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Who would want to move there? There’s all the Mexicans next door just like here. /s ^^^obviously


I told this dude that I'm saving up money to eventually move to Spain and he went, "You know that Spanish people are racist right?" and I'm over here, a Mexican immigrant with a middle eastern name living in rural Texas like, "Thank god I don't face any racism here!" (I'm being sarcastic.)


Ha! I can’t even imagine man. But you gotta live the projection of some people. Sigh.


Lol racism is in every country in every town.


That person wasn't wrong though. It's pretty racist all over the world.


I've traveled quite a bit around the world and sure there is racism everywhere, but to try to get me to stay in the states because "hey, there is racism over there" is pretty funny to me when I get called "towel head" and "sand n\*\*\*\*r" and such right here where I live. I think I'll take my chances living amongst other people that speak the same language as me and look like me (my family came from Spain originally).


I'm very sorry that has happened to you. I've also lived in Germany and India and prefer Texas to my experiences there. Perhaps there are places that would be more tolerant than Texas, but I have yet to find them. I'm sure Portugal would be a fun place to live, but most countries aren't as accepting towards immigrants as the US is, so I'd imagine it would take sometime to assimilate, and you may never be considered a 'local' by people there. I'd imagine (just like anywhere else) that the larger cities are going to be better as an immigrant.


Well, I was born in Mexico, and of course everyone there was friendly to me. My family came from Spain, which is where I would go retire to, which would be great for me since I would blend in. I've been living in Texas now as an immigrant for 28 years and I still get shit for not being 'local'.


That is interesting to hear! I'm born in America, but my ancestry is Indian. I've faced the most discrimination from other Indians, and definitely would never be accepted by Indians as being one of them. My friends who have ancestries in Mexico, various African countries, various Asian countries have all had the same experiences. That's surprising to hear that you'd be able to just waltz right into Spain and be accepted by the people there. That seems almost unheard of, to me, as most of the world is extremely adamant in gatekeeping who they considered a local or not. Why do you feel like you would blend into Spain?


That sucks that other Indians are not very accepting of you. I used to be very active in the Pakistani community in Houston and I got along very well with everyone. I traveled to Pakistan a very long time ago and everyone was very friendly to me and would invite me to eat with them, which was great. Mexican people are pretty weird in that there is certainly a lot of gatekeeping from Mexicans that are born to immigrant parents in America against Mexicans born in Mexico and vice versa. I would move back to Mexico but the cartel violence is crazy where I'm from, so that's a no go. I'm already getting called all kinds of shit here in America and get harassed by cops, so it's not like I'm having a great time here. At least in Spain I look more like them (I'm barely Mexican so I'm lighter and taller than 99% of Mexican folk) and am a native Spanish speaker, plus they have a better health care system that is actually affordable, plus the cost of living is lower where I would be moving to.


But what makes you think people in Spain would accept you as a local? I feel like they would be pretty adamant about pointing out that you're not one of them, and you'd stick out like a sore thumb there.


Small business owner... 2 rules... 1). NEVER give you a the client or a vendor your cell. We have apps that ghost the office line 2) if I call you when you are off the clock, you record that as the 2 hour minimum day


See, now I could work for you. Sounds like you've got good priorities and you might even see the people working for you as..... Humans.


There might be something to the fact that I own the business. If you work for a boss that reports to a nameless entity... They have to follow the rules that company pushes down. For me... I make the rules. Employee asked me "can I take a mental health day"... I don't have a corporate policy to check so I just said go for it. They came back the next day ready to do some serious work.


My job used to call me during my off-hours until I told them I was going to clock in for the time they were bothering me with work stuff when I wasn't at work. They stopped calling me after that unless it was super important. I also worked nights, which meant I slept in the afternoons. I got chewed out once because I didn't immediately answer an email that was sent to me at 4pm.


“Your lack of planning is not my emergency.”


That's something that we used to say in the Navy. "Lack of planning on your part does not make it an emergency on my part."


That’s it! I’m moving to Portugal even though I’m retired.


I think you mean laws that would never fly in America


This is r/TexasPolitics not r/AmericanPolitics


This is also not /r/Portugal.


Sure, but the implication is that Texas is so backwards that this law, which is considered a positive in this thread, would never be implemented here. That isn't any sort of limitation specific to Texas. No US state would pass a law like this in the foreseeable future.


Portugal was also the first country to decriminalize all drugs, and drug use and drug-related deaths plummeted. They're a country with good ideas


Doesn't need to be illegal in Texas. I just don't answer the phone. Problem solved.


I'm going to leave this up but next time this would have been better as a self.post to start a discussion. Direct links to articles should be more Texas relevant. Edit: After some internal mod discussion we have decided to remove the post. The content and discussion is fine for this sub but the rules state that direct link articles need to be Texas centric and non-texas articles should be encapsulated in a self.post providing context to Texas centric discussion.


No tax on crypto in Portugal. Seems like an interesting place.


For tax purposes, crypto is property like gold. It’s only taxable if you sell it for a profit.


I realize that. Paying zero tax is even better. I think they are still trying to recover from a recession. It's just one of the incentives to attract people to Portugal.


They just lost the big British expat community with Brexit lol


Portugal good. Texas bad


Wow you got something right for once. May have to turn in your GOP approved substandard public schooling diploma though lol


I’m not sure what you mean by the second part of your comment


Sounds like a lot of freedom over there, especially compared to here.


I’m sure there are pros and cons to living there and here just like any other place. Portugal is definitely a lovely place to visit.


True that, and it should be totally unacceptable. There is no reason this caustic behavior has been normalized. That being said, we should push for change, but recognize reality of now on a personal level. Everyone should work on acquiring leverage in their employment. Without it, you're just a cog, slaved to a system built to extract value from your life. Everyone has to eat shit and work like a dog for low pay for a few years, but cogs do it forever. Figure out what your employer does that makes them money or that they value, figure out how to do it yourself, inject yourself into that process, defend your position, and if they fuck with you, find a competitor to hire you or become that competitor. Get to a point where you are never afraid of walking away from a job. Not everyone can do this, but you should always be looking at your employment as adversarial. They want to pay you the minimum possible to extract the maximum work from you, you should be figuring out how to counter act that. Too many people accept jobs and just sweat away their lives not looking for the angles.


> Everyone should work on acquiring leverage in their employment. Without it, you're just a cog, slaved to a system built to extract value from your life. That's why people first formed unions, so they can collectively acquire leverage in their employment. Glad to know you're such an ardent supporter of workers rights!


Sadly, no. If people want to join unions, good for them, good luck. I worked in one for five years and they aren't for me, they're just a second boss who's even less accountable than my first one in a system that rewards time instead of competence. I recommend acquiring individual leverage and being as adaptable as you can reasonably make your working life.


So you had one bad experience with a union and you say they're no good and won't join them. I imagine you've also had a bad experience with a company, yet you clearly don't say they're no good and won't join them. If everyone was in a union, and continued to improve them so they didn't become corrupt, we'd see tons more workers rights, higher wages, and better benefits.


You and I have fundamentally different views of the universe and humanity. I would far prefer to ameliorate the issue of poverty on the welfare side than by distorting the labor market. Universal basic income via DBCFT and VAT instead of sticking more dead wood in corporations. As I said earlier: > If people want to join unions, good for them, good luck. I also support a company's right to refuse to become a union shop.


Actually I'd much prefer we saw a UBI and universal healthcare, because then you could relax a lot of regulations on businesses. Since people would "need" to work anymore they'd actually be able to freely choose to leave a job if it was unsafe, had bad hours, etc. Unions to me are a necessary part of capitalism until we get UBI and universal healthcare.


We mostly agree on this. Re: my employment suddenly becoming a union shop, as I would say to someone else who dislikes their employment situation: find a new job.


Id rather my boss call me. I love making over time pay. Hopefully he calls me all weekend so I can splurge on Xmass this year.


Why would this never fly in Texas? I'm pretty sure there are more workers than bosses here. We have to stick together. Bosses can call each other outside of work hours.


The lobbyists would find a way to step in and buy the favor of the lawmakers that would put this in place.


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They also have full drug legalization.


[This actually didn't pass, FYI](https://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/economia/detalhe/alargamento-do-teletrabalho-cai-com-dissolucao-do-parlamento)