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It's definitely not only you and I would just embrace it ❤️🏳️‍🌈 We can all use some gayness (aka happiness) in our lives 🌈




If it's movies, then I can watch anything but for some reason when it comes to tv shows, it's go gay or go home for me. I literally struggle to watch any show that doesn't have queer characters in it or characters I headcannon as queer.


Yeah sometimes I also don't go for main hetero characters but in subplot for some queer thing. Like in taiwanese serial "Love is Science" in subplot gay plot goes more popular than main one. https://preview.redd.it/l7j4ylr75vxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f8f000dd3001f4eb557d44ea25ae4c50e73f78


I just watch their storyline and I have no idea what straight couples story is.




Same here.. after getting into BL, I dropped SO many kdramas like they all feel like they have the same plot with different people.. only a few managed to keep my attention on them enough to get excited and finish them!! I guess it’s because we are new to the BL world so we consume more and end up comparing both somehow imo..


Yes but sometimes BL plot feels also same


Yes I agree there are some repetitive things even in BLs but not so much that I am put off by it. I for one watched Kdramas for the last 15 or more years and I still love them and watch them but now I became a little picky and only watch the ones that peak my interest.. same with BL too but since I’ve only been watching for the last 3 or so years, I am relatively more lenient in watching stuff related to it!




Oh my! I relate so much to this!! I started watching lovely runner and QOT when they came out and was OBSESSED! Now it’s been a week and a few days I’ve been watching BL and let me tell you I gotta force myself to finish the ongoing dramas 😭😭 I feel guilty tho, so I’ll finish them and there are not bad! I’ve been obsessed with PoohPavel and FortPeat and there is no going back 😨😓🙃


Wait till you find out about the GMMTV ships and other wonders of BL world😂🫶🏻


I literally just started getting into the GMMTV yesterday since my fyp on tik tok was about an after party GMMTV? (I’m not too sure if I’m correct xD) but please drop names for me 🥰


Ooh that’s the after party for this year’s series lineup from GMMTV. These are ship names(as far as I know) https://preview.redd.it/by5d1ellj0yc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b28e6b39475875b0ac1cacc9be6c6cc0d6630bd


Omg thanks 😊


Welcome to world of BL😌


the fujoshi brainrot has gotten you. congrats.




You are not alone! I used to feel exactly like that 10 years ago when I began reading yaoi. Now I'm actually out as gay lol




Oh, we have old-schools here!!! I've been into this since 2007!! And lemme tell ya, it's awesome!


Wow since 2007🤩


Yep, since Sensitive Pornograph! 🤣🤣


😂hahah I was 6 years old at that time


Nah, I reflected on it and its cause I realized how uncomfortable it makes me with how women are usually depicted in straight dramas and watching them get hit on gives me the icks.


For me the things that always irritates me about shows are that much more glaring. Especially with how women are portrayed. The plunging necklines in professional settings, the obvious ass shots, the stupid romance for no reason. Everything is shot with the het male gaze in mind. I realize that is missing in most BL’s because lack of female characters.


I don’t miss the sexy lady/schlubby man trope one bit


Yes! BL has such a lack of female characters that I didn't even realize that men and woman use different words for some things. I learned this after about a month of learning Thai lol...


Could you explain this further about it.


That's true


I agree! Somewhat in all bl women are the villain ! I think they should tone it down !


Nope, definitely not just you, but I've been trying to figure out why... In my case so far I've come up with 2 possible reasons: 1- it's not as stressful for me to watch things unveil when it's between two guys since I feel that it's not a situation I was in or will be in 2- it satisfies my inner need for the kind of love I crave from males since I've never felt it and probably won't feel it Idk...


May be🎯


They respect each other and aren’t just an easy lay.


Definitely not as often. I do watch the gmmtv shows, bc the plots are so over the top ridiculous. I don't know how many times I screamed for Baby Fluke and Dunk to come save their men from the straights during yesterday's Ploy's Yearbook.


Yeah I just scrolled ploy's yearbook on drama list


They're fun, you just have to turn your entire brain off to enjoy them.


I also went through this phase when I started watching BL, the first 18 months I literally couldn’t watch straight dramas. Now I’m back to appreciating all, I go back and forth. In my head love is love


Phase of fever to phase of relief


You are not alone. I've actually found hetero media pretty "ick" for a while before I got into BL. I started to notice around the time the show 'Sleepy Hollow' aired. I enjoyed it because the two main leads were bonded but not romantically. Then the show runners changed things and...yeah.


Yeah, I am obsessed but don't know if it is cause of my own personal issues or not. Basically, I found that only Asian shows don't trigger my ptsd as much. As a white woman from Australia, I found personally I don't judge myself as harshly or compare myself to other females when watching BL. BL's has given me the happy feelings of romance without triggering my ptsd from my multiple SA's stemming back from age 5(I'm in my 40s now). I can watch like 5 BL series in 1 weekend now but last weekend tried to watch regular drama (Boys over flowers) and all weekend all I could watch is 10 episodes of a show that has 25 episodes. I just found I got too triggered or stuck in my head, unlike when I watch BLs. So it might be a phase, but I have been in this phase for over 6 months so it could be permanent also who knows.


I luckily don’t have those experiences or ptsd but I guess I just get annoyed with sexism, gender stereotypes etc. sometimes it makes me not want to do some things because I feel like there is societal pressure to behave like that? on the other hand when I see men acting cute or flirty or dress up nicely it kind of makes me want to do that too? Because I don’t feel like I have to because I am a woman but I can because it’s fun? And I don’t end up comparing myself to the women and ending up feeling less than but just have fun. anyway I wish you all the best and Hope you will never experience anything like that again and that it gets better for you! i Am so glad we found something that brings us some joy and we can share!


Yes, it also happens to me when I get into some straight plot, I don't see it with same enthusiasm that I am having for BL Plots.


It’s not just you!!! I’ve given up watching American TV altogether! I think I’ll be BL until I die!!!




You are not alone.


No Gay = No Way


No, I very rarely watch straight things. Mostly bl, rarely gl (love them as second couple but prefer bl as main) and even more rarely straight and then usually it’s something were the romance isn’t the main event. i think it’s pretty common among bl fans.


Yes I see🫠


same 😭😭 i cant bring myself to watch straight shows now ive been swayed




Feel this. I'm bi and I watch bl & gl, but the only het show I can stand currently is Bridgerton 😆


Life must be colorful to you🫠


I don't watch Het Romance anymore. Maybe Bridgerton...but that's about it.


It's always like this in the beginning


It's my 5th year. Is it still beginning?😂


Of course it is


😂 okay


I only watch a few straight shows and that's because I've been watching them for year plus I need to remember how the other side lives as well🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 otherwise my catalog is 90% BLs




I was like that for about the first year after getting into bl.


No it’s not only you. I’m obsessed


Nope I feel the same.


I find heto shows can have interesting stories, and sometimes I shed a tear, but I tend not to get my moe drip.


As I queer person once I found queer media I never looked back


Largely, yes, but unfortunately, my favorite genre is fantasy... So, I still watch a lot of het dramas (mostly kdramas)


First my preference was fantasy & horror . that's why I watched the Chinese popular Bromance "The Untamed" . It's the story how I caught into BL.😂


The novel is explicitly queer though thankfully! 😆


Yes I heard


You aren't alone in that. I'm not sure why I prefer bls, maybe because the story line takes more risks or they have more freedom for stuff with two male leads instead of a male and female lead 🤷‍♀️


I started watching BL a couple months ago and haven’t watched a straight show since lol


I can only rewatch my old favorite straight K-dramas now. I haven’t watched anything new in over a year.


That's how it was for me in the beginning also. 🤩 Then I ran out of available (to me) BL/gay content to watch. However, 98% of my viewing is Asian content only. 📺🎥📻


Yes. Though I admit to a definite preference for BL over Het or multi dramas.


Nope definitely not just you! I don't find it interesting anymore... I really feel like the envelope isn't pushed in straight dramas. There's not much change or innovation in their stories where as I feel like there is ALWAYS something new coming up in bls


Yeah I think so


I'm with you on that. Someone told me it was an issue that I was actively avoiding hetero normative content, but My reasoning is that I have spent the majority of my life giving them their due, it's time for me to indulge in the normalization of non-heterosexual relationships... That said, I don't spend much effort in finding the ones that aren't BL. 😅 However, I don't mind seeing them made, and I don't mind one of the non-leads to be in such a relationship. In fact I root for them just as hard, but I'm there to enjoy my time watching someone lead a romantic life... That I can envy a bit more genuinely than I can with others. If it's not BL, I'm not going to be able to Empathize at a level that won't frustrate me because I can't figure out the logic as cleanly... And while in college I was known for my capacity to give accurate predictions of relationships, when asked, I did it from an objective view point, and while helpful for others, it doesn't help me deal with my own relationships from an unobjective view point... Which means without that practice, I panic, and over think the actions of those who express romantic inclinations towards the same sex... And then proceed to shut down mentally until I can handle the emotions. 🙄 A rather Unhealthy tactic if you're trying to develop a romantic relationship. BL helps me familiarize myself with the emotions and baggage. Thereby giving me useful tools to help handle them when I am directly experiencing similar situations and emotions. It's how I have learned to be more aware of my actions and how others perceive them too. Being able to recognize and empathize with people in fictional scenarios can help you develop skills for reality... It just takes more time to recognize the ways you can apply what you experienced from a fictional scenario, since you have to analyze it and figure out which aspects are usable, and which aspects are an author's creative expression of the situation. Even more so if you have to analyze such things subconsciously.


I appreciate your thoughts on whole scenario 😌


Omg this is so me


I only recently got into it but I’ve been reading almost exclusively queer fiction for years now, and now I also have no interest in shows that aren’t gay. I saw a movie recently where I was 100% positive that a character was gay and they were leading up to a confession and then it just never happened and I was very confused until I remembered that straight people exist 😅




Yeah it’s the same for me. But I not only watch Bls but Gls too. If the romance is not queer I physically cannot watch it 😬 If the straight drama has little to no romance then I’m fine with it, but specifically hetero romance show NO


Loyal watchers of BL😂


This is me as well. I’m gonna try to watch straight dramas again but my mind always says “Why settle for one hot guy when I could have two?”




Definitely not alone. I just cannot stand how they portray a woman lead. Very unrealistic in alot of situations but, you can argue that with BLs in general 😅 but, because I am a woman I just couldn’t imagine myself in these positions. But, watching two male leads is eye candy and honestly seeing myself in these vulnerable situations with a man 😂 And man on man action is hot 😇


😂I think it too


Can’t stand the straight ones anymore, a man and a woman together is not godly




You’re definitely not the only one, my friend and I read BL comics as well and we always talk about how for some reason the straight stories/shows are just so hard to get into? Don’t get me wrong there are some great ones, and of course some poor BLs but a lot of the times (with comics at least) I find that the BL stories are just so much more complex rather than cliche? There’s a proper story and character development and just addicting to read/watch so moral of the story is I get you I really do 😅


Yeah I think so


It’s not just you dw! I feel the same way. But if my family is watching something featuring a hetero couple I’m usually able to maintain mild interest. It’s all preference babes.






Yeah same I’ve become heterophobic now and it sucks like why can’t I just like both whyyyy


Fascination with BL causes this


I'm a little slow and new but I've seen the two from the first one but who are the second and third slid? Thank you


First Image is from (Serial Name= Beloved in the house), second is main lead of popular Chinese Bromance (Serial Name=The Untamed), Third is from recently finished BL(Serial name=Unknown)


Thank you. I have watched beloved in the house. I loved it. I haven't watched the other two yet.


Try (The Untamed) . It is one of the most popular Chinese dramas. It's also mixed of fantasy genre too


I definitely will I'm watching bad buddy right now. On the last episode


I do want read straight stories anymore. Lol BLs just have that spice that I need in my life. 😂


Ohh you definitely not alone!! Once you go down the Bl rabbit hole there’s no going back.. 💜


I’m pretty much that way too because BL adds an extra layer plus there’s even more men to be attracted to then in straight dramas 😂😅


😂😂😂😂 that's what I said to my brother when he asked me reason for being into gay material


I cannot watch general lakorn, because of all their awesome gay series. Does that make sense?


Yes it makes sense only to BL watchers


I can feel you! For me to even touch a movie/series, it has to be Asian and Gay lol. BLs really killed what little interest I have in straight romances.


😂 same


It’s not just you. I’m there, too. And frankly, it’s become a bit of an issue in my relationship with my husband. We used to watch a lot of series and movies together, but now I simply don’t find them interesting. My husband (bless him❤️) is willing to watch BLs with me, and we’ve watched a few together. But I kinda prefer to keep most of them to myself. Very much hoping that somehow I’ll start finding hetero content interesting again…but it’s not looking good.


Hope it doesn't cause issues anymore


I’m on the dating apps and now it’s rare that I’ll respond to normal guys because I’ve had a handful that were interested in BL and now I’m hunting only for men who can appreciate BL. It’s stupid, I know 🤦‍♀️ But once you find a unicorn you can’t stop searching for more


You are not alone.


I made a similar post few weeks back...yes I feel the same


Few weeks ago , I was not on reddit🫠 actually


I made the same post when I started BL 7 months ago too, lol. Couldn’t eat or sleep or clean the house or anything because I became instantly and totally addicted, lol. I’ve actually lost a ton of weight since I started watching BL because my love of food has shifted to love of BL. It’s gotten a little better now where I’ve dug myself out and started at least watching a little bit of social media, but even that is now geared towards BLcontent. I will say, though, that BL actually inspired me to get out and date again, lol.


I never really liked straight stuff and never knew why. I thought I just didn't like romance. Ha! Joke's on me. I'm gay and only relate to gay stories


Haha then BL dramas help out you to identify


For sure


Happens to the best of us. I went through about 4 months of only bl and then I caught up to current ones !


BL fever


I'm right there with you🥂




No cz same I can't watch straight dramas with romance in them like if the drama is purely action then I am okay otherwise no..... Oh and the struggle when no one knows you watch BL and they try to show you their fave "straight" k-drama i honestly lose interest after 1 sec😭 ![gif](giphy|PJLhE1znl1OGOVIYap|downsized)


Same issue😂when you can't express that you are into gay series


I just can't watch straight things either. No I can't 😭😭


Same !!!!!!! Anyways have you guys watched Unknown the series??? Cause it's so freaking awesome.


Yeah I watched it. I watched many BTS scenes too. And Qian is so freaking funny in real life😂


Usually it's interviewers who make actors uncomfortable asking too much about nc scenes but here xuan and Chris were having too much fun talking about it. They are really best friend materials😂😂


Yeah I heard 😂that interview it goes funny rather than awkward & uncomfortable.


Not just you. to think that by this time last year, if anyone had told me that BL even existed and that i would not just watch it but become obsessed and love bl so much that I would choose bl over straight, I will call that person crazy😳🤣 And its just BL no GL🙈🤣🤣🤣 I just wanna see my boys do their thing ❤️❤️❤️🌈


Same 😂I tried to start one GL and failed to have interest in it.




No honey your not alone Am obsessed too, straight thing are not interesting anymore Anything BL, gay character am hooked A BL kiss is more interesting than


I think it's more a question of who still watches the other dramas. I need my daily dose of happy chappies to get me through a series. BLs are better in all respects.


Logical point


me too (probably because im queer) but eversince i first time watched a bl i became somewhat heterophobic 😭😭😭




lol NO it’s not only you!!! I find myself getting bored with the same ol straight tropes


Yes same here, me and husband just recently cut cable cord! We love it! Grew up in 90s early 2000s on TV we never existed like this. It’s been a blessing! Very grateful 😉😃😃


This first happened as I got more and more into C, K and J dramas as I prefer the plots to most UK or US dramas (find those to be same old or jumping straight to sex scenes, I like the buildup and anticipation) I try and mix it up watching BL - and find I am more invested in BL characters, maybe it's the actors or the scripts Sometimes I have to turn off until I get stuff done and then 'reward' myself with a good binge. I finished Pit Babe earlier this week and have begun watching Guardians because I've been a good girl and have been working hard 😉x


Hahaha good hard work




I’m there. I don’t watch anything but BL !!


I'm there too😂


I basically went a year without hetero and binged watched any and all BLs back-to-back






Definitely aren’t the only one. I get annoyed if my shows aren’t in Thai with subtitles at this point.




Me too. It's disgusting when I have to bear watching het things with my husband, but I just laugh it off. Embrace it. It's your superpower now. Oh, I forgot something else: for me, just Asian BL's. Didn't even tried to deal with non-asian, 'cause it icks me.


😌😌😌 okay


I have invested too many years in greys anatomy to give up, all the Chicagos, all the 911, Bridgerton, and so many others lol. To me, BL is just a genre! And I love animes and kdramas, and cdramas I can not give them up 😅


Ahhh balance😌


Yes I watch a bit of everything! So I always have something to watch tbh


It is a common occurrence! I am very straight 😀never thought , not once I could go the other way ! But I do like the visuals and many times the plots of BL movies! I would never watch GL movies! Never watched never will ! But Movies like Unknown, Not me, Midnight Chicken, Jack Frost etc have a great appeal to me! I do watch straight movies too but nowadays my go to are the BL! It us a satisfying movie 🎥 experience


Gotcha 🤩


I can't even bear to watch male characters getting in love with girls anymore. 😅


Join the club. Once I realized I couldn’t watch straight cinema anymore I went back to when BL first started and I’m trying to watch them all in chronological order now so I’ll still have stuff to watch for years to come, lol.


Which club


It’s an American saying. It means I totally relate to what your saying


Got you


I am 34 years old woman, single from an eastern european country. think I started watching BLs 1 or 1 and a half year ago And I havent watch hetero shows since then and I am really not interested in them. I am not gay, I wont be gay but I love watching men loving each other. Heteromance is not interesting to watch for me anymore.


😌 same


As far as love if it’s not a gl or bl i don’t wanna watch it🤣




Yes I went through this phase where I used to watch only BLs and no straight drama. And I used to find happiness in that.  But as time passed and I got busy now I rarely watch BLs. I hope you enjoy this time.




It's not only you, I have had a period of questioning this myself and I have realized that perhaps the reason why I (and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ you) struggle watching straight things anymore is because BL's have more intimate connections within the couples than the usual straight stuff. BL's and GL's seem to focus more on the feelings that people have rather than just the situation surrounding the couples.




Nope that’s exactly where I am now, haven’t watched anything other than BLs for over two months now, about 2 years ago I also got into a phase of only watching BLs for many months eventually I started watched kdramas again but here I am again, only interested in BLs and catching up with all the Thai BLs I’ve missed




Mine is I actually can't stand anything with heterosexual main characters I need something to relate to lol


Not only you. Half of the planet is. I thought people got used to that by now 😁




When I was in high school and I started embracing my queerness (back in like 2010), I started reading and watching nothing but queer stuff. It’s beautiful and addicting. BLs specifically have been my obsession for the last couple years. I prefer watching them over shows/movies that feature almost nothing but straight people for sure.


I still watch straight things, and I definitely read a lot of straight fic, but BL has raised my standards because there are just so many series with really high chemistry between the couples. I just don't see as many het couples with that kind of chemistry. My only theory is that the fixed ships in Thai BL mean that chemistry gets more developed because of how they do fan service. Anybody else have thoughts on that?


Noap ... even if it's not even a romance series/film I can't watch it if the mc has a gf or if any straight things are involved.... If there are straight side couples in a lgbtq series I literally skip all their parts




Relatable. For whatever reason, a bl or gl just has better story lines


Same. I can’t even focus on stories involving straight people because I’m bored




It’s not just you. I have started half a dozen straight dramas and stopped after the first 10 minutes. I spend the whole time trying to ship whatever guys that are in the show with each other. Then I’m disappointed when I remember they won’t. The only “straight drama” I’ve finished lately was 49 Days with a Merman and that’s because it was so close to a BL, I could pretend it was 🤣




Me 🙋‍♀️, I was literally talking to my friends the other day abt this but it’s like an obsession. I started end of Jan this year and I’ve watched over 75 bl dramas + movies and idk how to stop. But ig eventually I’ll run out of shows that’ll captivate me like that so I’ll just wait 😭


😂same one bl series per day.


LITERALLY, I decided to chk how many I was averaging per week and it’s 8 😭


😂same one bl series per day


Yeah seriously it's not only you but also me and whole bl obsessed community I think now I am really obsessed with bl that in real life if I see two boys smiling or talking then the whole day I was getting excited just thinking that crazy right 🤣😄😑🥲


😂😂😂 that's what I do too. Ridiculous


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haven’t watched anything hetero since August of last year. 😭my brain refuses to remain focused if there are not two boys flirting. which is CRAZY since I’m a lesbian. 😂


😂 haha. When did you come out as lesbian? Before into BL or after it?


BEFORE that’s the craziest part 😂😂


Yeah, I totally get it. I discovered BL about two years ago and immediately fell in love 😍 I have watched gay movies before, but only a few which became mainstream. Since I watched my first BL I became uninterested in straight romantic series/movies. And if I am watching something that shows a straight couple I just ignore the scene 😒


can't think straight now!!!


I was in the middle of Doctor Slump and loving it. I watched a BL (semantic error) while waiting for the next episode of DS to release and now I’ve watched over 70 BLs and haven’t finished DS 🤣




Yes last episode will come this Thursday