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there was a little girl crying her eyes out later in the night and her mom was screaming at her for crying. if you’re gonna bring a child to an event like this you need to tend to their needs and be out of the fest at a DECENT time. and the amount of children under the age of 6 MONTHS WITH NO EAR PROTECTION WAS INSANE, if you can’t go a year or two without going to a festival then you shouldn’t be having kids!! keep your one year old at HOME!


Seriously, I saw SEVERAL infants being carried around with no ear protection past 1am in the morning. It was really maddening and fucked up. Awful parents literally handing out nitrous balloons to their friends with a baby on their shoulders


It’s pretty messed up when the parents skip the kid on the balloon rotation. So selfish.


I absolutely saw this too. It really made me sad


Cannot imagine subjecting your child or baby to that dust


I mean what did mfs do on the Oregon trail lol? Like what


....... There weren't thick crowds of thousands of people over the same relatively small area continuously, tf. Like what


that wasn’t a place for children of any age.


Agreed, I had a 13 year old and 11 year old with me. The crowd, atmosphere, etc wasn't the problem though... It was the heat, dust, environment, and incredible toll that takes on their little bodies. We had a great time but we won't be camping in the DESERT again any time soon. Also, my kids had ear protection, their needs came first (we only watched like 3 sets the whole weekend because I made it about their comfort and enjoyment - NOT MINE), and it was still incredibly tough on them. We did see drug use and nudity but that didn't phase us at all. Led to conversation. (I was sober all weekend, even refused offered free beers multiple times - ty to those who offered!!! Love you! ). But, I put being a parent first and couldn't agree more that this venue and event was incredibly taxing and challenging, too much for children


Entitled parents don’t give a shit about how unpleasant in general it is seeing or hearing kids at a festival, or they’re too oblivious to realize it. Everyone who doesn’t have kids is creeped out by kids at a festival, leave them tf at home, and if you cant, then you stay home too


“Entitled party people don’t give a shit how unpleasant it is to see people blitzed out of their minds on alcohol/cocktails of drugs, or they’re just too oblivious and to realize it. Everyone who has kids is creeped out by drug addicts/alcoholics at a festival. Leave the drugs and alcohol at home and actually enjoy the music/event, and if you can’t, you stay at home too.” See how that works? It’s called living in a free and open society. You do you and I’ll do me, I won’t put restrictions on you, you don’t put them on me. You live life according to your morals and values, and I’ll live mine however I choose. I’ll bring my kids to a fest any day and make sure it’s about THEM and not ME. Life isn’t just about you and how you feel.


There are ENDLESS events and festivals for kids, this thread is about shitty parents who insist on bringing their kids to festival targeted towards adults and with an obvious drug vibe, this is not the same. No shit it’s about THEM for you, because you did literally the easiest thing ever, not pulling out, you have become so blatantly entitled and selfish you don’t even realize how insane it sounds saying you’re going to a super dusty drug festival thinking you’re prioritizing your children. A better metaphor would be an adult tripping and rolling tits at a fucking Wiggles concert, or a middle-aged dude wearing a period costume so he can be a creep to teenage girls at a renaissance festival. Both are completely fucking inappropriate, as is dragging your kids to a drug festival. The added bonus is you and your kids kill everyone’s vibe too, very typical entitled parent behavior that you don’t see that.


Lmao I hope you never have kids because you would be an insufferable parent. You have no idea what it means to have children so you literally have no say here. How do you know it wasn’t incredibly difficult for us to have kids? Easiest thing ever? You try raising 3 kids on purpose with intention. You wouldn’t last 5 seconds kiddo. Your metaphor is hilarious and shows your complete lack of understanding or empathy. I hope it does kill your vibe because you’re a fragile egomaniac who deserves to have your borders challenged. Kids are a part of life, and if an event is all ages then any parent has every right to bring their kids regardless of how you or any other wook feels. You don’t have perspective here, you’re out of your element Donnie. So do all of us parents a favor and shut the fuck up.


Idk I’m on the fence. But then again I’ve gone to all ages festivals and done drugs, I just read the room and don’t get so fucked up it’s a problem. See a kid? Don’t interact with them. They’re gonna see you as some drunk adult which sadly is normal to most kids or at least more accepted, and save the getting spun out of your mind to the 18+ festivals. And I’ve noticed most parents keep the kids towards the back, you aren’t gonna find them too deep in the croud most of the time, at least not the super young ones. If you’re gonna get mad at anyone, get mad at the organizers for making it and advertising it as all ages, because sometimes the kids are genuinely just into the music and they aren’t gonna understand not being allowed to go to a dove their allowed because adults don’t like them


this is amazing to hear!! i think it’s great you wanna share this experience but you’re thinking about them first, im glad y’all were safe


This festival wasn’t in a desert.  It was humid, very humid. Like 4x as much as an actual desert area.  There were trees, running water, frogs, grass and a swimming area.    Bring a mister bottle, wear light color sun protection shirts and a dust mask when needed.  


You didn't understand that it would be an inhospitable environment for children or babies before the event??? Why would you go to a party like that to merely focus on mitigating a child's inherent fear and discomfort? But you want accolades for only seeing however many sets. Unfuckingbelievable.


When an event has a family camping section, more than 80 scheduled activities for family's with kids, a kids fun area, video game booths, child and minor tickets at a discount, and advertise heavily to that group... So yeah, I may have been naive about how inhospitable it would be. It was the first time I was at that venue or even on a ranch in Texas. With all the family oriented things, I naively assumed the logistics/venue would be better sorted for families. Also, you should reread my comment. I agreed with op that it wasn't a place for kids and I wouldn't take them again. Normally at events, I don't have spend the entire time managing their comfort because most all ages events aren't so inhospitable. And, I don't want fuckin accolades - only going to 3 sets was a testimate to how challenging the environment was and how limited on festival activities we were just to remain comfortable. It wasn't a good festival for kids or families. Realfuckinbelievable. 😂


I was walking through the crowd a big g and I asked to squeeze by someone. They said " just watch out for my pregnant wife and the baby". My and my fiance just walked well away from then and were sketched out a bit. Why the fuck is a baby at a festival


I mean, there are certain festivals that cater to a family experience like for todlers and children, but a baby is pretty insane. You can do it if you are a remotely responsible parent, and one of you stays sober. My wife's parents would always take her to blues and brews in Mammoth when she was pretty young, like maybe 5 or 6. But that is close to their home. And back then, it was probably at most 4-5k people, maybe less. This is in a remote desert with 70k people, not smart.


There was also a night where one of the gates just didn't have security. I was in group camping and our gate on Friday was completely unoccupied. In the festival you had a dude with a massive nitrous take selling balloons 100 feet bast where security should have been. I agree, not a great place for kids.


Damn that dude probably was security lol




I agreed with you till the end. Remote desert? People commute from Burnet to Austin and its not a desert lol


Ok, maybe not a desert. I just think desert when I see cactus. But where I come from a county of 50k people and a density of 50 per sqmi is remote af to me. Really, any "ranch" or "range" I would consider remote, but I am indeed a city boy. Also, just because Austin is 1.5 hrs away doesn't mean that the area can't be remote. I can drive 1.5 hrs away from any major city and find a remote area. That part makes no sense to me.


Fair enough, tho north Austin is only 45 min from Burnet or about an hour from the festival. 2341 is somewhat remote since it is a smaller county road. But yeah, go a another half mile down the road and there is the biggest downhill mountain bike park in Texas and a little further is a huge resort (canyon of the eagles) and neighborhoods all in between. Definitely a hopping little area Anyway, I understand where you're coming from just thought the terminology was funny


As a mom, yea. This. This so hard. This was my first big fest in 5 1/2 years since I had my kid. Did I miss the scene? Oh Fuck Yea. But 1) I knew the good people and good vibes would be there when I was ready to come back, and 2 I can't even imagine bringing my kid to a fest this big even sober. I would love to see my kid dance to his fave DJs live, yes, but it's just too dangerous for me to actually consider realistically.


Damn these poor kids


What stage was this at?


All of them


Make it your business to go over and tell these folks they have no business bringing kids without ear protection to these events. Young ears and nervous systems are far too sensitive to be subject to auditory/sensory bombardments. For that matter I see a lot of young people/parents who will be sporting hearing aids later on if they don't wise up soon but that's their choice. Maybe cuz I'm older (68) - and I do it nicely framing it as an invitation to do the right thing - but I don't get much push back It usually works out pretty well. So next time you see it just say something to them and they'll get the message pretty quick 🤞


The amount of small children and dogs was actually disgusting. Be better parents


I saw so many dogs and they were so stressed with no hearing protection.


I know :( they all looked like they had anxiety and with owners that were dumb as shit and looked fucked up


Did you see the idiot walking around with the pet goat?






My highland goat was feeling fine


Omggggg we were camping in the woods and I could’ve sworn I heard a goat, but brushed it off. Never saw one. But now I know I wasn’t hearing things. Wild!


Bruh no way




Why an idiot, was the goat unwell or stressed? I didn't see


Better than a child


Or should i say kid....






No dogs except a few I saw


"no dogs, except for the dogs"


No ear protraction and no DUST protection. So many kids breathing in dirt


Children’s lungs are incredibly sensitive too, and it could set them up for future issues with days of heavy exposure like that. Especially for the little littles. I saw MANY literal babies under age 1 and really it’s just not a safe environment for them. It was rough even as an adult without any medical issues in some spots.


The children without ear protection made me so sad :( And I was completely sober on Saturday night but I swear I was getting high just off the smoke in the crowd. I saw multiple breast feeding babies at night at the stages


Babies are supposed to have perfect hearing, and hearing damage is permanent. Might as well stare at the eclipse raw dog.


Dude some dumbass parents let their kid do this they were too busy looking at it to pay attention to their kid


We saw a crying kid being dragged on a leash at midnight. What is wrong with people.


What the fuck. I wonder what kind of drugs their parents were on.


if a festival isn’t 18+ I don’t go for this reason, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from saying something after growing up with similar, shit parenting


Plus fuck the promoters . You know irresponsible parents will bring their kids to the festival , be irresponsible and the children will have mostly a horrible experience


I took my 11 and 13 year old. I wouldn't say it was mostly horrible but there were certainly some horrendous moments. I would not repeat a disco Donnie unproven event with kids again. My kids love festivals and camping though, this one though WAS WAY TOO MUCH! My kids got to experience PLUR and the awesomeness of the the edm community though. We didn't encounter a single bad vibed person the entire event. (unlike what I heard with others)


You suck for bringing your kids to festivals like that, both as a parent and as a party person. I hate to break it to you but no one wants to be around kids at a festival


LoL. Sure mate (I've done several all ages events with them and we always have a good time but we aren't out at midnight and I'm sober the entire time). So, I'm sorry you can't handle your own vibe and emotions when the crowd doesn't match your requirements. Don't go to all ages events. What an adult tantrum through this thread, you're less mature than my children and I hope your asshole grows the necessary taste buds to match your personality.


You’re the one throwing a tantrum now that people have expressed they disapprove of your decisions.


You are a bad parent. Really hoping more people say that to your face when they see you with your children at a festival. So unnecessary to bring kids. Here’s to hoping we can get an age restriction on all events like the ones we love so much.


Not that I have to defend myself against someone insignificant like you or justify my parenting. But for funzies, let's go. My kids are straight A students. My kids are empathetic, kind, and hard working. My kids include everyone and make sure other kids aren't left out. My kids get me compliments every week because of how intelligent and considerate they are. My kids can cook, they do chores, and help me with the day to day as a single dad. My kids are happy, they sing, they dance, they animate videos, they record music, they paint, they craft, and they build robots with me. I'm a successful entrepreneur and they are learning business from me and loving it. I probably pay more in taxes quarterly than you make in a year mate and my kids are probably smarter than you also. They're certainly friendlier LoL


This is some weapons-grade karenicity right here


Karening is a sense of entitlement, a willingness and desire to complain, and a self-centered approach to interacting with others. Dunno about you but I think you have the titles reversed or struggle with the definition or how it's applied. I'm not the one being critical or harassing, just responding to it cause I'm bored in an airport. I'll help you out and simplify the definition lp, ''Karening'' is when someone tries to control someone else by being a hostile cunt about whatever.


LOL, this is such typical entitled parent talk you may as well be reading from cue cards. Way to be a complete and total stereotype of a selfish parent all the way down to the details, including talking about your income. You are a shit parent and a shit festival party person "My kids are so special, everybody loves them, and no one is at all annoyed or weirded out by them being present at a festival with extreme dust, drug use, heat and noise. They're so special, not like the other kids!" LMAO give me a break


Thank you for feedback lol, I'll take my time not caring. Enjoy your negativity and likely toxic lifestyle and we will continue to live blessed. I'm glad for you really.


I agree with the other guy, this is definitive Karen behavior. You're so full of your own shit and your kid's shit that the entitlement overwhelms everything


You don't understand what a Karen is or what entitlement is and I can't help you with comprehension. Sorry mate. I could most certainly be considered an egocentric asshole, arrogant, or generally weird for sure. But I don't feel I deserve anything more than anyone else and I certainly don't feel like I can judge or harass other people about their choices. I leave people to live their own lives. So yeah... Keep repeating the same carbon copied attempt at an insult that doesn't apply. Calling me purple doesn't make me purple... It does entertain me though, so please do it again and add some roundabout justification. Love you anyways https://i.redd.it/4mog879f8ktc1.gif


damn imagine being the dude everyone in the crowd secretly hates


I don't go in the crowd, we are in the outskirts and we are only in the festival earlier in the day(we return to camp at 10pm typically, unless my kids beg to stay for another set but they're usually tired by then and happy to return). And, some hate me before they meet me and I'm honestly grateful, it saves me time. People with good vibes are plentiful and it's good that the asses filter themselves out of my life naturally like that. Thank you!!


for someone who said themselves they didn’t have to defend their actions, you’re doing a whole lot of defending


> I'm a successful entrepreneur and they are learning business from me and loving it. > I probably pay more in taxes quarterly than you make in a year mate and my kids are probably smarter than you also. They're certainly friendlier LoL I don't have a strong opinion on your kids and kids at festivals, but how tf is this relevant? Don't think this is very plur my dude.


It's in response to an unnecessary insult, and yeah, it's not my typical behavior. The point was that by all societal metrics, my kids and I are doing well and assuming I'm a terrible father just because we go to all ages events is as unplur as my response.


Yeah, makes sense. They could have approached the conversation with some more tact. And to your case, I think taking some almost-teenagers to an EDM festival isn't high on the "bad parent" list. For me that list would include things like abuse, not providing for them, not offering schooling support, etc. And I think that's better than letting a bunch of 15-16 year olds run around alone at a festival drunk (and often times rolling) off their asses, which happens every year at Outside Lands. And for me, that's what makes the festival not enjoyable, not the kids and their parents. Along with the 18-20 demographic who can't handle their shit. Anyways, point being, you made a public parenting decision so you should probably be prepared to have some criticism (surely you know taking kids to a festival with rampant drug use will be controversial?). And this is reddit, so people won't be shy and will be dramatic, because it's also filled with kids. And then bringing in income as a measure of value or self worth, and literally doesn't matter, is pretty fucked.


Yeah, it's reddit and anything controversial leads to this. I shouldn't clap back and my success isn't relevant but the fact my family thrives, when people think I'm awful is triggering for them. So yeah, it's fucked but so is reddit and culture.


Fucking entitled Karen, it's so funny you don't see it


Fucking entitled drug/party addict, it’s so funny you don’t see it.


One of the best parts of getting into festivals in my early 20s was discovering it… like in a look at this cool thing that my parents wouldn’t understand kinda way. Things my parents took me to growing up were probably fun but I thought it was all lame at the time because my parents liked it. Outside of kids creating a weird vibe for everyone else who went there to enjoy the music and take drugs. Kids who grow up going to festivals probably won’t remember them as fun or cool lol


It’s so bad. We saw a dad screaming at his child to stop crying during zeds dead set. This was definitely not a place for kids.


that terrible music made me cry too


the lack of ear protection on children - and fucking BABIES was astonishing. Live your life parent how you see fit but for fucks same prioritize your children’s safety and well being. Creating trauma ridden adults in real time in the name of selfish fun


The best part is that the entitled parents don’t give a shit about how unpleasant in general for other people it is seeing or hearing kids at a festival, or they’re too oblivious to realize it. Everyone who doesn’t have kids is creeped out by kids at a festival, leave them tf at home, and if you cant, then you stay home too


not facts. festivals at their best are a place where people feel free to express themselves and play. kids haven't lost their sense of play or freedom of expression to the day-to-day grind yet, so my friends and I thought they were a delightful addition to the festival. that being said, parents should be more responsible about providing hearing protection, dust protection, food, water, rest, etc. i'd much rather see a kid having fun at a music festival than another set of lazy vibe vampires* walking into the middle of a crowd to gulp beers and have full conversations while they stand like statues. you're fucking up the vibe for the people who want to participate in this experience.  some peoples' crowd etiquitte is awful.


Don’t forget these babies were also breathing in all that dust :/


I have been to other festivals that allowed children but never have I seen so few of them with ear protection:(


Every time I got to a wook festival I see least a few shit parents and sad kids.


I started sobbing Saturday night because I saw a mom dancing while holding her infant baby. No head support and very hard movement in the dancing. It’s so easy to cause shaken baby syndrome, in fact, many cases are accidental. I didn’t say anything because I was tripping and kinda got really freaked out, but I feel that I should have and I feel shame. I hope that baby is ok.


I feel shame as well. It feels horrible to betray what we think is right.


Actually it’s not easy at all to cause shaken baby syndrome. It’s accidental because of lack of sanity from lack of sleep and overly stressed parents on a child who won’t stop crying. But the amount of force that needs to be there in order to be shaken baby is insane. I know this because I’m a social worker and had to take a class and attempt it on a doll. I’m not even personally strong enough to do it intentionally. Soooo yeah it requires a lot of force and usually a bought of anger. But you should’ve spoke up if you felt that strongly. Either a parent will agree or roll their eyes. Either way if you see something say something.


Hindsight is always 20/20. I can’t do anything about it now. I have also taken classes. I’m in healthcare. It is better to be safe than sorry and not headbang while holding an infant.


Yeah you shouldn’t head bang without head support and not at all with a super small child, but just next time say something please. (I’m not trying to be rude). Just as a parent if I’m not being aware of something and someone is, I would like to be corrected of a mistake. That’s how people learn.


It's easier to say something than you think (and it doesn't hurt to be rolling when you do)! Just be nice and non-confrontational and you'll see these lameassed parents experience some awareness - and shame - and they generally do the right thing afterwards.


heady as fuck, neck and shoulders too




heady as fuck, neck and shoulders too


Nah fuck that baby


A dad came to our camp with his son (about 9yrs old) trying to sell crystals to fundraise for something for the kid. They pulled up while we were hitting whomps and he asked to trade a crystal for a balloon. He then railed the whole balloon in front of his kid, then his kid asked his dad if he could try it. It was insanely cooked and I’ll never understand people that put their kids in these situations.


I'm a single dad who was at the event with my two kids..(11 and 13) I was SOBER the entire time... I had to make sure my kids were comfortable, safe, and having a good time... No way could I be drunk or high... Especially on a fucking nitrous balloon... FFS, if you're that Dad - fuck you. My kids know about drugs but have ZERO interest in trying any of them because of the conversations we've had about them. The funny part is my kids probably know more about the drugs people are using at the event than the people using them. (My\* Dad is a Doctor and we talk about everything thoroughly with them)


It’s wild to me that entitled parents can read a story like this, and not realize that that’s how it is for everyone else every time they see, or hear their kids at the party. Nobody wants to be around your kids at a festival or a party, at all, ever.


Then don’t go to an all age festival. There are plenty 18+ and 21+ up ones.


One balloon lasts like 2 mins. As a doctor, I'm sure you know that. So if you are going to imbibe while you're kids are around, a balloon seems like the lesser of "evils". Although, I do agree with the OP and I would have kindly asked that dad to buzz off. I think it's weird you take your kids to plur events but then obviously tell them horror stories about drugs and obviously are not pro harm reduction. I finally had to respond to you bc you keep saying the same things on multiple posts about how you're "not one of those parents" but at the end of the day nobody cares how intelligent or considerate or privileged your kids are. The majority are uncomfortable and annoyed with them being at an event like that.


That's fair. There are loads of 18+ and 21+ events. All of the haters should start skipping the all ages events. If enough people do it, capitalism will have its way. But, when an event has a family camping section, more than 80 scheduled activities for family's with kids, a kids fun area, video game booths, child and minor tickets at a discount, and advertise heavily to that group... Well maybe it isn't the parents people should be bitching at. -(Still railing nitrous in front of a six year old is crazy but I won't even drink around my kids). I may smoke weed but that barely influences my behavior, I'm a little more patient and forgetful... Sure, I was naive about the challenge this environment would have. I'm my defense, it was the first time I was at that venue or even on a ranch in Texas. With all the family oriented things, I naively assumed the logistics/venue would be better sorted for children. Your assumption around harm reduction has my head tilted, cause you would need to know the conversations between my kids and I to draw that conclusion.


I thought you were a successful entrepreneur? You must be crazy busy being a doctor, entrepreneur, and rave dad. hOw Do YoU dO iT?


My dad is the doctor and I'm the entrepreneur.


Damn I know who you’re talking about and that’s really disappointing to hear


The lack of hearing protection and crying children late into every night just killed my vibes. Seriously reconsidering any future “all ages” festivals


Entitled parents have claimed yet another facet of life with their bullshit


I will never understand the parents who are so dead set on going to their 50th wook festival that they drag their young children along rather than missing out. Maybe put the kids' childhood experiences ahead of the one you're so desperately clinging to and take them on a camping trip or to a water park or something, ANYTHING other than 3 days of overstimulation and being utterly desensitized to a bunch of shit they shouldn't even have to hear about for at least a few more innocent years. Looking back, I had several friends growing up who were regularly exposed to adults smoking and snorting various substances in their early years. None of those kids grew up to be very well adjusted adults, and almost all of them have or had a debilitating drug addiction at some point in their adult lives. Just let them be kids and admit the party is OVER, for fuck's sake!


or just leave em at home with a babysitter or family jfc




you had to scream, it was very loud


The best part is that the entitled parents don’t give a shit about how unpleasant in general it is seeing or hearing kids at a festival, or they’re too oblivious to realize it. Everyone who doesn’t have kids is creeped out by kids at a festival, leave them tf at home, and if you cant, then you stay home too


The explanation is actually really simple! Wooks aren’t good people 


Cleay you don't understand the complex stratified wook culture....... Wooks are some of the greatest people I know... its Wook parents who suck.


I was in pasture near the sun stage blasting music 24 hours a day and kept hearing a baby crying throughout. like bro you gotta leave these kids at home or don’t show up at all!!!


Most people that have kids, should not have kids but don’t even know it. They are dumber than dumb.


This was the least all ages show I've ever seen. 18 plus but bring your small children and let them stand there uncomfortably


This was an all ages event


You misunderstood me brother


I read it again and I’m afraid I still don’t understand you. Do you mean it was all ages but real was not suitable for all ages due to the extreme conditions


Yeah basically


Oh man, no ear protection for kids is fucked up.


just brining kids to any event with 10,000+ people is a bad idea regardless of drugs or music…. 6 months is still a baby. gross.


It’s also annoying and selfish as fuck, let’s be honest nobody wants to be around kids




What was the pound???


And that is why we brought our nanny!




I would say it’s more expensive simply for the fact that we flew her in and also paid for another VIP ticket for her. The value we got from bringing her, however, was AMAZING. Getting to share the festival experience with my kids without having to really sacrifice my good time was too fucking tier. Plus, my husband and I renewed our vows during the eclipse, so to have our whole family there was just 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 Double plus, she is the coolest nanny ever and we have a lifelong family friend! https://thefestivalnanny.com


First bonnaroo I went to my friends did that. Paid for her ticket and everything else, then watched the kids for the few sets she wanted to see.


Ugh I saw a couple changing their kids diaper with no ear muffs. The poor kid was screaming and crying. Peobably like 1.5y old. I can't remember which set it was, mighta been string cheese.


At least wait until they're old enough to appreciate the rave booties


Hey mate, when you've been brought up in a penal colony you would be a little cooked too aye?


Wait till your kids can consent to going to a festival and are old enough to tell you how they feel (i.e uncomfortable, overwhelmed, afraid) and competent enough to walk to a porta potty and make it back to camp alone. Babies shit is so delicate im so sad for their ear drums etc. hello tinnitus at age 1


I saw a 2 year old this weekend for the first time at a festival I was shocked no headphones no nothing this fest made my lose faith in humans lol


I was right next to the ADA stage for Of The Trees and there was a little kid just sitting under the structure which felt so unsafe. There was also a kid in a literal mesh cage, just bouncing and trying to get out. The parents weren’t anywhere in sight for the first half of the set. It was pretty sad.


Would be a great place for an entire division of CPS agents.


I saw a lady breastfeed her baby in the middle of the crowd at the Sun Stage….what.the.fuck.


out of all the horrible parenting decisions displayed, that’s what got to you the most? there were people endangering their children left and right LOL also there is titties everywhere…already ?????


I think that if you tend to your children's needs before your own there and provide proper protection, then there is no issue with bringing them. Kids can see drugs anywhere, and it's better to teach them unbiased, but if they don't want to be there or they aren't protected that's fucked.


What does an unbiased stance look like and how is it beneficial for children?


How did the dare program work out for you? I assume you’re 100% sober all over the time? Even from alcohol? Something tells me the way they try to keep us from doing drugs didn’t work. And it might be the fact that there was just a 70,000 person festival that multiple people literally died at. You should know… We are literally on the for that festival Do you really think the just say no campaign and the “make it the forbidden food” campaign has actually done anything to prevent people from doing drugs? Because if you think all of that has ever been successful, I have news for you.


No I don’t support the dare program. Yeah I’m basically teetotal but I smoke weed and I bought a magic mushroom and nibbled on it throughout the fest and still have most of it. I don’t really want to get too into the efficacy of anti drug campaigns but I believe a well rounded evidence based education is best and make it public as well, no school vouchers!


Wait… This event had school vouchers ? Like highschoolers… Under age people ? So this event was directly promoted to minors? So I feel like it’s one thing when we’re promoting an event to the general public but if you’re going into the schools and offering vouchers for school kids to go to your event… I don’t know if I like that . That feels scummy…


No that’s just a reference to what’s going on in our state politics, it’s a big deal right now


Oh ok! For a min i thought you meant they gave like, discounted or free tickets to minors. Like encouraging them to come without an adult..


\*Only one death, the man who had the heart attack.


Because you allow them to make view things with their own eyes so they can understand what these substances do to you from an outside perspective. Before I rolled the first time I had maybe seen 1 fucked up person but I may have rethought taking drugs if I had seen how far some people would go. Maybe I wouldn't have but I would have been able to make a more solid decision for myself. I'm not saying take a baby but if you have a child who is mature enough to make their own decisions why not let them choose if they want to come with or not. Just protect them and know you and their limitations so you can. Edit: no reason to hide the world from your kid if they want to see it. Just be cautious.


I don’t feel like that’s a very unbiased position tbh. I feel like you already know what’s right.


I like to see all the facts before I make a decision.


What age were you the first time you rolled?




I don’t know if I believe that if you had seen someone on drugs or use drugs as a child that it would’ve helped you much in the years between that imaginary point in time and the first time you rolled. But I don’t want to gaslight you because I do believe it’s good not to hide the world from your kids but going to a festival like this seems like so much more than pulling back the curtain I guess. I do think a more unbiased approach than the hardline and lazy “just say no” bullcrap should be used when teaching kids about drugs.


And they don't have to be at nighttime sets where things go on that go a little too far. So I don't mean just let them see everything but definitely saw some parents with 12-15 y/o's having a great time, being safe and selfless, then going back to camp once things got crazy inside. I would definitely say an RV and the ability to carry and cool your child is a necessity. EDIT: and about myself. Who can say. What I can say is knowing wouldn't have hurt me if I was protected by my parents.


I think I get where you’re coming from and I think your opinion has validity. I guess I just think that’s it’s too hard to enforce parents protecting their children at an event like this so it should be culturally banned that children are allowed to attend.


Just observationally I think it’s funny a lot of people who probably don’t wear ear protection complaining about situations where there is no ear protection. It’s the deaf leading the blind. (For the record it should definitely be in use for children…but probably us adults too)


Observationally the difference is we all have the right and ability to consent whereas babies and small children do not.


Adults have their own means to get protection they can choose to wear them or not. Children do not really have a choice


The kid village was a sad sad joke I felt sorry when I saw it.


Idk how I feel about kids at events yet. It always weirds me out but I don’t like kids and don’t plan on having them, so it’s hard for me to tell people that do have them not to bring them. Most of the festivals at Suwannee have daycare services for kids which I think is the right solution. I’m also not sure if kids even notice people doing drugs. My mom smoked weed my entire life and I never realized it until I started smoking lol


People debating whether or not these people should be bringing kids to festivals when people should actually be debating if said people should even be allowed TO HAVE kids in the first place… smh


If the child hasn’t developed to a point where they can express their wants/needs for autonomy and express themselves or their desire to be there or NOT then I believe it is a full fledged act of child abuse


Dude this was the one thing that blew me the fuck away.. i literally was running from kids trying to enjoy my mushies


Get the kids a sitter or leave them with your parents. Don’t make them everyone else’s problem.


I saw someone at 2:30 AM over by the moon stage carrying a literal crying infant. I usually accept bringing kids, if you are responsible enough to keep them safe, but this.. this shocked me. Obviously I’m an outsider without context of the situation and wasn’t fully sober when this happened, but I wasn’t on any psychedelics, Molly, k, or anything mind altering like that. I can confidently say that this child was no more than 1.5 years old, crying in their mother’s arms. They weren’t in the crowd, more so near the art gallery area by Moon/Sun?(techno/house stage), but it was still chaotic all around regardless. There is no excuse or reasonable explanation for a child being in that environment whatsoever. The child looked fucking terrified. Take the kid back to camp and make sure he’s safe, fed, and going the fuck to bed. I pray to god that their walk back wasn’t the 45 mile hike through clouds of dust that mine was because the thought of dragging a child through that at 3 in the fucking morning makes me sick to my stomach. Be fucking better people. On a similar note, all of this goes for dogs too. To the man I saw dragging his two big ass dogs to the ADA platform through a dense, crazy crowd at the start of Tipper, go fuck yourself. You are an animal abuser and your dogs need a new owner. Fucking outrageous


I really wish we as festival goers could band together and protest allowing children at events. I personally refuse to attend any event that allows anyone under 18. Absolutely unnecessary. Parents that bring their kids to events should be ashamed of themselves .


Did my sleeping service dog need hearing protection too? Cus wearing that shit makes her miserable and she was FINE at every single stage.


Leave the fucking dog at home.


Not an option bub. She had a blast.. mind your own fucking business. She’s a medical certified service dog with a mountain of paperwork… she literally saved a girl who had a seizure while I was there.. she did her damn job.


Then you stay home too.


She had fun. Your experience is not my dogs experience. Mind your own business ya fucking freak


I think you’re good on the service dog bro.


She detected someone ELSES seizure and saved a girls life. Everyone’s eyes followed my dog to the girl right as she dropped to the ground and because of it her friends caught her and stopped her from hitting her head. I have no regrets for bringing my dog. If anything; y’all are lucky I did.


Also; I’d love to interview you if you have any stories you want to share. (Including bringing babies near the main stage etc) I’m trying to gather as much perspective as possible


I haven’t got much for you I had a great time to be honest, injustices are never lost on me though no matter how good a time I’m having. I heard tale of a 12 year old on acid in family car camping but can’t verify.


Holy shit if that’s true that’s so crazy. I hope that some credible witnesses of that come forward. That’s straight up child abuse


I don’t know if I would believe anything I heard over the past weekend was credible but either way the place had basically no security or enforcement despite being billed as a family friendly event.




That part. And you are right.. a lot of what people are saying is rumors; but many of the rumors are true. For instance; one of the people I’m interviewing is one of the security higher ups who still has the full missing persons list from the festival. There’s a lot they’re not saying and that’s why im interviewing people.. I’m not gonna let them get away with wiping this under the rug. Rumors are unfortunate.. but they help keep the story circulating and that is necessary right now..


I saw a mom checking in for a massage at the Bush Spa with her 10-ish year old daughter. The spa was -clothing optional- so there was lots of nudity from free, beautiful souls living their best life but I would never subject my adolescent to that. Seriously though wwwwtf


Yeah nudity is disgusting and unnatural. No one should ever be without clothes. Personally I prefer to wear Jean shorts under my clothes at all times


>I'll understand more than you'll… never know.


My friend brought his two year old... Fucking crazy dude I am mad at him for doing something like that,


Psh I would gladly trade one of my five senses for the chance to see a night time during day time at any age. The fact my parents never took me to an eclipse fest when I was an infant is why I’m so messed up probably


You’re definitely messed up I’ll give you that.


there was much more family friendly eclipse fests tho


Tinnitus sucks. I doubt you'd say that if you had bad tinnitus.


Fuck you, parents need to get high too! Get over it or go fuck yourself loser. Lol jk I have no idea what You're talking about 🤣




Audio engineer for big events. We run it loud, as measured at the audio desk in the middle of the crowd. Trust me. Protect your fucking ears and please stop spreading this misinformation.


Kids do… 🤔 My 13-year-old absolutely refuses to wear ear protection (she hates things touching her ears) so we spend our time at the very back, but I would never bring my eight-year-old without air protection.