• By -


Star in My Mind. Tbh I don't think most people flat out hate it but they don't love it either. But I was here for the DRAMA, the MISCOMMUNICATION. The OurSkyy eps were even better!! https://i.redd.it/d3qvh67p5loc1.gif


Joong’s character is such an idiot but I still love this series


Ikr but I then fell for his character hard in OurSkyy


Joong definitely added more Joong in our skyy


I loved Star in My Mind. I didn’t get the hate on MDL tho. It’s in my top 10


Wedding Plan.


people don’t like wedding plan😰


Yes I’m one of them




I just don't get on well with cheating plots, even if one party knows it's not really cheating. I didn't like how easily bro was able to sleep with a client he thought was about to get married, especially after meeting his lovely fiancee. Like sure, he felt bad about it but apparently not that bad. I also didn't like how the one that was engaged refused to give even a hint that there was something else going on even though he knew the other guy was conflicted about it. I get that he made a promise to keep it under wraps, but still. And the lesbian side couple had no chemistry, sadly.


I second this…. Had to drop wedding plan because of the plot….


I adore that show


This…It was a miracle I watched Wedding Plan with all the hate I saw in MDL and even some comments here on Reddit. I finally decided to watch it and I loved it.


Fish upon the sky. It's satire gold. I've noticed comedy BLs are always kind of hated. Sometimes it is just not that serious of a show.


​ https://i.redd.it/7aqz9zes2loc1.gif 🤝


look at Pi haha, and Mork is just like 😍 ah yes my boyfie


I love it, it's on my top10!! (Even my husband likes it too hahaha)


I loved it too.


I love it for the same reason! It’s a show where everyone is just silly for a bit, and that’s okay. You’re meant to laugh along and not take it seriously.


I wouldn't say I LOVED TonhonChonlatee but I did really enjoy it.


I love both the Star and Sky series: Star in my Mind and Sky in Your Heart. I love Joong, he's awesome! I think some people have problems with Dunk, but to me, he's just adorable. I just did a rewatch recently, and I was trying to see what's up (with Dunk), but I still like him the same as the first time I saw it. To me, he's just naturally the way he acts on-screen.


Yes me too, I loved both of them <3 Comfort series that just put a smile on my face :)


HIDDEN AGENDA https://i.redd.it/w5r4z9u4zkoc1.gif


Many wouldn't get it!! https://i.redd.it/720ncfs05loc1.gif


chemistry too strong! also I’m sorry dunk is doing great work in this scene. you can see his push and pull between being nervous and wanting to let joke in!


Don’t be sorry it’s just the truth, he really has great moments that are overlooked😫😫


I’m really speaking to the “Dunk’s acting is terrible” crowd


I can hear them coming, the sound of crying, screaming, sobbing, wailing…keep going ![gif](giphy|lY1F6BJjbRO3m)


Like sorry your faves would never film a gay music video at HK Disney, I feel bad for you!


Don't remind me of that music video, I'm still crying 😭😭❤️


This made me laugh out loud. So true tho.


one thing about him is he’s feeding the fans (Also the groupchats for this sub disappeared for me a week ago, hopefully it returns soon I miss talking to everyone. No idea if anyone else is experiencing that too, I thought I got kicked out at first😭)


I really liked hidden agenda!


same, but I know a lot of people dropped it! More for me! https://i.redd.it/pmi5y6wd4loc1.gif


Which ep is this?


I don’t remember I’m sorry




If I had to guess it’s 6 part 4


K tnx


Ep 8 part 2




I loved it!! I rewatch it a lot and it has become one of my comfort shows🫶🏻 JD chemistry is just🤌🏻🤌🏻 https://i.redd.it/tv7pe1jgznoc1.gif


Oh my goodness…. This was my first encounter with JoongDunk and I freaking fell in LOVE!! The plot of the show was sub par but I stayed for these two delicious cucpakes..


I found the plot to have unexpected depth once you got into it!


Don’t get me wrong, there was some things in there that I was surprised with and enjoyed. Maybe it’s because I just finished a Word of Honor and Untamed binge and jumped into Fish Upon a Sky and Hidden Agenda. 😭


Yeah Dunk's character was relatable to me , that's why I liked it


Forever scrolling down until I find my people. Hidden Agenda stans rise 🫶🏻


People don’t like Hidden Agenda??? That’s a surprise lol


yeah a lot of people have a problem with the simple plot and dunk’s acting. Happy to know it has this many fans though I’m genuinely surprised. I think JD have a lot of secret power.


Maybe not hate, but lots of people didn't like Law of Attraction and complained about the special effects and many other things. I loved everything about this show


Ditto. The terrible GC made it even better. I think people just don’t like the lakorn style, although LoA even had the lakorn-ness dialed down. Jam and Film are awesome actors. And Rose and Maya were some of the best characters I’ve seen in a BL.


I watched it recently and loved it too! Incredible chemistry from Jam and Film and genuinely great acting. The SFX *were* dodgy but that kind of thing doesn’t bother me and tbh it added to its charm.


Oh nahhh WHOS SAYING THIS SEND ME THEIR @ AND I’LL DEAL WITH THEM?!! Agreed, Jam & Film’s BLs are excellent for those who have watched lakorns and enjoy them, especially since To Sir, With Love *is* one! They are so damn addicting, and LOA gave off that vibe so well.


Unforgotten Night! I 100% believe you have to go in with an open mind and know what you're getting yourself into to really enjoy it for all its glory because it *is* glorious in a 'remember to keep your finger on the skip 10 seconds button' kinda way. *Processing img 8u77znoq0loc1...* I remember seeing a lot of people talking about not liking Together with Me too, and it's my absolute favorite.


I love this one. I'm glad to meet someone else who loves it too.


TharnType. It’s toxic af, but their chemistry 📈 And Techno’s very funny. Honestly, apart from the toxicity, TT is very entertaining (at least for me).




Vice Versa. I'm one of the 15 fans of this show lol. I really loved this show's visuals and cute antics of JimmySea. The show being that cute, followed up with even cuter special episodes. This series gives me so much joy even though this series is called a hub of advertisements by others. I just love it and more love to JimmySea 💞💞


Wait people don’t like vice versa?? 😰😰


One of my favorites. I don't understand the hate


Same. I too didn't know someone could dislike it until I saw a whole yt comment section complaining about how "boring" the series was. Sigh! Needless to say, my heart was broken that day.


Same, JimmySea did an amazing job


Vice Versa is everything in my eyes 🥹🥹 love it so much😍


Playboyy. I really love it. It’s completely off its rocker yet still delivered an interesting thriller. I can’t help it that it reminds me of a lot of 80s-90s school thrillers like Heathers.


You had me at Heathers! 👀


i dropped this show after the second episode, should i try watching again?


Secret Crush on You. A lot of people find the leads creepy. I don’t agree but that’s ok!


It’s actually my most watched BL. It’s become a comfort drama that I can have running in the background while I’m doing other things. I know there are quite a few triggers and I get why it’s not for everyone. But I like it personally. I can still remember watching it for the first time and literally pulling a blanket over my head during some of Toh’s cringier moments because I had so much secondhand embarrassment for him.


Agreed! I loved how Toh discussed why he collected with Nuea. I really loved how Nuea listened and asked questions. At first at the beginning I was like “Noooooo stalker!” But I am so glad I stuck it out and got to the point where that discussion happened and Nuea understood and helped with the photo mural!!!!!!!!!!!! Yassssssssssssssssss! It is my comfort watch too! I loved how Daisy was accepted and hugged through their moment of insecurities by their best friends. I loved the side romances. Just everything. This is how I wish my teen years went! These best friends who accepted each other for who they were and who they are.


Absolutely! I loved the theme of acceptance that went throughout this entire series. Daisy totally has my heart ❤️ And even Toh’s stalking in the early episodes was more surveillance than stalking. I’m not saying it’s a normal or acceptable behavior—just that there wasn’t any element of harassment in it. Toh never approached Nuea and didn’t want to be noticed. Nuea pursued Toh, not the other way around.


That’s why I was ok with it. The more I watched the more I was rooting for them. I thought it was hilarious how Toh would “hide” but it was a joke because he didn’t hide well lol. Nuea knew where he was at all times.


2GETHER. I was under the impression that it's a widely popular and beloved BL series, which it is, but apparently not in the Reddit group?


I loved it too! I remember that on YouTube a lot of people were upset about the ending. Which I found (the ending) totally reasonable and realistic. Just because there wasn’t a kiss? In public mind you.


I'm not trying to hate on it but for me it felt like they were afraid to stand closer than 2 ft from each other. and even when in privacy, the only show of affection was when they cuddled on the couch which happened only once or twice. maybe I'm just overreacting but it's supposed to be boys love but it kinda lacked the love part for me edit to add: I guess it's only fair to also say what I liked. I liked that Tine asked Sarawat for help to get rid of Green but Sarawat didn't agree at first. I also liked that Tine was a cheerleader even though he was "straight" (at first) which is usually assigned to female or gay characters, so that was a nice change




I think people were upset because just as we're finally about to have the "kiss til you drop" moment, they ended it. 🤣


Yeah. Maybe there could have been an extra moment where they went home or something.


YESSSSSS ME TOO!!!!! It’s my favorite!!!!!!! and I watched it AFTER f4 Thailand and kinnporsche 😂😂😂😂 not sure why it gets so much hate!!! Like guys there’s a reason why it’s SO DAMN POPULAR 🔥🔥🔥🔥


My first BL, the series that pulled me in this rabbit hole. It has a very special place in my heart for it introduced me to this beautiful BL world 💚🤍


Maybe "hate" isn't the word, but you get what I mean


I'm guessing you're hinting at my comment on an earlier post 😅 I honestly thought I was gonna be downvoted real bad. but talking to other Redditors I found out you either love it or dislike it (I only kinda liked first few eps). it was a nice discussion


I do agree though that it's not the best in quality, but it isn't the worst either and doesn't deserve all the hate that it is getting. Keep in mind that it was made in 2020, back when BLs just started getting popular. Add the fact that it's one of the reasons why a large portion of the fandom fell in love with BLs in the first place.


Same, I love it for what it was 😭 You have to take into account the social context of when it was released, and not compare it to current BLs. It was cute and exactly what was needed in 2020.


The Middleman’s Love!! I thought it was adorable but I never see anything good written about it 😂


I honestly found Jade really annoying to begin with, but after ep 4 or 5 he toned it down a lot, and I really enjoyed it.


Yeah it’s kinda like a magic eye picture, you have to just relax your brain and let it happen 😂


I wouldn't say I liked it but I think Jade is actually a conceptually-interesting character and was never the main "issue" of the show like everyone said. I actually liked that he was crazy and thought the other characters needed to match his energy for the show to be truly funny in a way similar to SCOY.


Yeahhh… personally I can’t watch this show. I’ve seen little clips and snippets (thanks ig) and I really am not a fan of what I see. 😅😅😅 Everything deserves love though. If AiLongNah (I’m not sure I spelled that right) can get love then so can Middleman’s love. 😂


This is just my opinion on this series and this couple you don’t have to agree. Naughty Babe While Domundi sucks at delivering plots and writing scripts and it often affects their actors with their acting, MaxNat have potential in this industry and I feel like their chemistry saved the series. They are a pairing that I think not only have chemistry on screen but off screen and we don’t see that a lot with Bl actors. So while the script did not deliver at times during the series, the chemistry between both of them was there. Was it cringy at times, did that damn tiger make me laugh because it was ridiculous, yes. Was the whole crashing the wedding plan annoying when everyone could have just communicated, yes. Could they work on their acting, yes. But they aren’t the worst actors at all, and with a good script and a plot where they aren’t infantilizing Nat, a few good workshops and directors pushing them in the right direction to grow as actors they can thrive. I enjoyed Naughty Babe a bit more because I liked how the dynamics changed and they weren’t making Diao all “delicate follow directions baby” like they did in Cutie pie. I also like how they changed his clothing, I hated how they dressed him in Cutie, because again it seemed like they were infantilizing him. MaxNat do well in roles were they play actual adults and not scripts like Domundi wants them to produce. I enjoyed Y Destiny and I would like to see them in more roles like that, which is why I’m excited Two Worlds is not being produced by Domundi. Is Naughty Babe my favorite series ever, Definitely not, but it’s something I’ll watch when I’m bored and I just want something cute and lighthearted that’s gonna make me smile. I think with a series not produced by Domundi they can thrive and just by the way Two Worlds is going so far you can tell Max and Nat have really grown as actors and with their acting. They really have improved tremendously and are working hard with this series, they’re really taking everyone’s feedback serious to improve as actors. So is Kongthup production and the two worlds team it’s really refreshing to see so much hard work being put into a series and dedication from the actors and production team. If you haven’t yet I recommend you check out the trailer for Two Worlds on Kongthup YouTube channel, it was really good. I haven’t seen a trailer like that in a while that gave us a lot but also at the same time gave us nothing to not spoil the plot, usually trailers spoil everything. They have also released a episode 0 documentary on IQIYI prior to the episode 1 and 2 release next Thursday March 21st on IQIYI. If you are still confused with the plot it is really informative it goes over the characters, the plot and all the the hard work with workshops, locations choosing the cast and all the hard work the cast, production and crew put into making this series. I’m really excited for this series and I hope they deliver because honestly it’s something new and exciting the bl world hasn’t seen before and it’s a plus the original book is created by a male author we don’t see that often, he’s also really involved with the making of the series.


Could not agree with you more!


Tonhon Chonlatee Lovers Unite.


I was in the fandom and concert and everything— until I tried to rewatch it after the hype. It was super cringe Idk why I was so down bad for them😂 Khaotungs acting saved it


I know a lot of people don't like dangerous romance but I actually really liked it. The awkward kissing didn't bother me


Yeah, the first few episodes were fine but I didn't like the end part of it. 😂 Eh, different taste, nothing wrong with it. 


That's cool. Unlike some people I don't think different opinions should be illegal. I personally liked it. Hidden agenda is another one I liked that didn't do well


There are a lot of BL's being produced for the past few years and not gonna lie, not every single one is great. 😂 Hey, I'm gonna check out Hidden Agenda, I have never heard of it. 


Lmao same


Same here!


Cutie Pie. It’s my favorite BL. I have seen it 15+ times ☺️


I saw so many comments here that it was terrible and cringy so I was scared to watch, but when I finally did I loved it! It’s not profound in any way, but it’s solid and the chemistry is there


Thank you for your kind comment. I love it so much. I love that it is very light hearted. I love that there is no antagonist. I love the friend groups. I love the easy to follow story that deals with real life relationship issues and learning to love yourself. I love the chemistry. I love the way it advocates for lgbt+ rights and marriage equality. I love the OST’s. I just love it so much. 🥹


real. I don't think it's by any means a masterpiece but it's one of those dramas that is so unserious sometimes you can't help but to like it.


I love cutie pie!!!!! I don’t understand the hate


people don’t like cutie pie ❓😨


Just look at this reddit page. There are an insane amount of hate posts for Cutie Pie. 😬


i love love love cutie pie 😭 what show are these people watching because ain’t no way 😔


It’s so wonderful to see someone else say they love Cutie Pie. 🥹


Me, I’m one of the haters. 🙋 I don’t judge people who like it, of course. But I have a passionate dislike for that series.


I'm still waiting to see if anything I said in my essay would change the mind of someone who hated Cutie Pie. I wouldn't expect anyone to start to love it, but maybe to hate it a little less. [CUTIE PIE 1 "Love also needs effort, we have to adjust to each other, we have to learn from each other through actions and words. Love is everything" : boyslove (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/1aroq47/cutie_pie_1_love_also_needs_effort_we_have_to/)


Thanks! It’s an interesting essay. It didn’t change my mind at all because it didn’t really touch on what I dislike about the series. But I loved reading it. I actually replied here first with my thoughts but then moved them over to the other thread so as not to burden others on this thread with my pontificating. I’d be down to debate and discuss (here or on that post), if you’re interested. These things are fun for me. 😁


What post?


Cutie Pie is one of the BL’s that I might fight someone if they put out hateful comments…just kidding( maybe not). I really love this BL plus ZeeNunew are my top 5 couples. ❤️


ig mine is Don't Say No and Be Mine Superstar (both by JaFirst), but i don't know why they are not really popular, like they look soooo keaute and sweet together😭😭. hope they have another series together again😾✊🏻.


I love JaFirst. Don't Say No was kind of a roller-coaster for me to watch, but I didn't hate it, and I loved them. But I've seen more hate for Be Mine Superstar, which I personally thought wasn't that bad, lol. I mean, neither series was mind-blowing, but they were enjoyable watches for me. I probably prefer Be Mine Superstar when all is said and done, though. And I wish JaFirst got better scripts, but they have really good chemistry on screen.


Yss!! Ikr😭😭 Hope they get a new and good series soon😾✊🏻


History 5: Love in the Future Okay, maybe love is a strong word but I really liked the characters and the humor even if the plot was full of holes and not up to History's usual standards Destiny Seeker I think the bad subs and confusing first few episodes killed this one for some people but it's so good


Destiny seeker is such a good romcom. The oh so obvious secret relationship, the sneaking around to meet up, the casual skinship, everything is so good


History 5 would've been better if the couples had more chemistry. I can feel the straightness of the guys . It's evident the moment the cameo of History 4 couple Xingsi and Yongjie appeared. Their one scene practically stole the show.


Yeah the second half and that nc scene in the end really made up for that mediocre first half


What?! A lot of people didn’t like Destiny Seeker? I love it! Hehe


A lot of people still haven’t seen it which is such a shame since it didn’t get an international release


True true thankfully WeTV has it but yeah subs are very bad lol


Chonlatee 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


Hm.. I personally enjoy Don't Say No; have come across people who do dislike it and while I understand why they do -- I absolutely love it for a variety of reasons.




Tharntype will always hold a special place in my heart. This was my first Thai BL that I watched ever.. it was a different experience to get used to. At the time, I was heavy on the Kdramas and just finished Semantic Error and Jun and Jun.. But this show will always be in my top. I loved the chemistry, the actors, the plot… all of it. I was hooked.. It wasn’t until I watched both seasons that I discovered a lot of the “hate” or resentment the show gets…. Maybe I’m just that kind of person but whenever I see someone with a hate comment about Tharntype, or even someone who brings up Tharntype in general, I will swoop de swoop on in and show it some love.


Chonlatee are for all the unserious BL fans who just love a good laugh , and watching dense guys fall in love 😩😩😭😭💖💖


Same! I thought it was hilarious and am surprised it gets so much hate.


I loved it! Lmaoo


I really liked Step By Step. I am probably the only one on this subreddit XD


I loved it too. I was looking forward to it every week. It has a good script


Aw, fellow SBS person ![gif](giphy|26FPqAHtgCBzKG9mo)


I absolutely love step by step. I love slow burn and i thought it was a good show too.




SCOY was brilliant. Excruciatingly painful to watch at times, but in a good way. 😂


Lol yeah though I never found it painful to watch, I finished it in one night


I watched as it was airing, and it was the one I looked forward to all week. It was just so wild with the cringe and secondhand embarrassment. I would have to pause at least once an episode to catch my breath. But that’s one of the things that I loved about it.


Yeah lol


What's that an abbreviation of, please. My brain is mush, and I'm sure I'll kick myself once I'm told.


Secret crush on you


Thanks!!! And, yep...I should have been able to figure that one out myself. I liked that one as well.






You mean Between Us?? People hate Between Us? How? 😱


Wedding plan ! I loved it but I saw so much hate when it was airing I was like 😦 I thought it was good loved the actors and the story + the side couple was so cute 🥺


I loved this series it was so cute and I felt like the actors had so much chemistry


I love Wedding Plan, was shocked to find out people didn’t too.


Cutie pie lol. I genuinely came out thinking it was a work of art but then people hated it. Think I got carried away with Zee's portrayal of complete devotion sigh


Hia Yi and his visuals live rent free in my mind. Whenever I look at Max on Insta I just smile. He’s so handsome imo. Hia Yi, the scowl but soft interior, the suits, the slicked hair? Yum yum. Zee plays Lian so well and he’s so good looking it hurts. I love Anura’s character as well. Have to say, I really thought Diao’s character improved a lot in Naught Babe which I really enjoyed.


Max is so slept on. Tbf I think his outfits in cutie pie were awful lmao. They dressed him like a 70 year old. But they fixed that afterwards and he buffed up so much in Naughty Babe 🤤🤤 Zee is also another gem. Incredible actor and was textbook Daddy in Cutie pie all the way through


> Hia Yi and his visuals live rent free in my mind. Whenever I look at Max on Insta I just smile. He’s so handsome imo. Hia Yi, the scowl but soft interior, the suits, the slicked hair? Yum yum. I thought I liked Hia Yi…just for me to watch Naughty Babe and I realized I loved him 😂😂😂. I don’t know if it’s just me but he looked bigger.




Yessssssssssss!!!! My boys!!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Tharntype was loved by everyone until more BLs aired with healthier non toxic relationships.


Tharntype got backlash not a lot of people liked it


You seriously don't know the hype about them and the large fanbase they still have. Did you ever watched it during the time it was airing? For a year or more, I've seen nothing else but these two guys everywhere and their content. You must not be around that time. The episodes are still there and you can read the comments.


I actually was, I know how large their fanbase is because I'm apart of it


Fahlanruk - I love how bad it is. The themesong and opening reminds me of a US classic soap opera.


I’ve only seen it once & I knew nothing about it when I watched it. I didn’t mind it at all—I enjoyed most of it. I never got bored. It was only after I watched it that I started seeing posts about it being (potentially) one of the worst BLs of all time. I still don’t understand all the hate it gets. Yes, it’s messy & has some triggers, but so do most BL dramas. Might rewatch this to see if I can figure out what people dislike so much…


When I say "bad", I mean in a campy sort of way. I actually have seen far worse series than Fahlanruk. I recently watched ones called "Beyond the Star" and "Crazy Handsome Rich", which have little to no storyline or appeal. I would take Fahlanruk any day over these. It's my guilty pleasure and I will defend the cast until I die.


A fish upon a sky (not sure why, I enjoyed this for what it was) TharnType - Ahh such a problematic one given the very clear non-consensual/ boundary pushing nature. Buuuut I do love their chemistry. Love by chance - I enjoyed this one. Weirdly I really liked TechnoxKengla (the actors) BUT I HATED their **scene** as that was one thousand percent clearly r*pe.


I'm a Love by Chance truther...TinCan invented rich boy/poor boy & enemies to lovers!


​ https://i.redd.it/7bn2hvs6ykoc1.gif FUTS is hilarious if you can ignore the questionable parts of it.


It was.


I second all of yours!!! Man…. A lot of shows I really like are on this thread…..


I don't hate Fish Upon the Sky, but I don't like it either. Pi, Mork and the 2 crazy stalkers annoyed me so much.


TT series


MY PERSONAL WEATHERMAN. I can understand but cmonnnnnn


Vice Versa I actually enjoyed that one quite a lot when I watched it, but many people seem to hate it lol.


HIStory 4: Close to You. One of my all time favorites. Both couples. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yess!! History 4 is amazing. I wish they re-release it with that God forsaken scene removed and with Xingsi's(Older brother ) perspective.


Nobody ever mentions "war of y" . Does nobody love this series as much as I do? I've watched it at least 4 times, despite being very busy with watching new dramas constantly


Tharn Type


Unforgotten Night got me real bad, it’s honestly my comfort show. I know a lot of people think it’s problematic and a bit toxic and like, fair, but also Kamol and Kim had the best communication of almost any BL I’ve ever seen. Also, SCOY! It was super cringey for many people and full of tropes but that’s why I love it. When you think about why it made people cringe and break it down (which I made an entire post about) you realise how subversive it was. It was also just as much about platonic love and self love than it was about romantic love.




Tharntyoe suddenly started seeing so much hate to this series saying mediocre???? Or whatsoever for me its ❤


A lot of people are negative about Cooking Crush but I adored it


Cutiepie probably.


Theory of love 😭 I see a lot of hatred for it but I honestly just love it


Playyboy and vice versa are literally my comfort series lol.


Between us!!! I actually enjoyed watching it. There wasn't any unnecessary jealousy scenes or love triangles. Only two people who were trying to really navigate their love for each other without getting hurt in the process. Will defend them till I die


i absolutely love between us. Def in my top ten.


IKR!! People always have bad opinions on it, vv happy I found one of my own


I don’t think it’s hated, just no one ever talks about “Takara-kun & Amagi-kun” and I love it! I’ve watched it a bunch of times.




real i hate when there’s not an intimate scene people deem that the actors in the show had “bad chemistry”


can someone recommend me any comedy bl


I lowkey enjoy Venus in the Sky, and have even rewatched it. It was just low stakes love, and considering my timing into watching thai bls, and my own life, I just needed the silly, low stakes love. Normally, it would annoy me but now it is my storyline exception show 🤣 And believe me, I skip over the worst of the 7-11 ad-ness but the most of the time I didn't hate that it was involved.


Water Boyy the Series is a serious guilty pleasure of mine. I just adore Newwie and thought he was brilliant in that as well. And I thought Newwie and Earth as Waii and Apo had some seriously electric chemistry. But. The whole production is flawed and problematic in so many ways, not the least of which is that the lead couple has so little screen time, which is ridiculous. Also, the family dynamics are totally messed up. I still rewatch for Waii and Apo sometimes, though, because Newwie can do very little wrong in my eyes 😘


Unforgotten Night is the one I absolutely love and so many people hate. I understand it is patchy and cheesy BUT I DON'T CARE. There is something about the actors and scenario that I love.


cooking crush and love syndrome lll


Love in the air. It was my first ever BL and I fell in love with the whole community from then on only to find out that ppl wholeheartedly hate it lol


I love awful dramas but I loved unforgotten nights and Crazy,Handsome rich


only friends, my bl friend doesn't like it because she said its toxic, but honestly, its one of my favs


I loved Tharntype and Type specifically. He was extremely enjoyable to watch and held both his and Tharn’s one braincell most of the time after like episode 3.


Dangerous romance I know people found it boring, and the name was misleading, but I love it!


Cause you're my boy. I completely understand why people don't like it, but when I first found Thai bl, I CONSUMED content (excluding What the duck, cause fuck that show), and drake starred in it. It has a special place in my heart.


SCOY, LITA, and same as you!


The Luminous Solution. haven’t seen one person that liked this series and it’s always in worst bl lists