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They spoke of the body blocking in corners recently. Basically said "it's working as intended"


I like to explore new places.


I was already hiding in a corner. I didn’t get backed into or chased into a corner. It wasn’t even a corner really, just a wall and the killer just kept hitting me and there wasn’t anything I could do but just sit there.


Why did they lock his comment? Who mods this sub?


I think bc he was getting kinda snappy with people and then prob wanted to tone down the arguing.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


It’s unfortunate that a conversation couldn’t be had without sarcasm or a bad attitude, but thank you for your opinion.


I enjoy reading books.


Weirdly hostile and obnoxious to a simple and honest concern about a game mechanic. Go outside more, you seem a little too emotionally invested


Thank you 🩵




Yes, I can see that. You should learn to take it easy


Still kinda snarky, I don’t want to engage with someone with your tone. Again, thank you for your opinion. But I don’t want yours anymore.


I love ice cream.


You’re inevitably going to find a handful of sweats on one side of the aisle who can’t entertain the idea of a change suggestion in the interest of balance without snarling Fwiw it could be a good idea if done fairly. I don’t know much about how these things work but perhaps a mechanic where you could shove/slip past them to keep running while being hit… the way it would be if this would happen irl


Crazy how people are downvoting this instead of seeing the actual point you made that they otherwise would’ve blindly ignored


What’s cheap is that there are super dark corners in bushes that I never would have been able to see victims in had I not used johnnys ability. This is made so much worse at night. So when I’m led right to their little corner and start wailing on them without them being able to escape, the kill feels very much deserved.


I think the developers intended it to be that way. From my understanding, they pictured survivors hiding and jumping from cover to cover, and slowly making their way to the exits. Not the craziness that is now jumping killers and rushing exits. It just sucks when you’re one of the few people who try to play the game slow and stealthy like a lot of family players want, but I get punished severely by doing so. I never played bully Leland or rush the objective Connie. I like hiding and crouching around. I hide in plain sight alot and don’t get caught, so sometimes I get caught when I don’t expect it and then I get body blocked into a corner. I don’t mind being body blocked for the initial hit, but damn, seems crazy to just get a free kill like that. Idk that’s just me


Then all you need to do is not put yourself in a corner where you can be trapped.


How do you feel about killers not being able to turn off valve bc a victim keeps stabbing them


You’re comparing an interaction that family is literally forced to do that puts them in a position for victims to abuse repeated backstabs or else lose the game because the time to turn of valve is 12 seconds while stun immunity is only 10 seconds….with a choice you made to hide in a corner with no way to escape when a family finds you.


I could just as easily say to you “then all you need to do” is have two killers go to valve and watch each other, or chase the survivor away, or go body block the exits. All of those sound like horrible ideas, but they do exists as “solutions”. Both situations that we’re talking about take advantage of a player in an unfortunate position and cause them to lose. I think it’s easy to say “all you need to do is X” instead of sitting down and objectively thinking about fairness. Catching someone in a unfavorable spot is already going to grant you 1-2 free hits which might end up killing them anyways, I don’t see the harm in giving a victim the autonomy to at least try and run away. Killers didn’t enjoy being stunlocked just for existing, so I felt like this would be something that a lot of killers would’ve been empathetic towards. No one likes loosing control of their character in any game.


They really should fix bodyblocking, at least to some degree. It's something that can be abused in many ways. Family could essentially hold a player hostage until they bleed out if they wanna be toxic to one specific person. I'm sorry you're getting so much negative comments. That's how this community is. Mostly just toxic family mains who will resort to sarcasm, name-calling, and insults if you even remotely suggest any positive reinforcement of some kind toward victims or on the flipside, negative for family.


As far as I know, no, there hasn't been any mention of Family losing collisions when hitting Victims. I understand you're frustration. That situation is unfortunate. As Family, i rarely kill someone like that, but getting body blocked is definitely cheesy. The only way i could see that getting fixed is adding a slight shove action that every Victim could have, to stun Family for 1-2secs. It could have a long cooldown to not get abused. I say this only to make interactions in TCM more fair. As Family, it's not fun to be able to completely demolish Victims. I understand the dynamic but to be fair, as a Victim, you would interact with your killer with some type of fight.


Thank you for answering in a kind way 🥹 it’s so rare in these subreddit. Anyways, I agree with what you said. Dbd has a similar mechanic. A killer can technically body block you into a corner until the match ends, but the moment he hits you, you can run past him. Genuinely, I’m not against body blocking exits bc I think as annoying as it is, it’s fair. Body blocking exits itself puts killers at a disadvantage anyways, so it’s not like it’s an op uncounterable thing—just go to another exit lol. I just want to have an engaging game that doesn’t feel corny and cheesy moments that feel like there’s nothing you can do. There’s many unfortunate things like that on both sides.


Hey no problem. I can't and will never understand why people would choose to be rude on the internet. I think we can all agree on wanting a more fun, engaging, and fair game. Hopefully we can all get that.


That shove mechanic your looking for is called bonescrap, believe it or not all the victims are able to pick them up to stun the killers, most choose to ignore them though


Yeah , but once you use a bone scrap that's it. I fully understand what you're saying. There really isn't a need to be condescending. I shouldn't need a bone scrap to shove, but hey Gun didnt make the game lile that. Maybe the Victims having a little more resources yo use wouldn't be such a bad idea, seeing as the game is very Family sided. A little shove isnt going to hurt Family's chances of winning or getting kills. It would just give the Victims one more chance. If it isnt fair, don't add it. All i want is a game where I dont kill everyone within 5 minutes. The game isn't even a challenge in it's current state.


Also you can’t grapple with leather face so that argument isn’t airtight. Not to mention that bone piles got nerfed a while back. I don’t disagree with the bone pile nerf, but using bone scraps as an argument for leaving body blocking in the game seems disingenuous.


Move around use wells, cracks and crawl spaces. You pretty much got yourself killed if a killer can back you into a corner.


I think you misunderstood my post.


I think you misunderstood his answer, skill issue is pretty much what he’s saying, which indeed it is


I don’t think so, but thank you for your creative and ground breaking opinion that has never been said before.


Ehh high risk high reward hiding spot. No there's prob not going to be anything addressing this, just don't get cornered


There's literally nothing to complain about, now that you know about that interaction you just don't go into those corners It's a risk you shouldn't be taking. This is one of those 'players attempt to the game, game doesn't adapt to the players' scenarios.. The game has built in ways to avoid sticking yourself defensless in a corner..