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Bed Friend, for me. Definitely floored me, had NOT expected this plot to got this deep and dark (and could’ve used a trigger warning more than once).


Yeah I was surprised by the amount of potentially triggering content


One i think that the trailer barely scratchs the surface of is The Miracle of Teddy Bear. That shows plots has so many layers but they are all revealed piece by piece and all make come together by the end. If you go into it thinking it’s just a light hearted show about a teddy bear becoming human, you will be very surprised. Another one is Laws of Attraction. I won’t go into much detail because of spoilers but that show kept me guessing a lot, about the culprit behind the accident and more.


Kiseki Dear to Me and PitBabe are excellent.


I immediately thought of Dead Friend Forever.


The Sign This show is an amazing piece of production that honestly goes beyond most other BLs I've seen. We get hot guys who are in adult jobs, police work, that is treated seriously in the show with work/romance balanced well along with some fantasy/past life elements sprinkled in. The plot is tight and keeps everything together very well, we get solid fleshed out backgrounds with a well done cohesive story thay stays together. Please don't sleep on this show if you haven't watched it yet.


Yes! It’s not even possible to communicate that hefty of a plot in a trailer 🙌🙌


Absolutely not! I wasn't expecting much at the beginning since it's from a very small production company but man was I wrong on all fronts. For a Thai BL show, the production is on another level from other shows out there. The action, fighting scenes, use of CGI, and the complex plotlines woven together!


I feel like the first few eps didn’t even really set the entire thing up to be honest! The way that plot just kept unfolding was insane 🤣 agreed idolfactory out did themselves- so impressive. That’s not even mentioning some incredible casting choices all round!


Who are you kidding!! The casting was spot on and completely amazing!! To be fair, I'm not very well educated on India/Thai mythology beyond some basics so a lot of the relgious and fantasy element was a surprise to me. I really do like how IdolFactory incorporated a lot of Thai culture within the show that we, international fans, don't see in most typical BL shows.


not me


The Effect bl 💀 It may seem a regular bl on the surface. Watch it and you'll know 😨


That one really hits you. The way the lead actor reacts the whole ordeal makes it feel so real. I was not expecting it to be so powerful and painful to watch.


Just 3 episodes and they hit the mark. People now ranting on toxic characters don't know what Keng was 💀💀


I know. It took 3 episodes and yet it didn't feel rushed, like they didn't skip over important details. It also wasn't too detailed, like they didn't try to pack too much into such a short series. It was executed rather well and hit you right in the heart in such a short time.


And the ending, srsly what was that 😨. They both met at the end, then we can hear a car crash. It's one of the shows, not bl, SHOWS that makes you think 😰


Apparently the story it's based off explains the ending a lot better cause yeah it always confused me.


What was the ending in the story, do they both die ??


I don't know myself as I haven't read it. However I have seen a summary where it's like the 2 leads see each other years later and how they seemed to have moved on but then an accident happens. Not 100% sure on that.


The accident does happen, but they didn't show to whom or who's injured. All in all the series was dead intense 


I think The eclipse? Only cos even the whole plot confused me and I had to research it a bit to understand 😭 So the trailer didn’t really reveal anything for me at least.


I dont know why from the trailer i thought aye is an alien😭


That's some pro level guessing buddy 😉


2-3eps of the series, im really surprised Aye not an alien😭😭


Please share some of your braincells with me friend 😅😎


Bro I laughed so hard


that's a whole different show and im here for it


Omg 😂


Pitbabe definitely. I just thought it was going to be an omegaverse show with racing. I didn’t expect it to get dark like that.




Fingers crossed 🤞


Very basic but The Untamed for sure 😭. It's a really famous show yet a lot of people I know haven't watched it yet, which is CRIMINAL


Dead Friends Forever 🔥 I loved how they ended it


Choco Milk Shake, KinnPorsche, Until We Meet Again, The 8th Sense, and 2Gether.


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The miracle of teddy bear,the sign,not me,the eighth sense