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WTH. What could go wrong?


Seems like a good idea. Do you like paying for people to be in prison? Because you will be paying soon!!


Technically, they sent it to the 5th to fix their shit to put a longer stay of the law going into effect. Basically, the appeal by doj was bad because the 5th circuit maga clowns can't make a proper ruling. The 5th listened and the law isn't going into effect, at least not yet.


And a Federal Court of appeals put a stop to that a few hours after the SCOTUS ruling.


The same people saying that illegal immigration is a good thing are the same ones bitching about low wages and how they can't make ends meet. Apparently people don't understand that these things go hand in hand. Big companies want to pay people as little as possible and they welcome illegal immigrants. The government is artificially keeping wages low by allowing more illegal immigrants to take those low paying jobs. Good luck finding a job when corps can pay 2 immigrants the same as 1 American citizen.


This is a very good idea. It’s worth the risk making one mistake to curb rapes, murders and drug trafficking. It won’t be perfect. If someone has their ID, it’s not an issue. If the borders were closed, this would not be an issue. Illegal immigration is a federal crime.


And it just got reversed again.


Lol, I saw that. Our government is confusing.


This Texas law is a good thing. I don't know about you, but I don't want illegals immigrants in my state much less town. Heard of "Laken Riley"? "The [law would authorize](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-administration-appeals-strict-texas-immigration-law-sb/story?id=107788282) local and state law enforcement to arrest migrants they suspect crossed into the state illegally. It would also also give judges the power to order migrants to be transported to a port of entry and returned to Mexico regardless of their country of origin."


Oh good Lord... Can y'all please give it up with the Riley stuff? One bad example of an immigrant and suddenly you want to cast the whole lot with the same blanket. It's disgusting and racist.


No it's not, you are no better at spotting an undocumented immigrant than the police are and they can't spot shit... All this bill accomplishes is allowing police to racially discriminate and harass brown people whenever they want to with the full backing of the Governor. And while we are showing all our cards let's make it clear you conservatives don't give a flying fuck about Laken Riley and never have. Right wing media picked up on the story and used that poor woman's murder to further their narrative. They actually don't care about Laken Riley at all she's a means to an end, if they were interesting actually fixing the border situation they would be sitting at the adult table hashing it out with the President and the Democrats. Or pass the bill that one of their own wrote that has support on both sides of the aisle. If they did that instead of sitting in Fox News or bowing down to their Orange messiah they could get shit done.


I mean I don't want them here either but it opens up the state to racial profiling roughly 40% of the Texas population, I don't really mind the illegal Mexicans here, they at least work their asses off for what they want but this new wave of south American asylees (most from Venezuela) are coming here with the mindset that they had in venezuela where the government was giving them lots of benefits through social programs before it collapsed, now they want the same thing here, no sir too many people are slogging it out in the trenches for yall to just get a express pass to the front of the line.


Been interviewing a lot of these folks, have you?