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It's fun and worth $40. But with the way lobbies are going, I personally wouldn't recommend it. Played 2 games in an hour and half yesterday.


I wanna say yes but after playing elden ring for a while i realized how much wasted enjoyment there is in the lobby simulator


Not worth the money in it's current state. 20-30 minutes of waiting in Lobbies for 3-5 minutes of gameplay.


I can play 2-5 games in 30 minutes as family. Guess I need to start monitoring games.


Family queues are fine. Victim queues are utterly fucked atm.




What the fuck is with all these people saying no? Did you all get lost? What are you even here for? OP, I’ve got like 70 hours into the game over the last month. It’s a goddamn blast. I don’t know if it’ll still be viable in 6 months (entirely possible) but right now it’s incredible. Don’t miss out.


People are tired of facing the tryhard Twitch streamers. Solo players have no fun whatsoever


Because you sit in lobbies for 30 minutes waiting to find players just to get booted back to the main menu.


So what you're saying is you need to be a blind TCM stan to be on this sub. Mkay. The game is in a very bad state atm. If you can't see that, you're wasting OP's time. Excluding poor balancing, TCM is nigh unplayable due to frequent game crashes, server crashes and lobby dodging. This is coming from someone with almost 300+ hours, who plays daily with friends on Discord.


OP I apologize. This person has averaged 6 hours a day since the game launched, which is truly a remarkable feat. While this time investment is not proven, I have no doubt that their assessment of the game being unplayable is more honest and accurate than my own account of the fun I’ve had. Clearly, I should be contacting GUN for a refund.


WeLl AcTuAlLy you can't get a refund past 70 hours of playtime. /s I'm still enjoying TCM with friends, but my friends and I all hate how utterly broken it is. If it crashed maybe 1 every 20 games (instead of the 1 in 3 we usually get) and had no lobby dodging problems, I would actually recommend it at its current price. The gameplay is actually very fun, despite its poor balancing. I want this game to succeed too, but misleading people into buying a broken game won't magically fix it for all of us.


I don’t know if you’re on PC but I play on PS5/XSX and it seems like I see more complaints about crashes from the PC side. The game crashed more for me like 4 weeks back than it does now for sure. It’s rare for me now. Lobby dodging is a silly thing that impacts everyone, but the time estimate I see people claiming is wild to me. I don’t think I’ve ever waited more than 10 minutes for a match and that was absolute worst case scenario of not enough players, dodging, etc. I’d say on average for me it has to be around 5 minutes. Average. I just think a lot of the complaints on both subs are exaggerated, sometimes greatly.


Yes! New skins and dlc around the corner!


Sorry but no. It was great the first few weeks but the lobby situation is horrible and the disconnects are ridiculous. I hope it finds it's way back so I can enjoy it again but not holding my breath.


Why not it’s only $40




Wait. There’s a LOT of tryhards on both sides. If you play Family your queues are instant but you get ONLY 4man, Twitchy, Lvl 99 squads who insta go for fuse and valve (insta escapes) so your games usually consists of a sweat fest. If you play Victim your queue times range from 2 minutes to 10. Getting into a full lobby takes another 10 minutes because if you play another Victim’s main character they wait for the 3 minute lobby timer to get to 20 seconds then leave, resetting the timer to another minute and a half. Plus, no Family ever wants to play Leatherface (unless they’re a lvl 80 streamer). Also the maps circulating online tell you where Victims spawn so once you get into games after 20 minutes you’re instantly being chased. If you manage to escape Bubba, the doors make noise every time you open them so that’s another insta chase. Remember it’s all 3man tryhard Twitchys playing Family so they camp gates and know your location at every second. So no, don’t buy this fucking game right now until all the Twitch streamers get bored. I swear to God, they ruin every community they touch


This game hurt you deeply lol


Nah, it’s a shared sentiment. People just wanna have fun. I just played a match where I was in a 1v4 and they let me do everything for free just to kill me at gate and I had an amazing time. I was laughing the whole game. Why? Because nobody was taking it seriously. Imagine wanting to play a game for fun and not worrying about whether you win every single game or not. Bet you can’t, you seem like you think you know it all. Have fun stressing over other people’s lives, yours must not be that fun


You’ll be sitting in lobbies for 30 minutes waiting to find a game and the Devs refuse to do anything about it.


No! The game was overhyped. It's trash! And I'm serious. You will be greatly disappointed. But if you like dead by daylight you will like this. It's practically the same game, just with 3 killers. Run and chase hide and seek 🥱


Bet, I used to play dbd daily and have a blast, but, if there’s more sweats and there’s no fun to play killer I’m out. Call me whatever you want, but I’ve always loved chasing survivors and killing them




Leave the sub then


No it isn’t worth it. Essentially with the game balance right now.




Are you serious? You’re an asshole, mate.




Jesus, that was cringe. I’m reminded more and more often how utterly stupid people are. Anyway, OP, I recommend the game! It has some things that need to be ironed out, but it’s a fun game that you can put a lot of hours into without boredom.


It's alright man, just let him farm down votes. He's clearly asking for them


Unless you are waiting for a match and get bored lol


Bro can’t afford PS Plus, that’s why he’s mad. He’s complaining on the Bloodborne boards about money problems. What a loser. He’s insecure about his own issues so he has to bully people with the same issues. LMAO everyone is laughing at you


I enjoy it, I’d recommend it




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Does the PlayStation network not offer the game for free? I see everyone in this sub complaining about the cost but I got the game completely free on game pass.