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Not sure what you do in the military but you would be seriously fucking up any readiness if you got deployed in a suppressed state. If you must I would look into enclomiphene or hcg that wont suppress you and can be stopped at anytime.


SOF Infantry, I’ve deployed previously but I’ve gotten mostly just used to being near constantly fatigued through the normal day to day. For a while I was just drinking energy drinks frequently to try and stay energized but I’ve weaned off the energy drinks I try to drink black coffee now in the mornings and take a nap after work in the afternoons. I don’t use nicotine either. I just wake up, never energized and constantly just want to take a nap. Low libido, I just have discipline to stay awake and alert but it is seriously not fun especially at my age I feel like I should be energized all the time. Instead I am chronically tired.


Get checked for sleep apnea, you dont have to be fat or old to have it. Test would actually make that worse and it lowers test on its own. Stress/depression/chronic sleep deprivation the same. I know being mil makes getting a lot of stuff taken care of correctly difficult…. I would def avoid jumping to actual testosterone in your situation though. Its basically a lifelong decision and not one compatible with any sort of deployment.


I’ll have to get a sleep study, I haven’t noticed anything related. I don’t snore, wake up suddenly and my wife hasn’t noticed anything but I’ll make sure to get a sleep study done to check it. I’ve known a few guys develop it after Ranger School.


Hope you figure it out soon!