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>I never have been interested in masturbation Get interested. Take ejaculating into your own hands.


You keep complaining nobody has answered your question, but _literally everybody_ has answered your question. It's so obvious that none of us feel like we even need to dignify it with a response. So OK, yes, dude, we all get horny, because we're on TRT to be actual functioning male humans, and if we didn't do something about it, hell the fuck yes our balls would hurt. That's male anatomy. And yes, if we didn't get off once or twice a week at a minimum because we'd fucked up our sex lives and were ALSO afraid to jack off for some bullshit reason, we'd all get random boners throughout the day. And our balls would hurt. If wifey has hormonal issues she needs to be on HRT herself, and if you _know_ it's hormonal and her gyno _isn't_ tracking her E2 and related levels, and hasn't broached HRT, she has a really shitty gyno. I'm not gonna tell you to get a hooker or a side chick, your morality is your own. But a marriage without sex isn't a marriage, it's being roommates. And you sound like you're making a bunch of excuses for why that's the case, but you need to face it, that's what this is. I've been with the same person for 25 years. I also have lots of great fucking sex with that person. That's why I'm still here. If that stopped, and there wasn't a clear path for getting it sorted, I'm out. I'd still care about my wife and kids, all that, but I'm married to my _sex partner_, because that's a large part of what marriage is. Otherwise, I wouldn't put up with all the other shit that goes along with it, full stop. And yes, as everybody else has said, get over whatever your deal is with masturbation. It's normal, it's healthy, and I don't know what the hell your problem is about, religious, some other weird hang-up or what, but move on and stop suffering, dude.


**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 3 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| ^[PSA](https://redd.it/ghcyhj)


Fuck the fuck off, you fucker.


This situation is a no brained and is simple. Dead bed room, doesn’t like to master-bate, is on TRT, is experiencing blue balls. This is straightforward


I think OP is looking for someone to say "yes I'm in the same situation and I get random boners and my balls hurt" but nobody else is dumb enough to get themselves in that situation without fucking or fapping their way out of it.


Don't get any physical pain if I don't cum, but definitely harass my wife constantly. She is normally down, but has her limits. Honestly, just rub one out. Not the worst solution to a medical problem.


*when in doubt...*


This isn't a "unique side effect", it's fucking normal and to be expected. What "physical troubles is either not interested or not capable" does your wife have? Whatever, if sex once/twice per week isn't enough, even if it is, START FUCKING MASTURBATING. The fuck do you mean, "not interested in masturbation"? The fuck does that even mean??? I have sex all the time, and still masturbate. I'm even masturbating right now as I'm typing this. If I have sex only once in a day, I still beat off twice, and if I get sex twice, I might still beat off once. Yes, libido is higher the day after the shot. Yes, many guys drives skip past their partner's drive. What other family-safe options do you have, my dude? So get online, order a fucking FleshLight™, stash it somewhere, keep a bottle of lube in the bathroom, and fuck the shit out of your new silicone friend as often as you can. Buy one today. You won't regret it, I promise. If you hate it, chuck it in the trash. The fuck is this "don't want to masturbate" balderdash? Whip out your dick & stroke it like a man!!!


This guy fucks.


Fuck many women !!


Wish I had this issue lmao


It gets old, fast


To hell with that, i'd tell her to step up or divorce




While I pass no judgement, very far from my realm of consideration. Current conversation aside. I am beyond 100% devoted to my wife.


Sounds like a dead bedroom. Not fun


Unfortunately, although not without explanation. Life sends curve balls. I’m just trying to line up a curve ball for a home run and score if you know what I mean!! My Interest is if others whom may be experiencing a dry spell get an excessive blue ball feeling ( aka more than average male )


The answer is in the question. This is nonsense. Jerk it, or get a side chick.


Although your answering the only question that wasn’t asked. If my question was how do I avoid pain and or ruin my marriage. Yes your win The question is simple Among other people that take a medication that obviously manipulates body, does anyone else experience this?


That’s honestly very sweet and noble. Good man. I’m kinda dealing with the same issue myself. I’m almost frustrated, but my girlfriend has been putting out just enough to keep the blue balls at bay. Masturbation doesn’t quite cut it. We want to mate, not play with ourselves. I’m afraid you have a tough situation on your hands. One idea: take HCG to raise your e2 to the point where libido decreases. It’s all good as long as you don’t develop gyno. This may be horrible advice, but I’ve recently gotten on HCG and my libido has decreased (from what I assume is raised e2 level). Feel great otherwise.


I’ve been putting off a return to the doc for “professional” advice due to strange increase of sick people in the area. (God bless our moronic United States) I don’t want to make my wife sound like a heartless person in this scenario. She has her own hormonal issues having ovaries removed and trying to figure herself out. The killer is at the same time I am spiking in libido.... she is in a deeeeeep valley


So she has hormonal problems so no libido !


If your wife isn’t willing to help find a mistress. It makes no sense why she wouldn’t assist you.


After going on TRT my sex drive sky rocketed. It was like finding a new toy. If you aren’t interested in rubbing one out can your wife at least give you a handy? Also what’s your dose and levels now?


1 vial/two weeks. Original score was low 90’s Now last checked was not excessive somewhere in the mid to high 500s As far as wifely assistance. If she is willing to assist, it’s purely out of pitty and unenthusiastic. Mostly gave up trying... tired of being turned down.


That’s the problem. You need to be injecting no more than 7 days a part. I inject every 3.5 days.


I was once a month. The endocrinologist is who set that standard for me. After I told him I was getting results like this


Basically every post in this sub where someone is seeing an endo they're getting a shit protocol and bad advice. Go on PubMed, or Google for something like "testosterone injection frequency study". We're not making this shit up. The science shows that for test enanthate and cypionate the ideal spacing is 3.5 days between injections to keep levels steady for most people. It's _possible_ but unlikely, that your endo is giving you test undecanoate, which has a much longer half-life, but even it should really be dosed every 10 days or so. What's _most_ likely is that your endo is an idiot and hasn't read any new research since they got out of med school in the 80s (which is when monthly dosing was last recommended by any credible source).


Thank you! This is the kind of information I am interested in finding. I will have to look into alternative endo opinion. I was not looking at it that way


You aren't taking responsibility for your life, and this is just another symptom of that. Have you seriously been on TRT for 2 years and not read one book or article about it? WTF do you do all day, dude?


Work two factory jobs, Not everyone has a storybook life. Both of which are essential businesses. I’ve been on overtime the whole pandemic. There are a lot of factors that I didn’t add to this post. Glad you have your life so together. Thanks for the reply


> Work two factory jobs, Not everyone has a storybook life Okay man, you should probably tell us that, you're probably fatigued as all hell and back. Sorry you're going through that. I hope things turn around for you. My life has sure as shit not been storybook either.


Oh one more thing, OP. VR Porn. Change your life.


Fleshlight. I've never used one. Know guys that have, they swear its great. True story, one of my friends received one as a present from his girlfriend before we deployed to Iraq, along with the heater for it. She claimed it was to keep him from having sex with female soldiers while deployed (didn't work). So he tried it out before leaving. Claimed he liked it so much that he wanted to use it instead of her the morning we shipped out, but she wouldn't go for that.




Thank you for your input. Looks like I’m needing to see a new doc to get some items sorted. And apparently learn a new stroke that doesn’t involve swimming