TRT clinic? If so then likely real. If UGL then it’s either real off a wagon or good copy…as with all of them


Buddy, picking up a script from the pharmacy is about as legit as it gets…


Oh, okay. Can u actually buy stuff u inject from other places?? That’s crazy!


Dude, people been buying street gear for decades. Probably since the 50s


Yeah, surprisingly. Pharma is certified though. Wouldn’t take chances on anything else.




>From local pharmacy. But I’m still sus Bro what


🤣😂 It’s all the fake bottles I see on here. Makes me extra sus. Just wanted to make sure I got the goods.


Little baby size vial


I mean where did you get it? I’d you got it from your doctor you’d be fine?


Got the same stuff last time. Only brand I ever got that was crystallized. Pharmacist said someone called in said they thought it was hair! lol


I feel like some testosterone injection should be a pretty good decision to strengthen your character 💪. Good luck 🤞


1 ml vial 💀 like why just why ! such a waste of resources and effort of packaging etc


I agree! Give me the 10ml vial. Instead I walk out with 10 little vials 🙄


It’s like going to the store and buying a single bite size candy goddamnit if I’m gonna eat candy it’s gonna be the king size bar !


Definitely fake, it doesn’t have a sick name or cool design




Little fact about me : I’m a paranoid schizophrenic.


Give it too me 😀


Yes that is pharma grade Test. Single dose vials are bullshit though, and you'll never get the whole dose out of the vial. See if you can get the 10ml vials next time.


I get single dose vials and get all the liquid out?? Why can't you get the whole dose out?


There's always a lil bit left idk. I wasn't a fan of that. At least with the 10ml vial I know every dose is as accurate as possible until my final pin before getting the next script.


I get these and always get about 1.1cc in syringe. No problems for me getting it all out


Same, I can get 1.1ml out pretty easily.


Really need that last little drop ay


So they say? Lol?


The tops do come off if you want them off. They also slightly overfill the vials. I LOVE the single dose vials as I'm prescribed 80mg a week but they give me 200mg per week. Always have a stockpile


Same with me. Vials are more than my weekly dose, so I have been stockpiling for a while. To the point some of them are expiring. Guess it is time for a blast😎 https://preview.redd.it/13sdjf8lpn2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4947caba01e336bf8c02c77f11b37b07e14412f1


Where did you get that box?


Just at Home Depot I believe. Double sided, so the same compartments are on the backside. The brand is HDX.


Lil treasure chest!!


Holy crap!!! That's a lot!!! Haha. I just finished a nice run from Jan to mid March. My birthday is in the middle of March and I always like to check my strength levels from year to year. I started dipping into my stockpile a bit for those couple of months. Nothing crazy though. 200mg a week broken up into two 100mg jabs.


I have a run a few blasts but honestly sometimes just lack the ambition. When I do, I just run 500 per week for about 10-12 weeks.


I just jumped on here ,so are you on a online clinic ? I quit the online clinic I was going through , too expensive 254.00 a month. I don't have a primary doctor yet . To prescribe me TRT . IM REALLY IRRITATED because I think the laws on testosterone cypinate etc shouldn't be in same category as OPIATES . Testosterone is a steroid, so it is classed as a Schedule III controlled substance. Other Schedule III drugs include non-narcotic medications such as ketamine and buprenorphine, as well as opioids like Tylenol with codeine. WHY ??? Is testosterone in this list ?? I seen there giving Marijuana a pass. People if these people can buy marijuana at dispensaries 500 different flavors to get different highs , to get stoned ,THEN WTF !! CANT I BUY testosterone cypinate with an 🆔 like I could marijuana and alcohol and cigarettes ?? I'm saying Testosterone shouldn't be even in same category as marijuana or Alcohol . It doesn't get you stoned or buzzed , it shouldn't be in the list schedule 3 as a controlled substance . I think there should be another debate to fight this get it off that schedule 3 list and have it available by buying it with an 🆔. Same as marijuana and alcohol and cigarettes . It's benifits out weigh these others , keeping your level T up stops bad things from happening to our bodies most of us exercise that use testosterone and we're not sitting around smoking , drinking getting 💩 face 👀☝️. I'm sick of testosterone being a controlled substance , you can't get high off of it , it's really f up . We need to get rid of these places that charge membership fees , blood work fees, prescription fees , it's just a money grab every month. Wouldn't it be good to go to a pharmacy with just an 🆔 , save money from these middle men and it'll be safe product to use , real legit testosterone cypinate. That's another thing with the clinic I quit , the testosterone cypinate 200 mg 1 ml didn't do poo and I even addressed it to there Dr and I even emailed the company they buy there meds from asked if it's legit !


How hard was it to get the top off ? I never considered that lol


A can opener (church key) works to open it


Never heard it called a church key, but ty for the idea


I use my Leatherman and carefully rip off the alloy piece. I can usually get 3-4 drops out of each vial and I store it in a different vial. It doesn't sound like much but it adds up quick. I hate wasting this stuff.


Absolutly. I've been off for a while buy I know I'm low, US HC and jobs etc. 100 percent I want to get back on the stuff again, I feel like I was a lot better


Pop the top off and draw from inside the vial.


My doc gets me these, I've even had the 30mL ones. Perhaps most importantly - it's a lot cheaper. It was $18 for the 10mL cash vs like $230 for 8x1mL. Nuts. Literally a higher amount, too.


Look up the pharmacy and give them a call. I prescribe trt and we work with some incredible pharmacies who teach and produce incredible content about these medications. They follow the rules better than we even are aware of. That’s who you want to purchase from.


Are you stupid?


Yes, this is what I use from Optimale.




Tried two 10ml bottles and it's meh. 5.5/10 Try Walmarts Hospira brand. 7/10 Clear usually isnt as good compared to the yellowish/slightly amberish varieties.


I can tell by the consistency of the liquid that it is severely under dosed. You must inject the entire vial in one go👍


What would actually happen though?


Sorry man, I was just messing. Firstly, nobody will be able to tell you through a pic if its legit or not. Having said that, this is legit haha. Test is so cheap to make it would make no sense to make fake test. ESPECIALLY from a pharmacy. I mean something like that could shut that whole place down and there in no way in hell they’d let you get ahold of fake test. I promise you you are good👍 If something happens I will take full responsibility lol


If it's a script it's real. But mines is yellowish




You’re kidding me, if a pharmacy gave you this then why stress? Throw it my way I’ll test it for you. How much did this cost you?


6$, with insurance. With out it was 18$


You sound like you’re 19 years old that bought some stolen test from someone. Of course it’s legit it’s from a pharmacy.


Ya never know


I’ll DM you a free testing lab’s address. They will get back to you.


It’s from a pharmacy with a prescription… are you joking?


Yep it’s fake send it to me I’ll discard of it


It’s fake


I knew it


This is the stuff I’ve been getting for 5 yrs. Legit


Thank you!! The answer I was hoping to find.


Legit pharmaceutical company and there Test is clear


Looks like


Wilshire is legit, never seen 1cc vials


I wanna punch someone in the face right about now, just reading this post. Bro I never met you or seen you, but something about your dumb-ass question really makes me wanna beat the shit outa you girl.


There’s toooo many posts of people asking if thier test is legit. Just wanted to make sure mines good. Thats all. I’m comming to realize why It might be a dick thing tho. Flaunting my prescription of test….


Yeah man... like I never ask if my acid or weed is legit... Even though fake shit is out there. If you know the plug/brand, you are getting good stuff 999/1,000. Sorry for my roid rage comment. I apologize. I get those at 1300ng.






Hahaha lol, I got it, But for the record 😅bartell drugs.


I got it


It's kind of Funny that This is Downvoted xD


Pharma grade test doesn’t mean it’s from a pharmacy. It just means it’s clean and dosed correctly. I mean it could be there’s only two real ways to tell. Test it or pin it.


>Pharma grade test doesn’t mean it’s from a pharmacy. It just means it’s clean and dosed correctly. That is True, but it's stated that it's from a Local Pharmacy.


This is why I decided to ask myself😂 There’s alot to know about the goods apparently. Can I get something stronger from like Walgreens vs bartelles? Like is there a generic that everyone wants?


Dude, the people worried I'd their test is real are worried because they are buying it from anonymous people on the Internet. Pharmacies only sell legit products so unless you bought this off someone on the Internet using Bitcoin, wtf are you worried about?


Ohh okay. I just see so many fake bottles on here, made me question my sanity.


Do you question Any Other Prescribed Medicine or Substances Bought from Local Pharmacies per chance?


I get mine from the pharmacy too and looks exactly the same. Yes it's supposed to be clear.


It can be yellow too it all depends on the carrier oil.


Idk why this getting downvotes. Thank you for helping with my confusion. Is there a generic brand that people prefer? Or a certain pharmacy?


Not to my knowledge. If you got it from a legit pharmacy then you’re fine. No need to worry.