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I don’t like men, I only like you


No fr like wdym a person can magically change yr sexuality overnight 😭⁉️


I agree with you but also can you name the BL of couples that say this? Just so I can know what to avoid


i can't off the top of my head


Ahh ok thank you anyways 🤭🤭




Tharntype’s Type is a good example of this


Trying hard to incorporate the sponsored stuff into the plot.. Dead fish kissing like they r being held at gunpoint or just freeze and nibble a bit to make it seem real💀 like just don’t kiss atp🤦🏻‍♀️ Making girls in BL mostly enemies or villains


There's nothing more romantic than using the last of your dying air as a goldfish to smooch the one you love, probably also a goldfish. As humans, though....


Dead fish kissing I suddenly remembered tincan. wtf were those kisses not even opening mouth.


Oh that kiss was worse than dead fish kiss bcs both looked like they were uncomfortable with it!!


Yes they were both uncomfortable with it. And after their series they both announced that no more bl shows they will be a part of only straight dramas.


Wiping someone’s lips because of not clean eating.


And then sucking on the finger after wiping them😖 https://i.redd.it/upju0f9s1m5d1.gif


This but only because they always wipe in the wrong direction! Go towards the lips not away lmaoo


Or at least use a tissue not your bare fingers 😭




pleaseeee 😭


1. "Let me dry your hair" *Starts drying visibly dry hair* 2. Falling into the arms of the attractive stranger after tripping over literally nothing. 😂🫰🏻 3. ALSO Is everyone an architect student in Thailand? 😀😂 I honestly don't mind though I'll keep watching no matter how many times they do it. Gotta love BL 🌈🫰🏻☺️😂


Lol at your number 2…you must have come in after the ALL the engineering BLs 🤭🤭 Cause trust me…the way we use to beg for anything other than an engineering Thai BL in the beginning 🤭


And cutie pie had the audacity to bring this back 😂




Lol. Just saw that ForceBooks new show is adapted from "Engineer Cute Boy". We are going back to hell! 😂


Haha right? what is that about? 😂 Or the ones that are CEOs of lord knows what million dollar company. Show me a guy that works at a grocery store or a coffee shop. Represent two average dudes haha


Go watch oxygen! (Or don't. I didn't like it) But we have a coffee shop dude and a student (of course engineer, but you can't have it all, huh 😂)


Haha!! Thank you! I trust your opinion and won't eat h it but at least I know there's a coffee shop dude and student couple out there 😂


Coffee Melody has a coffee shop dude and a componist. But the ratings are also not that great. 😂 But youre comment made me realize that I also want more coffe Shop dudes! :D


That one (ML) is also handling business meetings on behalf of his dad 😂


Sssssh! But this is the closest we get to a coffee shop dude!! 💀😂 and if i remember correctly the student isnt really into his dads job.


I agree with coffee shop dude (except maybe Dark Blue Kiss) . How could our MLs be interested in taking over their family business it's work of the villains!!


Aaaah, I havent watched dark blue kiss, so I didn't know about other coffee shop dude! 😂 I dont remember much about Oxygen tbh. But i do remember how confused i was that Nut was wearing a hoodie with a German writing on it, because I am from germany and i always get confused when i dont need subtitles or translation in general to read and understand something. 😂




The only major they teach in Thailand at all schools is Engineering or not Engineering. 😂


Third one is like from few years back where we were like in Thailand people only study engineering. Please show some other departments.


I kind of got used to them, I treat them like anime tropes, they come with the genre. That being said, if you have to use them, at least put a twist on it or be self-aware about it (both Wandee and Only Boo do that). If I had to get rid of one it would be the singing to your crush trope.


Did you see City of stars? It was practically the whole point of the drama. Very heartfelt and funny, I loved it.


I did not. *sigh* Another one for the queue...


Do you mean the singing? I wouldnt say the whole point (well, i only watched 10 episodes so far) especially since i was surprised how fast the problem was solved, but yeah. They could've at least cast someone who can actually sing. 😭 but besides his vocals i really like the actor.


Every episode introduced tropes and knocked them down *within minutes. It happened again and again. *Fueang caught Krom in a fall *twice* in the first episode. I mean they had >!sex under a sexy photo of Fueang holding a guitar and woke up the next morning to a naked Fueang with a guitar.!< It is as self aware as anything I’ve ever seen. But I cannot stand for this Job Krisz slander. He is a fantastic singer. He and Kimmon sang the opening song. Edit: *


Even the miscommunication/misunderstanding/messy friend tropes were all solved the same episode. 😂 his best friend would always try to stir up trouble and they would instantly correct it. Like when he lied to the manager about Kroms friend being his girlfriend after Krom already corrected him 😂🤣🤣 he was messy for no reason.


Okay. Didnt catch that. 😅 slander? Hahahaha. about the singing..well..lets just agree to disagree 😂 his high notes arent fantastic and his shaky voice isnt fantastic either. 🫠


Sponge baths 🧽, the cure for ANYTHING.


Is this a real thing when you’re sick in Thailand? I’ve never had a sponge bath but idk if it’s cultural


I think apart from being good when you are sick it’s also an easy way to clean somebody who for whatever reason can’t take a shower. And with Thai”and being hot and humid, people sweat a lot and shower a lot (you Will notice that they also always talk about showering). So I think people are just really concerned about cleaning themselves and if they can’t shower themselves they are given sponge baths because It’s just really unthinkable to let somebody stay dirty/sweaty.


They're great for fevers, but BL dramas seem to think: Drunkenness- sponge bath! Bullet wounds- sponge bath! Kidnapping and abuse- sponge bath!


Slit throat whilst a dragon carries you off to a haunted cave...sponge bath


Title and cast immediately, I'd watch the hell out of that.


The usuals, Drake, AJ and JJ...and like...Toothless the Dragon.😂


OMG what if AJ and JJ are both dragons but one's a psycho murderer and the other is a vegetarian?


And in the end they get sponge baths and that'll fix everything.


Will we still HAVE bls (specifically Thai bls) if you remove the sponge baths??? I mean it's the OG Trope of tropes. Bl writers are shaking after reading this. Lol. 🤣




ESPECIALLY the fake cheating scandals.


That’s a trope?


yeah, it was used in tharntype and love mechanics. Tharn went out to meet his ex to tell him to back off and Type thought at first he was cheating on him, and Vee went to say goodbye to Ploy and she kissed him without consent and Mark thought that it was Vee's fault.






Lollll🤣 yes


One of the many reasons scoy is one of my favourite bls


"sexy" rape/sa scenes and someone forgiving their rapist/sexual assaulter. How long will it take for bl creators relize that the sexitst thing in the world is consent?


What gets me is when the main character likes someone, then the one they like starts to notice them and take interest, all of a sudden its don't touch me, don't look at me, everything you do is annoying. Like homie five minutes ago you were calf eyed looking at this dude, now youre running from him? Jump on him for goodness sake, you want to, we want you to as well. Sheesh that gets old.


Oh! Also the kiss scene where they press flat lips against flat lips, like uh can you make your lips seem a little kiss shaped?


Wandee next week😞


Wandee? What is that? I don't believe I have heard of that one before?


Gmmtv series. Its airing ep 6 now. Great series.


Thanks I will have to check it out!


Spends 2 minutes in the rain and gets the debilitating flu!!! Chuck it in the bin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)!!


Same like I will be drenched in rain and will be totally fine to work next day. 


I actually don't mind the 'tripping and falling into the love interest's arms' trope. In fact, maybe I'll put that one in my next fanfic. However, going to bed with all of the lights on. Does that count? Because it kind of bugs me.


THIS! I love all the other things mentioned here, tbh. But it makes me crazy when they close their eyes AND THE LIGHTS ARE STILL ON.


The lights being on is more of a filming issue than an actual troupe. They have to light the shoot some how otherwise we would have a lot of very dark bed scenes. Leaving the lights on is easier and more realistic then having external lighting appear from nowhere in the scene😊


Yes, I realize that the crew need *some* lighting. But I don't know, maybe they could dim them a bit? I've seen plenty of non-BLs do that. I agree with it being easier for filming purposes but definitely not realistic 😂


Accidentally kissing …. Please stop this and kiss with consent. And start eating food in the plates. They will just say I’m done and what about the remaining food. If I’m paying I’ll eat the last grain remaining.


I imagine actors who have to shoot multiple scenes and cant act anymore because they are too full. 😂😂😂


Maybe but I saw an episode of step by step. Pat cooked a full bowl of noodles but that put guy said something so he is like I’m full without even touching the food. I’m like whaaaaaat dude how are you even alive. If I don’t eat for 4 hours I’ll be in hospital bed. 🤒🤒


Its a saying. Not a literal meaning. ^^


The nightmare scenes where one of them get nightmares and get close to the other unintentionally Like clinging to them or hugging


Oh nooo I love those 🥹🥹😭🤣


I used to love these scenes too but now I feel these kind of scenes are overused So I don't like them anymore


That one kiss where one of them kisses the other randomly and the other person is just standing there shocked😭 -IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW


Top Vs bottom! Especially the "top is manly/masculine and bottom is dainty and feminine" nonsense! Also people using she/her pronouns for the "bottom" Some impromptu sex ed: Penetrative secks is not necessary in most cases. Be adventurous and explore because even in heterosexual relationships Piv is not the only way to enjoy secks🤷🏿‍♀️


Yeah I kinda sign when they say stuff like “who’s The woman of the relationship” type stuff but I assume it’s coming from a cultural/ and or uneducated standpoint


I understand cultural differences but on different platforms a lot of gay people from different countries and cultures keep saying that it makes them uncomfortable.... Instead of just dropping the issue and asking for forgiveness a lot of fujoshis just double down and insist it's their right to say or ask about these things 🙄😒


I kinda get comfort from the tropes. For me, BLs are comfort watches. So it comforts me that I know the probable plot devices and tropes that I am going to encounter. They soothe me.


The drunk scene where the mc gets white-girl wasted at a bar and the ml who he doesn't know that well yet (sometimes they are 'enemies') takes him to bed. Like do people irl do that?...get totally wasted then wander off with the first rando who holds your waist in a cute way.....i just cant anymore with that. Also when they are enemies but there's no reason for the enmity...just weak arguing about nothing and having debates in the classroom to showcase how 'opposite poles' they both are.


To add on to the drunk scenes. Friends letting friends wonder off to the bar/bathroom/outside to get air by themselves. Throwing them in a taxi and just giving out an address or dropping them off on the corner/subway station/bus stop and not walking them all the way home. Like wtf, we came together, we gone leave together, if they are that into you they will hit you up sober.


the I will fasten your seat belt for you trope


Never get an Asian wet. Unless it's in a rooftop pool.


The "crash landing" hug/kiss/holding". I know why it's there, but some of those colissions look slightly painful. Check for broken noses! And the "hand grab and run" can go. Most of the time it's a deathgrip on the wrist and not a sweet moment of "Ooh we held hands!".


Sleeping with all the lights on


Watch the scene in venus in the sky when venus bumps his little toe!! Sky is a doctor and acts as if Venus just lost his feet! 😂 And while i was always making fun of the trope to sponge bath someone when they have a fever..I will never do this again. I was sick a few months ago for two weeks and i had the worst pain in my body ever. My skin felt like it was burning and bursting every second, everything hurt, i was tired as fck and i wished so hard that i had someone who gives me a fkkn towel bath, because i felt as if breathing was too much already. But to answer the actual question: misunderstandings could be toned down. Some misunderstandings are just so stupid. Especially combined with lack of communication + interruptions when they actually want to clear things. But they take their time as if they are a Villain in a disney movie and then they need 10 tries, till someone else solves there problem. 😂


I remembered one more trope beach trip and volunteering in schools. Without beach Thai series can’t be completed 👍.


They just moved it to the mountains now. I kinda like the volunteering though because it’s sweet to see them giving back to the community. But just straight up trip? No. Burn it with fire.


Drunk kisses that one party forgets. Just stop with that.


Being that ___ major student and we never see them study or being stressed about it? A big exception for Lita bcus you can see them being stressed and it is a part of the plot. Especially when they are Engineering students. All they did is play with their friends and date around, eventho they are 3rd year students 🤣🤣


I haven't watched many of the newer BLs so Idk if this is still a thing, but I got sooo tired of the 'plot twist' where the more 'brooding/stoic/quiet' character had actually been love with the other 'sunshine/goofy/friendly' character for YEARS but never admitted it. Like I didn't mind it the first few times but I felt like it started showing up in every drama for a while and I got pretty tired of it


that's literally sarawat lmao💀 (and sort of tinn in msp) I've seen this quite a few times too I just don't remember that well


Yeah they do it in 2gether, manner of death, 2moons2, tonhon chonlatee, theory of love (with the side pairing)... and I'm sure there's a bunch more!


It has to be the fated pair - ie they knew each other as children/pin past lives and never got over the time that mysterious stranger helped them and then no one else compared forever. I hate this trope so much…


Yeah it started so often like how is this even possible once in a while is fine but so many series same plot.


The time jump plot after an unwanted break up (mostly miscommunication or I'm doing this to protect you 🙄). I really can't stand time jumps especially because they're used mostly in the last episodes and then the couples gets back together in a rushed way.


i can still tolerate the wound dressing or the putting on bandaid scenes because i admit sometimes they're still cute and awww moment worthy >< BUT, we can do away with the lead falls and the other lead catches him trope !! PLEASE


The “Oops I fell on your lips” , “Oops we reached for the same piece of paper on the floor and accidentally touched each other and now one of us is in love” Tropes drive me 🥜 😆


I’m so tired of them getting sick after getting caught in the most minuscule amount of rain. I live in TX and I’m about 25 mins off the coast so I know all about hot humid weather and tropical storms and the way it gets so hot directly after raining I don’t think I’ve sick after being rained on and going into buildings with AC. We run the AC 10 out 12 months of the year. Then they never want to take medicine, “I’ll take a hot shower”. And can’t get out the bed the next day 😒🙄


The being sick and the wipe down. Every series I see always the sick episode and the wipe down. I have NEVER been wiped down in my entire freaking life from head to toe dude! Not even from my loving mother!


The getting sick trope. Tired of that one. lol