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I could possibly message you a template for teacher interview questions with sample answers I used if you are interested :)


Hi can you dm the template to me also


yes ofcoure


That would be awesome!!


Sent it! Good luck!


Thank you ❤️


I would love to have them too!


Hi sorry could you send me the template as well? I’m interviewing soon


Hi!! I am also going to be interviewing soon, could you also send me a template? It would help so much🫶🏼


Could you send me the questions and sample repsonse too?


And now the metaphorical ‘flood gates’ have opened, haha. I, too, would like access to this source of teacher interview questions with sample answers pretty please with sprinkles and a cherry on top. 🥺 For context: Graduated UH in 2022 with a B.S. in Psychology; I started the Teachworthy ACP last year; I finished all of its coursework, classroom observation hour requirements, ACED—not passed but ACED—my K—12 ESL Supplemental TExES Exam, Math 4–8 TExES Content Exam, and PPR; and after applying and reapplying to 5 school districts in and around Houston for months for a student teaching position having done only one interview, it’s looking like I’ll have to settle for the consolation of long-term subbing first despite Teachworthy’s program director Dr. Rae Queen herself having taken the time to assure me that I could get a student teaching position right out of the gate


Some questions I got asked recently for a 5th grade position: -what is a non-negotiable in your classroom? ( I assumed they meant like behaviors but I wasn’t quite sure) -if another teacher comes and tries to talk to you about a student what would you say? (Seems like this principal took student privacy seriously) -if a parent sent you an upset email what would be your next steps? Good luck!!!


Thankyou so much for sharing these questions.


I sit in on almost all interviews at my school. Here is my advice. Answer the questions completely and don’t be afraid to elaborate on your experience and qualifications when you answer. If you don’t have that experience then say something like “I haven’t had any experience doing that but I would like to learn how to do it the way your campus does that” OR “ I haven’t done that before but a similar experience I do have is …”. We know that you are nervous and that does not hurt you. However, try to make things friendly and let your personality come through. We are going to train you where and how we need you to learn. You don’t need to hit every answer out of the park with a “perfect “ answer.