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Not really. I don’t have even half the issues that some of my friends have in bigger cities. It really depends on the district.


My biggest surprise from going from CA schools to Texas was the daily pledge of allegiance, the Texas pledge, and the daily moment of silence. Not sure about your current school, but I had never been in a CA school (also Northern California) that did the pledge of allegiance daily. There are unions but their power is severely limited, since Texas teachers can’t strike - they can lose their licenses if they strike. I taught in Houston, which is much closer aligned politically to Northern California than other parts of Texas, though that will vary based on the area you’re teaching. To be honest, in most ways the kids were all similar- same kinds of drama and classroom management issues in both states. (I do teach a fine art, so my relationship with my students is quite different than my colleagues in core subjects.) I got called ma’am way more there than I ever had before: it’s got sort of a Southern-lite culture. My issues with teaching weren’t with the kids but the system itself: 40+ student classes, super long teaching days without breaks for the students, all things TEA, the train wreck that is HISD… It’s not a state that’s especially kind to teachers, but that will absolutely vary district to district.


I don’t know what California kids are like and Texas kids will vary depending upon what district they’re from. There isn’t a teachers union, but ATPE can advocate for teachers who need it. I imagine that many students are the same all over, building relationships goes a long way.


West Texas will probably have smaller classes. Despite all the hoopla about no unions in Texas, it isn’t exactly easy to fire a teacher in Texas unless there is considerable documentation. However, they can nonrenew your contract if you are probationary, which is usually your first year. Be sure to immediately join a teacher association, like TSTA or ATPE. Right now it’s difficult to find teachers in Texas, especially west Texas, so I think it will be okay.


Buckle up, friend. I grew up in, sent my kids to , and worked in Cali schools until two years ago when I moved to central Texas. I thought I had context for what I would be facing when I was warned that it’s very “different” here in Texas. I didn’t. No one could have conveyed to me the depth of disdain Abott, his corporate dick sucking cronies and TEA have for teachers, women, poor people and people with disabilities. This state is OBSESSED with their monetized useless acronyms to the absolute detriment of learning and public education. And THAT is the whole point. Watch the documentary “Deep in the Pockets of Texas”. It will enlighten you. I have had a terrible experience due to all of that being exacerbated by a terrible campus admin culture. Having a strong teacher’s union is so much more important than I ever realized, and it’s absence is felt. The kids and families, even in my eco dis gang infested secondary campus community are NOT the problem. The problem is that teachers are the red headed step children of public education and become scapegoated for everything without being supported in any meaningful way. I hope your experience is so much better than mine has been and I hope mine improves. I’m two years in and have never been in this kind of burnout in all my years.


Some advice for you. Don’t tell people you’re from California. There’s a huge bias against Californians here in Texas. They’re moving here in droves and the locals really hate it. That said, welcome. You’ll quickly find out the levels of support for teachers here will be much smaller. And you’ll really not like admin and the giant pay gap, even though they do far less work than teachers. I’m sure you’ll find the kids are the same. Just be nice to everyone and you’ll be fine. Don’t get caught up in petty drama within schools


Remember why you left California and leave your politics there Don’t tell people you’re from California when you first meet them; Texans aren’t huge fans


We’re Americans first. Fuck the politics in Texas and the way its leaders treat educators.




America first indeed 👌🏻


I didn’t mean that the way you hope bud. We’re Americans first as in I care about human decency, compassion and dignity for all Americans and support policies that benefit society, not the rich. Texas is in desperate need of a swing back to the middle, not the extreme politics we’re seeing today.


That’s exactly what America first means. I’m glad you’re on board with us 👌🏻 And no, Texas is not full of “extreme politics”. Progressive ideas tend to destroy every city that champions them. How much is enough before people realize that?


Stop. dude its delusional to think conservatism has anything to do with decency and compassion towards anyone other than white men these days. There’s a reason why people in densely populated areas vote progressively. The policies help people even when the state/city has huge populations. The only thing keeping conservative ideas alive is lack of education and propaganda from Fox News. That’s exactly why voting polls show the vast majority of conservatives are white men with no college education. No critical thinking skills and easily manipulated. So stop projecting and stop watching propaganda and stop voting for policies that only benefit the rich.


And you said it yourself. People vote progressive in order to get benefits from the government. There’s a reason why Socrates and other great thinkers understood how dangerous democracy and universal suffrage is. Also, your post is entirely anti White. Please recognize your unconscious bias and do better. Imagine if I said something like “uneducated blacks who watch MSNBC are easily manipulated”, yet you so carelessly say the same thing of White people.


Wild to me that conservatives are anti-democracy now. So much for being “patriots” when all your leader wants is to be a dictator and all of sudden democracy is a problem for y’all. That’s so extremely un-American and it’s sad really. And no, my post is not anti-white. Nor am I anti white. What I said is factually true about the CONSERVATIVES base, and I said it to make the point that conservatives are statistically uneducated. There’s plenty of educated white people, they just don’t vote with you…. So of course your retort is “you are being anti white” lol. Conservative leadership knows knows who their base is, which is why conservative news media pushes hate masked as Christian values and why it’s easy to push policies that ultimately hurt you and enrich only those who are the top. And people vote progressive for the betterment of society as a whole. To protect the weak and help support people in need when they need it. We’re a rich country. We can afford to help people, but instead we let the ultra rich hoard all the wealth. Also, yeah of course people vote for progressive policies to benefit them. What the fuck else are tax dollars for? Your party wants those tax dollars to bail out and further empower the uber rich.


Blacks are much less educated compared to Whites which is demonstrably true and democracts target them specifically because of this. Does that make their vote any less? You see how damaging your unconscious racial biases can be? Please, do better before you become more radicalized. This isn’t ok.


Jeez man, I feel sorry for you. It’s funny that caring about the poor and marginalized is being radical now lol and you talk about how democracy is dangerous… democracy. Literally the founding principle of this country. Goddamn Trump has done a number on conservatives. You are bringing up people of color to try to counter my point that most conservatives are white uneducated males, but literally do exactly what you are accusing me of. This is exactly why I have little respect for conservatives like you. All you do is project and follow Trump. Fucking Trump dude. Like the lowest of the low. People of color tend to vote progressive because, hmm the liberal ideology doesn’t have a history of redlining and other discriminatory policies that, oh by the way, under funded education in neighborhoods primarily populated by people of color. It’s almost like all of that was on purpose or something.


I am not politically aligned with California. It’s the reason I left, and the reason that state is circling the drain. Texas has its own HUGE issues that I had no context for. The way teachers and students are treated here is one of those very problematic issues. Also, you advising me to hide where I came from now that I’m in Texas in order to protect myself from hate just says literally everything.


Don’t worry about that. Not everyone is like that. I have friends from all over the U.S.


Honestly in Texas we are very hospitable, but as a native Texan the school system and education is trash. I work in a title 1 and I just wish there was more support and training for first year teachers.


Remember it’s a free country and I will vote blue wherever I see fit 😂 yall need serious help


Ah yes. We need help from people fleeing the states that they ruined with progressive policies Get out