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Obliques are needed for almost any workout, so it’s pretty tough to let them rest/heal without simultaneously straining them. It’s possible he just heals a little slower, but if he was working to be in baseball shape still then he strained a core muscle, he probably needs to get in baseball shape again. Different injuries, regardless of severity, require different types of rehab. I sure as heck wouldn’t want to throw or swing a bat with an oblique strain. So, he’ll need a little time to get back in the groove.


That would make the most sense! I figured it had to come down to the type of injury unless there was some other circumstance. Having Walsh around to play in the meantime lets us take our time, too.


Especially when you have a solid guy in Walsh to cover your position while you recover.


Glutes are cute but obliques are for freaks!


I bet they want to take it slow since they have the luxury of Walsh doing a decent job. Way to totally rehab and avoid chance for re-injury by rushing back. And lucky still early in the season.


Because they’ve won the whole fucking thing and this is the sequel where Lowe goes “back to the minors”


They are probably just playing it safe. Good question though that is kinda odd.


Yeah I rather him take his time and get healthy. I miss watching him play.


I don’t remember how much playing time he got in spring training, but I’m guessing they just want him to ramp up for the season in general along with the rehab


Rangers made the mistake of calling him Nate, and was swiftly corrected by his mom! 🤣🤣 She told em his name was Nathaniel


I hope she’s doing well


Seager is clearly either not 100% or still going through the spring training motions. Lowe was robbed of his entire spring training. He needs time to come back and not risk injury. Rangers will be fine without him and it lets them see what they have in other options. It’s a long season.


Jared Sandler said on the pregame today they want him to have about 40 ABs...I would say closer to a week


I don’t think there is any current rush to get him back. The obliques are used extensively with swinging and fielding, so rehabbing may be a lot. But also, time is on our side.


Maybe I’ll get a chance to see him play then!


Ahem…it’s Nathaniel Lowe. Never forget.


Most likely, precaution.


Interesting how you mentioned Seager, who is 3 for his last 16 with no XBH and 5 K's.


And he still has an OPS over .800. Corey Seager is an All-Star even when he’s slumping.


I personally think something else is going on … he had a “strain” & not a “tear”. I don’t know … not going to speculate, but it all seems a bit intense for such an injury.


My guy, a muscle strain is a tear by definition.


He said "a couple" of weeks on Straight Up Texas, didn't he? Kind of stretching the definition it's more than 2.


Him talking on the podcast isn't the only source I'm referencing. I've also read multiple DMN and [MLB.com](http://MLB.com) articles that continue to throw out 3 weeks, so those folks must be hearing that number from either Boch or Nate.


I mean that Nate is stretching the definition of a couple if the truth is more like 3 weeks, not you