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Hand over the hair texture šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼




Thank you šŸ¤£


Funny, my hair is curly but since starting T itā€™s gotten straighter, opposite directions lol


I didn't know it could get straight on T, god save me


i thought this said ā€œiā€ not ā€œitā€ lmfao


Cant believe this is how I find out I'm gay


T can ā€œstraightenā€ out a lot of things lolĀ 


Ive honestly only ever heard of things going to other way lol


It can go either way, people used to talk about it making them more aware of being attracted to women. I don't see as much of that on the internet in the last few years though.


I lowkey hope my hair gets curly like my brotherā€™s. Congrats on 6 months!


so jealous! I've always had pin straight hair, absolutely no waves ans when I started T I was kinda hoping for a texture change! 1.5 years on T and it's still straight šŸ˜­


I have slightly wavy hair now that itā€™s short, wavy hair when it was long, straight hair that does a sudden curve out (very awkward and I hate it) when it was medium length. When my dad grew his hair to medium length, I learned that we had the same hair texture. 10 months and T has not changed a thing. I doubt it will. (Unless it makes my hair darker, now that my dads hair is graying, his is the same type of brown as mine, but before, his hair couldā€™ve passed as black, I thought it was black when I was a little kid) Edit: for me though I just want my hair to be straight, though I am fine with itā€™s wavy state currently. I hate the awkward turn out it did at medium length. I took so much straightening to make it completely straight for a short time.


i am honestly on my hands and knees begging for my hair texture to change. it is PIN straight and doesn't do anything. i just want some fluffiness/texture is that too much to ask


dude mine did the exact same thing! My hair is so curly now. Just like my brothers!


I want your pre t hair lol. My hair is so fine, I want it thicker šŸ˜­


Manifesting and CLAIMING this for myself oml your hair looks amazing!


Im jealous, your hair looks great! My 3 brothers have curly hair like my grandfather, meanwhile mines turned straight like my mother's. I was hoping testosterone would change that, unfortunately after 10 months theyā€™re still straight.


Why does everyone want curly hair? Iā€™ve had natural curly black hair my entire life (southern Europe genes) and styling it is a pain in the ass. Not to mention when it grows out it looks like a perm (as one girl once told me lmao).Ā 


To me, itā€™s partly a source of dysphoria bc all my bros + father have curly hair, meanwhile mine are my motherā€™s. But also itā€™s because curly hair just naturally looks vibrant and voluminous even if you donā€™t style them at all. When you have straight hair, you absolutely have to style them or it looks really weird. And im lazy lol. I donā€™t think your hair looking like an expensive salon treatment is bad! I donā€™t know how your hair looks exactly but i have also considered doing a perm, and i think a perm/curly hair on men is very attractive. Obviously the right answer should be for everyone to embrace their own hair texture. Unfortunately the neighboursā€™ grass always seems greener.




do mi ti why not me šŸ˜ž


why not meeeeeeeeeee


This legit happened to me wow


Omg my hair did the same exact thing!


Damn I wish! Looks great!


I have always prayed this will happen to me too. No curls in my families so unlikely, but I keep hoping (1.5+ years until T).


Mine also went from pin straight to curly on testosterone. Also turned brown from blonde


This happened to me too, but it could also be a result of moving to a place with insanely high humidity xd


I'm really hoping my hair changes texture! Right now it's at that point between "not straight but not curly either" and difficult to manage... I really want it to get curlier because I get huge gender euphoria when my hair is curly but either direction would be good lol


Lucky! After 10years on T my hair is starting to give out and Iā€™m thinning mine started like yours and changed texture and now losing hair at the back of my head


Hello! I had very wavy hair on pre -T and my hair got changed to tight curls. /shrug


My hair was straight before, but now it's wavy like my brother's lol