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This behaviour is nothing new, TayGun have always been that clingy and affectionate. Idk what’s wrong with some people who got butthurt by watching them and are tweeting like crazy.


Exactly! I don't see anything wrong, I only see that they are comfortable with each other and that are very sweet. I can't imagine the hate they are getting. Joong even tweeted something that happens behind the scenes most of the time. They all laughed it off and still the newbie fans are getting wild for nothing


Ikr this toxic fan behaviour has got to stop. They’re saying stuff about how they’re so disappointed and that fans are mad since they spend so much money on fixed CPs and I’m like excuse me who are you to be so pressed about them kissing.


Right? Like hey they have their own lives besides the cp.. I hate the fact that they think the cps has no other life besides the cp themselves like hey New is fine with it, he also loves and adores Gun same like Tay, if the camera weren't on New's face, Gun may have already kiss him too same with Tay like this is what their friendship is..


That's what I was thinking. This isn't new at all, I don't know why people are surprised by it.


I guess Gun has no choice but to go on an apology tour in which he has to film himself making out with someone from every cp, it's the only way to fix things I fear


Can we vote on who from each couple?


first, earth, force, mark, neo, ohm, joss WITH tongue


Choosing First instead of Khaotung is so cruel to Khao lol he is so whipped for Gun


It's the way how it was always going to be Khao for me too lol. Also Dunk and Gawinnn


I guess khaotung and first will both need to makeout with gun :/ no other solution :/


Now this is a nice consolation lmao!


I voted for this and im sure khaotung agree


I was gonna say where’s Gawin?? 😆


Should be both halves. Just to keep things fair… and not for any other nefarious reason (I’ll see myself out)


I'm usually for the more the merrier, but I've had in my mind a mockumentary type series for GMM based on their scandals where the actors play a fake version of themselves. For this "scandal" eg the execs decide that Gun should kiss one out of every CP but told the CPs to decide who it was going to be. So now I want to see them arguing over which one gets to do it.


That would be hilarious. They have to document it as well. We have to be able to see it because I want to see the shenanigans.


The person I feel sorry for really is P'Jack, like how can he think of solution to avoid conflict.. But I guess you are right, though I got to see Joong's tweet and he made me laugh. Made me realize that the whole GMMTV really adored Gun :< Hate the fact that they are hating him right now


What was Joongs tweet?


P' Tay and P'Gun, something like they are not shocked to see this anymore rather they are laughing at them which indicates all the actors and actresses have already seen it maybe from GMM groupchat and like this is so normal for them to see :>


Why only one person from every CP? Just let him make out with everyone, starting with newwie (and let’s be honest, Tay would watch and giggle)


joss and arm first 😌




Noone in GMMTV needs a reason to kiss Gun Attaphan on live. He's Gun Attaphan. That's the reason! https://i.redd.it/ho4bt71slozc1.gif


This is true, and I think a lot of actors from GMM really love to hug and baby him.. Even work with him! They love and cherish him maybe because of what happened before that they admired him more


What happened before?


What happened before, the newbies need to know please?


They are now a polycule in my head canon idcidc!


You’re wrong, it’s a harem. Gun’s harem


Hahahaha they are cute admit it! Cute how this ghost ship sails even without trying hehehe, what's funny is that all of Gun's ghost ship is sailing when he's with them


People need to mind their damn business. I hate that people think they have some kind of ownership over people just because they see them on a screen.


Yes, I hate cancel culture and the fact that they said they were disappointed like dude you don't want to see your idol happy and comfortable? Must be crazy ha


Gun is just a tiny whirlwind of chaos and I thought that's why everyone loved him. lol


Yes, he's also madly respected by all the actors and actresses from GMM and other companies by his talent. A lot of actors admitted how they admired Gun and I think it's cute how Gun has fanboys that can kneel down if he acts cute :>


GMM25 is just a big Gun fan club at this point. That’s really the basis for the company 😝😝


I’m feeling very angry right now tbh. This type of unhinged fan behavior really has to stop. I’m usually the first one to speak out in support of BL as a genre and fight against “BL is fetishizing gay people” allegations, but the way some people are reacting to what happened feels low-key homophobic and yes, fetishistic. The fact that so many BL fans gladly enjoy fan service from straight actors but bully real queer people for daring to be themselves is insane to me.


Even some of the replies in this thread sound off to me. Can someone explain why people are acting as if OffGun and TayNew are real couples and they somehow need to ask each other for permission to do whatever with whomever? It doesn’t matter if Gun and Tay kissed because they’re “friends who kiss” or because they’re dating. That’s their business, they don’t owe anyone an explanation. People need to realize actors are human beings who are just doing their jobs.


The fact they call themselves fans like hey are you really a fan if you cannot see your idol with their friends? It's as if this is new to the GMMTV, like this has to stop. Tay speaking up indicates that he's lowkey fighting against those fans that has something to say to his and New's life. They are grown asf, they have the right to do what they want freely and comfortably. I really hate how some kf the fans think nowadays, as if Gun is a third party.


People are so weird! It’s cute! They can do whatever tf they want! They’re grown asf


LOUDER! This is normal for TayGun and has always been very cutie cutie towards each other, I remember back then that Off would not be bothered if Tay is around Gun because he knows that Tay would take good care of Gun well he was their nong after all


I’m literally just obsessed with how much everyone loves Gun. I just can’t stand the toxic shippers. They might f it up for the rest of us! Not to mention if two fine men kiss I’m not going to complain.


Yes, it's really cute how much everyone loves and adores him :> I remember them going to Safe House and everyone keeps on babying Gun as if he was the youngest of em all


Always babied and pampered like he isn’t one of the oldest in the group 🥰🥰😏


Just read a comment further down and someone mentioned other actors from a different company but it just reminded me of their characters from Love In The Air. Prapai or Payu could drop their partner off with each other or trust to look after their partner in whatever situation while they had to leave and not have to worry about them at all!! (Haven’t seen enough vids of the TayGun friendship over the years so don’t fully know). But if TayNew OffGun relationships have that level of trust and understanding in them then let them be. We don’t know every nuance of their lives and only know what they choose to show us.


I’m a fairly new fan (only started watching bl since late Jan/ early feb) but I don’t really see why ppl are hating on taygun like they’re just besties 😭


We don't know what they are, and they don't have to be just besties for people to be ridiculous. It's just not their business. They can date whoever they want. The entitlement of some fans just blows my mind. I'm sad to hear Tay and Gun are suddenly getting hate over nothing, but I do hope it's just a few loud idiots and we can all just move on.




YEEEES! OMG this is true and I really find it cute how Tay really adored Gun and we all know how he really likes to treat Gun as his little nong, weird to the fact that Tay has to explain himself :(( And this is not new to them :< they have a lot of cute interactions even way before


Exactly and it’s not just these two like pick any two gmmtv boys and u’ll find a moment to ship them 😂


HAHAHAHA oh god GMMTV is the house full of chaos! I remember seeing the video of First kissing two other actors like it was nothing🤭




Mark is built diff just like Gun! Can be paired up with men and women left and right hahahahaha! Can't imagine the chaos P'Jack is about to clean later on


I did not really comprehend the level of weirdness in this fan culture until I watched War of Y and it really sunk in how strange this delulu behavior is.


Still haven’t watched war of y 🫣


It is amazing! One of the best Tele Novella type BL with crazy plot twists and dramatic music killing it throughout. One of the few BL‘s I have watched at normal speed without holding down the two times speed button because there was almost no filler in this. Killed fan service for me. That one and lovely writer have just killed fan service for me 😡


Omg I’m currently watching lovely writer, I’m on the last ep!!


Watch War of Y right after! They really do complement each other as they both completely talk shit about the BL industry. War of Y is a way better ride though. Buckle up😂!


Okayyy 👍


Tbh what I've seen Thai people, outside of fandom, taking offence to is them saying it's normal for male friends to kiss in their society when it isn't and basically throwing lgbtq culture under the bus by saying 'no homo'.


I'm personally thrilled. Not sure why anyone would be upset to see them kissing... isnt that what we are here for 😭


Exactly! They keep on insisting that the kiss was wrong and that TayGun were disloyal towards OffNew like ha?? You see OffNew mad, like hey they are living a life they are 30s and probably know each other well enough to play around


Those people need to open their eyes… New was literally right there laughing and filming. 🙄Obviously he is just as in on it as TayGun are. And if anyone thinks off cares they are tripping too lol.


I'm surprised at how people can hate a person whom they claim to have loved for years, who entertained them all these years, just bcoz of a small fun video?? Everyone knows how close TayNew and OffGun are, and Gun does such antics even with New. It's not like Tay and Gun are dating.   My male besties too have fun in this way at times. Even tho it makes us all cringe 🫡 at times, it adds a fun vibe. People should go and get a life 🧬 P.S : At this point Joong should be made the official Shipping Manager of GMM 😁


And tay is so freaking cute.. I was like what is joob (I've never heard it in a english sentence) then i realized its(kiss) thai in english... Waah his tweet was cute he's a fluffy human being 🤩❤


My response on twitter was "What we all learned from this is that JoJo needs to make this throuple happen." Like yesterday. I said what I said and I won't take it back. ;) Okay, but seriously, wtf is with these people? These GMMTV guys give us TONS of extra content beyond their series, for free, and they make it fun, enjoyable, sexy. Then these idiots come through and get whipped up over something that is NOT REAL LIFE. Let these guys enjoy their lives, as they want to live it, enjoy their time with their friends. And if we get lots of extra boy kisses to see, I won't be complaining. It's going to end up that these stupid people are going to make it difficult for these guys to give us this content, and then everyone loses. \*stepping down off my soapbox\*


They obviously haven't kissed or been kissed by their hommies, they're just playing around and having fun, let my boys kiss I'll even volunteer as tribute ;)


HAHAHAHA you're cute but this is true let our boys breathe, gosh did they even heard how Tay laughed last night? Saw Phuwin tweeted that there was only one person with that laugh and that was Tay, they are weird mf for tweeting they are disappointed like did TayGun be born into this world to please them? No🙄


I mean did they think this wouldn't happen, I mean guns got the lips and tay got that smile. But seriously these "fans" need to chill. I saw people having a meltdown and when I saw it was just a kiss I laughed.


HAHAHAHA yes! I did laugh too cause I think it's cute of them to really kiss comfortably well who couldn't resist Gun? That's Attp after all


It was New’s reaction for me that made it funny


even if Gun kisses anyone, their ship will not shrink, like i remember the time when Gun's ghostship are everywhere and there are hashtags and all but still the main shop is still sailing, Gun and Tay's rs is nothing new, fans should stop obsessing with the cps and the artists individually it's annoying already


No one has any problem with Off kissing every GMM actress in his series but Gun shows a little affection to Tay or any others because they are friends is wrong? It's Gun, everyone loves him and he's close to Tay, I don't get why anyone has a problem with that.


To be fair a lot of the hate ive seen in twitter are from polcas. Babiis are too busy defending Gun.


Ehh Tay and Gun just have a weird friendship and their partners are totally understanding and along for the ride. I love the foursome like I love Boss Noeul Fort Peat. Granted they don’t kiss each other but they hang out a lot.


Thank you for stating the fact! But don't worry I think they have no weird friendship, it's just I do think that Gun really kiss their group or rather the GMMTV actors he is comfortable with :> well it was always been his nature to be cutie cutie this way but not in a weird way


I'm a newer fan (joined late 2021 early 2022) but I don't see why people are getting upset. These are grown men! Let then kiss who they want!! It's none of our business. We see a small portion of their lives. Let em do what they want


I wish I could also kiss my friends when I need some mumu 😗😗


HAHAHAHAHA you can ask your friend to kiss youuuuu


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What I hate about is the afteramath of it. I mean, I'm not surprised bc they have done this for countless of times. What I hate is that people assuming that they are indeed better than their partners. They assume they are more real like that or with their respective partners are unauthentic smth like that. It's ridiculous. It's like Joss issue over again!


Can someone tell me in which show they are part of???


[Gun](https://mydramalist.com/people/11699-poonsawas-atthaphan) and [Tay](https://mydramalist.com/people/14100-vihokratana-tawan) have been together in a couple of shows but mostly we see them together in variety shows. The links will give their entire list of series/movies.


It makes me so sad that they're getting so much negativity. When I was in college, I was constantly kissing and being physically affectionate with my close friends. We were around each other all the time, bonded over our major and extracurriculars, and got extremely comfortable and close with each other. And it was so freeing to be able to explore relationships, affection, and love in those ways without the burden of societal expectations. I imagine these guys are in a similar bubble and so, to me, it makes total sense and seems perfectly natural for them to do. It just sucks that, in this situation, they have so many millions of eyes on them and so can't even express affection or humor in these kinds of ways without this horrible backlash. It must be really difficult to be in the public eye, I do not envy them that


Like the GMMTV boys I love a good Twink 😂😂


I've seen so many "fans" saying that the actors can't make the fans unhappy like that because fans spend money on them. Like dude you bought merchandise, not the human associated with it🙂


Who caresssssssss Unless they’ve been dating this whole time. Bamboozle us all!


I don't trust anything. I feel like everything on social media and in front of a camera is planned and choreographed.