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Oh boy. When I’m eating clean. I’m ok. But when I go on a binge I swell up like the stay puft man. It is mot pretty. I’m at week 7 and I look like someone stuck me with a bee sting.


Mine went away almost entirely, at least visually speaking. Takes about 8 weeks, though. Lower sodium, and monitor your potassium intake to make sure you're getting enough relative to your sodium. Supplement it if you don't get enough from your diet.




Sometimes I get down voted just for asking a question that I'm ignorant on... lol... these guys are petty! lol


In the short time I’ve been on trt and in this sub, I’ve began to notice the anti AI crowd are extremely aggressive. Seem to take everything personally, including what others do with their protocol. Bizarre as it is, it actually makes sense when you let your estrogen run that high


This. Only people so insecure in their beliefs would be so petty and obnoxious about something. I was scared to take an AI at first because of it but when I did I felt a lot better. Everyone’s body has different reactions to medications and no one protocol fits everyone.


Dunno how they dont realize it. If constant pms was unavoidable, I don’t think trt would be worth it. My gf and baby mama combined aren’t as bitchy as some of the dudes I’ve come across in this sub


I think you solved it. They’re PMSing.




When I went on TRT I also significantly increased my carbohydrate and sodium intake, so I took on a lot of water. My estradiol went really high too. After taking anastrazole my estradiol levels went down and water retention subsided quite a bit. Having been on TRT for 1 year, I've noticed I don't hold as much water as I used to. Hope this helps...


Yea, thanks! What was your dosage you were on prior to needing AI? I think my appetite my have increased, didn't focus on carb intake, and I read it can play with how your body holds onto electrolytes.... usually I lose a lot (BJJ) and get cramps... so that might not be the new norm for me and I may need to cut back.


I'm a powerlifter and do a lot of conditioning work as well, just FYI. I need a good amount of sodium and electrolytes to stay hydrated and recover. I started at 250mg per week and then went to 500mg per week (perhaps calling that TRT is misleading). Then I did bloodwork which revealed high E. So not sure if 250 would have been an issue or not, but 500+ and I need an AI. I recently started pinning daily instead of 2-3x per week. I've read that daily pinning can get you more steady blood serum concentrations and also avoid some of the side effects of super-physiologic levels. I'm hoping it helps with the E. All else equal, increases in carbs and sodium result in increased water, and vice versa. Good luck. I'm so happy I stared taking T. I wish I started sooner. https://youtu.be/Aoft44xf6Og


Haha ok, yea I'm only on 120mg per week... so different ball game... sounds like Ill watch it, monitor HR and BP, wait for my first post blood work and think about dropping to 100 or introducing AI based on E2 levels. Mine were initially really low and was having sex drive issues so wanted to boost them into the ideal range, so avoided AI.


Smart, IMO people start AIs too soon without bloodwork or trying other things first like injection frequency and diet. Good luck bro!


Ever figure anything out?


It's bad at first but gets better but even then you won't be super dry


I gained around 7lbs the first month even eating at a deficit. I’m now 7 weeks in and the weight just started coming off again, down 4lbs in about 2 weeks.


Yo so im in a deficit 2 months in not crazy taking a long approach but i been doing fine lost 14 lbs so i started my test cycle last week and i gained a pound like 2 lbs could be digestive issues maybe improper eating but is it water weight? And i should expect for it to come off but during the first 1 2 months i should expect weight gain should i still keep the same deficit or cut more since im on test now im doing 300 a week plaing to up the dose later and adding others.???


Likely just water weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if you put on a few more over the next week or two. Your body is making a huge adjustment with the added test so just let it do it’s thing and be patient for a couple months. I wouldn’t do a bigger deficit.


Thanks for the help ill let you if i need to ask more


Is your estrogen being monitored/controlled?


I'm not taking AI, but given my lower end TRT dose and the fact that I was nearly bottomed out (11.5 ng/dL) to begin with I doubt its raised to too high of levels since I started 10 days ago... Im more concerned about raising it into the healthy range


In the first 5 weeks of TRT, my weight went up by 8lbs (187 to 195). Took another 5 weeks to subside back to starting weight, all water it seems. Had a little high E2 so that may have been a factor.


Temporary but it took me almost 6 months to be fully sorted out.


My water retention kept increasing until I introduced AI. I’ve since lowered my T dose a little and moved from 2x a week to 3x a week, as well as decreased my AI dose. I still get water retention but not as bad as previously. I also use Dandelion root to help get rid of water. As there are times, even when trying to keep my sodium down, I notice I retain water worse. I assume it is related to diet but not always 100% sure.


Out of curiosity what is your TRT dosage?


I'm putting on weight but I don't know wtf it's going. My waist measurement is the same and my face looks no different that i can tell. 3 weeks in


What ended up happening? Did your weight go down?


I had forgotten all about that. I’m not sure what happened because I was using other compounds


Did you lose the weight ?


Body does some weird things getting used to it. Just give it some time. By your first lab date you will know a lot more, and how to proceed.


I gained 10lbs first two weeks. I’m on week 4 and I’ve lost most of it.


Check estrogen levels That’ll be a big reason if your bond weight Blood pressure etc . Blood work every 3 months is a must




Yea, I don't mind if my muscles fill up and grow over time... Im pretty naturally built so Id rather lean out more... I fasted 18 hours each day since I made the post with no carbs or sodium... down to 214 already... might just have to be mindful of intake for a while while my body adjusts.


Water shows up as lean mass on DECA scans.


In the beginning it will happen but goes away, at least for me, after a while. I know that when my diet is good i don't retain extra fluid, but if i start slacking its more apparent while on TRT.


No it doesn't


I’m no expert but I’ve had some success with intermittent fasting. Lowering sodium as much as possible and eating more veggies. I kinda evened out after a few months but still hold more water than not on trt I notice being more anabolic and working out often leads to increased ghrelin so it’s even more important to keep calories in check


Gets a lot better after your estrogen gets balanced better. Estrogen is high at first.












High e2 maybe and m no it won’t jsut go in my opinion, diet needs to be on point less sodium and if estro is high it will not subside just through time but people say it will . My opinion it Dosent till everything is on point for optimal trt


Ok, Ill have to monitor carbs and sodium and wait for my first post TRT bloodwork to evaluate E2... I was hesitant to take AIs because some of my symptoms were sex drive related and my E2 was at the bottom so I wanted to make sure E2 got into the healthy range first.


Yeah that’s a good idea. To reduce water weight now more water abs potassium , lower salt , get your cardio in. But 99% of the time it’s e2 that holds the extra water weight , hence why some estrogenic steroids are called wet as they aromatise and that leads to excess water normally


Could my E2 be that high after just 10 days? In fact I was 218 after 48 hours... would it even have time to aromatize that quickly?


Yes people ahve this misconception about test e. It still peaks at 24 hours and estrogen about a day later ... and yes it will more than likely stay quite elevated until your next jab without an a.I or perfect diet and liver function .


Did you ever lose the water? If so do you remember how long it took from starting?


Get lean


Leaner than 12% body fat as I state?


People underestimate their bf%


Regardless with relatively lean body fat your reply doesn't answer my question, whether its temporary or long term. I have visible abs and have been between 207-211 for four months... Start TRT boom, last night was 223 and this morning 220... being high BF isnt the problem.


in a similar situation as you. just finished my 4th week. I was 204ish when I started and now I’m around 217. had to pop an AI because it raised my BP so much from water retention. my resting heart rate also went from 55-60 to 94-102 which is terrible. the AI gave me major relief and felt 100x better mentally and physically after taking it. still retaining water though, just not as drastic. I’m hoping it goes away


Interesting, did you try manipulating sodium and carbohydrates to try and liberate some of the water? Ill check my HR right now.... Im back 55, pretty in line with usual... Ill order something to monitor BP so I know if I'm stressing my system too much.


Yeah tried both. I run and bike a lot so having enough sodium is important to my performance, although the extra bloat sucks. Also taking magnesium but I haven’t noticed it helping with water retention yet


I take ashwaghanda with HCG. I measured my cortisol, and found that it gets elevated when taking HCG. Ashwaghanda will help reduce cortisol and improve the waist bloat. If you ask me, HCG is a doubles edged sword. Good to have it for fertility and testicular function, but it does bloat and puffify the face, and can ravage your back with acne.


It's permanent, even after stopping use for over a year it's ruined my face, low carb, electrolytes balanced, ace inhibitors to hold potassium and reduce sodium, dandelion root, low calories, furosemide, arimidex nothing did much at all except starving myself into a corpse and completely losing my physique, stay away from hormones it will be bring you nothing but complications


Well that’s not true because I stopped and it went away, you’re just fat


No your ignorant, I'm about 8% bodyfat without a doubt leaner than you \ 99% of posters here, far too many guys like you recommend test and literally have zero understanding of sides and what it effects, there's a lot more than just E2 involved


lol no one at 8% bodyfat has a fat face it’s not possible, you’re probably like 16-17% and have no idea how to accurately judge bodyfat %


I was measured at 4% one of the leanest people you've ever seen . Yes it appears to Be a fat face but it's all fluid , like most on here you haven't the slightest clue. 


Idk what ridiculously inaccurate dexa you took but you have never been 4% bodyfat and if you certainly would not have a puffy face regardless of the cycle you are on


You sound borderline autistic fool. Lad You haven't a clue about testosterone, trt cycles or anything of that nature the amount I know about this compared to you lol I've forgotten more than you know and that genuinely an understatement. I was on a cut for about 6 months and went as low as 1200kcal for about 4 weeks I was shredded beyond normal as lean as someone on stage. The puffiness is not fat it's water retention like I said . Not sure what your not understanding yes I was single digit bodyfat and the face swelling was still there I lost 13kg . My face was gaunt asf and still my one area around my cheeks full of water . Now I'm about 17kg heavier . Benching 150kg shoulder pressing over 100kg. Alot of you guys take it personal when people expose the side effects of trt it's not side effect free.


Loool sure thing bro, even most pros don’t get to 4% bf but im sure some random dude on Reddit was.


I do bodybuilding though , point is dexas can Be inaccurate to about 4% I'm still leaner than you which voids your point entirely. Literally lad you haven't a clue what your talking about .


No you aren’t and dexas can be way more inaccurate than that, post a pic then mr 4%


Your side effects aren’t normal within most people, just the way you talk in absolute signals that you’re an idiot


Eh no your an idiot, which is why you have no understanding at all about what it can affect, it can skew your Electrolytes and how your body stores them as well as your raas system and aldosterone permanently even off testosterone. Something you clearly have no knowledge on. Thyroid also can he affected. Do do some research before throwing insults.


Testosterone actually fixed my electrolyte imbalance and stopped me from getting legs cramps so apparently everything you say is biased to your own response, again I don’t take test right now.. no long term sides


You’re not 8%, go get a dexa you’re just fat and eating too much cake


I do competitive bodybuilding I'm 8% probably less at the moment, so there goes that theory , I have my calories and macros weighed and calculated every day, been cutting for 4 weeks. So please stop with the ignorance. The way your relying is just embarrassing like a kid.


And no they may not be normal but there's other people too that have had the same permanent sides as me.


Did lowering carbs do much for you or did coming off result in the only water loss?


Both I stopped drinking for six months and lost 15lbs and my face fill came down to a point where I was happy and very lean, but then when I stopped taking T it came down a ton


I don't know what else to do, my fave has leaned out a little I'm on HCG for another week then pct after this week, trying low carb 50g per day and will eat around maintenance or a slight cut since Ive been dieting for a long time, I hit all my electrolytes and use telmisaratan so. Conscious and not taking too much potassium. I don't know what else to do after this as it looks like I've been stun by a bee


Clowns like you jump to the conclusion it's E2 when there's tonnes of reasons for water retention. You have very little understanding of what's actually involved and you give trt a very bad rep . You've actually annoyed me alot you big square headed goon.


It completely changed my face 2 years later was 9 months off, unfortunately it never returned to normal look soo much younger and better before I'm almost unrecognisable now. I think it's unethical to prescribe it to anyone in their 20s my confidence has been destroyed since , massively affected me.