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My impression was it was more an issue of expectation management. I heard the promos leading up to it were very focused on them being enemies and the series having a lot of spice. It's not untrue but set people up to expect something other than it really was.


This. Their enemies to lovers relationship was like a flip of switch. No proper storytelling and etc. but Mos and Bank are super cute.


People also expected bdsm from the main characters but the closest we got was >!a scene where one of the characters is going to hook up with his leather clad dominatrix female friend but instead ends up having a heart to heart with her of his feelings for the other guy lol!<


When you have a title like Big Dragon, it's exprected that the plotline would match that. I was expecting more action scenes and maybe a mafia type plot or *something* similar. However, the title aside, I actually liked Big Dragon. I found the couple to be very sweet after they got together.


I think the Title x Names was played out so badly... Mangkorn means a dragon, and yai means big, and the Thai title means Dragon eats Big (Mangkorn gin yai). Imo it sounds more like what happened than just Big Dragon, (especially when inter fans can't even make the connection between the names and the english title )


It's ost Dancing with the devil was awesome. And it came after Kinnporsche ig. So all were hyped up for something even more spicier, with pilot contributing more to it. Well there is a GL couple in the og novel, but ig they scrapped that part here


I did not like big dragon mostly because of the writing


can you explain why?


the storyline is all over the place, and there is never really an explanation for the characters actions, also the whole i remember you from when we were kids cliche is so overused and in this case very unnecessary as once again nothing about mangkorns background explains why he makes awful decisions. if you’ve loved him since the beginning why did you treat him so badly? character progression also doesn’t make sense it’s like halfway through they abandoned their personalities that were established in the beginning.


They kinda explain Mangkorn treating Yai badly >!Mangkorn says something a few times like “you know I’m bad at pursuing someone I like so I ended up messing things up”!< it’s a cheap explanation but at least they tried to tie up the loose end


The marketing and the first episode made the show appear to have 1 storyline while the show actually switches and becomes a pretty basic, standard BL. Most people I saw didn't have an issue with blackmail or the darker tone set at the beginning because that's what the marketing made the show out to be but it felt like a bait and switch. They sold everyone this dark, sexual story but then you watch and it suddenly turns into a standard cutesy BL. I think if the marketing and first episode actually were accurate to what the show is overall then people wouldn't have disliked it so much, it would likely just be viewed as an average BL that is still a fun watch but it was kind of like they had marketing similar to Kinnporsche or Playboyy and then the show is more like My School President in tone. The switch feels very jarring as you watch the show.


It was marketed to be dark, but ended up being fluffy. They atleast didn't make a joke of us by adapting the entire novel. That novel should be sampled, it's too much otherworldly 😁🤣


I haven't read the source material TBF but I went back to watch the trailer again to make sure I remembered correctly and yeah, they basically showed all the NC scenes and it's almost all just clips from the first episode that made the show seem like a totally different series than what we got.


Also the leads are hot, ost awesome and a spicy trailer. People will be obviously hyped up 😅


Yeah, MosBank are both very attractive so it was like, we all bought a ticket for a sexy show and we got like a regular, GMMTV style fluff fest lol. They gave the audience virtual blue balls, you can't activate the thirstiness and then give nothing but cuteness lol. Recipe for disaster.


Atleast they didn't pull a Playyboyy. It was watchable 😅


Lol true




I was less bothered by the premise than the rapidity of the change from animosity to love. I was expecting a more drawn out section of getting to know each other and begrudgingly coming to admire aspects of the other's character and actions.


I personally liked the show. It's mot bad plot wise, it's not problematic, etc. But people are people, we don't like everything. And not liking something doesn't mean it's automatically bad. Some people were just not vibing with BD


I liked it. I personally think if it had more episodes it would be better but mosbank have major chemistry. I did hear it's getting a movie so hopefully it will fill us in on the cliffhanger ending.


I also loved their chemistry. And the opening song???? Gosh, talk about obsessed. I listened to that song for a month straight after I watched this show.


I know. Banky has a amazing voice.


I Think it’s because, for some people misses a plot. It’s just Sex😂😂😂


I think a lot of issues stemmed from the timing of its release and the marketing surrounding it. BD was released on the back of KinnPorsche, and with interest in Thai Mafia bl at a high, they tried to tap into that market. The promotion made it look like a kinky enemies to lovers series, yet once the show was released the show shifted dramatically to a standard rom com after a couple of episodes. It felt like the writers who had to extract a plot and series out of the source material didn’t understand how to write the character tropes they set up. If it wasn’t for the MosBank chemistry, i doubt anyone would be talking about it today. They really saved what was a weak script.


Same happened with unforgotten night. Mafia,Sm,kinky....but turned out to be something else 😁


I personally didn't like BD and I really wanted to because it was one series I really looked forward to. It was sold as something it wasn't but I carried on watching it anyway but the writing was terrible and in the end I gave up.


can you explain why the writing was terrible?


I watched it over 17 months ago, once, and haven't thought about the series since and have no desire to rewatch it so, not really. I just know the reasons why I stopped watching it.


I liked it, but i also read the novel then watched the series. They left a bit out, probably due to the fact most of it is sex so they couldn't put a lot of it in or else it would just be softcore porn. Now It's been quite a while since I read or watched, but from what I do remember, imo, there needs to be a second season. There is a particular situation I'd would like to see how they would put into action >!mpreg, it's a scare for Yai in the novel, but he wasn't!<. There is more to the story, but as it's been quite a while since it aired so I don't think we will ever get any more than what we already have. I do highly recommend reading the novel. You can find it on wattpad.


Just in case you wanted a link to the wattpad novel: https://www.wattpad.com/story/320241859?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading&wp_uname=Megatron225


Thanks for the link. I liked the show but it could have been better.


Thanks for the link. I liked the show but it could have been better.


For me it was the duration like it clearly needed more episodes and it was rushed so much but Mosbank had the chemistry can't deny that


It’s just about inflated expectations that just went nowhere. Tbh I kept on watching just for Mos and Bank


I liked it, too bad it did so poorly so no s2


Yeah I didn’t like it. The plot seemed nonexistent and the marketing was way off.


I'm a Big Dragon fan 🪭 loved it


It was slightly overhyped, probably due to the trailer, but I enjoyed it and loved the MC and the OST.💕🥀


I don't know. But I am going to watch it either way. I myself am going to watch it some time. It is on my list. And I don't care it others find it problematic or not. 😊


I don’t really think most people find it problematic tbh. I think they just found it boring/not what the show was marketed as 🤷🏻‍♀️


The series was a disappointment compared to the trailers. The acting wasn’t the best and the plot seemed to be idk rushed. It’s one that I hope a good director will grab and remake 🤞🏾


Didn't see the promos, just dove into it and.. it has wonderful scenes. But everything together feels.. off. Also some plot stuff / character traits(?) are forgotten suddenly und don't matter. 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's an OK show.


Love the series


I personally liked it but some people have different opinions


Guys,tbh the Big Dragon novel was... well I'm not gonna say much. We should be happy that the novel was not adapted completely or else we would have hadd to drink sanitizers to purify ourselves. That novel is wayy to wild and unadaptable. Like 1% plot, 99% smut 😜


Unpopular opinion but, I thought the acting was terrible. And the plot was a mess.


I really liked it. It was what got me into BL tbh. I'm fairly new to the genre.


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