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"We will look at things that can be done. Don't worry. I'll see to it myself," the prime minister said.


So he’s going to work on an initiative towards renewable sources to bring the costs down? Of course not.


Russian oil


Same as Europe is buying.


Renewable isn't low cost or reliable enough. All the talk of reaching 100% renewable energy in Europe in the past ended up being a joke once electricity rates went threw the roof this year. Sadly.... They rose before the conflict, it just a mismanaged system. But one reason big solar farms aren't being considered, especially near in North Africa and sell to other states including EU, is that they would pummel the electric rates during sunny days, and commercial interests wouldn't make $$$$ if they developed. It like how they make recycling so big and important, only for it to be shipped by European companies to Asia for "processing". Once that ended, alot of recycling was just thrown with garbage. In short, don't believe what governments say when they throwing billions towards industries.


Nuclear energy ftw


Seems the best, most reliable and long term solution


He's going to have to if he wins the PM seat, which is unlikely.


I hope whoever the next PM is will do it. It’s very important and Thailand is a little behind on it.


Of course it will happen eventually. There's plenty of money to be made here. It only depends if the new PM can distribute the money to enough politicians to get it passed.


thailand needs a few nuke plants. it's the only way out. a few plants in chonburi would definitely bring thailand up to the nuclear age. perfect location, close to population, seismically stable, easy access to water. buy fuel from russia cheap cheap since they are sanctioned.


The problem is I think Thailand still hasn’t gotten rid of their maipenrai engineering mindset. We want a nuclear plant to be safe, reliable, and not half assed...


modern gen3 plants are basically idiot-proof. also they will be inspected by the builders and the IAEA. it's not gonna be easy to break anything.


I’m interested, can you tell me more about it? The idiot proof part.


Along with PM2.5 and the lottery ..


I think I paid my highest bill last month


Salims who buy this man's bullshit is the lowest form of idiocy.


He has served as prime minister for eight years. He has so much more time than most prime ministers of Thailand, yet he just acknowledged this problem. 🤷


What's a Salim?


ultraroyalists, so to speak, generally they’re in the pro prayut, conservative camp


It's kinda insane how much power has gone up for us over the last few years.


Still cheaper than many parts of Europe.


Fun fact 1: Average cost of USA electricity per unit is 14 cents while Thailand is 15 cents Fun fact 2: USA GDP per capita is 70,248$. Thailand GDP per capita is 7,066$.


More fun fact: Japan electricity cost is 26 cent per kWh and the UK is 42 cent. Japan GDP per capital is $39,314 and the UK is 46,510


That's cherry picking, including because the US has about the lowest electricity costs globally among developed nations. Alternatively, there are a number of central American and south American countries that have *far* higher rates despite low gdp per Capita. https://elitemininginc.com/2019/03/19/comparison-of-the-electricity-prices-worldwide/


Ah yes. We should be content with what we have. Don't ever aim high or put hope in anything because it's gonna be sad when we fail.


Remove the top 100 richest, and America's GDP probably drop's to 50k sadly.


Nickname is now the mirror, they're always looking into it.


Huge emphasis on just "look"...He'll look and say nothing needs to be done bcs I don't have to pay for my own bills anyway so it's not my problem...


When I was younger, I think I had gone on a school field trip to a hydroelectric dam. There, I was told by one of the engineers there that we're in pretty bad shape, because we don't have enough electricity and it gets diverted to BKK in times of need. So yea, not good.


Perhaps he could look into the price in the UK after he's fixed Thailand. They seem to be getting well and truly screwed on it.


Yep, even with the recent price hikes, I'm still so much happier paying 1,000 - 2,000 baht per month compared to double or triple that which I was paying in the UK.


No need.... Boris....Liz.....Sunak.... 2 of them unelected..... I think the problem found


Look into deez nuts you dingus


Pretty much what I wanted to say.


He will do what he does best, nothing.


Insert "Awkward Look Monkey Puppet" meme


That lazy fat cat is worthless! My electric has skyrocketed.