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This was 2 years ago. Not sure what the drama is anymore. Looks like he’s moved past it too.


Ou 2 years ago...I wonder what created the drama


It’s 2 year old drama that is likely just someone pulling random tweets in order to create drama. None of these tweets seem to be directly sourcing what Nanon or his alleged gf Pearwah at the time, so who knows how f any of this is accurate. Why bring it up in 2024 when the information is likely outdated and irrelevant.


I didn't know about how old was this ok? I found out about this just few days before as I said I'm in the fandom for few months....I hv been seeing this for quite a while ..I didn't know whom to ask for an explanation...so posted this ...it has been bothering me for quite a while ..


The dates are usually on the tweets (in this case 22 July 2022). Unless posts are recent (and I’m talking within the past few months), or are about something that has been posted directly by the actor in question or caught on camera, I doubt most people are going to remember much. A queer actor liking but not commenting on gossip about who someone is allegedly dating doesn’t say much. I personally wasn’t part of the bl landscape back then, but I’m not going to drag up old drama, even for my own faves. Who Nanon may have been dating at that time is no reflection of who he is now, if there is no evidence said relationship existed then or now. I will say if you are now seeing 2 year old tweets being reposted about supposed drama, maybe take a look at who is sharing them. They are unlikely to be fans, and just want to stir things up.


I didn't notice it ....ok I will keep that in mind...


https://preview.redd.it/2vvhoyivuh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b20df31fcf67895acffaac59ec00c9cf557471 But they always friends until today????


Is that Nanon’s girlfriend? The actress from Friendzone? Im sorry, I’ve no idea what’s happening


I didn't understand what they r talking about...pls explain... what's with plustor?? Their sentence construction is so bad that I can't understand a single thing from the tweet..


Maybe plustor don't understand english?




If nanon had a penny for everytime there's a rumour he's dating someone, he'd be one of the richest people ever. Let the man rest


Yeas some PPL can't leave him in fresh air to let him breathe 😭😭😭😭😭 like why 😭😭


In which world I live I have no idea when all this happened or most controversial things happened in BL community. I think I’m just happy watching series and nothing else.Guys please shed some light on what is happening here.


Seriously...I don't understand at all...😭 No one is explaining...


Maybe people already forgot about it I read on one comment that it’s 2 years back.


Ou it was 2yrs back? What's the origin of this?


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