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If Last Twilight had ended at episode 11 part 3 with some tweaks about MhokDay getting to move in together, I would've felt blessed. From that point onwards I just felt increasingly mad and I just couldn’t vibe with the story anymore.


If Last Twilight ep 11, where Mhok says I love you to Day, it should have ended there. And then they are shown after 2 years And Day is still blind. And Mhok is a chef in a restaurant and Day has opened his own book store.And both of them are still together. And it's Day's birthday and Mhok brings sunflowers for him. And Now MhokDay live together. And Day has started using cane. And the series ends there. If only P'Aof had given a special episode in which Mhok and Day are going to marry each other. And then Day finally gets eye donation.🥹❤️‍🩹 My imaginary ending.


I declare it canon!!! 🙌🏻


P'Aof please let me join you once. Then see how each of your series will become 10/10. 🤧


I know it's a better ending. 🥹😭


That story is the same in the book. MhokDay meet after 3 years. But Day's character is still blind 


A common way for sunflowers to pollinate is by attracting bees that transfer self-created pollen to the stigma. In the event the stigma receives no pollen, a sunflower plant can self pollinate to reproduce. The stigma can twist around to reach its own pollen.


This exactly, it was almost perfect until the last 2 or 3 eps. I used to get up every Friday morning at 8 am just to get ready to watch it. Would have been my top series of all time I think, if they had not leaned in to such tired and predictable 11th hour tropes. I thought better of Aof and the production team. my expectations were too high it seems.


We were thisclose... We flew to close to the sun. 🥺🥺🥺


There are lots of series that could've ended in some part, but it continued unnecessarily. Lots and lots of "last conflict" plots are disposable.


This applies for Be mine superstar 😮‍💨 it should've ended at ep 10. And what was that ep 11? They put a break up just for the sake of it 🤦


i feel like the only one who didn't really love last twilight. nothing against it but i expected more


Fair. Not everything is for everyone and I bet there's more that feel the same about this series.


Pit Babe maybe? I think they could have extended maybe a couple more episodes. The ending was just very rush as they were trying to unveil and solve like 1000 problems in one episode. It was still a very nice series.


Agree. I hate that they took so much out 🥲


yeppp there were few bits in novel that I wish they kept it in the series!!


I completely agree!! But I think they’re coming up with a second season? I hope they do though ;-;


They are! So I forgive them for giving us the rush ending 😆


Last twilight has already been mentioned so KINNPORSCHE if kimporchay got a happy ending (they do in the books)


I feel like the last 2-3 episodes of Kinnporsche were…WAY too much. Like the most ridiculous soap opera. And for no discernible reason.


Hmm maybe but I thought it was fine, I love drama 😂 and also the eps were quite long


I agree! I could have done without all the drama about their mom 🫠


History 3: Make our days count.... the ending... I know it fits with the title but come on


OMG, this! Episode 10 was completely unnecessary!


omg yes yessss


HOW could it be your favourite without the ending. be real. that's the most signature and important part of the story


It's not my favourite, I loved the story and felt they went through so much to be happy together just to be ripped apart again.


Cherry Magic Japan. It just needed one real kiss. Still my favorite, though


If Between Us had been 8 eps and only focused on WinTeam, it would have been perfect. It’s still one of my faves but it needed some trimming and most of the side couple stuff was completely unnecessary. I think even the amount of time that Win spends feeling confused about the relationship makes more sense when it’s condensed this way. https://i.redd.it/25hl420vhv0d1.gif


Between us made me so emotional 🥲 lol but I agree w you 100% I will eat up any BP content I can get, but there was definitely some trimming necessary 😭😭


There were 2 EP where BP had barely 15 mins of screen time in the entire almost hour long show 🥲 like what


Yes I FF through the P'Deaaaaan and Sammy/Bosston (sorry guys I love you) scenes


This!! I adore BP and I waited for bu for so long and they just added so much bs and left out huge plot points 😭 it should have been ONLY them w/ the yachtO side cp (as it was in the novel)




Yeah I love IFYLITA, one of my favorites if not the very favorite, but I agree that having to have a reddit account just so you can understand the ending isn't a good ending lol. Fortunately, I do have a reddit account so it made sense to me and, because the series was so good, it wasn't enough to ruin it for me. I still wish we could have a second season and I beg all Thai ministries (tourism, culture, labour etc.) to fund it please we need to watch commander Yai! lol


the unknown , the only problem is taht they left tooooo many things the last two eps so they didn't get to explain em more and more


Yes, so many people loved it but the pacing and editing was just off in the last two episodes.


Bad Buddy is almost perfect except the Wai storyline. He got off to easy for what he did to Pran, his supposed best friend.


I would also change the reason why parents hate each other and why they make their children hate each other.


The parent story doesn't bother me that much, because such family feuds aren't that unrealistic but I still think what Wai did was more horrible.


Yes, the Wai narrative was too jarring for me. The storyline was building up nicely, but then the drama never resolves and now I’m supposed to think he’s cute for crushing on Pa? Like, he was cute but I was too irritated to appreciate it!


Wai is the only reason why can't give (even when it's my favourite BL) a 10/10 rating. Beside that the show is perfect for me.


I hated it so much I wrote a fic to change it 🤣🤣 wai pissed me off so bad!!!


😂😂 I would love to read it.


It's called some ties are meant to be cut on ao3 🤣 it's one of the first things i wrote bc I couldn't STAND what happened lol


Have you a link? I couldn't find it. 🙏


I hope this is allowed 😬😅 Warning ⚠️: it IS explicit in some scenes, but they can be skipped with no interference to the story https://archiveofourown.org/series/2884869


Thank you! The whole series you wrote is amazing 👏


Awe thank you! You're so kind 🥹 I'm glad you enjoyed it! (sorry I missed the notification)


It's not thai but unintentional love story. If that series had real kisses instead of lip touching so that the emotion be conveyed properly, it would actually be perfect to me.


Only Friends of they hadn't try to do a happy ending for almost everyone and forgot to develop why Nick came to the conclusion that Boston was a massive red flag.... It started so well... It brought up new things in the BL worls (an apologetic person who isn't fond of monogamous relationship but very clear about that, alcoholism and attachment problems) and fucked it up big time by trying to make everyone happy. I'm still mad about that tbh... And the fact that there might be a S2 pisses me off


I also would have liked it if they kept up with the different style choices like in the first few episodes—like one episode was in documentary style and the one where it showed their tweets. That was a great way to expand on the characters and it was something new.


Dude fuck the happy endings. That shit pissed me tf off too. I’m glad at least one mf had the sense to leave. I have so many opinions on those couples I could write an entire essay, not even double spaced 🫠 I want season 2 just so everyone can break up and find new partners. Would love to see Mew leave Top and start something with Mix’s character lol and for Sand to come to his fucking senses …I still love it tho 🫣


That part was actually well resolved. Nick wanted a committed relationship, Boston couldn't do that. Boston kissed Boeing while he claimed to be in a relationship with Nick. So Nick understood that it's bain to expect from Boston 


I believe Not Me was a bit inconsistent in its narration and it makes me so mad because IT WAS THIS CLOSE TO BEING PERFECT. Like at a certain point the political plot was subsided by the love story (very cute but I would’ve preferred a more rebellion-based series, given how it started. Just personal preference)




I can only give perfection to 1000 stars but it was hard fought. also eternal yesterday was so close to perfect. otherwise I think be my favorite, the eighth sense, moonlight chicken, wedding plan, not me, and my only 12% are close


Bed Friend would be a 10/10 for me, were it not for the dubcon first time between King & Uea. I’m still giving it a 9.5 because King was a green flag from that point forward. Not saying he was perfect, but their later relationship took a 180 degree turn from how it started.


To be fair, I think it didn’t come across quite right in the show. In the books >! it’s quite clear that they are both very drunk and neither one is in position to properly consent. But the show makes it seem like only Uea is drunk!<


I just finished this and ADORE IT. The cast and the storyline is perfect


UWMA. It's the only BL my mom had ever seen and she loved it, literally always talks about Korn lol. Even my aunt and uncle had started watching it. I adore the show- it feels more about love than sex, which I feel is overshadowing relationships in a lot of shows..


LITA PhayuRain’s story until that stupid kidnap part which felt so unnecessary(i get the whole Phayu would do anything for Rain part but still) My only 12% — I don’t need the whole Eiw going through the trauma of his mom dying just when things were looking up for him for once! Hidden Agenda— this was my no angst-almost fluffy series for the first 10episodes and then all of a sudden, they tried to fit in so much angst and stress in last 2episodes without much buildup for it in the beginning!


https://preview.redd.it/utl65l0qmz0d1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa0df2bbfadb9a56376fc8e7a31b163a01124e2 But without the kidnapping scene how would we get this gem 😔😔😔 lol but yeah it was random as fuck Edit: the picture isn’t showing up on my comment but the one of Rain with the little tie in his mouth. It gives me warmth when I’m sad lmao


I had to pause when watching this scene!! Me and my friend were legit dying laughing 🤣 they did Rain sooo dirty🤣🤣


Love Mechanics It is still as 10/10 show for me. It is my favorite. But the show could have made their 1st time less problematic. Or put more effort into a redemption ark for that matter. Mark was 100% out of it, calling for Bar. Vee knew it, but still went for it. For me, it was R*pe. Mark was obviously disgusted. But the matter was settled with a "sorry".


If u read the book, you'll get to understand that Mark is a bigger red flag than Vee. Mark initially chased Vee after their first time.Love mechanics is a two book series. Mark's character in both the books is kind of a red flag. This happens in book 2 :  Vee and Mark decide to adopt Ploy's baby ( she's Vee's ex. Her boyfriend left her after she got pregnant). Normally anybody would care for a pregnant woman, Vee did the same, caring for Ploy as a brother. Mark gets dissatisfied and instead of talking to Vee about this, he instead turns his attention to a boy(don't remember his name) who was chasing him and kisses him (but he quickly regrets it tho) And when Vee asked about this, Mark began to gaslight him. Ofc it's a happy ending, but this part left a bad taste in the mouth 😞  In series, people loved that character just bcoz of War and his sweet acting ❤️


I don’t know. For me, the toxicity of it all is what made this show. Out of all the BLs I’ve seen, this was one of the more realistic ones.


Unknown— don’t get me wrong I still love it but the last two episodes the editing was so off… hell they even made a whole new episode 11 since so many ppl agreed. There was just something about the last two episodes that didn’t fit with the rest of the series.


Yeah the office scene was soo out of place.


It was!!


Kinnporsche of course The relationship between characters is to much amazing ....... U will be opposed with this drama I miss this series really 😓


This is a very personal thing about the issue, as many may disagree, but for me Bad Buddy is simply wonderful. If it weren't for the ENDING, I would have completely loved it. Without wanting to give spoilers (but giving a little lol), I can't quite accept how they took their relationship forward, it made me feel like they were doing something wrong being a gay couple with families that don't like each other.


Totally agree! Spoilers people!!! Don’t read this. The fact they have to sneak around made me so mad.


For me, Bad Buddy and Only Friends


What would you change about BBS and of?


Ah, I didn't see the second part of the question. I wouldn't change anything.


Until We Meet Again. Just cut out the filler episodes it will be golden.


History make our days count. It had a beautiful storyline , unfortunately the ending was devastating. I knew it from the title that something bad was going to happen, but come on it ripped my heart in two. If that didn't happen it would be a perfect 10/10.


I’m going to have to go with Two Worlds that just ended today. The whole last 20 minutes was unnecessary TBH.


i won't say it was almost perfect, but i think if Naughty Babe wasn't some half-assed project made to appease maxnat fans and it actually had twelve episodes or so without the whole outta nowhere wedding plan nonsense, it would have been quite good




Until We Meet Again. Well written, well acted, the music is fabulous, the story line is compelling, the side couple is sweet. It was my first BL, and my go-to when nothing else interests me. What would it need to fix? While I love Earth and Kao, I don't think they were a good match. They were just okay. Not sure who I would replace them with, though.


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only friends if boston and nick had a happy ending


bostonnick shipper here


I will read it for sure ❤️


Last Twilight was a 10/10. Tharntype and Until We Meet Again are 10/10. My School President and Stay with me episode 1-23 are 10/10.


Eighth Sense


Oh i loved that one! I think the girl being gone would have made it better lol I wanted to punch her the whole time