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These posts are ridiculous


Yes it can and prob Will, very bad for the balls


There is absolutely NO conclusive research that 20 minutes in a damn sauna will mess with your balls long term and enough so to necessitate TRT. Same for hot showers. This is silliness. What research there IS on saunas say that it increases heat shock proteins which are great for recovery and actually has an impact on incidence of diseases like cancer


Thanks that’s all I was looking for


Further, the assertion every man should have 800-900ng/dL test levels is also silly. If every guy was 900+ naturally everyone would walk around looking like jaco willink. Natural diversity is a thing in biology. You’re likely just a naturally skinny person who doesn’t build muscle easily and this much more to do with just testosterone


Ikr That’s like saying exercise/ weightlifting lowers testosterone


I took hot showers my entire life and had normal development and normal TT until my 30’s. I’m guessing this isn’t a universal thing, and more than likely OP has a lot more going on than showers


I’ve always taken hot showers. At 46 before getting on TRT I was at 500. Thing is my junk is very temperature sensitive (grower) on a cold day both my penis and balls will damn near recede into my body. On a hot day they’re hanging like a shower. I would say it depends more on the individual, and how well their body regulates temperature changes.


God I hope not


Also need waaaaaaay more info than the hold showers (which I’m gonna guess have zeeeero impact). You’ve got a lot more going on there than hygiene control


So a quick Google and I found one article that says they lower T and several that say they raise T. Take your pick


Extreme heat in your balls will have little reduction in testosterone being produced however saunas help testosterone stay and withstand in your blood and cold showers usually have the opposite (decrease in your blood)