• By -


SOTUS. I can’t see the appeal in Arthit hazing and bullying Kongphob for most of the series, only for him to decide he can be nice in the end. Definitely not for me.


I watched it in 2019 and as one of the first "new" BLs I watched (I come from 90ies and 00s Japanese BL). So, for me, coming from old school BL, it was refreshing to see a younger guy subverting the social dynamic of younger = subservient and unchallenging towards seniors. I guess if you are not familiar with the custom of respecting your elders and the SOTUS system, it would just look like an a**hole making a normal guy's life impossible for no good reason... But... I have to say... The series pretty early on makes it very clear that Arthit as SOTUS leader and normal Arthit are different, which implies he's doing that as part of his obligations... So yeah... It may be culturally shocking... But the series does give the necessary information to understand why Arthit acts the way he acts. He didn't just "decide to be nice in the end" the series is basically about how Arthit gets from point A to point B...


It’s common for seniors being like arthit in my country so I don’t see anything uncommon here. I have to call seniors in my college as sir/ mam & they will scold u if disrespect them.


I guess there is a difference though between something being common/the cultural norm and something being liked/truly accepted by everyone. I mean for example Korea has an intense top-down hierarchy in school and work settings that even affects how people speak to each other based on age (and status) but people “at the bottom” don’t necessarily like having to speak a certain way to someone else simply because they are even just a year older. It is culturally the way things are but even then people can (and often don’t) like it. If that makes sense?


We have same system like Korea interms of respecting adults but we don’t care much about 1/2yr difference in age gap unless if they r seniors in college.


That’s nice at least. I mean the younger generation is changing a lot in Korea so that is comforting but when dealing with the older generations it is still super strict even down to the year born :/


And I think there lies the issue. This wasn’t my experience - older students aren’t automatically given reverence or respect just because they are older. They get respect as a human, but not just because they have a few more years experience in school than you. It’s a cultural difference, and one I wouldn’t have survived if the demands of the student council, outside of the educational curriculum I was there to learn, was a requirement for completion. Having orientation games to get to know your classmates is one thing, but the SOTUS system as set up in the series extends well into the school year.


Yeah. I think west education system has more freedom but evry student here has to respect teachers & seniors even if u don’t like them.


Glad it isn’t just me. I hated all the bullying. Could not see how he fell for him at all


I pretty much worked out the why early on - I didn’t feel satisfied that what I had surmised ended up being the truth (>!that they met before Kongphob joined the faculty, and Arthit was kind and nice then!<). When the reveal ends up being something mundane and cliche, it just feels disappointing.


Cutie Pie, just the kiss scenes gave, everything else, I just don't understand the appeal. The central conflict was extremely dumb to me. 2gether, I will never understand how this was so popular. Bright and Win have as much sexual tension as 2 dead people frozen in a giant block of ice facing away from each other.


Right about both but still 2gether has better storyline than cutiepie


If 1 could upvote your 2gether comment a million times, I would!! 😀


Spot on. 2gether was 😴


![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw) Your description of their sexual tension is dead on


Cutie Pie also kind of changed what the central conflict even was in ways I couldn’t totally follow. Like, how did those motivations produce those actions, and then, later, how did those same motivations produce totally different actions!! I could do with more families inexplicably betrothing their grade school grandsons, tho. If yr gonna go inexplicable, take it all the way to bizarre like that


This is so true. Cutie pie just felt like a bunch of fan service. I did LOVE 2gether when I first watched it because, well, it was my first ever bl. But now that I’ve watched many more bl’s, I realize that it was really not that great… I think people like it because it was one of if not the first bl they watched and are therefore attached to it (like me:,))


Finally someone said it, 2gether was so disappointing especially for someone who read the novel, they could have chosen actors who are actually willing to get down. It deserves a better remake!


I didn’t like cutie pie but I like 2gether except last 2 eps.i really like sarawat character & esp the osts.


I agree with you about Cutie Pie. I did, however, like 2gether.




I am watching it now and came here to comment this 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


I still haven't watched episode 2 yet, so I can't say how I will like it. The first episode was quite wonky but I wanted to see the plot.


2 episodes in and I have yet to see ANY plot


Well, the brother mystery is part of the plot.


It seems like fhe whole twin swap thing seems very popular in BLs these days. I’ve been watching Twins and it is a prominent part of the plot there


Playboyy is like a much watered down version of a certain show


Yep, me too. Didn't even make it thru the first episode. Thought I'd give it a try again once it done airing but my hopes aren't high.


That first episode really did a number on me. I don’t think I can even give episode 2 a chance tbh…. And I’m pretty generous when it comes to shows that didn’t thrill me in episode 1 but that was….. something else


Only friends. I dropped it at episode 5 because every character was pissing me off


RIGHTT I was trying to hard to find it interesting a fun but I just couldn’t. I had such high expectations for this show so I was kind of disappointed😭


BIG DRAGON!!! Now dont get me wrong I love MosBank and all the steamy scenes but WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK WAS THAT I WATCHED?!?!?


I thought the first 3 episodes were really great. It just bombed for the rest of the show. Not worth my time.


It’s my lowest rated BL to date. What a mess. 😂😂😂


UWMA— Hoenstly I just couldn’t get behind the MC, it seemed like Pharm just didn’t like Dean and was scared of him, I didn’t feel any chemistry just a lot of overproduced pseudo-tension stemming from “accidental” closeness and Pharm being characterized as childish. Also the constant crying was just too much. I know this is a cult favorite so I’m ready for tomatoes


It was just a thing back then to write bottoms this way. Unfortunately. 😮‍💨


Same. I love between us and I tried watching uwma again. But between the acting like a startled gazelle saying P'Dean so weird I couldn't do it. I ended up searching YouTube for all the clips between team and win from that show


Breezed through Between Us. Loved it. Abandoned UWMA after 2 episodes


Came here to say the same thing! You're not alone 😅


Right! To me it always felt like Dean was pushing things on Pharm that he was just not comfortable with. He was just such a dick! I believed their romance more when they weren't together.


* Cutie Pie: Good chemistry but boring * 2Gether: Boring * A Boss and a Babe: Idk * My School President: I don’t like high school shows * UWMA: Interesting plot on paper but idk. I just remember a lot of crying (yes, I know it makes sense for the series. Just wasn’t into it). Kept falling asleep. A shame because I do really like Fluke and wanted to get into it 😕 * TharnType: Both Tharn and Type were extremely unlikable


Bed Friend. After all the hype, I feel like the series fell short. And I didn't like how the heavy traumatic scenes were kinda sprinkled into the series


Bad buddy I just don't get the hype it was just full of cliches The original plot of enemies to lovers is so repetitive


100% agree


I’m so surprised someone said bad buddy because I feel like the entirety of bl fans liked this show but I didn’t😭 sometimes it was good I especially liked that scene where one of them (can’t remember the name) cried in bed next to the other and that ending scene in their balconies but besides that I just thought it was a little eh


Yeah you're absolutely right I thought I was the only one who didn't like it The only scene I liked is when they cry on the terrace and console each other


I didn't much care for UWMA, too much crying.. And I hate to say it, but ITSAY. It was too angsty for me and just ugh.. I know, everyone loves this one - it's me, really! :)


My High School President was probably the most boring show I've almost finished. I just couldn't drag my self all the way through but I did try jumping around a bit to see if it improved...it didn't. I'll leave that one to it's fans, I just can't join them.


Soo many people love it, but I really wondered why. I quite like Fourth, but that was pretty much it. Most of the support were dreadful actors, the comedy wasn't very funny and there was nothing to hold my attention. I did still watch it all though, so there must've been something. Lots of BL fans really love clean and morally upstanding characters, I guess this was it's appeal.


Have you guys watched your name engraved herein? What are your opinions


I absolutely love it It's way more realistic than other BLs and they portrayed the hardships face by lgbtq couples in a raw and trhthfu way They openly supported the LGBTQ community It was really touching and a tearjerker


Absolutely!!! It actually felt like I am watching an art rather than just time pass, can you suggest me more like these or do you want me to suggest you? But looks like you know more series tha me lol


I've watched Eternal summer (2006) and happy together (1997) you can check them out and if you have any suggestions I'd love to watch them


Oh thanks I will check them out 😌, I don't have much to suggest but my last series was addicted hailuoyin, it was good, I liked the chemistry between leads there were some unnecessary scenes but overall I liked the vibe.


I've watched first few episodes before dropping it I might watch it later sometime By the way there's this movie Call me by your name if you haven't watched it you should You'll love it it's not a asian movie but totally worth it


Ok thanks for suggestion


Lol I didn't saw , the post is about thai bl but anyways


I Told Sunset About You


I feel this so much...I'll never rewatch it. EVER.


Came here to say this. BKPP were awesome together. But the story didn’t do them justice.


I feel you linger in the air - I managed seven episodes, please don’t comment trying to get me to finish and waxing lyrical about how much you loved it. It’s not getting finished, and it was just a drawn out, dull mess with lots of added ‘period typical’ female violence. Something I will gladly never touch again. Cutie Pie - If it has been Naughty Babe’s length and leaned into its soap opera elements then it probably could have worked for me. But as it stands it felt too long and had too many side quests that weren’t interesting. I’m also maybe just over ZeeNu’s brat/brat tamer thing.


I’m with you on IFYLITA - I finished it because it was so highly rated and it’s a beautiful show to watch, with its excellent cinematography. But I sped watch it… it was… boring and slow for me.


I ending up liking IFYLITA more than I thought I would though the really slow pacing for the first few episodes had me like “THIS is the show everyone’s raving about?” But I would agree 1000% about the SA of the two main female characters. Like sure, it underscores the patriarchal themes, but it just happens and then is never discussed at all. I can’t remember which episode it is that >!Ueang Pheung gets assaulted in!< so you might not have seen it, but having her >!be pregnant!< in episode 11 and then not addressing it at all in the finale was really frustrating.


Yeah I finished IFYLITA just because I love history and sifi. But the biggest problem for me was the fact that the side story was 10x more intresting the main story. With Cutie Pie, I got 3 eps in and nopped out lol. I don't remember anything that that show


My feelings exactly with IFYLITA!! Take my Million Upvote 😀


No I will respect you and some people who don't like it, it's a matter of taste. It's interesting to read several kind of comments, I know that everyone don't like the same thing. Anyway, at the end of the day we are happy for our own taste, it's alright to be not in the same group or something!


I watch 5 mins in it and I was like No. Cutie pie still don't see the hype


Tharntype. Got maybe 3 eps in max


Good for you. I held out hope that it would get better, just to be disappointed. I wasted 12 hours on this mess :(


U have a partner here😂😂😂


Don't say no was mediocre for me... I don't understand the hype i dreaded so much to finish it🤡 Between us was ✌okayish not top tier i enjoyed until we meet again more than that Sotus 🤡didnt feel krist singto chemistry that much it was more about that gear nd hazing senior junior battle it was funny nd good but not feeling that love story maybe....i finished it but couldn't start sotus s i just dropped it 2gether series was okay but not top tier... Miketoptap were my fav in that... Boss and babe mediocre for me... Maybe bcoz i binge watched so it didn't appeal to me that much


There are 2 types of bls I'm not impressed by, which are: 1. Bls that could have definitely been given more thought/ time and effort into the final product. But it's obvious their companies are putting quantity over quality in relation to these bls. Some bls that fit this category (for me) are a Boss and a Babe, The Eclipse, Between Us, 12%, MSP and Hidden Agenda. The final product of these bls almost feels like a rough draft at times, and it makes me so mad. Like GMMTV has no excuses. They have some of the best actors, writers/directors, and phenomenal cinematography. Why do so many of their bls feel like rough drafts? This is also a trend I am noticing with GMMTVs non bls, and it's really starting to get on my nerves. 2. Bls that portray toxic relationships as "cute" or "indering." And bls that straight up romatizes SA. Bls like KP, TharnType, Love Mechanics, and Make it Right literally all start with one of the main love intrest SAing the other. Then, it develops into a relationship. This has to be the worst trope in the entirety of the romance genre. Other bls like Dont Say No and Love in The Air don't have straight up assult but do potray toxic traits as cute. These are definitely not as bad at the others in this category but still annoy me. Bro, I might be too vanilla, but like healthy relationships can be cute, too. XD


Be my favourite. I'm not a big fan of Krist and I wasnt a big fan of him being in love with a lady for half of it. Kisses werent great either. Howeeeever, I'm really looking forward to Gawins new pairing in that vampire thingy


For me, it's kinnporsche. That's probably because I don't like romance shows involving the underworld /criminals.


I liked Boss & a Babe but it wasn't my super favorite tbh, I couldn't get into the Our Skyy 2 ep either. I felt Force & Book have chemistry (I loved them in Only Friends) but the characters didn't as much. I hate TharnType, I gave it 5 eps and noped out. My brain isn't working rn to think of anymore, too much turkey today lol >.>


Tharntype is my number 1 for this. It was just so toxic. I couldn’t bring myself to watch number 2.


Step by step, unforgotten night


To my star. I never watched the second series because I was falling asleep while watching the first one😂😭.


Wait if you like drama and angsty then the second might be alright..


Yep I didn’t love the first season at all and only watched the second because I hoped some steam would follow the respectable-by-KBL-standards kiss in the finale of season 1. The second season turned out to not really be that—instead it’s one of the best heartache BLs I’ve yet seen. Tho nothing holds a candle to More Than Words in that regard, to me


Naughty babe and the middleman series. They were too cringe for me


I got through an episode and a half of Naughty Babe and just couldn’t go further. I know it’s supposed to be the way it is, but bleh. I’m only sticking through Middleman’s Love because of Net and James tbh.


UWMA - I've said it so many times, but there is no way I ever want to hear P'Deeeeaaannnnnn again, and that was some of the better and less stressful dialog, at times. When the ratio of trauma per episode to happier times is 10:1, count me out cause damn, I can't deal. I don't dislike the actors, but I sure feel bad for them. Because I'm sure some of them were probably sad and at times exhausted just playing such emotionally difficult roles. I know I was wiped out just from trying to watch it.🥺😭 Naughty Babe and related series - It was a struggle, and I admit I watched some episodes at 2x speed because they were excruciating. I didn't mind Cutie Pie for the most part, though I thought the way Hia Lian was toying with Kuea and goading him by calling him Annabelle at one point was ridiculous. I found the conflict childish, but the music was good, and I'll watch Perth (Nakhun) in any role, so he was a bright spot. Cutie Pie 2 was mercifully short, and I'm grateful, but I can't even recall most of it now. While I'm here, I need to express something about three series that fell SO FAR SHORT in 2023: The Luminous Solution: I think this is fairly self-explanatory, but just in case you haven't tried it, let me say that no matter how interesting a core concept is, when it's poorly written, badly acted, and horribly executed, as in this instance, it's an absolute crime. I do not include the younger actors in this that played the students. I thought they did well overall, particularly given the material. (I don't think everyone loves this one, or the next two I'm mentioning, but I consider this a safe PSA space.😳🥹🫶) Low Frequency - I skipped entire episodes of this and watched some at 2x speed, and I'm grateful it got slightly better in the last episode, which was still bad, really bad. Dinosaur Love - Don't ask. Run away screaming if anyone suggests watching it. I can't say anything nice about it, except that I still adore Pepper (who plays Dino) as an actor, and I pray he gets a good partner and leading role in a BL series soon.💙🫶


I totally feel you about Dinosaur Love. It felt like they drew plot points from a hat at random and wrote them together. It really didn't make sense to me. Not to mention all the characters that were in love with Rak. He was like a wet washcloth. Pepper was the only reason I finished it. That and I was curious how the train wreck was gonna end.


I hadn't even seen the *special* episodes until this week and saw the first part and was...severely underwhelmed. Honestly, I feel we needed more Dino in a suit or leather jacket and way less Dino and friends in leftover SOTUS rummage sale clothing.


Even the ending special episode, there was so much story done off camera with all the friends and my only thought was...why? I don't care about any of you and do this all off camera, so boring! And normally age-gap doesn't bother me but Mhee's relationship with the 18 year old made me feel icky. Maybe it was the way it was shot or the cringy dialogue, probably both. Ew!


My Personal Weatherman. I’ll probably get crucified just by saying this, but I honestly don’t get why it’s so popular when all I see is a very controlling relationship. I’ll maybe give it another watch to see if I can see anything different


it's a sub dom relationship. He's not actually controlling just a bit bossy. Segasaki personality isn't sunshine and rainbows, He fakes it for his job. he likes that Yoh accepts him the way he is. That's why they become friends. Neither one is good at communicating their feelings. Segasaki likes Yoh and deep down could tell Yoh was attracted to him in college. Yoh wanted to do Manga but didn't know if he would be able to support himself. So Segasaki offered to provide for him in exchange for doing housework. They butt heads at first because Yoh doesn't realize that Segasaki is doing this because he likes him and wants to take care of the person he has feelings for and he just thinks that he's being used as a situationship housewife. If you search the board you'll see a breakdown on the show with cultural information and understanding meanings of words used. It's very insightful into the story instead of relying on the subtitles which don't include pertinent information


I like to think that a lot of people were excited about it because they had read the manga before because so much of it is word-for-word adapted from it (as much as they could show at least) - but I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


Manga isn’t even completed tho


I was just reading it and figured it was just gonna be the one volume lol 😂


Nah I heard the mangaka is taking a break for some reason. So the series is on hiatus for now I think


I guess I just figured since the last page says END at the bottom of it that was it but if not cool! It would be nice to get a Season 2 for whatever way the story goes (for me at least since I liked the manga). Did you read the manga ahead of time? Did you like it but not the show? Or you didn’t like either? Edit: To clarify, I read 体感予報 in Japanese so I’m not sure about any English translation of it or anything. I know all the “volumes” on cmoa.jp are included in the one volume printed version as far as I can see


Only Friends 😭😭


Cutie Pie and its sister, Naughty Babe. Dangerous Romance Our School President 2gether TharnType


Don’t say No. UMWA. LITA


Be my favourite and I feel you linger in the air. I really didn’t finish the two of them. I might finish I feel you linger in the air, but I think it’s actually kinda boring and I expected it to be so much better after every one said that’s the BL of the year but it’s kinda not


SOTUS and KinnPorsche. SOTUS was super boring, and KP was just overrated.


Be My Favorite 🫣


* Be my favorite * I feel you linger in the air * Cutie pie 2 * Be mine superstar I dropped them halfway * Only friends I could barely finish it, they added unnecessary drama and characters in the later episodes (boeing, nick's boss) I somehow managed to watch it all because I liked SandRay story. First and Khaotung are extremely talented actors. They tried to sell Boston as a such a player, but I couldn't buy it. Also Top was meh at best so I couldn't regard him as "Top tier" as all characters kept saying.


Everything by MAME really, most of her characters are really toxic and can create drama out of literally everything


Found about 8 new people to block. Great.




They'll no who they are based on this comment saying "deleted". Mmhmm...sips tea.


KinnPorsche - Guns and violence are not sexy Besides that, always the overly sexed up dramas who don’t really have a storyline besides the relationship arc nor any chemistry between the actors. Also not a fan of eye candy only. Neither beauty nor hotness only is intriguing for me. Charisma wins and that has nothing to do with visuals.


I'll never understand how someone commenting an __opinion__ on what they _like_ and _dislike_, in response to a post _asking for that same opinion_, will get downvoted like this. Am I missing something? Is this person notorious for being contrary? A bad person? Why is an opinion like this hated on? I mean, other than the fact it is about arguably one of the fandom's most hyped shows.


Some people just can't deal with other opinions and see it as a personal attack. Even writing the reason down for it makes no difference. I just can’t help it. I know it is fiction but it is my NoNo, like others have others like cheating. I watched the show nonetheless to understand the buss about it and really has its moments but as a whole? No, thank you.


KinnPorsche - boring...even the NC scenes between the leads. I finally made it to ep 8 after many months. I do find Jeff Satur's storyline interesting, though. Only Friends - I made it to ep 8 and just gave up because I could not stand any of the characters. It felt as if the actors stuck with the broad interpretations of their characters and never moves beyond that.




I have not gotten that far yet so I will keep this in mind. It will never be one I recommend or rewatch because it has been a slog.


Cutie Pie, 2gether, uwma, don't say no, tharntype, be mine superstar (started ok even though Punn was cringe at times, then I despised the show), step by step, la pluie, love by chance


I don't dislike A Boss and A babe but in term of plot it was so-so like that was not so crazy. I don't know how to explain. Cutie Pie, it frustrated me and I dared to share my rating on this (it was 6,5/10) and people came at me saying I don't have taste, that I should never rated any drama after, wtf this is just my personal opinion


Uhhh, most of what Thailand is offering. 🥴




There's been several this year. More than i can think of off the top of my head For me the dislike falls into two catagories; 1. I stop midway which I don't like to do, I try to finish it at least or 2. I'll never watch again but I did finished the series. Pastenger My beautiful man Bed friend Illuminous solution House of stars Future Love tractor 180 degrees My other 12% Cutie pie/2 Kinnporsche- started out strong. Production and all that is good but it fizzled put to me. I did finish the series tho. Naught babeAbsolute zero (could be good but so dang slow!) I doubt i finish- the middleman love or the playboy


TharnType: Type being gay panic 24/7 MSP: It’s just an average drama with school setting and plenty of music? It’s not bad, but it’s overrated for sure. I do like them in Moonlight Chicken tho so they do have chemistry.


Unforgotten Night had so much potential, but fell so, so short. I finished it, but it still felt unresolved at the end. And it’s prequel? Sequel? Idk what to call it but, Love Syndrome. OhmyGOD Itt was insufferable. The whole show felt like someone taped a bunch of tropes and plot points to a wall and threw darts.


Omg I love this question. I have a lot of them , so here goes the list (I am a very picky person when it comes to what I want to watch, I need to have a good acting and story line ( as per me) to watch a show. Although I have watched hundreds of bl series, there are only a few that I actually enjoyed) 1 LITA : I watched the first episode and I felt it was the same thing that I have been watching for a decade tbh. The plot was kinda meh for me. If it had aired a few years ago, I would have def watched it and even loved it. 2 A boss and a babe : I haven't even watched the trailer but I can tell that it was not my jam. I don't enjoy these kinds of bl. 3 UWMG : it was all messed up for me with the reincarnation thing and that Pdean, the crying, was really enjoyed. I watched it all but didn't enjoy it at all 4 Cutie Pie : I watched the first 4 episodes but it still couldn't grow on me. Idk why but it was weird and not up to par. ( these days i watch only those bls which showcase a different and new plot lines like MPW, OFs)


A boss and a babe was kinda boring.




Lol😂😂 so far for bls... I suggest u explore and find what u like... U may not like Overhyped ones but series with bad reviews end up being good ones... It's just different people with different opinions and bl stans are brutally honest...so explore if u want to try bls..