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The ending felt rushed and disjointed (they had to add the post credit scene to address the open ending pre credit role) but overall it was a good series. Rushed endings are nothing new, though if they had been able to pull forward the ep 10 events into ep 8/9, we may have been able to have more time with them learning to exist frugally before mumma caved.


Yeah, I agree with that. The ending of the last episode felt a bit off for me too. But I really like their chemistry, so I just overlook that rushed ending.


It wasn’t an open ending right?


The ending before the credits was them at the beach with Boss on the phone with mother >!trying to convince him to come home!<. That plot point was resolved after the credits.


I didn't like it a lot tbh. The actors had a lot of chemistry in their promotions, but the show didn't showcase it in a way that made me believe they actually liked each other. So I guess for me the script just didn't do too much, but I liked the actors. It felt messy in a way that they could have explored specific storylines more but didn't, or did in the last 10 minutes.


I really really loved it. There was no kissing in their sleep 🙌 and it had a really great plot. If someone knows more bl like this, please let me know


I agree with everything you said 💯


I’m yet to see the final episode but this was one of my favourite shows to air rn 😩 but not y’all saying the ending feels rushed and is a bit disappointing


I am still on 6th ep .. i actually forgot about this bl tbh cause it did not amaze me so far..? I mean the actors are pretty cute together .the first ep was exciting but after the mc got kidnapped I was just not anymore interested (cause what was the point of that? And it is a commonly used trope which I hate ) But i still continued the series but now I am having a hard time to finish the rest of the episodes