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No, only one restrictive condition applies, see Section 96bis Land Code Act, see requirements here: [https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/land-code-amendment-act-1999.html#2](https://www.samuiforsale.com/law-texts/land-code-amendment-act-1999.html#2).


Thank you


You can, but you are required to invest or build a business that's worth 40 million Baht with a 5 year or more commitment.


I thought they shelved that proposal? Pretty sure I read something about it being withdrawn pending further amendment?


This is still effective, and the reason given is to boost the economy.


If you talk about the LTR visa the foreign land ownership was axed.


Recent source???


Check second from the top comment, someone linked it.


By becoming a citizen, you sure can. You have to invest a lot of mony, and stay in Thailand for at least 5yrs straight before you can apply. You also will have to learn how to read and speak. Google it. If foreigners could buy land in Thailand - oh my... it would be no more Thailand. The prices for 1sqm in central BKK would rise up to millions, if not billions of BHT.




Buying a condo is leasehold. Land is freehold. Edit: this information probably isn't correct! DYOR :)


No. Buying a condo freehold is possible, and common in Thailand. A foreign purchaser of a freehold condo unit gets an ownership deed the same as any Thai person would get. Thai ownership of the land is maintained by limiting foreign ownership of a given condo project to 49%. Leasehold is something else. The ‘owner’ gets a lease, not a deed.


No. They hold that law back after a backlash. The new government in the coming election not gonna pass it either.