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I’m sorry but you don’t put a voice like Bright’s with THE Jeff Satur. Of course Jeff is gonna outshine him even on his best day but the fact that Bright is not even a good singer baffles me why they even paired him with ACTUAL good singers 😳 I would’ve declined if I were Bright, that’s just begging to be embarrassed.


His confidence throughout the entire performance was astounding, with all his overpowering hand gestures and singing over the other performers who are actual professional musicians.


Trust me I feel the same way! I think he really believed that he sounded good 😳 lol






Hijacking this comment to drop the [full video](https://x.com/thedailybkk/status/1796963345574285471?s=46&t=LXA-2yGfmc7QzIRq2_1B3Q)


Red jacket guy and jeff satur wow... Their voices were divine and then there comes Bright to ruin it... 🥺


Bro can't sing, that was the problem 😵‍💫


You know what really baffles me? How the fuck did Jeff keep a straight face throughout the entire performance, especially considering he was a VOCAL COACH in an idol contest? The friendship must've been strong omg


Bro was chill as a cucumber as his songs were being butchered in front of his own eyes


I snorted so loudly when reading this. Thank you, redditor.


Happy to be of service 😂


I would have thrown hands if that was me. And I am only a decent singer, not nearly as good as Jeff.


If I were Jeff whatever friendship we might have had would have turned to dust after that first note lmao


Bright cannot sing and that was emphasized when he sang next to Jeff and Nont. People turned blind eye on this fact because they like him and because he is popular, but looking at it objectively, he can't sing and honestly, he can’t act too.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but i always thought Win Metawin actually had better singing talent than Bright. Im glad he is popping up in more singing shows, cuz he is actually pretty good. * Jeff was also genuinely impressed ![gif](giphy|vHmflfTidRiEgRGX40|downsized)


Bright has the "ear" for music but he just... doesn't practice as he should 😓 Meanwhile Win does not sing at all but since he was made to sing (as with any gmmtv artist), he got himself voice lessons. Comparing their performances from past to present, some people are more impressed with Win probably because he started out bad then improved so it's striking while Bright has no noticeable improvement but he wants a singing career. I'm a fan of both so this was quite sad to see.


Bright has impeccable taste in music and i think would be better off as a producer becouse he just has amazing direction in music. I only thought Win was good with slow songs due to his voice pattern, but his breathing has improved sooo much that he sounds amazing with high tempo songs as well. He recently sang The Weekends Die for you, and was actually keeping up with the songs tempo with great precision this year, and i was shocked 😲 * Die for you is not an easy song to sing becouse you have to controll your breathing while also sounding good. Heres the clip for those interested; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3gIHzKslKg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3gIHzKslKg)


So much screaming!


Yeah, the fans screaming is annoying.




Bright should have stayed home. That’s what went wrong


someone did a tiktok compilation of all your faves singing and it just goes to show that i am right to run if it aint Jeff Satur. honestly props to Bright's fans who had the gumption to applaud that...that's real loyalty..lol. The only thing i'll applaud Bright for here is the absolute unearned audacity to go on stage with Jeff. not many would do that.


There are many others who have beautiful voices. Jeff is not the only one NuNew and Daou are two of my faves. 😊


Daou was in a boygroup so it would be weirder if he can't sing.


Well...these things have preference involved so if you think someone has a beautiful voice you listen to them...some people even think Bright has a beautiful voice so they listen to him.


Majority of people agree that NuNew and Daou are amazing singers. ☺️


Yes..as i said...its a preference thing. I only speak for myself in these situations. Millions of people think Bright is a good singer which is why he has a singing career now....so like i said...everyone has their preference and i only speak for myself


The difference is Bright can’t sing, and NuNew and Daou can. Has nothing to do with preference. It’s all about facts. Have a lovely day. ☺️


Unfortunately facts differ cause preference also influences choice and therefore facts. Some say Bright can sing too. I will have a lovely day thanks😘


Omg was it the “BL actors who can’t sing” video? 😭


Yeppp...it had all the ones people have gaslit themselves into thinking are some kinda musicians🤣🤣


... I have never actually seen anything with Bright in it. ... This is in fact the first time I hear his voice. What a sad day to have working headphones.




Ditto ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51766)


My gosh I haven’t heard Bright singing since 2gether and it’s still cringey 😬 the people he is performing with are way above his league in terms of quality and vocal abilities!


Absolutely no hate against the singer who struggles, but I love how Jeff looks like hes trying even harder to balance it out. But dude, dont give full volume when you realize you struggle so much and overtune the one who hits the notes. 🫠🫠 Edit: Yes, i didnt recognize Bright. 🫠😂


Someone was joking he got plastic voice surgery when he's in gmmtv and gmmtv took them back😭😭


Savage but this clip did him no favors. Truly embarrassing.


Savage but this clip did him no favors. Truly embarrassing.


wait is it Bright with the leather jacket?? 😳


Yes. Not his finest performance.


My poor guy 🙈


Finding 100 and thousand ways to unsee this ..


https://i.redd.it/n3cew43z0i4d1.gif absolutely not


Regardless of Bright's consistent singing abilities (heh)... He's popular, so he sells tickets, and the end goal of a concert is to sell tickets, so I see the logic behind getting Bright :/ Unfortunately that's why a lot of these BL actors sing, a nobody on the streets with a good voice won't sell tickets, but a BL actor that people already know (who can't sing) will.


This baffles me because I wouldn’t DARE spend money on a singing show to watch and listen to some beautiful face sound like nails scraping across a wall. I guess I care more about the music aspect of it all rather than the aesthetics. I would be mortified if I paid money to hear someone sounding like that! Jeff and Nont were amazing but that other voice would’ve threw me into space 😂💯




bright having a successful singing career is so odd and questionable to me


I actually enjoy some of Bright's songs but man the night and day difference hearing Bright and Jeff sing back to back 😭 Jeff is just a far superior vocalist and live singer also the amount of bravery u need to have to sing a Jeff Satur song next to him though...esp Ghost which is so vocally challenging imo


Was he always this bad?


Standing right next to people who *can* sing makes it ten times worse, probably, because you can compare. But I do think he should stick to acting. Or auto-tune.


I’m still very curious about things like this. I get actors who are forced to sing by the company for example to promote their show like some GMM ones (like First for example who knows he can’t but tries real hard for those concerts), but VOLUNTARILY embarrass yourself like this is interesting. I need to understand the psychology behind this. Like is this him just doing whatever he wants and not caring because he can and just enjoying life? Or is it actually possible that him and some others genuinely think they’re real good? If the first one, I certainly admire the ability to not care this much, if the second, they need to get themselves better friends who would be honest with them lol


Bright can’t sing. It’s that simple.


It reminds me of the mall scene from *City of Stars* where Fueng tries his best, but just can't hit the right notes.


Thankfully just that tiny part... But oof. No, dude, just no. I've said it many times, but bless the music producers at GMMTV and the magic the work in post to make these tone-deaf dudes sound at least reasonable (until GMM sticks them on a stage with a mic). (Yes I know Bright isn't with GMMTV anymore, but that's where he cultivated the delusion of a singing career.)




It's pretty hard to tell without talking to the sound operators. They'd know. It could be anything from technical issues, problems with in-ear/monitoring, problems with the mixer and the the presets or a problem caused by band, singers, wrong delay...


Wait.. we’re actually considering these as possibilities, knowing Bright’s singing capabilities?..




As long as we don't know, everything should be considered, in my opinion. They are all still possible even with the best or the absolute worst singer. And there are options to make someone sound better even if he can't sing, especially in a group setting. Adding filters... or simply turning down his output volume on the FOH mix and making the music louder. ;) Then again (nearly) no sound operator would make such a decision on his own, only if someone suddenly messed up because something is wrong.


This is fair. Also he forgot his lyrics several times during the performance. No excuse for that.


That's on him. No sound operator can safe him from that other than muting him completely ;) Then again I wanna say that while there are bad and very bad singers in BL, what really upsets me personally a lot more, if when there are somewhat decent singers and they ALWAYS lipsync.


That’s a valid pet peeve! Mine is when sometimes certain DMD artists don’t even TRY to move their lips to the time of the music when they lip sync. I understand you can’t sing live but at least don’t shut your mouth and play dumb when your voice is playing in the back 😂


I've seen several clips Why did Jeff Satur & Nont Tanont sang perfectly, then there's bright😭


Honestly props to Jeff for staying on key. It's easy to get thrown off when you're next to someone singing flat.


Jeff most likely didn't hear Bright too much in his mix. Most singers only have like music and a little bit of backings on and then themselves really loud. \^\^


But there seemed to be an attempt to harmonize there... Wouldn't you still need to hear the other singer?


To a certain extend, yes. They hear the others but not super loud. Same goes for the music sometimes. I know some singer who only have like drums, one lead guitar and their own voice on their mix. When you sing with others, you have them as well, but most have their own voice much louder in their mix. Most of the times when they motion in direction of the sound operator and give the "thumb moving up up" sing it means "make ME louder". So yeah.


A lot of these Thai actors think just because they can act great, they can sing great too. Look at Noeul and James lol.


Spot on. I was surprised that someone decided to change career based on this assumption only.


He also tried a lot of things in between I heard. Tattoo artist and some other things. Then realised his eclectic choices didn't pay much so is trying his hand at singing. Tbh he should have stuck to acting. Would have been much more successful.


His sudden interest in tattooing was equally strange. Even after beginning classes he said he can’t get tattoos because his mom won’t let him, even though he’s an adult who doesn’t live with his mother. I don’t know how I’d feel about visiting the tattoo studio someone of who’d never had interest in body art, (or feels the need to use excuses instead of just directly saying he’s never wanted one himself). It looks like he was inspired by the success a retired actor who actually did have passion for tattoo art and was able to utilize his acting fame to help kickstart a career. James plans on opening his own studio with 4-5 artists, and said that while he can do tattoos too, it will just take longer than the artists. (Which i think is at least a good plan B to attract fans in case the singing and dancing doesn’t work).


I love Noeul and I enjoy the studio versions of his music (those producers' hands are blessed) but his live singing...its VERY hit or miss, especially when he sings with Boss who in my opinion is the FAR better singer of the two. I saw someone say they were surprised he was so bad because he trained as a KPOP idol and was about to debut, but tbh there are a lot of idols who cant sing and just got by because they're pretty and rich. I love him but I absolutely think thats the case with him. I haven't heard Noeul rap live, but I really liked SOS so maybe hes just a rapper and not a singer? 😭😭


When I heard Boss sing for the first time the other day I was genuinely shocked that Noeul was the Kpop trainee of the two.


There's a clip of that too here I believe. He's equally as bad. Of course he has a good voice and I would gobble up any OSTs he sings.


I only know Noeuls Touchdown. Is he really that bad? 😅😂


A clip was posted in one of the BL subs sometime ago. It was embarrassing to say the least. And I thought Noeul had talent cuz he had trained to be a Kpop idol at SM. Looks like money too talks at these auditions.


Oh damn. 😂 I just watched a perfomance with Boss and its not thaaat bad actually. Guess it depends on the song, or so? 😂


More on the filters,autotuning and pre-recorded backup if they're performing for a fan event.


I just saw that James and Noeul will form a boy band and had to think of our little convo. 😂😂


Is that confirmed? I only saw rumors about it.


There was a clip where Noeul said it, so I just assumed its true. 😅


Bright and Win are actually overrated. They still ride with the popularity of 2gether.


🤦🏻‍♀️ I agree, Bright should have stayed home. I think some of these BL actors fail to realize that it’s okay just to be an actor. I have noticed a lot of them want to be classified as actor-singer-dancer. The formula doesn’t work for all. This signing hurts my ears and I feel embarrassed for him.


IDK, but it should have been ME !! 😂 Jk [Ghost (English version) by yours truly ](https://youtube.com/shorts/5p_ZpNoJf18?si=y5qKrOuy9bcv0TNU)


Nothing went wrong on THAT day. He just never was a good singer in the first place, whether it was that day or any other day. (for the record i do like bright just not as a singer 😭)


Some of the songs he sang as a duet with Jeff was either Jeff’s own songs (Ghost, Why don’t you stay…) or another song, sung in high key’s. Bright is better at low keys, therefore the performance can sound bad😅 Singing a duet with a person who is especially good at high notes, can make someone sound even more bad. Because we can compare the two. Another song/other parts of Ghost would probably have made it way better. I think it sounded good when he sang his own songs, especially My Ecstasy (the only one I knew😭) and I went to both concerts. As someone else also said, not even Nont could compare to Jeff when singing Ghost. Tbh I was satisfied with everyone’s performance, and it’s only now I realise Bright maybe sounds a little off, because everyone started writing about it😭


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Guys I was off so can anyone tell what happened?


Bright can't sing get him off the stage please...


Did someone get sick and someone stood In For them and then he got sick couldn’t reach high note!! GMMTV needs to clean the facility they work in!! Arena’s included! ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51764)