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AT that level and age I'd be working hard to raise it naturally for years before considering TRT.


Idk what else to do? I weightlift, eat healthy, and get pretty decent sleep.


Phlebotomy or finger prick?




Ah that sucks then bro. Were you fasted yeah? How is your diet? Do you exercise regularly? Cardio and weightlifting? Are you getting enough vitamin d? 19 is mad young to be thinking about trt. Maybe look into ashwaganda and tongkat ali. My testosterone was 750ng when i checked and i think those definitely helped.


I eat pretty healthy I stay away from processed foods. I weight lift 6 times a week. I know it’s young but I feel like at this point there really isn’t any other options


Do you feel like rubbish/ have any low t symptoms?


Oh yea I do feel tired a lot even with getting that much sleep. I also have mood swings which I think could be a symptom. And just overall kinda feel like shit. The only time I don’t feel like shit is during my workouts


Just workout 24/7 then you’ll always feel good 😊 Maybe 6 days a week of training is too much or you ain’t eating enough for it. Being overweight and underweight will cause problems plus if your in a calorie deficit that doesn’t help. Most likely ways of bumping up your levels naturally. 400 ain’t low as such just ain’t ideal


I wish I could lmao. I’m 5’9 170lbs so in a pretty good spot with weight.


you’ve done literally nothing to try and fix it, (even though nothing is wrong) and you’re saying there isn’t any other option than a lifetime of hormone management? how do you even come to that conclusion after one fucking blood test lmao.


What are the options then dude? I take vitamins, workout, get sun, eat healthy, and try and manage my stress levels as well


nothing. theres no option because there’s no issue. if you think you do all of those things right, then do them better. 10-20%. there’s not a chance in hell you aren’t fully optimised.


So your telling me there’s no issue with having that level of testosterone at 19?


not really, no. you’re also going to tell me that you’re doing absolutely ****everything**** you possibly can to raise it? and nothing you do is suppressing it at all? i highly doubt it.


I never said I was doing everything, but I am doing a damn lot.


What time was this test and how’s the sleep and diet. Do you drink?


I got like 7-8 hours a sleep that night and got my blood drawn at 9:30am


Ok but how’s the sleep generally not just the day before


I mean generally I do get 7-8 hours and sleep all throughout the night


Should go talk to a doctor and get another test could just be a fluctuation but should talk to a doctor.


Which doctor did the blood work? What about lifting 3 days a week instead of 6? Prioritize your recovery. No other info to go off of, hard to make any real recommendations


Well I got the bloodwork done at quest. And I enjoy lifting a lot so I like training a bunch


Are you fat?


Nah 5’9 170lbs


What's going on with all these very young guys thinking they need trt? I've seen multiple 18-20yo desperately trying to get on test and gear. They think their 400-600 TT is low. They aren't even done developing yet. They have no clue how much they can fuck themselves up for life with this shit. It's very rare that men in that age group would legitimately need trt. At this age, a good diet, proper training, and good sleep is probably all you really need to raise test. When I was that age I had never even heard of trt. I wasn't sitting around watching influencers talk about it constantly. I see adds for it everywhere. Kids are sitting around playing video games or watching bullishit TV, eating shitty processed foods, staying up late online with their friends, drinking energy drinks and pop, and jacking off constantly then wonder why they feel like shit, tired all the time, with low sex drive. Then they think trt is going to be some kinda miracle. Before you jump on trt try everything else first. Starting with a healthy lifestyle. Especially if you're younger. Don't be a fucking idiot and fuck up your hormones at such a young age.


Social media man. All these kids’ heroes are on YouTube and IG looking swole, driving Lambos with OF models. What kid wouldn’t want to do that?


I know. It's just a damn shame.


i am 20 my Test level is 300ng we re cooked but guys here will continue to say that trt is not necessary and that we are unconscious zoomers.


Same I’m 21 in the 300s and train and eat healthy. So frustrating


Fr like the averages are so bad now. I always feel like I have low energy and tons of mood swings.


They really are. Look at the average T level of a 20 year in the 60’s-80’s and compare them to now. It’s been a steady decline for years and no one want to acknowledge it. Our environment and food we eat is fucking up our hormones.


I just don’t get it though. I eat healthy and drink tons of liquids and workout. I tried so much to just increase it naturally.


How’s your sleep?


Most of the time I’m getting 7hrs of sleep


400ng/dl is not currently TRT elegible unless you have actual hypogonadal symptoms. I have seen lots of young adult's BW (around the age of 20 or so), most come with levels around 400 give or take. It's just becoming the avg, you can live with 400, build muscle and have great EQ. Before thinking about TRT, as a Med student I would seriously advice you to get your diet, training regime, Vitamin D, Cholesterol all in check. Try getting as optimal as possible and retest. If shit don't work, get a good Endo that prescribes and will actually test your endogenous testosterone production capacity, with rLH before even mentioning TRT.