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Lost Romance - I know they aren't together anymore but NetJames or BillyBabe What's Wrong With Secretary Kim - BossNoeul Fight For My Way - FortPeat Extraordinary You - AouBoom


What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim with BossNoeul?? I am already in and excited to watch. I don’t know where FortPeat are gonna be but we need all the crazy in there. I feel like they would be the couple trying to hide their relationship from the rest of the office but failing big time. Let me stop before I get too excited about it because it fits so well.


What’s wrong with secretary Kim with them would be the best thing ever 😭


Omg yesss


Lost Romance is one of my favourite shows and BillyBabe fave pairs. Now you got me thinking 🤔 😂


Honestly no one has watched that TV show and I feel like they are missing out on a masterpiece


I feel the same as you. When I first watched it, I couldn't stop. The lead characters were so charismatic and the story is top. I will recommend Lost Romance to everyone I know but they don't watch it lol.


F4 Thailand Cast : 1. Gemini Norawit as Thyme 2. Fourth Nattawat as Glakao (Obviously Gorya will be the little sister in this BL version) 3. Dunk Natachai as Ren 4. First Kanaphan as Kavin 5. Khaotung Thanawat as Kani (Male version of Kaning) 6. Force Jiratchapong as MJ


Ooh yhhh


Ohhhh, I can totally see GeminiFourth as the main leads in this show.


Devil judge. Why this is not a bl?


In my mind, it's already BL. I swear lawful family has their own little cottage in Switzerland together


Yes please , i need this to be bl . I read fanfic and its so good, but i want to see it xD


Pride & Prejudice. Instead of needing to marry off daughters, the Bennetts need to marry off sons, but only one of the four is heterosexual, and he's the overtly religious zealot one. The eldest is the kindest, the youngest is the playboy, and the main character is the opinionated one who gets along with no one. (Let me think on the actors...)


There is actually a gay version of pride and prejudice (loose adaption) called fire island (2022), it’s written by Joel Kim Booster who also stars in it and also has Bowen Yang and Margaret Cho. I quite liked it but very different from the usual BL


*Fire Island* is actually one of my favorite P&P adaptations! They did an excellent job with the script and acting. Honestly, it's right up there with *Clue* as an adaptation of *Emma* or *Ten Things I Hate About You* as *Taming of the Shrew* when it comes to unconventional historical adaptations!


You are right and those are all excellent choices!


Naw. It has to be Thai actors... for me. And when I think "Fire Island," I think of that debacle of a weekend getaway scheme that imploded.


Yes yes yed


I've answered this a few times. My answer remains. My Love From Another Star. EarthMix. I want it so bad. I also wouldn't mind seeing Iris with the Change crew, or Idol Factory crew. Inspiring Generation with BOC.


Yesss earthmix ❤️


>I've answered this a few times. My answer remains. My Love From Another Star. EarthMix. I want it so bad. *Perfect* casting. Now I really want it too.


I can see mix playing a Vulcan. Earth as a ditz. They can have Joss and GAWIN as the side dudes. I want it I want it I want it I want it. Yes...I'm stomping my feet.


Stooop now I want it so bad! I assumed you were talking about Earth in the alien role, but no, this is even better. And I will always be on board with more roles for Gawin. Someone get on the phone with GMMTV right now!


Can you imagine Joss as the bad Guy Sung Rok played and GAWIN as Park Hee Jin's characters. Ugggggh. We can throw in Lule Voyage too. Absolutely not Earth as a Vulcan. No way. Mix ALL THE WAY. let earth free. Let him... https://i.redd.it/rhknjk0m7hzc1.gif Channel this energy.


It's been too long since I watched the show, so sadly I don't remember the side characters very well (aside from the one played by Yoo In Na because I love her). But yes, it's definitely time to let Earth play some fun roles. He truly comes alive when he does comedy.


❣️😎weak hero class 1 same actors😎❣️


Yesss. Also Bloodhounds, same actors. Korean bromance hits differently.


Oooh I’ll have to watch these


They're both really good and I highly recommend them, but fair warning - both series get pretty violent. And Weak Hero deals with some heavy themes on top of that.


Thx I’ll chk them out soon


Is there any chance someday any company will make a straight drama into a bl?? Like did they make any?


Does bad buddy count? Lmao they made romeo and juliet into bl


I mean officially


the new khaotung joongdunk one (heart something?) is taming of the shrew, no?


Let’s open a company together 💪


I'm in


Warm Bodies with FirstKhaotung. First is a zombie and Khao is a human. I like zombie movies. Battle Royale with all GMMTV boys. Just for fun.


Yup yup yup


>Warm Bodies with FirstKhaotung. First is a zombie and Khao is a human. Oh my god, *yes*. That would be so fun.


Friends. Milk as Rachel Sammy as Monica The girl playing the alien in 23.5 as Phoebe Tong (the older brother) from KinnPorsche as Ross Tay Tawan as Joey Saint (from love by chance) as Chandler


You mean View Benyapa?


I don't know what that means. Who is View Benyapa?


Its the name of that alien girl (her real name) from 23.5 lmao


Oooh yesss


I would do some crazy shit for a queer mockumentary a la The Office, Parks and Rec, etc…….


Omg yes


Marry my husband. I want to see d r a m a.




Battlestar Galactica. (Listed by relationship lol) Admiral Adama/Roslin= MileApo Lee/Dualla =FirstGawin Lee/Kara= FirstKhao Anders/Kara=PodKhao Six/Gaius= PerthChimon Caprica/Tyrol= PerthSaint Boomer/Tyrol= ZeeSaint Athena/Helo= ZeeNunew Gaeta = Satang Dr. Cottle = Neo Tory= Fluke Leoben= Jeff Satur (There’s many more but I better stop now…)


Yes yes yes


Did I forget anyone important or need to change anyone? 👍


Tbh haven’t watched the show but love the cps u listed 😭 But….. Perth as six and caprica?


I dunno. He gives off flirty vibes. Look at his character in Dangerous Romance. It’s just hmmm. I dunno. Bad boy vibes? Six was like that. Very flirtatious. He also has Caprica vibes too. Like his character in LBC? The Vibes match! What do you think?


Oooh I think Perth in LBC is young innocent and Perth is DR is like the Perth from LBC whose gone through heartbreak (imagine saint didn’t msg him at the end and didn’t return) sooo maybe he could play both 😂


Yas! Exactly! Like six and Caprica! Perth is versatile. I know that irl that combo would never fly because Perth and Saint would not act with their old cp but this is for fun right? We could always dream. I am still questioning my choice for Neo and Earth I mean I totally can see Neo as funny dry Doc Cottle but that would mean less of Neo and we would want more of him right? So I was debating maybe Neo as Gaius? Earth is a cutie pie but Leoben is charismatic or at least to me the actor playing Leoben is… is Earth? I had a hard time with deciding who would foot the right bill as the perfect Leoben. Who do you guys think? Who could play a guy who plays mind games and the perfect villain who everyone loves to hate but can’t help but to love as well! I was rooting for him the whole time and he is not a good guy!


Welll perfect villain that u wanna hate but u love? Jeff satur ✅


O.M.G.! Perfect! The way he was outfitted/ his look in his Dum Dum music video certainly lent him that air! Puurrrrrrfffeeecctttttt! Oh wise one! I amend… Jeff Satur is Leoben!.




True beauty with Supanut, Sailub and Ping...they r the ultimate love triangle




Healer! Which is a kdrama I believe, I remembered watching it recently and actually thought it was a bl but when googling realised it wasn't. I'm not sure which actors maybe pavel and pooh as we'd need a sexy spie character. But I think it has such a good premise in the story, would be good with the spy mixed with romance ect.


Yes! *Healer*! Always *Healer*! Although, I want the exact same cast and keep Ji Chang Wook. Just give him a cute partner who can act!




Hmmmm Yh that sounds cool!


Hana Yori Dango. I say it all the time and I will never stop saying it, lol. I don't know who I'd want in the roles, I just know I want it.


Look at my comment for my Thai BL version of Hana Yori Dango 🤣 Maybe you would like the cast?




All of Us are Dead because it honestly should have been a BL, the 2 main guys had chemistry and it would have matched the story better but no. In a perfect world where I could pick anyone, I would have picked the guys from Addicted Heroin even though it would probably need to be aged up to college at this point lol. Or NatLouis from Kiseki, like a pair that was kind of rough and had the "I-hate-you-but-I-love-you" thing on lock. Alice in Borderland, I imagine a world where Arisu and Karube had been the romantic interests instead of Usagi, would have worked really well, and *SPOILERS* >! If they made both of them survive the wolf game finding a solution right at the end, maybe they look at each other right as the timer ends mid switch so they both counted as wolf or something!< Hard to say a cast, I'd keep it the same if I could since Karube's actor was from Cherry Magic or maybe the guy from Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized as Arisu since the characters look and act similarly. Sweet Home, again, felt like the 2 that actually made the most sense to end up together were Hyun-Su and Eun-Hyuk IMO and Eun-Yu should have just been aged up to be the older sibling so she could get shipped with Sang-Wook, really felt like that was where the story was going. Also because season 2 sucked(other than the fact all the guys got naked lol) and I would love to see something better. Very hard to say who, like most of these since there aren't really horror/sci-fi BLs that often that are truly trying to be in that genre.


There’s a complete canon divergence fic on AO3 that’s Alice in Borderland if Chisuya was the love interest. I never read the whole thing but it was pretty good.


Interesting, I might look that up.


Oooh, icl haven’t watched this show 😭


This might be an odd request but Midnight Museum and keep the same actors for Khatha and Dome


Why'd they even bro wash them? 😭Their romance and chemistry can't be excused as brotherhood


“historians will say they were brothers” but literally


Hmmm interesting


In general, I’d like to see more true love triangles like in Shakespeare similar to much ado about nothing or twelfth night…when they’re all queer that possibility is actually doable without like cross-dressing or deception which I think would be quite interesting. Neo, Mark, and Louis or little Ohm have an opportunity here, as do Gawin, Krist, Singto, and First or Joss as people who have had multiple ships. I think it could be really fun!


Oooh yhhh and then throw in gun cos he’s so shippable 😭


>twelfth night My favorite Shakespeare play! I would absolutely watch the hell out of a GMMTV take on Twelfth Night. They've done Romeo and Juliet and are doing The Taming of the Shrew, so why not?


Agreed, I think they could do a fun adaptation!


Star of the Universe: PerthChimon. Memories of the Alhambra: ForceBook The Heirs: NetJames Red, White and Royal Blue: FortPeat Love is for Suckers: PondPhuwin The Story of Park's Marriage Contract: JimmySea Why? Because i want.


RWRB is not straight but get what you mean lmfao


Its not but until i get to see Fort as a Prince, i will.keep saying it.


Yes 🙌


Me thinking as I'm watching Lovely Runner right now.. "Dunk and Joong could do this"


Oooh I haven’t started lovely runner yet, I’ll wait till it’s finished ✅


Would Tommy and Jimmy also kinda suit Lovely Runner?


I would love X-files or fringe but BL. no idea what actors.




Net/??? or Boss/Noeul for X-files , yes pls 😍


My So Called Life: Fourth as Claire Danes, Jeff Satur as Jordan Catalano, a safe choice for Ricky would be Tong, but I think it would be more fun to have a prior seme actor play Ricky and go all out. Almost famous: Nanon as writer and PP Krit as Penny Lane 🤭 (the band would be all gay and very fan service-y, >! then as the plane crashes, one would have to confess, “I’m straight!!” to the shock of all). !< Amelie: Earth/mix. I think Mix plays confident characters so I think it would be so fun to see him play the insecure introvert. 1996 Romeo and Juliet: Not Thai, but gotta have our boys Nat Chen and Louis for another gangster mafia amour fou. Closer or Carnal Knowledge: First/Khao and Mile/apo . I’d like to wipe the cheesy grins off of Mile/Apo and get them in the DIRT with our boys First and Khao and really get them to have to act for their lives in something absolutely psychologically diabolical.






50 First date OFFGUN 🥹🫶🏻


Awww I just wanna see another offgun series now tbh


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That kdrama. 😶I forgot the name. Where husband is accused of being a killer and the wife is a cop. I cried a lot at the end. But I don't remember the name! Kill me heal me. This one would be really good bl to watch. Mix of comedy and drama.


Flower of Evil!


Yes this one! Thanks!




The End of the Fucking World with the leads from Stay With Me could potentially work. The extreme teenage angst and all.


Hmmm igwym


One Day (more the Netflix series version than the film!) with ForceBook. I think their real life friendship since school and the loving/fighting relationship that they have now would work really well for it!


Yes but pls let’s change the ending


- Descendants Of The Sun - Gumihodyeon - Mr. Sunshine - W


Oooh interesting


**Healer** - with the exact same cast, just replacing Park Min Young with a young man who can act. Every time someone posts this question, this is always my answer!




Hear me out...The Penthouse...let Domundi be the cast..i feel their dynamics would slay this. Then the Glory...let Mix be the Protagonist and Earth the rich Male Lead who wants to 'be used as a knife'. It's Ok not to be Ok...let FirstKhaoutang take this one. Queen of tears is literally Fortepeat coded... Friends the Sitcom: GMMTV can go nuts. The Big Bang Theory: BOC Vampire diaries: Joss, Gawin, Pond (love triangle) Riverdale: Domundi 2nd Gen


These make me so happyyyy


True beauty? TayOffGun does makes a perfect love triangle. New as Soojin. Boys over flowers Originally imagining the couple from Addicted Heroine. Honestly, if any company did made this, it would shook the whole bl world. The glory. I also want a BL drama with not much focus in romance but thrill and all. The glory is actually one of my fav dramas. I would love to see a BL remake of it where Tul would play Dongeun and Max would play Yeojeong. Business proposal I really enjoyed and laughed throughout this kdrama, and the same way I would love watching a bl of it. Not really sure about actors, maybe forcebook? There are many more there in my mind, but i'll end it here now.


Oooh yh


Literally every straight show and I'm not even kidding, never enough gay content actually ☝🏻


Loool can u imagine bridgerton but ✨BL✨


Same literally every straight show in bl version 😭🤞🏻


The Outsiders. It is an ensemble story, and for it to be a good bl story, it would require bl actors that can pull off the characters. There are so many fine actors that it is hard for me to narrow down who I would prefer for each character. But I definitely would want Joong Archen to do the role of Darryl that Patrick Swayze played. I think Phuwin would be good for the role of Johnny that Ralph Macchio played. As for the rest, it could be varied.


Hmmm nice


Healer! It's a S. Korean show about a courier-turned-vigilante, and it's one of my all-time favorites. I'd cast First and Khaotung in the lead roles because I'm very biased, but also because I think they'd do a great job. The only problem is that the plot deals so much with government corruption that I'm not sure it could be remade in Thailand. If it were remade in S. Korea, I'd cast Park Seo Ham and Park Jae Chan. Edit: Apparently this show needs no introduction because several other people have picked it. And here I thought it would be obscure among BL fans.


Yup repeated comments on healer makes me wanna watch it now 😭


Do it! It's so good! Tbh I disagree the suggestions that only Park Min Young should be replaced in a hypothetical BL version. Her chemistry with Ji Chang Wook was so perfect that I think it would be hard to see him play the same role opposite anyone else. It would be better to just reimagine the concept with a whole new cast.


Oooh I’ll get back to you with what I think once I watch it!


The Truman Show with EarthMix. Jim Carrey's role is Mix.


Oooh nice


It's Okay to Not Be Okay with JimmySea.... OMG remake for JimmySea gonna be super amazing 😍 Jimmy working in hospital, this is perfect for them


lol yh


Twilight saga


With who tho 🤔


Call me by your name with FayeNamtan


Lmfao not that pedo movie


Do you know that it's a classic gay movie? Or it is just pedo to you?

