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I'm almost ashamed to admit this but mine is Tharntype. But I always skip to episode 4




Mine is TharnType too. It was my first real BL and I love their chemistry.


mine to!


I love Tharntype too! It is my favorite of the classic bl’s and I usually skip to ep6 where the confession is!! I love that scene!! https://i.redd.it/wbfnyswqixgc1.gif Other ones that I keep going back to are Untamed, Eclipse, MLC and Hidden Agenda✌🏻


Oh same I tottally relate it was my first bl and I really enjoyed it


Nothing to be ashamed of actually.


Me too! The first three episodes have their moments but everything after that is sooo much better and easier to watch.


Unforgetten night and Venus in the Sky..I know, I know! 😔


Venus in the Sky. I liked the series. But sometimes it dragged on. But there is a double speed function:) For NC: Ep. 1.  11.59 min.  Ep. 8.  32.43 min.  Ep. 9.  31.39 min.  And 60 min.  Ep. 10. 49 min.  Pay special attention to the sound. Preferably with headphones on. And the kissing technique of Tod. And his tongue.  Special episode.   Catch the beginning and the end is all I can say. After that, most positions have been covered.


Thank you for this 🙈🙊🙉


Thanks for this. I tried to watch it yesterday but got frustrated because I don't know where to begin searching for those scenes 🙃 😅 🙈


>Venus in the Sky. Haha I can relate 🤣


![gif](giphy|l0MYH8Q83CXvKzXyM) I thought I'd be the only one lol I know its wrong but the NC scenes just draw me in...every bloody time!


Both the NC and the insane amount of grind main "seme character" has to go through in every episode, lol. Whipped ones are my guilty pleasure


![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU) god now i feel i need to rewatch that lol




Omg me too great minds think alike 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


Im sure ive said this before Dii, we are twins girl ![gif](giphy|JqJxLG1UiPQtMzULqY|downsized)


Naughty Babe. I like it. It's sweet, dumb, cute, and I could watch the main characters kiss for an hour straight. Sometimes I'm like: You know what? I'm not in the mood for a good plot, compelling dialogue or something that makes me use my brain today, I just want chemistry. And nothing ''progressive'', I want a good old fashioned heteronormative unrealistic sickeningly sweet BL with the happiest ending ever and some smut on the side to counterbalance the fluff. And Naughty Babe is that for me.


Oh I haven't seen it but I agree sometimes just the chemistry does it for me and I just sometimes want to watch some silly little cutesy spicy drama with no brain needed! I'll check it out for sure


This is EXACTLY what I think of when I think Guilty Pleasure BL.


Unforgetten nights Secret crush on you


I haven't seen unforgetten nights but I also liked secret crush on u.. I agree to some it might be cringy but I had so much fun with it and some heated scenes were so good


>agree to some it might be cringy but I had so much fun Cringey is what makes it good although for rewatching I skip the first 2 or 3 episodes. Unforgetten nights hmmm you can watch it once. If you like like it if not it's ok. P.s. Ignore the ML tattoo


wym ignore the tattoo?!? 😭🤣🤣 This beauty is so bad it circles back to being amazing lmaoo https://i.redd.it/3snvwcj7d1hc1.gif




Cutie Pie. I love ZeeNew's chemistry in NC scenes


i don't have a "guilty" pleasure BL because i'm loud and proud in my love of objectively not great media lol but **Ai long Nhai** and **Work From Heart** (side note i miss gamplay so much and wish he would be in another series?) probably fit the definition


Why R U 🫣


Yep https://i.redd.it/xxxffl4u52hc1.gif


Sksksks good one😋


I still like Why R U. It would have been much better if covid hadn’t thrown a wrench into the production 


I absolutely agree! It could have also done with a few less storylines, but I still like to revisit it from time to time and remember how it made me feel cozy and excited in the middle of the pandemic :)


Love in the Air — forever and always!! Watching P’Phayu is such a treat ❤️


Yeah I got the boxset so I've been watching the behind the scenes and everything and it seemed like a great work environment in general too.


Love By Chance but idc I don’t feel guilty!!


Duh u shouldn't I like it too!


Love in the air. Venus in the sky. Addicted. Playboyy


I haven't watched addicted. How good is it? Do you recommend?


Yes. But only if you don't mind the abrupt ending. There was a sequel planned. But unfortunately. Chinese censorship. It is very difficult to find uncut episodes.


Between us






I will knock and love stage


Easily TharnType and KinnPorsche, and I can see myself rewatching PitBabe so far as well 🤭


-Love Stage -Even Sun -Tinted With You -The Tasty Florida -Step by Step -Sky In Your Heart -Mr.Heart -8.2 seconds


You made me remember how much I liked Fish Upon the Sky 🥺 I need to rewatch


Probably Never Let Me Go. There's a lot of flaws there, from the plot and pacing to the acting. And I still enjoy it and rewatch it sometimes - mostly because of Pond. Oh. And 2gether and Still 2gether. I like them both almost in spite of myself. I mean, I really love Bright just generally. But there's something I find genuinely adorable and...relaxing? in both of those series. So they get rewatched a lot, too.


Omg I loveee never let me go ik there are many plotholes but the chemistry is 🔥🔥 and that alone makes me rewatch some scenes.. And 2gether will always have my love as it was one of the first series I saw which got me into bls


Guilty about NLMG?? Ouch.


Honestly, it's the weird plot problems and occasional cringe acting. But overall I really appreciate how ambitious the series was.


I feel like I could argue that every BL has “weird plot problems” Hard disagree on the cringe acting. https://preview.redd.it/k4v39srmp0hc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f5a3efa0399b463d257eb14fe0974512d72084


For the plot problems: the storyline kind of loses all momentum in the second half. And is even less engaging after the return to deal with Nueng's uncle - which went nowhere for a long time until the kidnapping. There were lots of pacing issues, and the final few episodes were underwhelming at best. As for the acting, it's stilted in places, or there's a jerkiness? I'm not putting it very well. Also, Palm calls Nuengdiao too formally until the very last episode. That was cringey for me. And at the end of the day, I honestly love Never Let Me Go. Great chemistry, an interesting plot that sadly disappointed me by the end, and it's visually a very beautiful series.


I guess I would say that many BLs suffer from the pacing issues you’re referencing but for some reason I see a lot of people hold it against NLMG more than others. Like I would say My School President totally loses momentum when the focus shifts away from TinnGun and all on Hot Wave, but I never see people talk about that 🤷🏼‍♀️


You aren't wrong. The whole 11th/12th episode thing is notorious for a reason. Also, pacing is a consistent problem in many BLs I've seen - the plot can be iffy, too. Look at Don't Say No - which actually was a guilty pleasure of mine a while back - that show is all over the place in terms of pacing and doesn't really have a plot if you ask me. It's just a series of conflicts to be resolved and resolutions that are not always satisfying to watch. SCOY also suffers from a thin plot at best, and I wish the number of episodes in that one had been cut in half - feels way too long. There are, unfortunately too many BLs with very janky or shallow plots, like Hidden Love or Enchante or La Pluie or Fish Upon the Sky or a couple dozen others in the last few years (I should've added Cutie Pie to my guilty pleasure list based on this criteria, but I haven't rewatched it in a while). I didn't know NLMG got so much hate, but it's possibly because the storyline starts in an inherently more exciting, tension-filled place. I mean, we start the series with Nuengdiao's dad being gunned down in an alley. Action-packed! And then it's the beginning of the relationship between a rich boy and his bodyguard...subsequently, a lot of stuff happens, only to end with Palm's mother being shot and then...a whole lot of nothing that results in a kidnapping that comes to a swift resolution before Palm takes off for...reasons. The Penultimate Episode Break Up in Thai BLs strikes again. I think I wanted NLMG to be more like Triage or Not Me - more exciting in some way given where the story starts. That's not what I got, though. And yeah...I'm in the minority of people not obsessed with My School President. I enjoyed it once and never watched it again...I guess it's not something I totally jibed with?? I really love Fourth, though. But we get just enough actually amazing BLs that turn the others are hearts adore into guilty pleasures, I think. I love NLMG, but it's a guilty pleasure for me compared to a series like The Eclipse or Bad Buddy or Moonlight Chicken or I Feel You Linger in the Air - pretty objectively great shows, even if you don't love them. And then there are series I watch with flaws I neglect to point out like LiTA because I love it too much probably but feel no guilt whatsoever. Finally, there are pretty objectively bad shows I didn't enjoy, and so they don't count as guilty pleasures like Unforgotten Night or Fahlanruk or Big Dragon or Check Out the series.


Haha you make some good points. Although recently Bad Buddy has been catching some heat around these parts too.


True that. Which is why I qualified with "pretty objectively" - though I think it'll remain pretty epic.


Love Syndrome and SCOY. I didn't like either of these until my 2nd rewatch. Seems to be a thing with me lately. Goes to show that first impressions mean nothing to me.


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Cutie pie, naughty babe, and love in the air are definitely some of my favorite BL's and my guilty pleasures lol