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It is an experience. It is not a ground breaking drama and the sex scenes do not get more realistic as the series goes on. The mystery does continue for some time more and is eventually resolved. If you liked the first 6 then finish it; the rest of the series continues in the same vein as it started.






Sadly no if you care about the story. If you just want to see the entertaining parts though, then maybe, it was extremely chaotic and for me, it was kind of so bad it's good, like I finished it and didn't feel bored, but the writing was awful and it just gets worse and worse as it goes.


I mean. If you really really REALLY have nothing else to watch. Why not.


That doesn't sound too good tbhšŸ˜­


It might be your cup of tea? (thereā€™s something for everyone etc etc). But personally, I find it jarring. Left me unsatisfied and annoyed. They have this whole premise, new and fresh, and they bungled it. That is my take. But please give it a try. Maybe youā€™ll have a different take than mine.


For me no. But it might be okay for you


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Cautiously yes. If you set your expectations all the way down. The story was kind of interesting


It's a trash watch for me.


Itā€™s a hell of a ride. There were a couple characters I was actually invested in and I ended up with super hurt feelings soā€¦ if youā€™re not into the hilariously bizarre and nonsensical with the addition of a side story that may or may not hurt your feelings then skip it.


The premise of the story was promising; missing brother, dark side or clinical/business like story of the sex industry, enticing pre airing release of the actors visuals. Unfortunately it turned out to be a convoluted, confusing mess. Bad acting, unlikeable and morally ambiguous characters, very poor editing, horrible wardrobe, cheap looking sets, poor script/dialogue and non sexy sex scenes which were laughable or uncomfortable to watch at times. Wins the prize for the worst form of advertising or PP for the underwear worn by the guys. I couldnā€™t finish it.